A Modern Romance: Count on Me

Count On Me
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is a response to my 1000 followers give away and the drabble prompt “rescue”.

Pairing- Modern Diavolos/Kenna

Rating- PG

Summary- Kenna locks herself out of her apartment and Diavolos rescues her.

Words- 370

Kenna reached into her purse for her keys and then frowned when she couldn’t find them. She closed her eyes, suddenly remembering taking her keys out at the office and throwing them on her desk. She groaned and leaned against her door.

She could go and get the building manager, but that seemed like such a hassle since there was no guarantee he was in and other people had keys to her apartment. Annelyse had a key, so did Dom and Sei and so did Diavolos…

Her mind made up, Kenna grabbed her phone and sent a quick text. I’m locked out.

Her phone immediately beeped. I’m on my way.

Kenna sat down outside her door, trying not to analyze why she’d just chosen to text that particular person. Instead, she took her phone out and decided to catch up on some e-mails while she waited. It wasn’t long before she heard footsteps in the hallway and she stood up as Diavolos approached.

“I feel like an idiot,” she commented with a smile.

“It can happen to anyone,” he reassured her as he unlocked the door.

Kenna noticed then that he had a bag of food in his hands. “You stopped to get takeout?” She asked, raising an eyebrow as they stepped inside the apartment. That seemed odd, given how quickly he’d gotten there.

“I was on my way home with takeout when you texted,” he corrected, “I just changed destination and thought we could share.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Kenna admitted as he put the food on the coffee table. “Thank you.”

She wasn’t sure if she was thanking him for the food or for coming to her rescue or both. Or maybe for so much more.

Maybe she was thanking him for how easy he had fit into her life and how she’d chosen him to come to her aid without a second thought, knowing he wouldn’t let her down. That line of thinking was dangerous, she knew that, but it was hard not to go there.

“Any time,” Diavolos promised, pulling her into his arms.

Kenna raised her mouth to his, accepting his kiss happily and leaning into his embrace. If only they could stay like this forever.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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