Summer Love (Part II of Southern Comfort-A Chris Powell AU Short)

Disclaimer: The following is a prequel to Choices The Freshman and The Sophomore stories. It is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer or own the rights to the character Chris Powell.

Author’s Note: This is Part II of Southern Comfort: A Chris Powell AU Short (NSFW). This story contains mature content and is for mature readers only.

Summer Love (Part II of Southern Comfort-A Chris Powell AU Short)

The summer’s over for the both of us
But that doesn’t mean we should give up on love
You’re the one I’ve been thinking of
And I knew the day I met you you’d be the one

–Justin Timberlake, Summer Love

Three days; 72 hours; 4,320 minutes; 259,200 seconds: That’s exactly how much time Chris Powell and CeCe Villemont had left to spend of the summer together.

Chris and CeCe aimed to make the most of every, single second.

Chris’s old truck rolls and bounces up a gravel back road as it swirls towards the crest of one of the highest hills surrounding Cherryfield. Windows down, the scent of pine and salt water carries on the breeze into the truck as he races along. CeCe folds her arms across the open window, resting her chin on them as she takes in the scenic Maine countryside passing them by. Sunshine warms her skin and in the bright light of day, her dark brown eyes appear hazel.

Chris looks over at her as he drives, only able to see her profile, but he can detect the hint of a smile on her face. Her contentment makes him smile. The Blueberry Festival was two nights before and never in his young life did he imagine he would feel the insatiable, magnetic pull he feels to be with CeCe since their first night together.

It may just be lust, that’s what the old people would tell them both, but Chris believes there is far more to it than just physical attraction.

“Almost there,” Chris says slowing the truck as the road ahead becomes steeper.

She looks over at him and smiles with a nod. “It’s already beautiful.”

He grins and continues to ease the truck forward.

CeCe thought the last time she would ever see Chris was on the final visit of the landscaping crew to their home. When she had boldly walked out on to the balcony that morning, the most she had hoped for was that he would stop and talk to her. She was thrilled when he had asked her out but never could she have predicted this; this amazing feeling of being drunk on the personality of another human being.

For all of Chris’s good looks, he is confident without being arrogant, humble and selfless. He is funny and smart and they share many of the same interests in film and music. CeCe has introduced him to some southern hip hop in the short days they have been together. The night before, he drove 30 miles over to Bar Harbor to take CeCe to the Real Pizza Cinerama to watch the latest Chris Pratt flick and enjoy some greasy pizza.

For the families hoping to spend the last few days of summer with the soon to be college freshmen, they were out of luck. Since the Blueberry Festival, Chris and CeCe had made plans every day and as soon as they were awake in the morning, Chris drove over to the Villemont residence to whisk her away in his truck. Chris really should be packing and getting ready to head to Harfeld to begin fall football camp, but right now his only care in the world is the fading number of hours he has with the amazing young lady sitting in his truck. He had ended his employment with Jim’s company in order to spend his last few days getting ready for college. He had little interest in packing one bag now.

It is mid-morning and they are just beginning the first part of their adventure that day.

“I have something special planned for tonight,” Chris said to her when he first arrived at her home an hour before.

“Really? What is it?” She asked with a bright smile.

“It’s a surprise,” he frowned. “I can’t give away the surprise now. Where’s the fun in that?” he laughed.

She groaned. “Ugh, fine. You be all mysterious, see if I care,” she retorted, waving her hand in indifference. Chris could see the smirk play on her lips.

“Aw, now don’t be like that,” he said reaching over and taking her hand.

She looked at him and despite every effort to keep it at bay, a smile stretched wide across her face. At the touch of his hand against hers, she felt an electric surge through her entire body.

Now Chris was putting his truck in park and shifting the emergency brake into gear to keep it in place on the steep hill. CeCe opened the door and hopped out, looking around. There were dense trees in one area but she could see a clearing just beyond it.

Chris shut his door as he climbed out, the rusty hinges screeching. He walked around the front of the truck and took her hand in his. “This way,” he said leading her carefully through the trees and over a few stones.

After moving through the vegetation, the space around them opens up and the Atlantic Ocean laps at the shore of the hill almost a mile below them.

“Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful here,” CeCe says stunned. Chris smiles as he watches her take in the breathtaking surroundings.

“If you keep looking out, it gets hard to tell where the ocean ends and the sky begins,” Chris says calmly. He squeezes her hand in his.

“This is incredible Chris, thank you for you for showing me this,” She says looking up at him. He smiles as he studies her, his eyes drifting over her lean body. She is wearing a pair of denim shorts that he has decided are his favorite, slip on sneakers and a USC t-shirt. Her hair is in a bun on the top of her head. There is just a hint of makeup on her face.

“Come here,” Chris says, tugging her hand gently as he leads her over to a set of large rocks bunched together at the edge of the trees. They take a seat on top of them. The cool sea air blows over them as they bask in the sun. The roar of the ocean is a gentle, soothing hum from their rock seats.

“I’m going to be honest, I didn’t care too much for Cherryfield when my dad first brought us here,” CeCe said. “But now…exploring all these different places and…getting to see them with you, it really is a special place,” she says keeping her eyes out on the horizon.

Chris stares at her as the wind blows some of the stray tendrils of hair around her face. He scoots over and slides his arm around her shoulders. She leans into him, resting her head on his shoulder. He lays his check against her hair.

“I really wish we didn’t have to go…I wish this was the start of summer and not the end,” he says slowly.

She sighs. “Me too….”

They fall silent but a bird chirps and sings from the trees. The wind rustles the tree branches behind them.


“Yeah?” She says and sits up, pulling back just a little but remaining in his embrace.

“Is this crazy?” He questions with a slight frown. “What’s happening between us? All of this?”

She bites her lip and she thinks, frown lines forming. “I don’t know….” She lets out a baffled laugh. “I was wondering the same thing last night. You took me home, kissed me goodnight and…all I could think about was you. Every word we’ve ever said to each other replayed in my head, every kiss…the Blueberry Festival,” she says her voice dropping low as she recalls their intimate night. “Maybe it is crazy. Maybe this is all too much, too fast, too soon.”

She looks at Chris and his frown deepens and he takes a deep breath, his eyes moving away from hers.

“I kind of don’t care though,” CeCe says matter-of-factly and shrugs, looking into his eyes.

His face lights up at her words and he chuckles. “Me either. This feels good. Inside and out,” he whispers in her ear. She shudders slightly and closes her eyes as he presses a kiss to her temple.

“I know we are heading to opposite sides of the country….” CeCe says. “I’m also real Chris. It’s been three days, I don’t expect you to make any type of commitment to me when you are away at Hartfeld.”

He chews the inside of his cheek as he frowns again. A part of him would like to tell her he’d be willing to do just that, but it does seem a bit insane to voice that type of commitment after just three days. He also wouldn’t dare hold her to that same type of expectation either.

“So…what is it you want then?” He asks honestly.

She turns to face him directly, his arm dropping from her shoulders as his large hand reaches out and squeezes her tiny hip.

“I don’t want us to stop talking,” she admits.

“I don’t want that either,” he says. “I know there will be times though that life…is just life. I’ll have football. You’ll have everything that goes with living in southern California. I want us to keep in touch though during the school year CeCe. If…if you meet someone and date… I’ll understand.”

“And vice versa,” she says tilting her head to meet his eyes. He nods slowly. She reaches up and cups his face in her hands and plants a kiss against his lips. “I gotta say though, any guy I’d meet is going to have a hell of a time comparing to you.”

Chris grins. “Same goes for any girls at Hartfeld.”

She smiles and lets go of his face, kissing him gently once more. “I’ll be back here next summer….” She says.

He rests his forehead against hers. She feels him give a tiny nod. “And if we haven’t met anyone else…if we keep in touch and things are good?” he pulls back slightly searching her eyes.

“Then as soon as I step out of the car, you best believe it’s on,” she laughs. Chris laughs as well and wraps both arms around her.


“CeCe, your father is grilling tonight and we were going to eat out on the gazebo. Do you mind helping me with the fixings for dinner?”

“Oh,” CeCe says slowing her steps as she rushed into the kitchen. “Um, I have plans with Chris tonight,” she explains and opens the refrigerator. She grabs a bottled water, twists the cap and takes a sip. She leans against the counter and looks at her mom.

“Again tonight? That’s three nights in a row CeCe,” her mother says a bit perturbed.

“I know Mom, but…we will be leaving soon and…we don’t have a lot of time left,” CeCe says slowly.

Her mother looks at her and sighs. “I hope you two aren’t moving too fast,” Angela says. She opens the pantry door and pulls out a bag of russet potatoes.

CeCe silently takes a sip of water, eyes to the floor.

Angela studies her daughter and picks up on her avoidance of eye contact. “CeCe, sweetheart, what do you even know about this boy?” Angela questions. She places the bag of potatoes next the sink, resting her hip against the counter as she folds her arms.

“Mom, come on, Chris is a good guy,” CeCe says and laughs it off. “It’s fine.”

Angela exhales but smiles slightly. “Look, I get it. He’s good looking and-“

“Smart, athletic, funny and kind,” CeCe interrupts raising an eyebrow.

“I’m sure he is all of those things. But you are both going your separate ways in just a matter of days. I don’t want to see you broken hearted and sulking around the house when we get back to Louisiana. We don’t have much time with you either and I ’d like to spend some time with my daughter before we have an empty nest,” Angela confides.

CeCe takes a deep breath. “I know, I’m not trying to avoid you guys it’s just…he’s….” she smiles to herself as she thinks and then looks up at her mother who lifts her eyebrows in response to her daughter’s goofy grin. “Nothing, it’s silly. I promise, when we get home I’ll spend as much time as I can with you and Dad…but before we leave Cherryfield, please understand…I just…I need to be with Chris right now.”

“Need? Oh honey, you’ve got it bad,” Angela says and steps towards her daughter. She wraps her arms around her.

CeCe groans and her face twists as she recognizes just how love sick she truly is. “Am I really a mess?”

“A hot mess at that,” Angela says and lets her go. They begin to laugh and CeCe swats at her mother’s arm playfully. Angela chuckles but her face becomes serious and reflective for a moment.

“Promise me you are being careful with him?” She says bending her head and forcing CeCe to meet her eyes.

“Mom, seriously,” CeCe blushes and looks away.


“We are…I mean…yes, Mom, we…we used protection,” CeCe stammers. Her mother has always let her know she can talk with her about sex, providing her daughter with birth control when CeCe admitted she had been intimate with her first boyfriend. That didn’t make it any less awkward to share with her parent that she was sleeping with Chris. CeCe knew to take every precaution. Even on the pill, she had asked him to wear protection.

Angela shakes her head and sighs. “Is he picking you up again tonight?”

“Yeah,” CeCe nods and chugs down water, her mouth suddenly very dry. “He will be here around 4:30.”

Angela glances at the clock. “That’s not too far away. But you’ve still got time to help me cut potatoes. It’s the least you can do since I’ll be the one telling your dad you aren’t joining us tonight.” Her mother gives her a pointed look and CeCe nods.

“Thanks…Where is Daddy anyways?”

“Went to town to get some more grilling supplies and to stop at the meat market….” Angela picks up the bag of potatoes and hands it to CeCe. “Cut.”

“Yes ma’am,” CeCe laughs a little and shakes her head.


Chris pulls his truck into the parking lot, as CeCe swivels her head looking all around. He parks the truck and cuts the motor, pulling the keys from the ignition. He gives a knowing smirk as he watches her try to put it all together.

A cooler rests on the backseat and Chris has packed it with food and drinks for their excursion. CeCe looks all around the harbor. There is a boat dock and a pier and several luxury boats bob gently on the water.

“Are we going out on a boat?” CeCe asks excitedly, her smile broad as she bounces a little in her seat and looks over at Chris. He looks over her body. She is in a tight, black tank top with straps, her denim shorts and sandals.

“That we are,” he grins. “You are about to sail the seas with Captain Chris Powell on the S.S. Romantic Adventure,” he says then frowns a bit. He huffs. “That sounded cooler and way more smooth in my head than when it left my lips.”

CeCe laughs. “Dork.”

“I don’t disagree with that statement right now,” he laughs. “Well…as great as it is sitting in this truck with you, she’s not much for taking on water so…why don’t we get out?”

“Don’t have to tell me twice!” CeCe swings open her door and hops down onto the pavement. She shuts the door. Chris opens his door, flips his seat forward, pulls the cooler from the back and sits it down on the pavement. He locks up the truck and then carries the cooler with both hands down towards the dock.

“This way,” he says to CeCe. She follows him as they walk over the wooden planks and past several boats, Chris eyes each before he spots the one he is looking for. “Right here,” he throws his head.

CeCe looks over as Chris walks towards a white and maroon, inboard, cabin cruiser with a flybridge.


“Wow, this is a really nice boat,” she says.

“Thanks, bought it last summer. Just something to piddle around out on the water in, just for kicks,” he jokes. CeCe laughs. Chris walks up a small ramp and puts the cooler down into the boat. He turns and faces CeCe, reaching out his hand to her. “Can’t claim this as much as I’d love to. It belongs to Jim, the guy that owns the landscaping company,” Chris explains.

“Oh yeah, I remember meeting him,” CeCe nods taking his hand. Chris helps her to ease down into the boat.

She steps over the railing and gently lowers down. Chris slides the ramp down inside the boat with them.

“Well, he always offered for us to take it out if we wanted to,” Chris said. “I just never really had a reason until now,” he grins. “I asked him if I could take you out on it and he was all for it.” Chris pulls the keys from the boat out of his pocket and dangles them in front of her. “All ours tonight.”

“Sweet! You know how to work a boat?”

Chris laughs. “I could operate a boat before I could operate a car. Right of passage around here I think. I’ve got my boating license.”

CeCe smiles.

“The sun will be setting before too long and I want to get out on the water, let me get us going and then we can eat,” he says.

CeCe smiles and nods. She climbs the ladder up to the flybridge and takes a seat on one of the plush cushions. She smiles as she looks around the harbor and peaks over the railing down at Chris. He is wearing khaki shorts and a light gray t-shirt with his sneakers. His hair tousled and from overhead, she sees just how much the sun has bleached his brown locks over the summer.  The t-shirt hugs his biceps and as the wind blows, she can make out the indentions of his abs as the material stretches back over his stomach.

She gives a content sigh as she watches him work. He unwinds a rope tying the boat to the dock. Keys in hand, he heads inside the cabin. CeCe reclines on the cushion for a minute before she feels the boat begin to vibrate. She stands and scampers back down the ladder, joining Chris in the cabin. He stands behind the wheel and idles the boat forward, through the no wake zone. CeCe watches as he skillfully maneuvers out onto the water, his forearms flexing as he grips the wheel, steering just a bit.

Chris takes them out into the open water, leaving the dock and harbor behind, but keeping the shoreline visible. He pushes the throttle forward and the boat lurches forward, gliding swiftly and smoothly over the water as he surveys the top of the water.

“You really do know what you’re doing,” CeCe says.

Chris chuckles. “You said that like you had doubts.”

“Not at all, it’s just…seeing you maneuver the boat, it’s….kind of hot that’s all,” she peaks at him with a sly grin.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet, just hold on,” he gives a knowing smile.

CeCe smiles and watches as they sail along over the water. After some time, the trees and shoreline become faint and they approach an area with a long jetty. As they move closer, CeCe spots a lighthouse at the end.

“Chris! A lighthouse!” She beams.

“Yeah,” he nods, happy with her excitement. There are a few other boats out in the water lingering near the beautiful old lighthouse that has guided ships around the rocky coast for almost 200 years. “This is a a big tourist attraction. People like to visit the inside but…if you are out near sunset, you can see them light it from the water. Mind if we stop here for a while and wait?”

“Not at all, I love it,” she grins. Chris cuts the motor, letting the boat ease along with the tide. He leads CeCe out of the cabin and opens the cooler. He reaches down and grabs the food items he bought for them, including two lobster loaves, some chips, lobster fondue and a few sodas and water.

“There’s a place near here, the Lobster Shack,” Chris explains as he hands CeCe her lobster loaf. “I’ve done some work with them, hauling in their nets during the peak part of the season. Anyways, one of the guys that works there hooked us up.”

Cece carries the sandwiches gingerly as she climbs the ladder back up the flybridge. Chris stuffs the sodas and the container for the fondue in his pockets and gently grasps the chips in his hand as he climbs up after her.

Up top, he slides onto the cushion beside her, pulling the drinks and container from his pockets. They spread the food on the cushions between them. CeCe holds the gigantic lobster loaf in both hands and bites into it.

“Ermahgawd,” she says with a heightened Louisiana accent. Chris laughs. “Chris this is the best sandwich I’ve ever had!”

“Stick with me and I’ll keep introducing you to the best foods on the planet. Best burger, best pizza and now the best lobster loaf,” he grins.

“Mmm,” she chews and closes her eyes. Chris watches her amused. “This lobster is the best.” She opens her eyes slowly and finds him lifting an eyebrow.


“I don’t think I’ve ever been jealous of food before, but that look on your face….” He trails off.

“Oh, food ecstasy is nothing compared to Chris Powell ecstasy,” she flirts, tilting her head.

He lets out a long slow breath. “You sure you’re that hungry right now?”

She laughs. “Yes!”

“Fine,” he grumbles and she laughs harder.

They eat their food watching the water and the other boats around them for a while. Overhead the sky begins to turn orange and purple and the clouds turn from a wispy white to a deeper gray.

The boat rocks slightly and CeCe looks down at the water. It laps at the sides of the boat as they drift along with the current.

“Chris, I feel like a broken record but this is beautiful and amazing, thank you,” she says looking into his eyes.

“You’re welcome,” he nods. He licks his lips as he pauses but then looks into her eyes. “I like doing things for you CeCe. I like planning things to do to take you out and…I love being with you,” he admits.

The corners of her lips lift. “I don’t know that I’ve felt as happy as I’ve felt these last three days, Chris. I mean that.”

He grins and leans forward, kissing her forehead. They wrap up what’s left of their meal and Chris grabs their trash, taking it down to the cabin below before joining her up top again.

He sinks down onto the cushion, his back reclined slightly as he faces towards the lighthouse. “Come here,” he says softly. CeCe slides over the cushion, her back to his chest and sinks against him. He feels the relaxed breath she lets out as her body rests comfortably. He puts both arms around her waist, taking one of her hands in his and toying with her fingers. He turns his face and kisses the side of her head.

“We could run away you know? Take the boat and live off of seafood and never go back. No college, no responsibilities, just us, the ocean and all the fish we can eat,” CeCe says daydreaming out loud.

She feels the throaty laugh he gives as his chest vibrates. “Except Jim would eventually have me arrested for boat theft and at some point we’d have to shower,” he says.

“Chris Powell, Crusher of Dreams,” CeCe mumbles. He laughs and she joins him.

“It’s a nice dream though,” he says and rubs her arm. She stretches her legs out on the cushion.

“Look,” Chris says happily. He points towards the lighthouse. Even in the setting sun, CeCe can make out movement of a few figures through the glass at the top. Slowly, one by own, lanterns are lit all around the inside of the lighthouse and a bright beam of light streams out over the ocean sky.

“It’s gorgeous!” She says sitting up some and leaning away from Chris as she looks at the light.

“Pretty special to get to see it from this viewpoint,” Chris says, his voice low and reflective. CeCe turns and looks at him over her shoulder. Her eyes lift to his from under her lashes. He leans forward and kisses her shoulder, letting his lips brush back and forth over the exposed skin. She feels chills ripple down her spin at the sensation. Chris places another tender kisses on her shoulder, then another. He reaches up and hooks a finger around the strap of her tank top, sliding it over and off her shoulder. His lips brush from her shoulder up to the curve of her neck.

He hears her deep breath as he moves his lips to her ear, biting gently at the lobe.

His large hand slides over her stomach and up over her chest, gently gripping and massaging her covered breast as he continues to place kisses along her neck. He feels her nipple harden in his palm.

“Chris,” she murmurs.

He pulls her back against him again, her back to his chest. This time both hands move around her waist and he reaches down, his fingers working over the button on her shorts. It releases and he slowly drags the zipper down.

CeCe groans, turning her head to the side. Chris turns his, meeting his mouth with hers. He moans as he slides is tongue into her mouth, stroking his against hers and drawing a deep groan from her. He slides a hand into her shorts, sliding his hand over her panties and rubbing at her center.

She moans into his mouth as his large fingers circle over her. They pull back from each other just briefly to suck in a breath of air before he clamps his mouth back over hers, their tongues dancing hungrily. CeCe reaches up, hooking an arm and grasping his hair in her hands.

He feels her hips undulate as she thrusts slightly up at his hand. Chris pulls back, taking a deep inhale. He looks at her face, her eyes shut as passion courses through her. He can feel the wetness of her underwear now against his fingertips.

“Chris,” she moans softly again. “Unless we want to make a habit of doing this in public, can we go downstairs?” She asks, releasing his hair from her fingers.

He lets out a light chuckle. “I’m okay with wherever you want to be,” he says.

She sits up and he pulls his hand from her shorts. She glances around. “Do you think anyone can see us?”

“I don’t think so,” he says touching her chin.

She smirks and then slides off of the cushion and turns to face him. She lowers herself down onto her knees in front of him. The strap of her tank still dangles off her shoulder.

“CeCe…” he whispers in a surprised hush as she reaches out and grabs the waistband of his shorts. She unbuttons them, locking eyes with his and drags the zipper down. She reaches inside and finds him hard and ready for her. Pulling him from his boxers and shorts, she frees him, her eyes remaining locked with his. There is a darkness to his gaze. The usually sweet face of Chris is now intense and wanton. She can see his chest heave in anticipation. She lowers her head, still looking into his eyes and flicks her tongue over him. He hisses and throws his head back against the cushion. She closes her eyes and parts her lips, taking him into her mouth and sucking gently. Her head bobs as she grips him with her hand, stroking and sucking at the same time.

Chris moans, his head still thrown back, panting loudly. “CeCe…” he groans and blows out a breath. He feels himself building too quickly.

“Wait, wait,” he says gulping. He breaths out of his mouth and lifts his head. He reaches out and run the back of his index finger over the side of her cheek and she pulls her mouth away from him. A hand continues to grip him.

“Way to soon,” he laughs lightly still panting. She gives a proud smirk. He tucks his hardness back into his shorts as best he can and stands up. He reaches out his hands and helps her up. He steps down the ladder and watches her bottom sway as she takes each step down to lower herself. He guides her inside the cabin. There is a sitting area with a long padded cushioned seat and a few pillows.

CeCe turns to face Chris and he seizes her hips in his hands, pulling her to him as his mouth descends on hers. He backs her towards the cushion, leaning her back, cradling her waist with one arm as another reaches out to balance them. Her back hits the cushion and Chris is on top of her, between her legs, kissing every part of her face, neck and collarbone his lips can reach.

Chris kisses his way down over her chest in her tank, lifting the top slightly to kiss at her navel. He kisses above her waistband, before gripping the sides of her shorts and underwear in one motion and yanking them down her legs. He tosses them onto the floor of the cabin as he hovers between her legs. He gently pushes her thighs open as she watches him lower his mouth, him repeating her earlier gesture and locking his eyes with hers. He swipes a tongue over her sensitive bud and her back arches.

She shuts her eyes as his warm tongue works over her, toying with her and provoking more moans. She pulls at the cushion, finding no give in it. When she can’t grip anything else, she reaches out and cups Chris’s head in her hands as she tugs slightly at his hair. He continues to lick her, groaning.

“You taste so good,” he whispers and she feels his breath against her.

She cries out when he puts his mouth against her again. Her legs begin to tremble and shake and she lets out a deafening cry in the cabin.

“Argh, Chris, ungh!” She shouts.

He doesn’t relent, continuing to lick her, his hands pressing down on her hips to steady her. She eases back, trying to relieve herself from his pleasurable torture but he holds her as he continues to work his mouth. A second wave hits and she screams, sitting up, before collapsing back on the cushion. This time he lets go, placing a kiss on her thigh and peering up at her.

Her eyes are shut and she places a hand to her forehead as she tries to regain her breath.

“Are you okay?” he asks reaching up and stroking her hip.

He sits up slowly and squeezes her knee.

“I will be. Eventually,” she gasps and breaths deeply. “Sometime next year,” she says out of breath.

Chris chuckles and smiles and looks at her. Her eyes open slightly and from the look on his face, she knows he isn’t done with her yet.

Chris reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. He retrieves a condom and looks at her as he holds it up. She nods and he tosses his wallet down on the floor. He stands, taking off his shoes, and sliding out of his boxers and shorts. CeCe watches as he springs free, still amazed everytime she sees him. He pulls his shirt up over his head, ridding himself of every stitch of clothing.

He watches her as he rolls the condom on and then lowers a knee onto the cushion. He grabs her calf, draping her leg around the small of his back as he positions himself. He kisses her, sinking into her, both groaning.

Chris begins slow, working himself deeply into her. CeCe’s moans become more consistent and she wraps her arms around him and both legs. He pumps up and down, moaning and whispering to her.

“You are incredible,” he says in her ear.

“Mmm,” she can only moan in response, feeling the power of his thrusts.

He takes his time before he begins to speed up, his brow creasing as he concentrates. She looks up into his face and smooths his hair.

“Cum Chris…” she encourages.

His eyes clinch shut and he thrusts hard a few times, before he lets out a long deep groan from his belly and collapses down on top of her.

She kisses the top of his head as he recovers against her.

“Uh….” He groans one last time. He turns his head and looks up at her through heavy eyes.

She smiles down at him. “You okay?”

“I will be. Eventually. Sometime next year,” he mimics and sighs and she laughs out, toying with his hair. He lays his head back down on her chest. “Do you mind if…we just lay here for a minute…”

“I would be fine with being here forever,” she replies.


It is the night before the Villemont family is set to hit the road and make the return trek to Louisiana. CeCe has slowly packed up most of her clothes, leaving a few items out to wear for the trip tomorrow. She said goodnight to her parents and headed upstairs. But instead of putting on her pajamas, CeCe slid into a pair of jeans, her tennis shoes and a t-shirt.

It was all her idea.

When she looked down at the floors below her and noticed the house was dark and still, she text him. He parked a bit down the road. She gathered up her comforter and pillows from her bed, hoping he remembered to bring a sleeping bag as she had instructed earlier.

She cursed under her breath as she crept down the creaky stairs of that old house, each announcing her stealth behaviors as she walked down to the kitchen. She grabbed a few bottles of water and a bag of popcorn, before she gingerly unlocked the back door. Holding her comforter, pillows and food items to her chest, she raced down the back steps of the house and found Chris sitting on the edge of gazebo. In the moonlight she can still see his smile.

“Hey,” he says in a hush.

“Hey,” she smiles back. “Any trouble?”

“Nope, he shakes his head. “ I brought a battery powered lantern that was in our garage if we need it and my sleeping bag. It’s pretty thick. We can spread it out and we can both fit.”

CeCe smiles. “I brought some extra blankets and pillows…oh and snacks!” She grins as she whispers.

They step quietly onto the wood of the gazebo. Chris unrolls his sleeping bag and then unzips it entirely, laying it flat down onto the wood. CeCe arranges the pillows and lays her comforter on top.

She unlaces her shoes and Chris follows her lead. He sits back on the pillows and she rests next to him, shoulder to shoulder. CeCe grabs the waters and opens the bag of popcorn, they dig in, laughing as they reach over each other to grab a scoop.

“I’m glad you wanted to do this,” Chris says munching on popcorn before kissing the top of her head. Her curly hair is in tumbles around her face. “One more night together. I would have just been lying in bed thinking about you anyways, why not be together,” he grins as they talk softly in the dark of night. They can see out of the sides of the gazebo and it is a starry night overhead. A crescent moon provides just enough light on their surroundings.

“Same,” CeCe smiles.

“Some of my friends around here think I’ve ghosted on them the past week,” Chris chuckles.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you away from them,” CeCe frowns.

“You haven’t. I’ve been exactly where I wanted to be. With a beautiful and special girl, not with some gross and stinky football buddies. Guys really are disgusting,” Chris says as if appalled. “You smell like, super nice.”

CeCe laughs. “I’m still sorry. I’m sure they wanted to hang with you before you left.”

“Eh…I’ve been hanging with them my whole life, it’s cool,” he shrugs.

They fall silent and eat the popcorn, looking out at the stars.

“I…told them about you,” Chris says and rolls his shoulders.

CeCe looks over at him. “For real?”

“For real,” he nods and looks at her bashfully to gauge her reaction. She smiles.

“What did you tell these stinky, gross friends of yours about me?” She teases, elbowing him.

“I told them…that if they had met someone as awesome as you, there wouldn’t be any questions, they’d understand. I told them you were every guys dream and you are CeCe….”

She blinks as she looks back at him and then without hesitation presses her lips to his. Chris smiles against her mouth, chuckling softly.

She pulls back and blushes. “I’m sorry, that was just…so sweet…” she shakes her head, almost in disbelief.

“It’s the truth,” he says and touches her cheek.

CeCe moves the bag of popcorn away from them, rolling the top down to close it. She moves the comforter around pulling it over their bodies. Chris fluffs pillows behind him and CeCe snuggles against his chest.

“As much as I don’t want to think about tomorrow, I’m looking forward to waking up next to you,” Chris says in her ear.

“Me too Chris,” she says closing her eyes. “Me too.


Birds chirp to greet the start of a new day. The sun inches higher in the sky, bathing the trees and grass in a golden light. In homes around Cherryfield, people make coffee and breakfast to start their day.

CeCe Villemont is wrapped in the embrace of Chris Powell, the two young lovers in a peaceful sleep under a gazebo, outdoors.

Suddenly, an icy cold wetness splatters against their faces, making both of them flinch and jerk awake. The water continues to spray against their faces, as it starts to soak their clothes. CeCe jumps up screaming and races around the gazebo until she is at the middle and away from the sprinklers. The system in the flowerbed has come to life and sprayed water up and onto the gazebo, just around the edges where Chris and CeCe happened to sleep.

“Shit that’s cold!” Chris screeches and joins her. He shudders in one big shake and wipes his face to keep water out of his eyes.

“What the fu-“ CeCe is about to say but then looks towards the back of the house.

Her father is standing on the back steps hand on a knob.

“Oops!” Charles says with the driest voice he can muster. “Thought I’d give the flowerbed one last watering before we left.”

“Daddy!” CeCe shrieks, her wet shirt and pants clinging to her skin. Water drips from her hair.

He reaches over, turns the knob and the sprinkler system cuts off, He gives a pointed glare in Chris’s direction.

Chris’s wet shirt hugs his skin and he turns and faces CeCe.

“Are you okay?”

She throws a murderous stare at her father. “Fine, cold as hell, but fine.”

“Your mother and I were looking for you to start loading up,” Charles says. “Couldn’t find you. I see you had a campout.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Villemont sir,” Chris speaks up before CeCe has the chance. He faces him directly from the gazebo. “It was my idea to spend last night here with your daughter sir, I apologize. It was not my intention to offend you or dishonor her.”

Charles stares at Chris and his eyebrows lift. The young man certainly knew how to show respect. But he also knew his daughter well.

“I highly doubt Chris this was all your idea,” he says looking at CeCe. “Get in the house and change your clothes CeCe. Chris, I’d suggest you go home and do the same.”

“Yes sir,” Chris nods. “But, um, I’d like to come back and say goodbye.”

CeCe looks at her father, eyes pleading.

He sighs and walks up the steps. “Fine.”


CeCe carries one tote bag in her hand as Chris walks out of the house beside her, carrying two of her weekend bags in one of his. His other hand holds hers. He loads the bags into the car and she adds the tote to the top of the stacked up suitcases.

She turns and faces him and he takes her other hand in his as well, looking into her eyes. Sadness is etched over both their faces.

CeCe glances at her parents who turn quickly and pretend to not be watching. Her mother fumbles with a few bags and her dad turns his back as if to go in the house, but does not take another step.

“I don’t want to say goodbye,” CeCe says looking down and then slowly back up into Chris’s face.

“Me either,” he says squeezing her hands.

“So, then, I’ll see you, right?” She nods.

“Absolutely,” he nods in return as well. “If you want to text on the drive home it’s cool. I’ll be at home packing up, so…I’d love to hear from you.”

“I will. We’ve got three days in the car together,” she says throwing her head at her parents. “I’m sure I’ll need messages from you to keep me from going bat shit crazy.”

He laughs. “I can definitely help with that.”

CeCe tilts her head forward and whispers. “If you want to send some nudes you know…you could do that too…if the spirit hits you,” she winks.

“CeCe!” He exclaims and they glance at her parents who didn’t hear what was said but look up at his outburst. “Your dad is going to kill me I think. This morning was probably strike one, I don’t need strike two. Besides, I’m the one who is supposed to ask you that, not the other way around.”

“I’m progressive what can I say,” she grins.

“Gosh, I’m going to miss you,” he huffs. He reaches out and wraps his arms around her.

“CeCe, it’s time,” her father says pointedly. He steps down off the porch and walks towards the driver’s side door.

CeCe squeezes Chris, taking in everything about the feel of him: The scent of his cologne, the feel of his muscles, the warmth of his body. She reaches up and touches his hair. She pulls back slightly and looks up into his eyes.

Chris would normally do nothing to jeopardize the respect he has for her parents but in that moment, he doesn’t care. He leans forward, giving her a long, deep kiss, holding her close to him. Angela walks around to the passenger’s side door, pausing as she watches her daughter melt into a kiss. She lifts an eyebrow and climbs in. Charles is glaring in the rearview mirror.

“I outta put it in reverse,” he grumbles.

“You stop! She’s got a bad case of summer love. You leave them alone!” Angela fusses.

“Still my daughter,” Charles mutters. “Snuggled up with some boy all night.”

Outside of the vehicle, CeCe pulls back from Chris. He puts his forehead against hers.

“We will keep in touch, I swear,” he says.

“I’m going to hold you to that,” she nods. She gives him one more peck before they pull way.

“I’ll see you,” she says, eyes watering.

“See you,” he says swallowing the lump in his throat.

CeCe tears away and walks around the car, opening the door and sliding into the backseat. As she fastens her seatbelt, she wipes at her eyes.

Chris closes the door to the trunk of the Escalade and Charles starts the car.

Chris steps up onto the sidewalk as the car backs out of the driveway.

He watches and sees CeCe looking at him. He lifts his hand in a solemn wave. Her parents wave and Cece slowly lifts her hand in a farewell. The Escalade fades into the distance.

Chris sighs and walks towards his truck. Before climbing in he pulls out his phone and types a quick message.

In the backseat of the car, CeCe’s phone buzzes and she taps open her screen.

There is a message from Chris and she laughs as she reads it. “Is it next summer yet?

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