A Modern Romance: Trouble

By Misha

Author’s Notes- This is the newest installment in “A Modern Romance”. This is set between “Sweet Surrender” and “Too Much”. I just couldn’t resist the idea of naughty Diavolos.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Diavolos decides to distract Kenna during a boring charity function. Part of the “A Modern Romance” AU.

Words- 1226

Kenna doesn’t know if she should be happy or panicked upon learning that she and Diavolos will be seated at the same time for a function. It doesn’t happen very often, since the animosity between her and the Nevrakis family is well known, though it is also well known that that animosity doesn’t extend to Diavolos and that the two are at least on friendly terms.

Even if no one can know how friendly they really are.

Which leads to her current dilemma. On one hand, she likes the idea of getting to spend an evening in Diavolos’s company and she knows he’ll be a more entertaining dinner companion than most of the people present. However… Kenna wonders if she can spend a whole evening in his company without giving away any sign of the true nature of their relationship.

Especially if he has a date.

The idea of having to spend an evening watching Diavolos with another woman makes her stomach clench, even though she knows that this is the way it has to be. After all, they have to keep up appearances and it’s not like she can his date.

Just then, Kenna sees him approaching and lets out a little sigh of relief when she sees that he is accompanied by Zenobia, then she chuckles because usually, relief would not be her reaction to having to spend an evening with Diavolos’s spoiled sister.

“Wonderful, a whole evening with Zenobia,” Annelyse comments with a sigh, “well at least Diavolos is usually good company.”

Kenna simply nods, hoping she’s kept her face neutral, as they both stand to greet the Nevrakis siblings.

“Annelyse, you look lovely as always,” Diavolos greets, pressing a friendly kiss to Annelyse’s cheek before turning to Kenna. “And so do you, Kenna,” he tells her, leaning in closer, “I like the dress, but it’ll look better off.”

Kenna tries not to react to his words, stepping backing quickly and forcing a smile as she greets Zenobia. “Zenobia, it’s nice to see you again, it’s been a while.”

“A few months, at least,” Zenobia agrees, wrinkling her nose, “and I see your fashion sense hasn’t approved. You know I’d be happy to introduce you to my personal shopper.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kenna says dryly as they take their seats.

Diavolos ends up seated next to Kenna and she is very aware of how close he is. Close enough to reach out and touch, except they are in public, so she can’t risk it. They are joined by two other couples, much older than the Nevrakis siblings or Kenna and Annelyse, and they make polite small talk as the first course is served.

Kenna is achingly aware of Diavolos all through dinner and it doesn’t help that he makes teasingly and pointed little comments or will shoot her looks that send heat straight to her belly. Kenna thinks he’s trying to torture her and it takes all her willpower not to react.

Finally, the speeches start and Kenna leans back in her seat, trying to focus her attention on the front of the room when she suddenly feels a hand on her thigh, slipping under the slit in her dress to rest on her bare flesh.

She glances at Diavolos who shoots her a cocky grin before returning his gaze to the front of the room. After a moment, his hand moves higher, fondling her through her underwear.

Kenna gulps, fighting to keep from reacting. She tries to focus on the speeches, but it’s hard when Diavolos fingers have slipped underneath the edge of her underwear and are teasing her so skillfully. She bites her lip as he slips his fingers inside her and it takes all her effort not to gasp with pleasure.

She kicks him under the table and he stills his movements, before leaning over to whisper “do you want me to stop?”

She knows the answer should be ‘yes’ because this is so dangerous and inappropriate but it feels so good and she’s so close. She shakes her head and Diavolos smirks before resuming his movements.

Kenna quickly glances at the table and is relieved to see that everyone else seems to be focused on the speeches, except Zenobia, who is busy reading something on her phone, not even bothering to pretend that she’s paying attention.

Kenna bites her lip as Diavolos rubs her clit with his thumb as his fingers continue to plunge in and out of her. It’s not long before she feels herself coming apart and she grips the edge of the table as she comes.

Diavolos removes his hand, though he continues to rest it on her thigh, and sends her a smug look that makes her simultaneously want to punch and kiss him. He’s such an arrogant bastard and he drives her crazy, but she also can’t resist him.

Kenna is relieved when the speeches are over and people start mingling. She needs to get out of here.

Diavolos stands up and then leans down to whisper in her ear, “I’m going to make a break for it, want to join me?”

Kenna knows she shouldn’t, but she nods anyway.

Diavolos turns to Annelyse. “Kenna and I have decided we’re both in need of a drink and a quieter environment, though of course, you’re welcome to join us.”

There’s nothing suspicious about his words, after all, they have gone for drinks together many times, long before they gave into their desire for each other and began whatever it was that was happening between them.

Annelyse smiles, “thank you for the offer, but there are some people I want to talk to.” She turns to Kenna, “have fun and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Something in Annelyse’s expression made Kenna bit her lip. She knows, she realizes. Her friend doesn’t look disapproving though, which surprises Kenna.

Diavolos turns to Zenobia. “What about you?”

“God no,” his sister says, wrinkling her nose, “I’m here to be seen.”

“Try not to get in too much trouble,” Diavolos says dryly as he offers Kenna his hand and helps her to her feet.

They say their polite goodbyes to the other two couples before exiting the ballroom. They are keeping a polite distance, trying to maintain the façade of being friendly business associates, nothing more, though Kenna is achingly aware of his presence beside her. She is also having a hard time keeping her thoughts off what is going to happen once they are alone in his apartment.

As soon as they are settled in the cab, she turns to him, “what was that back there?”

He grins, entirely unrepentant, “I was trying to liven up your evening and distract you from the tedious speeches. It seems to have worked.”

“That’s not the point,” Kenna scolds but it’s hard to be angry when he’s looking at her like that. The man is impossible.

“The point is I made you feel good,” he says in a low voice, “and now I’m going to take you home and continue making you feel good all night long.”

Kenna lets a low groan. “Diavolos…”

He grins and then leans forward to place a quick kiss on her lips, “hold that thought, baby, but don’t worry I plan on making you scream my name over and over before I’m done with you.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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