Mother’s Day Surprise


Mother’s Day Surprise
By Misha

Disclaimer-  Not mine.
Author’s Note- Welcome to day 17 of the advent challenge! This is a fluffy Mother of the Year fic, set sometime after the finale.
Pairing- Levi x MC
Rating- PG
Summary- Levi and Summer surprise Autumn on Mother’s Day.

Autumn woke up and stretched out, surprised to feel that Levi’s side of the bed was empty. Normally she was the first one up, but apparently today he had beaten her to it.

She got up and headed towards the kitchen and then stopped, stunned and amazed by the sight in front of her. Levi and Summer were in the kitchen, loading food onto plates.

“Something smells amazing,” Autumn commented.

“Mom, you’re not supposed to be up yet!” Summer complained, “we’re making you breakfast in bed.”

Autumn blinked. “You are?”

She wasn’t sure she’d ever had breakfast in bed. But then she had been single for several years and Guy certainly never made her breakfast in bed.

“Yep!” Summer said proudly. “Levi bought a tray and everything! And you’re ruining it!”

“Well, we can’t have that,” Autumn agreed and she headed back to her room. She settled back in the bed, checking a few things on her phone and as she did, she realized something.

It was Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day had always been pretty much just  another day in the Day Household. When she had been married, Guy had certainly never acknowledged it or even taken Summer to buy a gift. And then, it had been just her and Summer, and though Summer had always made her a card at school, the day had otherwise passed with little fanfare.

So much so, that Autumn hadn’t even paid attention to what day it was. But she should have known this year was different. Because this year they had Levi.

A second later, the door opened and Summer and Levi came in, Summer’s arms laden down with packages while Levi carried the tray.

“Happy Mother’s Day!” Summer cried out, tossing the gifts on the bed and then throwing herself at her mother, who developed her in a big hug.

“Thanks sweetie, what’s all this?”

“You Mother’s day presents!” Summer announced, “Levi took me shopping. Plus we made you breakfast… and then later I am going over to Luz’s, so you can relax and Levi can take you out for dinner!”

Autumn looked at Levi over her child’s head. “It sounds like you have thought of everything.”

He shrugged as he placed the tray down gingerly over her lap. “It was all Rocket, I just provided the car and the wallet.”

“And made breakfast and are taking me out for dinner,” Autumn added, “sounds pretty amazing to me.”

She reached for him, mindful of both Summer and the tray, and looped her arm around his neck, pulling him in for a quick kiss while Summer made a fake gagging sound. She felt utterly content and so lucky. A feeling that had nothing to do with the gifts or breakfast in bed, but everything to do with the man and child who were there with her. Because they were her everything and they made her feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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