Happiness Begins

Summary: After showdown, Rei can finally have her life back… but first some clarification is needed.

Author’s note: this takes place in Chapter 17. I explored Ethan and Rei’s relationship previously in Comfort, and this is a continuation of it. Ethan is a great mentor and I love him as such, and Rei looks up to him like he looks up to Naveen, but in previous part things ended a bit uneasy between them. And of course, more Bryce lol!

Song: Only Human – Jonas Brothers yes, 12 year-old me is back to obsessing over them lssksksks their new album is sooooo good, have been waiting for their comeback for years lmao 

Disclaimer: Characters and some dialogues belong to Pixelberry Studios.


I don’t want this night to end

It’s closing time, so leave with me again (yeah)

You got all my love to spend, oh

Let’s find a place where happiness begins


Rei, Sienna and Jackie stumbled upon the bar to grab another round of drinks. They have been at Donahue’s for hours celebrating Rei’s comeback to Edenbrook after her hearing.

“Honestly, Rei, I don’t even know what you’re still doing here.” – Jackie stated as she cracked open a beer can and took a swig. – “If I’d just survived an existential threat to my livelihood, I’d be going home with the hottest person I could find.” – Rei giggled.

“There’s plenty of time for that… I just want to have a few more drinks with my friends for now.” – although she said that, Rei found her eyes flicking back and forth to the back of the bar, where a certain surgical intern was playing games with his friends…

“I hope you’re not sticking around here just to keep me company. Because honestly, I’m with Jackie on this one. If anyone earned herself a night in heaven, it’s you.” – Sienna winked, fully aware to where her friend’s attention was. Rei blushed slightly.

“Well, in that case…” – Rei finished her own beer in one go and looked over to where Bryce was. The young surgeon immediately looked back, that confident and inviting smirk spreading through his face.

But just before she took a step towards him, the front door opened and Ethan Ramsey walked in.

Rei felt conflicted. Although she and Ethan had worked together the past day and saved Dr. Banerji, neither of them still had talked about what happened at his apartment the other night, when they had that argument. She still felt a bit guilty for lashing it out on him when in fact he tried to help her.

So, instead of going to talk to Bryce, she decided to set her differences with Ethan aside first. They had some things to solve.

She said goodbye to her friends and walked toward Ethan as he took out his coat, his blue eyes already trained on her face, one eyebrow raised quizzically.

“Can we talk?” – the young intern asked in a low voice, although that wasn’t necessary, since the place was packed with talking people and Elijah’s song playing out loud.

“Uh-oh. Should I get a drink first?”

Rei looked surprised back at him, the hint of a playful smirk flickering across his face. Was Ethan Ramsey joking with her?

Her lips twisted in an amused grin.

“Sure. Why not?”

They ordered drinks for themselves and headed to a more secluded booth.


“So.” – he imitated her and took a sip of his whisky.

“You’re coming back to Edenbrook, I heard?”

“Yes. That’s why I came in just now. Naveen wanted to come too, but I managed to convince him to rest. He already had too much excitement for one day.” – Rei smiled to the mention of the senior doctor. Dr. Naveen Banerji definitely was the greatest person she had ever met. – “Congratulations, by the way. That was an outstanding victory.” – they clinked glasses.

“I couldn’t have done it without you, Ethan. If it you didn’t manage to convince Mr. Martinez, I doubt I’d have been able to stay at Edenbrook. So thank you. Truly.”

Ethan stopped drinking and looked at her.

“Rei, when will you understand?”


“That you are capable. You can do anything. You just need to stop doubting yourself and own it.” – Don’t cover up your greatness. – “Like you showed them that you regretted nothing on Mrs. Martinez case today. You could have won it with or without my help. I’m sure of it. I told you before; I chose you because I trusted in your potential.”

Rei felt tears welling up on her eyes as heat reached her face.

“Thank you, Ethan.”

“No need to thank me. You’re one of the best interns Edenbrook has ever had and that’s a fact.” – he stated, their eyes locking for a brief second.

The attending turned away his face, trying to focus on his now almost empty glass. There was something about those brown innocent eyes of hers that made Ethan Ramsey feel vulnerable, almost… shy.

He cleared his throat.

“You and that scalpel jockey… Dr. Lahela. Are you two dating?”

The man watched the intern’s face flushing instantly.

“Uh? What? Me and… Bryce? I mean, Dr. Lahela? Dating?” – her face got redder and redder as she got more and more tongue tied. – “Uh… why… I mean, why do you think we… would be… dating? Sir…?”

Oh my god, did he caught us sneaking into a supply closet?! Oh my god, I’m going to die—

“I’m sorry, Rei, I didn’t mean to make you… uncomfortable.” – he answered with that stoic expression of his. – “I just happened to notice that you two seem to get along well. I saw you two chatting on the hallways a few times.”

Good. At least he didn’t caught us doing anything… compromising. 

But he did caught them, in fact. Once. On the day Mrs. Martinez left the hospital.

Ethan saw Rei accompanying the good old woman outside the building, and he thought maybe he should say his goodbyes too. But by the time he reached the hospital doors, the taxi with Mrs. Martinez had already parted and Rei was sharing a long kiss with the surgical intern. He still remembered the way the young intern laughed freely with that scalpel jockey, smiling so genuinely like he had never seen before.

…But of course Ethan Ramsey wouldn’t tell that. He didn’t want to make Rei and himself even more embarrassed than they already were.

“Oh, okay. Uh, so… sort of?” – she nervously put a strand of her long dark hair behind the ear, her cheeks still a shade pink. – “I mean, we’ve never talked much about it, just that… er…” – oh my god, was she really talking about her relationship with Bryce to her boss? What relationship, also? – “…we both said once that it wasn’t just casual, but we’ve never talked about how serious we were about each other either…” – which was a lot from her side. – “so… long story short, I would say basically yes. We’re together. Kinda. I think.” – Ethan just nodded and Rei blushed violently again.

“I heard he’s a good surgeon. Best of all surgical interns. Harper complimented both of you for helping on that paramedic’s surgery.”

Rei snorted.

“Don’t let Bryce hear this, or he won’t shut up about it.” – Ramsey saw a silly grin spreading on her face.

Dammit. Why did she had to be so adorable?

“Well… whether you two are ‘basically’ dating or not… I just wanted to say that dating a coworker…” – she visibly tensed again. – “…is understandable. It gets easier when you two are doctors, so you both understand each other’s schedules and all. Although it’s easier, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy at all.” – oh right, he used to date Dr. Harper Amery.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Ramsey, but what exactly do you want to tell m—”

“You barely know him, Rookie. And I can see how attached you already are.”

She blinked a few times, letting the words sink in.

“Ethan… are you jealous?”

The attending hid his embarrassment behind his glass of whisky, cursing his stupidity for touching on that subject in the first place.

Rei rested her back on the booth, staring at him with an amused face.

That was something that, deep down, she knew it was true, but didn’t want to admit before. But now, there was no way she could deny it. She really was oblivious to that kind of thing – possibly because she herself wasn’t a flirt nor someone who felt that frequently -, but… maybe Dr. Ramsey did felt some kind of attraction towards her.

Every single one of her friends had told her that already, but realization – and acceptance – came down to her just a couple of days before. During that awkward moment between her and Ethan in his apartment. When his face was just inches apart from hers, his body pressing her tightly against the kitchen island, and the words “I’m saying I’m not your boss anymore and that means… that means…” came out of his mouth.

Rei had thought she felt so angry because he couldn’t help her when she needed his guidance the most. But analysing it now, there was more to it. The young intern got so mad because she didn’t want to admit that Ethan might have helped her – like he always did -, because he was somewhat attracted to her. It made Rei question if she really was a good doctor or if she was just the first intern because of his favoritism.

But after what happened today, Rei Sato confirmed that she was a good doctor, with or without Ethan. She still wanted him to mentor her, though.

Even though she saw him naked yesterday, when she went to his apartment to wake him up… not that Ethan was wrong for sleeping naked, he was at his own home after all… but that was something that Rei didn’t want to see. Her boss and mentor naked. That was too much of an intimacy she didn’t want.

She cleared her throat, an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of her stomach.

“Ethan… I’m sorry.” – his blue eyes were back to her face. She didn’t have the courage to look at him in the eye. – “…You’re my friend and my mentor, and I’d like us being that again. And just that.”

Rei braced herself for the worst. More than half the hospital staff had a crush on and would die of happiness if Ramsey had the slightest interest in them.

…But here she was, rejecting The Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey.

But to her astonishment, Ethan just chuckled.

“You don’t need to say sorry, Rookie. You did nothing wrong. I’m the one who should say sorry. I didn’t mean to be intrusive.”

“Oh, don’t worry! I know you’re just looking out for me.”

Rei kind of could understand why Ethan… “advised” her in Bryce.

Everybody knew him inside the hospital. How overly confident, flirty and skilled of a surgeon he already was. But aside it, about his personal life… Bryce didn’t talk much about it. He avoided talking about his family the most. He had an air of mystery around him and all.

…But she didn’t care.

“…But I trust him.”

Ethan knee about whom Rei was talking about right away.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“Afraid? Of what?” – she blinked a few times in confusion. – “Of having my heart broken?” – he nodded slightly.

Of course the thought ‘oh my god, what if things don’t work? And we end up not even being friends anymore, like how it happened to me and Stephen? And things turn awkward at work and we’ll avoid each other?’ had already crossed her mind a few times.

But Rei Sato was too attached now to care. She was falling for Bryce more and more as the days passed. And she knew he liked and cared for her a lot too, so those gloomy thoughts would cross her mind rarely.

She shook her head, firmly.

“No. I’m not.”

“Really?” – Ethan raises a skeptical brow.

She nodded.

“How can I say… I’m just enjoying it. Whatever we have. We both have busy jobs and it’s nice to stress out and hang out together. Bryce doesn’t look like, but he’s selfless. He’s always been watching out for me and I know he gets my back. This is the first time I fall in love and—” – she stopped short suddenly, realising the words that have just left her mouth.

Ethan watched color filling her cheeks.

But she continued her statement.

“…and I’m glad it’s him.”

They stayed in silence for a few seconds, Rei’s nervousness slowly coming down.

“And to be fair…. I barely know you too, Ethan.” – she murmured and the older doctor laughed louder than his normal.

“Fair enough, Rookie, fair enough.” – he said, looking at the empty glass in his hand, wondering if he should get another drink.

“So… can you go back to being my mentor and I’m being your mentee?” – Ethan opened his mouth to refute, but the young doctor was faster: “c’mon Ethan, just admit already that you’re my mentor.”

They stared at each other, Rei smiling defiantly to him. Ethan sighed.

“If this will make you happy…”

The intern giggled happily as her mentor signed the barman for another on the rocks.

The talk was great. Rei was feeling much more lighter than she thought she would feel.

“Well… see you tomorrow then.” – she said, getting out of the booth as a waiter approached with Ethan’s drink.

“You better not get late, Rookie.”

Chuckling, Rei left Ethan drinking his whisky by himself, her eyes already searching around the still packed place, landing on someone specific.

Bryce Lahela was on the other side of the room, beer in hand, laughing and talking to other surgeon interns.

Rei felt her cheeks flushing slightly as his dark eyes found hers and he flashed her an inviting grin and winked that way that always made her feel both shy and powerful.

As she approached him, words and memories floated around her mind.

Rei Sato wasn’t someone adventurous. She had always doubted her own potential, even after all the times she succeeded.

She and Bryce were complete opposites. And yet, Bryce Lahela was the first person she has ever fell in love with. Things could turn bad or good between them. They could be too different and everything could turn out to be just an adventure in the end. Or their differences could in fact make them each other’s perfect match and they would not screw it up.

At least Bryce didn’t intend to, as she reminded of the day Mrs. Martinez left the hospital.

“You two play nice. You’re very cute together.” – Rei’s cheeks instantly got warmer with Mrs. Martinez’s words. – “Don’t screw it up.”

“Trust me, I won’t.” – Bryce smirked confidently as usual, his arm circling around her waist, pulling her closer to him and Rei giggled to his wink.

…She didn’t know what the future held for her, for them. But she wasn’t worried about it either.

You can’t plan an adventure, Rei.” – he told her earlier that night when they joined a bachelorette party. – “You just have to open yourself up to one and let it find you.

And she was. Opening herself up to the adventures. To him.

“To what I owe the pleasure?” – he asked, grinning brilliantly.

Taking all her courage, Rei wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a steamy kiss, instead of answering. She could hear the surgical interns whooping around them, but she kept on focusing on Bryce, the only one who really mattered.

The one she fell in love with.

“Come home with me?” – she whispered softly, her cheeks flushed because of that act of pda and because Bryce always took the air out of her.

His eyes twinkled mischievously as that smirk of his spread on his gorgeous face.

“Don’t need to ask me twice.”

Bryce quickly waved goodbye to the other interns as Rei pulled him out the door, her hand intertwined with his.

As soon as the cool night breeze hit her face, she turned to him, who was asking an Uber for them.

“…I talked to Ethan.”

Bryce looked up from the screen of his phone to her face. She looked so serious.

“Yeah, I saw you talking to him moments ago. It seemed important.”

“It was important.”

“Well, now I’m intrigued. For a second I thought you’d leave the pub with him.”

“WHAT?! Why? I’d never—!” – Rei shut up when she saw Bryce giggling. – “You prick!”

“C’mon, Rei, I can’t believe you haven’t realised it yet.”

“If you’re talking about Ethan having a sort of crush on me…” – she cringed slightly. – “…then you’re wrong. Because I know it.”

Bryce arched a brow.

“Oh? Since when do you know this?”

“…About two days ago? Maybe three?” – he laughed loudly. Thankfully the people coming in and out of Dohanue’s didn’t seem to notice their talk.

“You’re so cute, Rei. And I can’t believe you rejected the Ethan Ramsey. Do you know there are people at the hospital who would do everything to have him just looking at them? Hell, I would have never been able to reject him.”

“Shut up! I didn’t reject him. I just told him that I see him as my mentor.” – and that she basically was in love with Bryce. Which she was.

“Damn, you’re cold. That must have hurt.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Like, I know I was naive for not noticing it earlier. But the thing is that I didn’t want to accept it.”

“But why?”

“Because that would mean Ethan acted on favouritism. Not because I’m a good doctor.”

“Nonsense. Even with his crush on you, Dr. Ramsey wouldn’t do that, Rei. He’s the most ethical man I know.” – Rei wanted to believe in his words, but she wasn’t so sure.

Just then, their Uber arrived, and they climbed in the backseat of the car.

Rei was just unfastening her seatbelt when Bryce leaned closer, whispering  into her ear, so the driver couldn’t ear them:

“…But you know, I wouldn’t have minded if Dr. Ramsey wanted to join us…” – and a sly grin showed up on the surgeon’s face.

“Oh my god, shut up!” – she sibilled to him, who just laughed. – “Maybe you wouldn’t. But I would definitely have minded. It would have been so awkward. How many times do I have to tell you that I see him only as a mentor?” – the surgical intern saw her cheeks turning another shade pinker as her hand shyly took his. – “Plus, I don’t want to share you with anyone else.”

“Oh?” – his smirk widened. – “I didn’t know you were so jealous of me, Rei.”

“Well, I am. I want you all to myself.” – she confessed in a whisper.

“You shouldn’t be saying this kind of stuff to me when we still can’t take our clothes off.” – she giggled to his statement and the ride went on, their hands intertwined on his lap, the young interns stealing glances and sharing mischievous smiles. Rei would occasionally giggle whenever Bryce winked at her.

Oh god, she was so head over hills for him.

After a few – and agonising – minutes, they had finally reached her apartment. They got out of the car and entered the building, still holding each other’s hand. “Finally.” – was the only word Bryce said as soon as the elevator doors opened.

Rei gasped as he pushed her in, pinning her against the elevator wall, his mouth easily finding hers, kissing her hungrily.

Her mind almost went blank as she kissed him back, losing herself in him, but then she thankfully heard the ring announcing that they had hit her floor. She managed to get out of the elevator, with Bryce’s hands still all over her, his lips on her neck, leaving light and hot kisses there. With much difficult, she found her key and pushed the door open. Bryce’s lips promptly traveled back to her mouth, and they stumbled into the apartment, kicking the door shut.

“Damn, I thought that cab ride would never end.” – he murmured when he finally stopped kissing her for a second, their breaths already heavy.

“Yeah, I can tell.” – she said back, her cheeks adoringly flushed because of all that kissing, as his hands ran up and down her sides, guiding Rei’s body closer to his. – “You know, we could have gotten handy in the backseat…”

“Nah, I wanna keep you all to myself, just like you said.” – he flashed his brilliant smile before capturing her lips again.

Rei deepened the kiss, kissing him like her life depended on it, as he easily picked her up and carried her down the hall to her bedroom, bridal style.

The medical intern giggled as Bryce laid her on the bed. He smiled fondly down to her before joining her, his body covering hers.

“I can’t believe you just carried me in here.”

“Are you kidding? Being in retraction duty for six-hour surgeries gets you major guns.”

He sat up to jokingly flex his muscles. Rei giggled again, taking advantage to appreciatively squeeze his biceps… and then to let her hands roam around his body… and then under his shirt, enjoying the feel of his taut muscles and smooth skin… enjoying the way he shivered at her touch…

“Off, now.” – she ordered with a whisper, her eyes locked on his. He chuckled.

“If you wanted me naked, Rei, all you had to do was ask nicely.”

“Oh shush, I know you like being bossed a bit… by me.” – she murmured, heat going up to her cheeks (and down to between her legs) as Bryce reached for the back collar of his shirt and pulled it over his head easily. Unable to contain herself, Rei leaned forward to kiss his now-bare chest, her hand back to exploring every single inch of his perfectly sculpted body. – “Plus, that was me asking nicely.” – she grinned mischievously, demandingly tugging on the waistband of his pants.

Bryce took the hint and freed himself from the rest of his clothes, defiantly staring back at her, that cocky smirk of his back to his face. Soon, he was stretched out next to her, completely naked.

“Mmm… much better.” – Rei enjoyed the view, unconsciously biting her lower lip, that way that made him go mad for her.

…Not that he wasn’t crazy for her. He always was. But when she bit her lip that way…

“Your turn.” – Bryce smiled, his eyes twinkling, before leaning in and kissing Rei tenderly on the lips, that way that made her head go blank, completely forgetting about the world outside her room.

He helped her out of her clothes, first sliding the blazer down her shoulders. She sighed to Bryce’s lips traveling down her legs as he got rid off her pants. He kissed every inch of her bare skin as it was exposed, his lips warm, leaving an electric kiss on the lower part of her stomach and going up as she discarded her blouse. Rei laid back on her elbows, drawing in a sharp breath when his lips softly sucked the smooth skin of her breasts, while his hands took her panties – the last piece of clothing on his way – off.

“Bryce… touch me.” – she ordered in a whisper, her breath ragged.

“If you insist.” – he grinned, a sly glint in his eyes.

He proceeded to run his hands along the medical intern’s naked body, his touch light and teasing.

“Bryce…” – and driving her crazy… – “I said touch me!” – she practically begged, impatiently grabbing his hand and guiding it between her legs, right where she needed him the most, her body immediately reacting.

Rei moaned loudly, her head burying on the soft pillows of her bed, her back arching into his touch. The young surgeon chuckled.

“Oh, is that what you wanted? I couldn’t tell.” – he said playfully, his fingers finding her sweet spot, swirling all over it, frictioning it faster and faster until Rei started seeing stars, her breath stopping and starting with his movements, her head getting dizzier and dizzier…


Yessss…” – she murmured with her eyes closed, a cute smile on her lips.

He lied down right next to her, leaning forward, kissing a hot trail up her neck to the spot just behind her ear, making her shudder. He whispered:

What do you want, Rei? Tell me.

“Bryce, I want…” – she looked back at him, quivering again to the feeling of his warm body pressed on her back. – “You. All of you.”

A wide, radiant and sincere smile showed up on his face.

“I’m yours.” – he murmured back, one of his hands cupping her jaw and pulling her face to his, kissing her so sweetly that Rei felt like melting.

She was already melting to his words.

I love him. Oh god, I love him. 

This thought floated around her mind, as Bryce maneuvered their bodies until he was behind her, Rei lying down onto her stomach. His hands angled her hips just to the exact height for him and he watched with satisfaction as she moaned softly when his hips pressed to hers, teasingly, making her press herself back into him, grinding against him, her body begging for his.

“Bryce…” – his hand snaked around to touch her again, and Rei shivered slightly. She was so wet. So ready.

Rei gasped, burying her face on the pillows, when Bryce surged forward. She moaned deliriously as their bodies finally connected, feeling every inch of him.

“God, Rei, you feel incredible…” – Bryce panted, leaning forward to kiss the back of her neck, his hands firmly on her hips, setting the pace.

They moved their bodies together, finding a steady rhythm, Rei’s moans muffled by the pillows around them.

“I’m… I’m…” – with her body tensing and her hands clenching the bedsheets beneath her, Rei trailed off a moan as Bryce hit just the right spot, but he perfectly understood what she was trying to say, reaching around to touch her again. – “Bryce!” – she whimpered, the extra sensation sending her over the edge, and her body squirmed uncontrollably, her back arching as the waves of ecstasy crashed all over her.

Bryce groaned low in his throat, his hips pushing forward insistently, pressing into her, supporting himself in all fours, when he felt her walls tightening and pulsing around him, as she shivered beneath him.

Rei hid her face back to the pillows, her head light and her body numb and tingling after the orgasm, enjoying the sensation of his weight on top of her, pinning her down the mattress. Bryce managed to not blow himself just yet, even though the sensation of her was maddening.

With his big firm hands back to her hips, he thrusted deeply a few more times, leaving fiery love bites on her bare shoulders, before the muscles of his own body twitched behind her, a low growl escaping from his lips as he reached his own climax. Rei moaned one last time to the overwhelming sensation filling her in, to the sensation of him.

The surgical intern rolled down to her side, panting as hard as her, their bodies covered in sweat. She still felt her heart pounding inside her chest.

Bryce brushed off a strand of hair off her face, admiring her beauty, her rosy cheeks and dark shiny eyes. They shared lazy and fond smiles, before Rei leaned forward and kissed him softly on the cheek.

“This was… I don’t even know what to say.” – he chuckled to her loss of words. – “Wonderful.”

“Breathtaking.” – he suggested, arching a brow. – “The best sex of your life.” – the young medical intern rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, you could say that.” – she giggled.

“Not gonna lie, it is mine too.” – Bryce smiled softly. – “You’re amazing, Rei.” – he murmured, pulling her into his embrace and kissing the top of her head.

She sighed contentedly, her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.

I love him.

They enjoyed the silence for a few minutes, catching up their breaths, lying in bed together, enjoying the sensation of just being around one another.

Rei eventually broke the silence with a giggle.

“Whatcha thinking about?” – he asked, grinning, his hands absentmindedly running up and down her arm. Rei smiled sweetly up to him.

“Oh you know. I’m just thinking about how lucky I am.” – her brown eyes twinkled on that adorable way. – “I have an amazing job, amazing friends… an amazing guy in my bed…” – she giggled again. – “What more could a medical intern want?”

“…To be a surgical intern?”

Bryce laughed loudly at his own joke while she playfully smacked him, laughing with him.

As the laughter slowly stopped, Rei sat up, to look at the absolute god lying down right next to her.

“…I’m thinking about you too.” – she murmured, her cheeks flushing a bit.

Bryce arched a brow, intrigued.

“Good thoughts?” – he asked, a smirk already forming on his lips.

“Oh yes. Good thoughts only.” – she played with the ends of her long dark hair, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. – “Well, a few dirty thoughts might’ve slipped through, but I’m only human.” – she shrugged.

The surgical intern smirked wider, sitting up a little straighter.

“Oh yeah? What kind of dirty thoughts?” – Rei laughed cheekily to his sudden interest as Bryce started nipping at her neck, trying to coax the answer out of her.

“Naw, I won’t tell you!” – she shook her head, giggling.

I love him.

“Hmm, then you leave me with no other option.” – Bryce grinned wolfishly as he slipped his hand between her thighs, making Rei gasp.

“Using your magical touch is a low blow, but I still won’t tell you.” – she stated stubbornly, pulling him in until his lips met hers in a searing kiss, falling onto her back with him hovering over her.

I love you.

She wouldn’t tell Bryce she loved him. Just not yet.

And that was okay. Because in that moment, Rei Sato knew she was well and truly happy.

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