“You? Asking advice? From me?” Kenna exhaled, refusing to believe it.
“Yeah, yeah… Now that you’re done making fun of me, could you make yourself helpful and answer me?” Zenobia sent Kenna her, usual, bitchy look.
“No, no, I’m not done yet. I need to savor this moment. Yes, now I’m done.” Kenna chuckled, still enjoying herself.
“Will you act like the queen you are?!” Zenobia snapped.
“You want my advice, right? Better not yell at a person you’re seeking help from.” Kenna got her composure back.
“Right. I sincerely apologize.” Zenobia said through gritted teeth. Kenna wanted to comment, being surprised but also proud of Zenobia’s reply, and the fact she didn’t mention her desire to push Kenna of the balcony, but decided some things are better unsaid. Better not give her any ideas, at best.
“So, you want my help with…?” Kenna asked, this time actually listening to what Zenobia had to say.
“With… Tevan.” Zenobia groaned.

“You came all the way from Lykos, and scheduled a meeting, for a girl talk?” Kenna was using her ‘let me get this straight’ voice.
“It’s not like I had a better way to do it!” Sometimes Kenna forgot that Zenobia was, indeed, a few years younger than her. And defiantly much more spoiled than she was. She sighed but figured, why not help her?
“So. What about Tevan? I’m assuming you’re still into him, huh?” Kenna remembered that dinner-party with the Nevrakis a few years ago, where Diavolos accidentally spilled the beans about Zenobia’s crush.
“Well, obviously, if I’m here.” Zenobia had to work on her attitude, but Adder has told Kenna that she was behaving a lot better now, so Kenna overlooked the sassiness in her tone.
“What’s the problem, then? He’s unmarried, not even engaged if I remember correctly, this is perfect for you! And he’s ALWAYS flirting, so you got the easy part. You basically just need to say yes.” Kenna remembered how Taven was always flirting with her. Never crossing a line, but if she had wanted, she’s sure he would happily oblige.
“Well, easy for you to say! He was flirting with you! Not me. Gosh, everybody was flirting with you, back in the day. Even my own brother was pinning after you.” Zenobia shrugged.
They both shared a laugh, finally getting rid of the tension that surrounded them.
“Before you married that street rat.” Zenobia added.
“Hey. He’s the king of Stormholt and you should treat him with respect.
Besides, he’s the love of my life and he made a great king.” Kenna said proudly. Thinking of Raydan always filled her heart with warmness and joy. She couldn’t help but let a smile spread across her lips, not even realizing how she immediately jumped in to defend him.
Zenobia smiled back, surprising Kenna and interrupting the thread of her thoughts. “He actually did, didn’t he? Who would’ve thought?”
Zenobia agreed with Kenna, there was no denying, Raydan somehow exceeded everyone’s expectations and became a great king, who took an active role in ruling beside Kenna. It took a while to adjust, but after that he and Kenna made the way hand in hand.
“I did.” Kenna reminded her, and they both moved topics with a nod.
“So, he’s not flirting with you?” Kenna had to admit, it caught her by surprise. Even now, every once in a while, when they would hold dinner parties and balls, she would always see Tevan with a flirty smile, going after a different lady.
“I was sure he did. Or would. Like, that’s just Tevan.” Kenna’s brows frowned.
“Well, I’m pretty sure every time he sees me all he sees is still a cold-hearted Nevrakis. And I get all flustered up, so I’m not doing a good job either.” Zenobia noted.
“Well, you know what you need to do, then. Don’t you?” Kenna thought it was obvious.
“If I did, do you think I would be embarrassing myself, coming all the way here, and asking you of all people for advice?” Zenobia was growing impatient.
“Why did you ask me, of all people, for advice?” Kenna was curious, and this was a great opportunity to ask.
“Can we just get back to the topic?” Zenobia begged, but Kenna wasn’t about to give up. Kenna just watched her with a determined expression, until Zenobia gave up.
“Because, even considering our history, you’re one of the people who, you can say, forgave me. And maybe the only one who doesn’t think I’m a cold-hearted Nervakis who I actually could trust with such… information. Now, are you satisfied? Can we get back to the topic, now, please?” Zenobia explained.
Kenna nodded, satisfied. “Well, you gotta take over the reins, take charge of your own future. Or relationship, In this case. Maybe he doesn’t try anything because he respects you? And thinks it would be inappropriate, given the history between the five kingdoms. I don’t know. But I say… It’s worth to try.” Kenna told her.
Zenobia asked for advice as a friend, so Kenna answered… as a friend. Not as a queen, but as someone who was, kind of, in a similar position. Not entirely, given she knew Raydan had feelings for her too. But, being the “commoner” he was, he could never dream to propose to her, or even continue pursuing a relationship once the war was over. So Kenna took matters to her own hands and proposed to him herself. Her nature helped her the most, but it was still a ‘risk’, and one worth taking.
Zenobia knew Kenna was right, but Kenna overlooked one important detail.
“Weren’t you listening???” She immediately protested.
Kenna gave her a look saying ‘what now?’, and Zenobia continued.
“I. Can’t. Do. That.” She said. “I get too flustered and flushed, whenever I interact with him!” Zenobia reminded her.
Kenna chuckled. “You know, having a relationship means constant interaction.”
“That’s different.” Zenobia rolled her eyes.
Kenna shrugged. “Well, I don’t have a magical solution, you know. It’s not like you can have Dom threaten him to date you.” Kenna said, and even Zenobia laughed at that thought.
“You must do something!” Zenobia still protested.
“I mustn’t do anything.  What I CAN do, is throw in a word for you. But the rest is on you.
Meaning you have to pull yourself together, and actually talk to him when he comes near you. Got it?”
“Got it…”
Zenobia admits defeat, not entirely sure how the hell she’s supposed to do so.
Whenever Tevan’s around, she can’t even think straight. But whatever, she has to give it a try. She’s come so far, asking Kenna for help, right?

After a few weeks, everyone gets an invitation to a ball. How surprising and not suspicious of Kenna, Zenobia thought, as she got ready.
Everyone will be there, meaning she’ll get to see Tevan. But also, everyone will be there, to see her fail miserably when trying to… flirt with him.
She sighed as she put one last fancy pin in her hair, and stood up.
Ready? Probably not. But it was too late to turn around and go anyway.

She entered the ballroom, clenching her fist. Many nobles already arrived, mingling, eating, dancing and sharing drinks. From afar, she saw Kenna winking at her, right before crashing into someone.
“Oh! Will you watch where you’re-“ She started complaining, before figuring who the figure was. “—Tevan!” it was already a disaster. Way to start this, right?
“Zenobia.” He returned the gesture. “Forgive me for my clumsiness. You look lovely tonight.” He bowed, taking her hand.
“oh.” She was surprised, not only he ignored her harsh tone from before, but also took all the blame and…. Complimented her. A real gentleman, she knew there was a reason she liked him in the first place.
“L-lo… Lovely seeing you too.” She somehow managed to answer, as he planted a kiss to the back of her hand.
He stood up. “Yes, it’s been a long time since I last saw you.” He continued, and Zenobia could feel herself beginning to blush.
Not wanting the conversation to be over, but now knowing how to respond, she nodded. “Yes, it… uh- has.” She muttered, as Tevan bowed again and left, saying hello to new guests.
Zenobia could feel her heart beating in her chest, cheeks flushed and hands slightly sweaty.
This wasn’t a total disaster, but still… didn’t go too well either.
She caught a glimpse of Kenna again, standing next to Raydan, in a rare moment when nobleman weren’t surrounding them. She decided that greeting them would be a nice move, now, and an opportunity to cool herself from the rollercoaster her heart was going through right now.
“Your majesty.” She said, knowing now there was some protocol to be followed. And also respecting Kenna enough to actually following it.
“Zenobia. Good to see you again.” Kenna smiled at her.
“King Raydan.” She continued.
“Ah. Zenobia. Is my sister joining us tonight?” He asked without further formalities.
“I don’t believe so. When I left, there was still some things needing to be taken care off.” She remembered how she practically begged Diavolos to stay too, but he declined, saying that whatever Zenobia had planned had to be good, and even Adder commented about being sad on not being able to go. No one beside Kenna knew anything, but it still felt like everyone did.
She saw Raydan eyeing Tevan from afar, and sent him a questioning look. To which he replied with “you should invite him for a drink.” With a sly smile.
Zenobia’s eyes shot wide open in surprise, and then turned to Kenna in accusation. “You told him!” she said as she pointed a finger at her.
“He’s my husband. What did you expect? I tell him everything.” Kenna chuckled, taking Zenobia’s hand and lowering it. “It’s not polite to point at people. And besides, he’s right.” Kenna was still holding her hand, gracefully, and it did suggest some comfort to Zenobia.
Raydan laid a hand over Kenna’s shoulder, as Zenobia nodded and made her way towards the wine table.
If she was going to invite Tevan for a drink, she would at least have to have one herself first… she thought.
“Twice is a charm.” Tevan steps beside her.
“Isn’t it supposed to be ‘third time’s a charm’?” she answers without thinking.
“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to make sure to run into you a third time.” Tevan doesn’t hesitate.
She can feel herself blushing again, but pushes it aside and with all her will power to still think straight as she asks “Would you like a drink?”
“I’d love one.” He smiles at her, wide smile… a true one, and her heart melts. Good thing she already asked him, because had he smiled at her like that before, she would not have been able to say… anything that made sense.
He poured two glasses of wine, one for each of them, and handed her hers.
“What should we toast to?” He asked her, bringing her back to reality.
“Um…” Is saying ‘to us’ is too much? Defiantly is. She barely pulled herself together…
“To Fydoria?” She tried. “I heard you won that… knights tournament.”
“You keep up with the news on Fydoria?” Tevan seemed delighted.
“I- uh… I do.” She admitted.
“Well then, to Abanthus, as well. I heard that ball you threw not so long ago was called the party of the year. I regret not being able to make it.” He says, swinging the glass to the air.
She remembers how disappointed she was when he didn’t show up, but sent his sister instead with an ‘apology’ letter. She was too proud to admit she kept the letter in the own chambers, instead of throwing it.
“To Fydoria and Abanthus.” He tells her.
“To Fydoria and Abanthus.” She repeats after him, with a smile, clinking their glasses.

After a few more glasses, she found herself dancing with Tevan. A pleasant surprise she didn’t think she’d get to do, not at this ball, at least.
She was light-headed, from all the wine, but still enjoyed the moment.
He placed his hand on her back, in a respectfully way, but still held her closer than necessary for the dance they were dancing. She didn’t complain, though.

As the night wore off, Zenobia had to admit she was… well, drunk. But it didn’t prevent her from catching him looking down at her lips. She moved closer, closing the gap between them and their lips until–
“No.” Tevan moved away in the last moment.
“No- What?” She felt so embarrassed, so humiliated. She couldn’t believe she let him play her like that, and throw her away at the end.
“I- it’s not like that.” He protested.
“Oh? So what’s it like then?” you could hear the hurt in her voice. Her eyebrows furrowed in an angry expression.
“I’m not about to kiss a drunken lady who will not remember it the next day.”
Oh. It made sense.
Although she was sure he did that all the time, from what she’s seen and heard, but she was glad she wasn’t like the rest.
“I will see you tomorrow?” He leaned in again, almost touching their lips, but just almost.
“I would like that.” She answered.
Looking around her, the party was mainly over, so she let Tevan escort her to her assigned room, and said her goodbye to him. He kissed the back of the palm of her hand again, this time lingering for a few moments, but eventually, let go.

In the morning, she couldn’t tell if this was all a dream, or reality. Since at breakfast, Tevan haven’t said a word to her, and she could feel herself a bit disappointed, again. This time, though, she didn’t show it.
As soon as he finished eating his breakfast, Tevan announced he had to take care of some business, and was excused off the table. Zenobia watched as he exited the room, but didn’t catch the look Kenna gave her.
Kenna was smiling. Probably hiding something.
After the meal was finished, everyone got ready to leave, some in carriages, some on horses, and some in airships. Zenobia Ignored Diavolos teasing her, and just wanted to get on their airship back home.
“C’mon, sis, why the sour face? This is what you wanted. Isn’t it?” He asked as they both headed in the direction of their airship.
“I’m not in the mood right now, Diavolos.” She said through greeted teeth.
“You’re never in the mood.” He mimicked her while throwing his arms in the air, as if he was saying he’s innocent.
She was so glad they reached the entrance of the airship, knowing she could lock herself in her room and not have to listen to Diavolos for the next few hours, when he blocked her path.
“Nuh-uh.” He said. “You’re not coming with me.” He didn’t let her past him.
“What the hell? What are you up to, Diavolos? I already told you I’m not in the mood-“ she was about to snap at him when she caught he was pointing to somewhere behind her.
“You’re going with him.” Diavolos simply said, a sly smile spreading across his face. “Have fun, sis.” He jumped into the airship and ordered the doors closed.
Zenobia turned around, confusion and anger still on her face, when she saw Tevan waiting, holding a carriage’s door open and smiling at her.
She made her way towards him, hesitating at first, but as she reached him all her worries dissolved.
“Care to join me for a ride? On a day almost as beautiful as you are?” he stepped down of the carriage and helped her up.
He thinks I’m beautiful? Zenobia blushed at the thought.
“Of course I do.” He answered. Apparently she asked that out loud.
They get inside the carriage, and Tevan closes the door after them. And the driver of the carriage starts moving.
“So, what is all this supposed to mean?” She asks what’s on her mind. Finally able to talk to him a little less flushed, and more like herself.
“It’s a date.” Tevan simple says.
“A date?” Zenobia questioned him.
“Yes. You know, when two people find interest in each other and want to spend time together. The courting procedure has changed since Kenna married Raydan. So I’m taking you on a date.” Tevan was talking in a confident voice, but even Zenobia could see the blush threatening to fill his face. “If you’d like. I mean.” He added, in the end.
“I would,” She said, getting closer to him, this time, taking charge of her own fate, like Kenna suggested.
Tevan never would’ve thought, in a million years, that Zenobia Nervakis would take interest in him. But she did. And a faint pink crept his way into his cheeks, never has he blushed because of a girl, but there’s a first for time for everything, He figured.
“So, as promised. This shall be our first date.” He announced happily.
“I remembered something else promised me yesterday, too.” She placed a hand on his.
“Yesterday…?” He tried to remember.
“A kiss.” She said, as if it was obvious.
“A kiss. Of course.” He grinned at her.
“Well, I’m a man of my word. And I intend… To keep… That promise.” Without paying attention, both found themselves leaning into each other. Lips inches apart, but this time, no one pulled back.
He kissed her, softly, at first. As if he was afraid. And maybe he was.
But after a few moments of hesitant and chaste kisses, they deepened the kiss. His hand found her way to her hip, as he held her closer, and her hands flew up to his neck and hair. Their tongues tangling together, as she tugs at his shirt and pulled him even closer into her.
“Maybe we should take it slower.” He said, but his actions were opposing his words, as he started trailing kisses down her neck.
“I guess you’re right,” Zenobia said as she dug her nails into his skin.
He stopped for a moment, admiring her, with such desire in his eyes. Years of missed opportunities were felt in each kiss, each touch they shared. Her heart was beating fast in her chest now, for an entirely different reason than before.
He was about to kiss her again when the carriage suddenly stopped, making them both jump in their seat.
“Oh!” Zenobia exhaled, as Tevan chuckled. Both were out of breath, but he managed to bring himself to look out of the window somehow.
“I guess we reached our destination.” He said.
“Destination?” She asked.
“Of our date,” He said, standing up and offering his hand.
“Oh. Of course.” She took his hand in hers. “Our date.”