Holiday Cheer

Holiday Cheer
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine,
Author’s Notes- We have made it to day 12 of the advent challenge. Today’s prompt is ““bah humbug”. This is my first time writing Nik or Nightbound and this one is set after the end of the book. For once I use the default MC name because my Nightbound MC is Kate and I acknowledge that could be confusing.
Pairing- Nik x MC
Summary- Nik and Alex have a discussion about holiday cheer.
Rating- PG-13

“Is there a surface that you haven’t covered with that crap?” Nik asked as he surveyed the small apartment.

“It’s not crap, Nik, they’re Christmas decorations,” Alex told him, “of which you had none by the way.”

“That’s because I don’t celebrate the holidays,” Nik told her.

“Is this a beliefs thing or a “I’m secretly the grinch’ thing?” Alex asked, wondering if she had overstepped. This was probably something they should have discussed at some point.

Nik was silent, which was answer enough.

“I just don’t see the point,” he told her, “look at this place, Alex, I am going to go blind from all the glitter.”

“It’s festive,” Alex countered and then sighed, “I probably should have talked to you, I just… I promised myself that once I had a place of my own, a real place where I was going to stay long term, this is what it would look like. I used to dream of Christmases like this.”

“You didn’t have this as a kid?” Nik asked, moving closer to her.

“Nah, we had a tree and that was about it,” she answered, “my mom… She isn’t the festive type.” She smiled ruefully. “I guess you two have something in common.” She gestured to the decorations. “If it’s too much, I can take them down.”

“No,” Nik said gruffly, “if it’s that important to you, I can live with it.” A smile quirked on his lips. “Besides, it’s not all bad.” Alex was about to ask what he meant when he suddenly tugged at her arm, pulling her under the mistletoe she had hung earlier. “Ohhh…” she said with a grin. “You like that, do you?”

“It has possibilities,” he told her before his lives covered hers, his kiss warm and familiar. Alex had a feeling that despite Nik’s protests, he would come around to the idea of holiday cheer. All it would take was some mistletoe, good thing she had hung it in every room of the apartment.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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