First Christmas


First Christmas
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is my first time writing Thomas x MC. I have to admit half the reason I romanced Thomas was because I adore Luz and wanted the four of them to the a family and that inspired this fic, which is set sometime in the future.  .
Pairing- Thomas x MC
Rating- PG
Summary- Zoey and Luz give Lorelai a special Christmas gift to celebrate their first Christmas as a family.

“Open this one!”

“Open this one!”

Luz and Zoey spoke in random, both practically bouncing as Zoey shoved a small box into Lorelai’s hands.

“I guess it’s my turn,” she said, glancing at Thomas and seeing that he was watching her carefully as she ripped the paper off the little box, curious to see what was in it. This was their first Christmas as a family of four and the girls were obviously excited about their gift.

Lorelai pulled out the delicate ornament depicting a little snowman family of four. “The Mendez-Day family,” she read out, her voice breaking a little from sheer emotion, “Lorelai, Thomas, Zoey and Luz. Oh girls this is amazing.”

“It was Luz’s idea,” Zoey piped up, “I told her about how we always get a special ornament for the tree and she insisted that we needed a family one. Isn’t it great?”

“It is,” Lorelai siad and then set the ornament down before opening her arms, “come here,” both girls came and she wrapped them in a warm hug and then grinned up at Thomas, “I suspect you were in on it.”

“I might have provided the car and credit card,” Thomas admitted with a smile.

“Well, then get in here too,” Lorelai bade.

“Yeah, dad, we need a family sandwich!” Luz enthused.

Thomas laughed but did as they instructed, wrapping his arms around the three of them, squeezing the girls in tight so that they giggled. Lorelai loved the sound even more than she loved her new ornament. This was her life now, her family, and it was pretty close to perfect.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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