Happily Ever After: An alternate ending

She was stepping off the ledge, when she felt a pair of hands grab her at the last second. Turning around to see who stopped her, she never expected to see his face…

“Maxwell…?” Looking at him with big doe-like eyes, she feels them start to water.

He wrapped her in his arms, whispering kind reasurances

“Shh, shh. Everything’s okay now, I’ve got you.”

She looked up at him seeing tears flow freely down his face.

“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry…” She kept on repeating, her voice muffled against his chest.

“I know.”

“It’s just too hard, Maxwell. I feel like I can’t breath without him!”

After calming down, she asked, “How did…?”

“I find you?” He finished.

She nodded still in a daze.

“Everyone’s been trying to get a hold of you for the past 2 days. Call it brother’s intuition, but I got a bad feeling. So, I flew out here. I went to your old bar, and your buddy Daniel told me how you were in tears clutching a half-drunken bottle of whiskey when you left. I figured you’d come out here. I’m just so relieved I made it in time!”

“You did all that for me…?” Riley asked, still in disbelief that anyone would care so much as to fly across the world just because she didn’t answer her phone.

“Of course, Ry! We’re family.” He then added, “Well, it wasn’t just for you, Drake would’ve killed me if I let his girl die. Hell, he’s pissed enough that he couldn’t come himself!”


“Yeah Bastien had to handcuff him to the hospital bed after a while.” He chuckled.

“Not that, you ass! Drake! He’s…?” She trailed off, almost afraid to finish her train of thought.

“Ohh! Right, sorry. Yeah, he’s awake.”

Suddenly, unable to stop laughing, she fell to her knees. An 8 month old weight lifted off her shoulders. “He’s okay!”

Maxwell sat beside her, giving her a side-hug. “Yep! That’s why we’ve been trying to get a hold of you.”

After a few minutes, finally calming down, he turns his head towards her nudging her with his shoulder. “Sooo… Ready to go see your soon-to-be fiance?”

Shock evident on her face as she processed his question, she whipped her head to look at him. “What…?”

“I said are you ready to go see your…” He trailed off, realizing his mistake. “Oh, shit! Now Drake’s reallygonna kill me.”

Hopping to his feet, he rushes toward the exit.

She quickly follows him. “Wait, Maxwell! Is he…?”

Now full on sprinting he shouts, “I KNOW NOTHING!”

Later on the plane ride home, she slept soundly for the first time in months. Thinking about how everything is finally going to be okay… She drifts off, a smile on her face.

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