Southern Comfort: A Chris Powell AU (NSFW)

Southern Comfort: A Chris Powell AU (NSFW)


Author’s Note: The following contains mature content. If you are not of age, do not proceed. This is the first in a series of shorts.

Southern Comfort
A Chris Powell AU Short (NSFW)


New Orleans, Louisana is a 26 hour drive from Cherryfield, Maine. More than 1,800 miles separate the two locations. They might as well be in separate hemispheres rather than just separate parts of the United States.

Cecilia Villemont is well aware that the differences between the two spots on the map exceed more than geography. Born and raised in Garden District of Nawlins as the locals pronounce it, CeCe knows Louisiana rap, Zydeco, a bevy of Creole food dishes and the stifling humidity that strikes the city from spring well into fall. A student at the prestigious Isodore Newman School, CeCe graduated just a few weeks earlier in May and was waiting out the summer before heading to USC to begin her freshman year. She rides in the back seat of the family’s Escalade, ear buds secured in place as they have been for almost 1,750 miles of the three day trek.

Her father, Charles Villemont, was almost giddy to make the lengthy drive. He was heading home. A Cherryfield native, a series of job opportunities in the oil business had finally settled him in New Orleans some 22 years ago. He met his wife, Angela, and four years later their second child, CeCe was born. Their oldest son, Andre, was about to enter his junior year at LSU. He was part of a marine biology program that was doing a summer-study program. CeCe envied her brother. This was the first year he did not have to endure a Cherryfield vacation since the family began spending the summers there three years prior.

Charles is now CFO of Lark Oil. He rose through the ranks from a few on-site inspection jobs, learning the business along the way as he worked on his MBA during a few brief years of living in Pensacola , Florida. As CFO of a major oil company, he has been able to provide his family with the type of life he only dreamed of growing up in Cherryfield.

He glances in the rear view mirror as they speed closer to the town. CeCe is looking out the window but at this point, if she’s seen one pine tree, she has quite literally seen a thousand. CeCe has her father’s dark brown eyes. His skin is almost the color of mahogany, rich and smooth. His hair is cut low and he is always dressed finely, even for a car ride like today. His slacks and long sleeved shirt seemed a bit too business like for CeCe’s preference, but that’s just her dad’s way. Seated next to him in the passenger seat is Angela. Her alabaster skin, green eyes and auburn hair give her an almost Victorian look. Her family has roots in New Orleans dating back to the early settlement of the city. CeCe is a combination of both her parent’s good looks. Her teenage skin is the color of a latte, and her large brown eyes are appealing. Her high cheekbones and dimples are accented today, with her sandy brown hair slicked back into a tight pony tail.

Charles let’s out an ecstatic laugh as the speed limit drops and the car slows, rolling past a “Welcome to Cherryfield, Maine” sign.

“Almost there kiddo,” he says. CeCe does not respond. He doesn’t know if she even heard him with those damn things in her ear.

They round a corner and pull off the highway onto a residential road. CeCe sits up straight in the backseat as she realizes they are almost there. She looks out the front car window and spots the home just yards ahead.

Three years ago, Charles had made a childhood dream of his come true when he purchased one of the historic homes on Cherryfield. The old mansion had always been one of his favorites to look at. It was briefly a bed and breakfast in the community but the old owners had passed away and the children had no desire to keep the business going. As soon as it went on the market, Charles was notified by a local realtor and old high school buddy. He had always expressed interest in the home and finally, he had a shot. A bid was made and after closing, the historic William Nash House was the property of Charles Villemont’s. CeCe always thought it was a bit much, a three story old mansion with a sprawling acreage around it, but it had been her father’s dream.

Since the purchase, they spent all of the summer at the house, Charles doing work from his home office, flying back to New Orleans or to other parts of the country as needed during the vacation months.

Without Andre, CeCe was not looking forward to the summer months ahead. She thanked the good Lord for Netflix, Spotify and AppleTV. The installation of Wi-Fi had been one of the children’s immediate asks when their parents first announced this would be their summer home.

As the Escalade turns into the driveway, CeCe notices a truck with a trailer filled with lawn equipment parked out front. She can hear the buzz of a lawnmower, even with music blasting in her ears. A few workers are tending to the hedges and shrubs. Charles parks the car and CeCe instantly hops out. She is surprised with how warm it actually is in Maine and the sticky humidity she feels. It feels like home. Her legs hurt and she swears her butt had fallen asleep from sitting so long in the car. She walks over the gravel of the drive, reaching her arms out as she stretches, her phone in one hand, ear buds still tucked into her ears. As she stretches, something catches her eye. Rather, someone.

A young man on a riding lawnmower moves around from the back of the house.  He steers the machine looking behind him to make sure he has not missed any spots. When his head turns, CeCe sucks at her teeth. He is shirtless and his broad shoulders connect to muscular biceps and strong forearms. His pecs are defined and underneath them are a ripple of ab muscles. He is wearing shorts and CeCe can see one defined calf muscle as it he turns the lawnmower. His skin is tan and the sun causes his blue eyes to shimmer in its light. There is the sheen of a light sweat on his skin, and his hair is damp. CeCe unconsciously bites into her lip.

As he moves the lawnmower towards the trailer out front, he glances over and spots her. He turns his attention back to driving but only for a pulse before he whips his head back around and looks at her. She is wearing sandals, a pair of tiny denim shorts that show off her long, toned legs and a tank top. CeCe is not the only one who stops breathing.

When their eyes meet, CeCe feels her face flush. He wants to smile at her but he can’t. He’s stunned into inaction. If the lawnmower weren’t already in gear, it would have stopped. The ground beneath him slopes down and it forces him to look away from her, concentrating again on driving the contraption back to the trailer.

Another worker flips down the ramp and he drives up it, putting the lawnmower onto the trailer before he cuts the motor.

“Mr. Villemont?” an older gentleman approaches. His skin is leathery and weather worn and his silver hair is all over the top of his head. He approaches Charles who immediately sticks a hand out.

“Jim?” Charles questions as they shake hands.

“Yes sir, I’m the one you spoke to on the phone,” he nods. “We appreciate your business, just wrapping up here.”

“Thank you,” says Charles releasing his hand. “Sorry about the last minute call, but we didn’t realize Schumer’s had gone out of business, so when I called to make arrangements, we were kind of left in the dust. Thank you for taking this on.”

“Our pleasure sir, we are happy to care for this property. Got such a long history here in our town,” Jim says with a smile.

Angela closes the car door and slides oversized shades onto her face. She stands next to Charles who introduces her to the landscaper.

“Nice to meet you,” She shakes his hand.

“This is our crew that will be taking care of you for the summer,” Jim says.

CeCe steps into place at her parent’s side, trying not to stare at the young man grabbing a rake out of the trailer.

“There’s Joe, he will handle most of the shaping with the shrubs and hedges,” Jim points and Joe lifts a hand to wave. The family returns it. “Martin is out back cleaning out the flower beds, putting some more peat moss down and planting some summer flowers. That over there is Neil, working on the trees, and over there by the truck is Chris,” Jim explains.

CeCe takes note. Chris is his name. Chris is a smoke show she thinks to herself.

“We appreciate your help and the direct draft will be just fine,” Charles says. He pushes a button on his key chain and the back of the Escalade opens, the trunk slowly lifting. Inside, suitcases and tote bags are stacked almost to the top.

“Thank you again sir,” Jim nods and glances at the vehicle. “Ugh, looks like you got more than a handful. You folks need any help with your luggage?” he asks.

“Thank you for your offer, my daughter brought half the house with her,” Charles says, smiling over at CeCe. She rolls her eyes but smirks.

“We can help you get unloaded,” Jim says. He gives a whistle and his team looks up. He scans them for the least disheveled amongst them.

“Chris!” he calls and waves him over. The young man jogs up the slanted yard towards them, holding the rake in one hand. CeCe gulps. As he jogs, his muscles move in time as his arms sway slightly and he strides easily up the hill. CeCe feels like she is watching him in slow motion. She no longer hears any of the sounds around her.

Chris looks at her briefly, trying not to be too obvious with his assessment of her as he approaches his boss.

“Chris, this is the Villemont family, the folks staying here over the summer. Do you mind helping them with their bags?”

“You bet, no problem,” Chris smiles at them. As the toothy grin stretches over his face, CeCe feels her pulse quicken. He turns to lean the rake up against the house, jogging back towards them. He steps around her, glancing over at her as he reaches into the vehicle.

“We turned the water back on for you, shouldn’t have any problems,” Jim says to Charles who thanks him.

“I’m going to go check on things inside,” Angela says putting a hand to Charles’ back with a smile. He hands her the house keys and she turns away heading inside. She loves this old house and is so thankful her husband purchased it for them.

Chris pulls out a few of the tote bags on top. “Oh, I can get those,” CeCe says as he does. She tucks her ear buds and phone into her pockets.

“Here you go,” He turns to face her as he hands the bags to her. When he does, he looks into her eyes, a shy smile on his face. She returns it bashfully. His fingers touch hers for just a moment as he exchanges the items.

She turns to follow her mother inside the house. As she walks away, Chris peaks around the side of the car to watch her. Damn he thinks to himself when he sees her from the back. She walks up a set of stairs and he can no longer see her as she walks around the porch.

He grabs three of the larger suitcases, able to roll one of them and heads towards the house. The luggage is over packed and heavy. He looks at one in his hand. It’s zebra print and the initials CV are on it. He instantly assumes that this way too heavy bag must be hers. He hoists the luggage up onto the porch before turning and grabbing two more.

“Thank you young man,” Charles says as he reaches in and grabs two of the suitcases, carrying each in a hand.

“No problem, sir,” Chris says and grabs the last of the bags. He puts them on the porch before following Charles inside the home.

“Here in the living room is fine,” Charles says. Chris nods and glances around the house. It has the smell of a centuries old home, the slight scent of aged wood and dampness. The Villemont’s have decorated the home in a classical style, at least the bottom floor, of the three-story mansion. Angela tediously located antique pieces to go inside. Most of the home has the historic décor left from its days as a B&B, all except CeCe’s room. She desperately asked for a new comforter and curtains to replace the old quilts on the bed in her room.

Chris looks around for her, but is disappointed when he does not see her.

“That’s everything,” Charles says as he puts the bags down on the floor. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, opening it.

“Oh,” Chris lets out an embarrassed chuckle. “Thank you but really, it’s okay sir, no need to tip for that. I appreciate it though,” he says.

Charles laughs lightly. “Call it nostalgia but when I was in school, I used to mow yards on the weekends for cash. So from one former Cherryfield landscaper to another, here you go,” Charles says pulling out a few bills and handing them to Chris.

Chris smiles and takes the cash, shoving it into his pocket. “Thank you sir,” he says and looks around again. “Ayuh, you folks have a good day.”

“You too,” Charles says and Chris heads out the door and locates his rake.

Upstairs, CeCe has already gone to her room. Everything is still in place, just as she left it at the end of last summer. Her father had hired a cleaning crew to come in and dust the place off, clean the bathrooms and get everything ready for them. There is still so much space for just the three of them, it feels odd. CeCe took a room on the third floor, as far away from her parent’s in the house as she could. It has a balcony with double glass paned doors, draped with sheer curtains. The balcony overlooks the back yard of the home and from her view, CeCe can see over the treetops out to the lakes and harbor of the Maine coast. She loves the view. Whether she’s back home in Louisiana or here, the water calms her.

She can hear some voices outside coming from down below. She walks to the balcony door, pulling back one of the sheer drapes and looks out. Her breath hitches again. Chris is now talking to Martin as they work to clear the flower bed. Rake in hand, he pulls at the earth. She can see the muscles in his back moving as he works. She watches him for a while, hearing the sound of his laughter as he and his coworker talk. His arm muscles flex and strain and as pulls with the rake.

“CeCe,” her mom says as she steps into the room. CeCe lets out a startled gasp and jumps. Wide-eyed, she spins around, putting a hand to her heart. “Geez mom! You scared me half to death!”

“I’m sorry,” her mom laughs. “Did you think I was one of the ghosts in this old house?”

CeCe’s eyes narrow. “That’s not funny”

“Booooooo,” her mother teases. She lifts her hands, bending her fingers and wiggling them. “Boooooo! CeCe, come play with me!”

“Would you stop,” CeCe laughs and shakes her head. “You are such a dork.”

Angela drops her hands and laughs at her daughter. “I might be a dork, but you’re my daughter so what does that make you?”

CeCe frowns pretending to be offended. “What do you want?”

“Going to the grocery store to get food, want to go?”

CeCe glances at the door to the balcony. She would much rather enjoy the latest view from there, but she is hungry.



July 3

It’s been one month since the Villemont family arrived in Cherryfield, Maine.

CeCe has kept to herself this summer, which is not unusual. It’s not as if Cherryfield has some sprawling night life that she could align herself with. At 18 years of age, she is old enough to visit some of the clubs now in New Orleans. She wonders if her father’s summer trips have been an effort to thwart his teenage daughter from getting involved in with any rift raft in the city. Cherryfield, Maine’s biggest attraction are two restaurants and a hedge maze at the edge of town.

She wakes up to the sound of rustling outside. She knows this sound. Her eyes fly open and she sits up. She is wearing just a t-shirt that she slept in, her bed hair pointing in various directions from her head. She tosses the covers back and heads to the balcony door just as she has done once a week for the last four weeks. She pulls back the window sheer slightly and peaks out. He is here. She smiles a little to herself. She fixes her hair but knows she is mostly shielded from her vantage point. Or, so she thought.

Each week when the landscaping truck arrives, CeCe has camped out at the door, pulling the curtain back slightly and looking out at the handsome young man working on the yard of her parent’s home. She enjoys her silent inspection of him for almost two hours each week, before he hops in the truck and leaves her until another week.

Today he is using a push mower to cut down the grass near the flower garden out back. The home has a gazebo and the lush plants and beautiful foliage make it a scenic area for their family dinners. Tomorrow, her father will fire up the grill and they will enjoy barbeque and a crawfish boil to celebrate the 4th of July. A worker is on a ladder putting an American flag on the gazebo and out front another lines the sidewalk with a series of tiny US flags.

CeCe is not feeling patriotic right now, she is feeling aroused. Chris the Hottie, as she refers to him in her own head, is walking back and forth pushing the mower, careful not to disturb the flowers near the edge of the yard. It’s a muggy morning and CeCe can see that his shirt is already clinging to his skin. Their house must not be the first the landscapers visited today. He lifts his arm and wipes his brow with his forearm, keeping the sweat out of his eyes. The push mower requires much more effort and with the expanse of their property, this is no small task.  CeCe watches him, leaning against the door, her breathing deep as she takes in the sight of him. He has one of the brightest, most sincere and disarming smiles she has ever seen. They have not spoken to each other since the first day she arrived in Cherryfield for the summer. But every week she is at that door, looking out.

And Chris has known. He first caught a glimpse of the shadowy figure in the doorway when he was trimming some of the hedges around the gazebo. He looked up the next week and there it was again, but this time, he saw the curtains move and knew it must be her. He looks up as he pushes the lawn mower today, and there is the figure again.

He wipes at his face with his arm again, salt starting to burn his eyes as the sweat rolls off his head. He stops, the lawn mower still vibrating and lifts the bottom of his t-shirt to his eyes, wiping the wetness away and then presses it to his forehead. It is of little use. His shirt is so sweaty it only seems to add to the problem. He reaches down and pulls at the hem of his shirt, rolling it up over his head. As he does, the tanned tidal wave of muscles in his chest and stomach are on full display for CeCe. She notes the Adonis V at his pelvis, where the groin muscles are so tight and defined it gives the look of a V dropping down into the top of his shorts. She blows out a slow, shaky breath.

Chris tucks the wet shirt into the back of his pants and resumes pushing the mower. CeCe puts a hand against the door, bracing herself as she watches him. He moves back and forth a few more times. It’s on a return trip towards the house that he looks up. When he does, he looks directly at the balcony on the third floor. He’s not sure what makes him do it. Maybe it’s the lengthy game of cat and mouse that’s been going on. He’d like to talk to her. She’s been here all summer and he doesn’t even know her first name.

He stops and puts his hands on his hips for a minute, squinting as the sunlight hits him in the face. CeCe freezes.

“Is he looking at….” She trails off, having said it out loud to no one other than herself. She thinks surely she is mistaken but then he lifts a hand and gives a small wave. Her head jerks back and she takes a step away from the door. Her heartbeat races. No way! She thinks to herself. She hesitates for a minute but steps back to the door, pulling the curtain slightly over. As she does, he puts a hand up over his eyes, blocking the sun’s glare. At this she knows he is definitely looking towards her.

She gulps as she thinks. CeCe has never truly been what you would call shy. She may be a bit timid around people when she first meets them, but once she is comfortable, she is the life of the party, the light in the room. She summons that courage, taking a deep breath. She pulls the curtain back this time, giving him a full view of her from his spot down below. He sees her in full, although with the distance he can’t see her face clearly. He notes the short t-shirt she is wearing. He smiles and waves again.

He sees movement and watches as she waves slowly back at him. His grin widens and he puts his hands on the lawn mower, pushing it ahead, smiling as he continues his work day.



It’s the Villemont’s last week in Cherryfield.

CeCe must head back to Louisiana to prepare for her departure to USC. She has freshman orientation in a week and then will move into her dorm room.

As the lawnmower buzzes below, she puts her feet up on the balcony rail. She is wearing shades, her hair up in a bun, a book in her lap.

It’s her first time to take a seat outside while he is there.

Since the moment he busted her for watching him from the door with that charming smile and wave, CeCe has grown bolder.

She no longer felt the need to hide behind the drape. In fact, she began to open the curtains, standing and watching him. He would look up at the third floor balcony with a smile, seeing her there, but neither ever saying a word.

She slowly moved from opening the curtains, to opening the doors. She stepped outside one day, leaning against the balcony rail as he rode by. He looked up at her smiling, and she flashed a smile back, but still no words between them. As soon as he acknowledged her, she would retreat back inside each time.

Today, on the last day she will likely see him, she sits pretending to read but really drinking in all that is him. She sips from her water bottle looking around, trying to locate him again.

The lawnmower cuts off somewhere around the front of the house and she hears a shuffling over the grass. She peers down and there he is.

He is shirtless and sweating in the August heat. A few blades of grass are stuck to his skin, having flown up as he worked around the yard. He has work gloves on his hands and he places them on his hips. He squints but smiles as he looks up.

“So, am I ever going to know your name?” he asks.

She leans forward, slowly smiling. She stands and puts her book in the chair. She places her hands on the rail and she bends over and looks down at him.

“Cecilia…but my friends call me CeCe,” she says.

He picks up on her slight Louisiana accent. There’s something endearing about it. His smile brightens.

“Well, would you consider me a friend, CeCe?” he asks.

She chews her lip, trying to fight off the huge smile that forms. “Hmm…don’t know yet,” she pretends to think.

He chuckles. “Tell you what,” he begins, clearing his throat. “What if I take you to the Blueberry Festival tonight? Plenty of good food, some decent music and there will be some fireworks after. We can go, talk, and you can decide if I’m a friend or not.”

She acts as if she is pondering his offer, looking up and pursing her lips. The truth is she said wanted to scream yes at him the moment he asked. “Sure, why not,” she smiles.

He chuckles a little at her attempt at indifference. “Pick you up at 6?”

“I’ll be ready,” she nods, still smiling.

“Do you want me to go to the front door or do you just want me to come around back and you’ll see me out here?” he teases.

“Hush! I’ll see you at 6!” she says, her face turning red. She can’t fight her smile. He laughs a little.

“I’ll be here at 6 on the dot,” he smirks.


Chris strolls at CeCe’s side, the smell of kettle popcorn, toasted pretzels and burgers on the grill floats through the night air. They walk casually at a slow pace over the fair grounds. Booths are setup everywhere with games and food vendors. He has not been able to contain his smile for the last hour.

As he promised, he arrived at six o’clock on the dot to pick her up. Charles was surprised when he opened the door and saw the young man he recognized from the landscape business on his porch. Chris was showered and in a pair of sneakers, khaki shorts and a crisp sky blue, button down, short sleeved shirt that accented his biceps. He gelled and spiked his hair slightly and he shaved for the occasion.

As soon as the doorbell rang, CeCe hightailed it down the two flights of stairs. Her father had barely opened the door, with only a few seconds to register Chris’s presence before she glided towards the door behind him.

“Got it Daddy,” she said as she looked at the young man anxiously standing with his hands behind his back.

“Mr. Villemont, sir, good evening,” Chris said.

“Hi,” Charles returned in surprise. He looked down at his daughter with raised eyebrows.

“Just going to hang out Daddy,” she said quickly. “See you later!” She stood on her tip toes and planted a kiss on her father’s cheek, grabbing the door and shutting it behind her before he could say another word.

Angela came out of the kitchen curious as to what was taking place.

“Who was that?” she questioned.

“The kid from the yard crew,” Charles said with a laugh. “Apparently CeCe is, to quote her, hanging out with him tonight.”

“Ow, he’s a cutie,” Angela says with a grin.

Charles looked horrified at his wife.

Chris walked down the steps with her toward his truck, looking at her in the setting sun.

“You look beautiful,” he complimented, meaning every word. She blushed slightly and smiled at him. She was wearing a beige colored romper with gold embellishments around the color and buttons. Her hair was down and she had used products to define her natural curls. Her sandals were a bronze color and her wrist was adorned with gold bracelets. She looked over at him. His cologne wafts over to her in the summer air.

“You look nice too,” she said sincerely.

“Thank you,” he smiled as he held the door to his truck open.  CeCe climbed inside, taking his hand as he helped her up. Charles and Angela were glued to the front window of the home, watching as the pair pulled away from the house.

Chris has enjoyed the night. For someone who spent an entire summer not speaking one word to him, CeCe is very personable and easy to talk to. Despite her family’s wealth, and the divide in their economic class, you would never know she came from money.

She is carrying a cone of blueberry flavored cotton candy, pulling at it occasionally and placing some of the feathery sweetness in her mouth. “So good,” she groans taking a bite. Chris laughs and she offers him some. He reaches and grabs a piece.

“I can feel my teeth rotting and it’s awesome,” he jokes. CeCe lets out a giggle and he smiles. In the brief time they have spent together, he has determined he loves her laugh. It starts as a few quick breaths of air and then becomes boisterous very quickly.

They pass a booth and the vendor shouts out to him. Chris recognizes him as a member of the city council.

“Try your luck and earn the lovely lady a prize!” he says to Chris. Chris grins looking over at CeCe.

“Well I definitely can’t say no to that,” Chris says and they walk to the front of the booth.

“With that arm of yours, this should be easy,” the gentleman says. Chris smirks and CeCe peers over at him curiously.

The man hands Chris three baseballs. The game is to knock a target off the top of three stacked up milk bottles without knocking any of the glass bottles over.

Chris looks at CeCe and winks. He tosses the first ball and it knocks the target off with ease.

“That’s one! Two to go!” The vendor shouts.

Chris winds up and throws the second ball and again with pristine aim, the target launches back, the bottles underneath barely disturbed.

“One more!” the man shouts.

Chris looks at CeCe and smiles. She is beaming at his skill and accuracy.

He reaches back and launches the third ball and the target falls. The top bottle teeters slightly but settles back into place.

“All three! First one of the night to do so!” The gentleman shouts.

“Chris, oh my gosh!” CeCe says amazed. “That was awesome!”

His chest swells slightly with pride.

“You can pick whatever one of the large prizes you’d like,” The gentleman says pointing to some large teddy bears  and other stuffed animals.

“What will it be?” Chris smiles at CeCe.

“Oh, wow, um….” She looks. There is a large stuffed polar bear with a heart nestled between its hands. “That one’s cute,” she says pointing.

“That one,” Chris says and points to it.

The gentleman uses a device to pull it down and hands the bear, almost half his size to Chris. Chris chuckles. “I can carry this guy while you finish your cotton candy,” Chris offers.

“Thank you,” she laughs.

“Star performance from a star athlete,” the gentleman says waving at Chris as he and CeCe walk away.

“Star athlete?” CeCe questions. She looks at Chris with his arms wrapped around the large teddy bear. It’s almost comical.

“Ayuh…yeah,” he clears his throat.

“What do you play?”

“I was the quarterback for the high school here,” he explains. “I graduated in May. Gonna play college ball this fall. I’m leaving next week for fall camp.”

“That’s so awesome, what school?” she asks.

“Hartfeld,” he nods as they continue to walk along.

“Great school,” she smiles. “I guess, I mean I figured you were an athlete. I should have known you were the quarterback,” she says.

“Why is that?”

“You…have a very athletic build,” she says and blushes some.

He lifts an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Huh, is that what you noticed from that balcony?” He teases.

“Maybe,” she says and sways over slightly to nudge him. He laughs.

“Okay so, we’ve had blueberry cobbler, blueberry cotton candy…how about something with meat and less sugar?” he offers.

CeCe laughs lightly. “Sounds good.”

“Best burgers in the county are at this festival, I guarantee it,” he says. They walk a bit more and approach another vendor. People are milling all around them and children run by, almost knocking into Chris as he carries the massive bear.

He orders two burgers, two bottles of water and some fries. The vendor slides the food on a disposable tray over to them.

“Uh…maybe we should have gotten this guy when we were about to leave,” Chris jokes looking at CeCe from over the top of the bear.

She laughs and tosses the empty cotton candy cone in a nearby trash can, taking the big bear in her arms. “I got him.”

Chris smiles as her face disappears behind it. He pays for the food and then grabs the food tray.

“Do you mind walking a little bit?” he asks.

“Uh, no,” she says, wondering what he has in mind.

They leave the fair grounds and walk around a barrier on the exterior of the festival. It is growing dark but Chris knows exactly where to go. He leads CeCe up a hill, making sure she can climb as she looks around the bear and down at the ground below her to keep her footing. When they make it to the top, they turn, looking out over the fair grounds.

“Wow, it’s really pretty up here,” she says, sitting the bear down on the freshly cut grass.

“Yeah,” Chris nods. “The company is responsible for this whole area. I cut this part myself, I love the view up here. Noticed it when we were out here yesterday afternoon to help them setup.”

“Ah, so you don’t bring every girl you meet here?” CeCe jokes.

He shakes his head. “Only beautiful girls from Louisana,” he grins. He sets the tray down on the grass, then offers a hand as he helps her to sit. He puts the tray in front of them as he sits beside her.

They eat and watch the festival goers moving around below. Chris hands her a burger and she digs in.

“This is the best burger I’ve ever had,” she laughs in between chewing.

“I told you,” he laughs. “One of the few things I look forward to every year is a burger at the Blueberry Festival.”

“So, okay, got to ask, if it’s called Cherryfield, why is the big product blueberries and not…you know…cherries, my dad can’t even explain that,” CeCe says.

Chris laughs. “One of those things that does not make sense on paper.”

She shrugs and they continue to eat.

“So you said in the truck you are off to USC next week?” Chris asks slowly.

“Yeah….” CeCe says thinking. She curses herself for having waited all summer to finally talk to him. If he hadn’t spoken to her earlier today, she is not sure if she ever would have made a move on her own.

“California is a very long way from Massachusetts,” Chris says, thinking out loud.

“I know, I had the same thought,” CeCe says.

Chris looks over at her. “Cecilia, I’ve…I’ve really had a great time with you tonight. Laughing…just spending time together. My big regret is that this didn’t happen sooner. We are both about to leave….” He sighs.

“I feel the same way, Chris,” she shakes her head and stares out at the night sky. A half moon is casting a glow on their surroundings. “I should have said something to you instead of being a creeper up in my room,” she grumbles.

At this Chris laughs heartily. “You weren’t being a creeper, just shy.”

“If you say so,” she retorts. He laughs harder.

“Well, I may have known for a while that you were watching me and…might have added to the show here and there,” he says and winces.

“You tease!” She exclaims and he laughs. They look at one another smiling.

“I thought you were beautiful the first day I laid eyes on you,” he says softly. “You were standing by your parent’s car and I thought you were the finest thing I’ve ever seen.”

She smiles and bites her lips. “You weren’t the only one who thought that.”

“Getting to know you tonight, talking with you, it’s the highlight of this whole summer,” he says.

CeCe stares back into his eyes, feeling her heart flutter like the first time she saw him. “This is so crazy, how this all…feels….” She squints as she studies his face.

“Please tell me you don’t have a boyfriend or anything back in Louisiana,” he shakes his head.

“Of course not, I wouldn’t do something like that. No boyfriend,” she explains. “I had a boyfriend but we broke up just after prom. The whole end of high school, end of us thing,” she says.

“Sounds familiar,” he sighs. “Went through the same thing. Had a girlfriend all through high school and just before graduation, she dropped the ‘I don’t know if I can do the distance’ thing on me. It sucked but, if I was still with her I wouldn’t obviously have had the opportunity to get to know you,” he smiles some.

They smile at each other and finish their food, conversing about their home life, families and friends. When they are done Chris pushes the empty tray to the side and slides a bit closer to her. She leans over slightly, narrowing the space between them.

He thinks for a minute and pulls out his phone. Pressing a button, it glows and he checks the time. “Fireworks will start in a minute,” he says sliding his phone back into his pocket.

“Great!” She says excitedly. “This is the perfect spot to watch them from.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Chris smiles.

They hear an address on from the PA system down below telling the festival goers to get ready for the show. People begin to move onto other grassy areas and take seats, but Chris and CeCe are left all alone up on the top of the hill.

“Chris,” CeCe begins as she people watches. “I’ve had a really good time tonight. Like, really amazing. You…are a sweet guy. I like being around you,” she admits.

He looks at her and turns slightly to face her. “I feel the same. I really wish this feeling didn’t have to end. I want to be fair to you since we are both heading separate ways, but, selfishly, I really want this to continue and to see you again.” He reaches up and tucks her hair behind her ear. Her eyes drift from his down to his lips, then slowly from underneath her lashes they gaze at one another. Chris’s hand moves to her chin where he gently uses a finger to turn her head towards his. As he moves closer to her, she closes her eyes. The warmth of his lips is against hers. He lets his lips hover against hers before gently working them in a slow sweeping motion. CeCe feels satisfaction flowing through her veins as she sinks into the kiss.

His tongue plays against her lips before she opens her mouth, accepting him and feeling their kiss deepen. A satisfied groan comes from him and he reaches behind her neck, gently pulling her into him more. CeCe lifts her hand, working her fingers into his hair.

They break a part only to come up for air. She gulps, breathing deeply and he leans his forehead against hers, doing the same.

Her kiss sent the sensations in his body into the stratosphere. At contact between their lips, he felt like he was soaring. He pulls back just enough to look into her eyes. They are pleading with him for more. He leans in kissing her again. Their noses slide against each other as he continues to taste her, reveling in the plumpness of her lips.

Balancing with one arm, he slides another around her waist, leaning over. He lays her back on the soft grass. He lets his body rest slowly on top of hers. She moans at the feeling of his muscular frame against hers. She spreads her legs, letting him settle between them as his kisses become more fervent. He moves her lips to her chin, to her throat. She moans out as she feels him grinding down against her.

His lips tickle over the soft flesh on her neck and she lets out a pleasurable sigh. “Chris….” She feels his hardness through his shorts, creating friction against her as he moves his hips and small circles. She begins to tingle.

She runs her hands up his back, hooking her fingers in his hair. He lifts his head and looks into her eyes.

“We can slow down,” he says panting. “I’ll only do what you want me to….”

She stares into his eyes. “I’ve wanted you all summer,” she breathes out. “I want…I want you….” She admits, her face flushing. He moans at her words and kisses her lips before whispering in her ear.

“I want you too,” he says.

Chris sits back and begins to unbutton his shirt.

“Let me,” CeCe says sitting up slightly. He smiles a little and nods as she reaches out and her fingers swiftly moves from one button to the next, revealing the muscles she has dreamed of touching for the last few months. Chris pulls the shirt back off his arms and tosses it next to them in the grass. CeCe runs her fingers over his shoulders, his biceps, then traces her fingertips over his pecs and abs. His breathing quickens. She fulfills one of her biggest desires by touching him.

As she moves her fingers down, she can make out the bulge in his pants in the glow of the moon. She starts to unbutton them, but pauses.

“Do you…do you have…some protection?” she questions.

“Yes,” he nods. “In my wallet. It’s okay,” he says and touches her cheek. She nods and he traces his fingertips over her lips, her eyes closing slightly as he does. She resumes her work with his shorts, unbuttoning them and unzipping them.

Chris does not want to be the only one without clothes. He’s felt a longing all night to see more of her body. He reaches down as she reaches inside his boxers.

“Ah…” he gasps when he feels her squeeze his member.

She moans at the feel of his hot, hardness in her hand. He unbuttons her romper to the very last button, pushing it open. She is wearing a lacy pink bralette and matching panties. He runs his hands over exposed skin and she closes her eyes at his touch. His hand trails over her breast down over her stomach. He mimics her actions, touching her and finding her slick with desire.

At the feel of his hand, she arches her back on the grass. He feels her grip around him tighten for a moment and he groans again.

He looks at the romper and determines it has to be discarded completely.

He puts his hand on her arm, stopping the pleasurable stroking she is giving him at the moment. She lets go and removers her hand. He grips both sides of the romper, then wiggles it down her body she lifts her hips.

The earth is cool underneath her skin, and the thick green grass like a carpet underneath her. Chris looks at her body.

“So beautiful, so sexy,” he says leaning over and kissing her. He trails kisses down and over her breasts in the bralette, squeezing them. He pulls the material away just enough to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. She lets out a cry of contentment, trying to stifle the sound. Others are far away but she still does not want to risk it.

He kisses her stomach, feeling the heat of her aroused body.

“Chris…” she groans. He looks up at her. Her eyes say it. She cannot wait another second for him. She has spent weeks admiring his body, wondering what his kiss feels like, what his body would feel like, what he would feel like inside of her. Now all of her questions can be answered and she is impatient like a child on Christmas morning.

He can’t hold out much longer either. He wants her. He’s thought about her since their first encounter. He’s craved to know more about her.

He kicks off his shoes and pushes his shorts and boxers down behind them, moving them out of the way. He reaches for his wallet and retrieves a foil packet. CeCe looks at his naked body, marveling at the indentations and chiseled physique. She trails her eyes down to his member, bobbing hard and swollen, ready for her. He is much bigger than either of her two ex-boyfriends and she feels a slight anxiety at his size. He slides the contents of the packet onto himself and looks at her.

He hooks his fingers into her underwear and drags them down off her legs. They are tossed into the pile next to them as he positions himself between her legs. He rubs himself against her entrance and her body jerks.

“Oh….” She says watching him. Chris feels like he could finish just from the initial contact. He steadies himself and takes a deep breath as he pushes inside her.

“Ah….” She arches her back, her hands sliding out over the grass as her head tosses back and her eyes close. He feels better inside her than any daydream she has had about him could have prepared her for.

“CeCe….” He groans through gritted teeth. “Ah….”

He leans over her, shifting his body onto an arm to take the weight off of her. As he begins to pump, the night time sky is illuminated with flickers of red, purple and gold and the booming sound of fireworks exploding overhead.

Their moaning is drowned out by the explosive sounds. Chris looks down at her, light from the fireworks shining on her face every few seconds as the show continues. His hips move in deep, slow and steady rhythm. She reaches out first to her sides, then overhead as her body seems to flicker with heat and electricity. She stretches her fingers for anything to grasp. Chris slides his hands over her arms, gripping her hands in his before he takes them and puts them over her head. She feels him slide deeper into her. His cheek pressed against hers, he moans as he pumps.

“You are amazing,” he breathes out, the warmth of his breath tickling her ear.

“Oh my god, you too,” she moans. Her hips begin to move with his and he moans louder. Their fingers intertwine, as he continues to hold her hands over her head. He sits up and looks down at her face. She opens her eyes, as much as she can in the throes of ecstasy. Chris’s body smacks down against hers, his hips continuing their meticulous work.

“I’m close,” she says. He looks into her eyes.

“Cum for me,” he encourages. “I want to see your face when you do,” he breathes.

The flashes in the sky continue and CeCe, looking up from underneath Chris, can see the shimmers and sparkles of gold and silver streaking out behind him.

As the show progresses towards its finale, she bites into her lip. Chris watches her. She breathes hard and becomes very quiet. Suddenly she holds her breath, her mouth open as she throws her head back.

“Agh! Agh!” She cries out over and over again underneath him.

Chris feels her walls tighten around him and he can’t stop himself. As she pulls at him from within, he releases, squeezing her hands hard as he grunts and moans uncontrollably. With one last hard thrust, he rests on top of her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

He lets go of her hands and she wraps her arms around his back, kissing the side of his face as he tries to regain his breath. A light sweat is on his body even in the night air. As he lies against her, cradled in the comfort of her arms, CeCe watches as firework after firework explodes overhead.

She smiles to herself, her fingers tracing down Chris’s back as she realizes they have created their own fireworks this night as well.


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