Winter Wonder

Winter Wonder
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- So these advent fics are getting me to go back to all kinds of old pairings and fics. Today is day 21 “winter” and I return to my “A Modern Romance” AU.
Rating- PG-13
Pairing- Kenna and Diavolos
Summary- Kenna and Diavolos enjoy the winter weather. Or one of them does.

“How is it so cold?” Diavolos complained, shivering as he and Kenna walked hand in hand down the street. 

Kenna rolled her eyes. “It’s December, in New York,” she reminded him, “and it’s not that cold.” She laughed, “who knew that the big bad Diavolos Nevrakis can’t handle the cold?”

“No one should have to handle this weather, it’s unnatural,” he complained, unphased by her teasing, “and normal people stay inside In this weather. It’s why central heating was invented. And delivery.”

“Come on, it’s gorgeous out,” Kenna pointed out, tugging on his hand to propel him along. “It’s the perfect day to walk around and take in the view, before the snow becomes sludge.” She grinned up a him, “besides in a week we’ll be on a warm beach, no snow in sight.”

She still couldn’t believe that they were getting married. For a while, their relationship had seemed impossible, or maybe it had mostly been in her own head, either way Diavolos had never given up on her, on them, and in a week they would be husband and wife.

“That is very true and I can’t wait,” he grinned down at her, “I would much rather see you in a bikini than a parka.”

Kenna laughed, “that can be arranged. Next week. Today, I want to enjoy the snow.”

Diavolos groaned, “but it’s so cold.”

Kenna just gave him a look and he grinned ruefully, “but, for you, I will endure.”

Kenna tucked herself into his side, “I am eternally grateful for the sacrifice,” she teased, but she really was grateful for these moments, for the life they would build together. “And later, we can take advantage of delivery and central heat,” she promised, “and the jacuzzi.”

Diavolos grinned, “now you’re speaking my language.” 

Kenna grinned back, so incredibly content. She loved the snow, she loved the dirt, and she loved the man at her side. It was all wonderful. Life was wonderful. 

  • End 

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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