A Modern Romance: Make You Mine

Make You Mine
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I’ve had this one bouncing around for a while. It’s the next part of “A Modern Romance” and it’s set between “Just For Tonight” and “Too Much”. This one is a Hero crossover (set shortly before Book 1 begins) and thanks to @ken and @violet for letting me bounce ideas around about how this should go. This is the response to five different prompt requests: “I don’t care who sees”, “a kiss because I’ve been staring at you all night”, jealous Diavolos, “pinning the other against the wall” and angry sex.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Annelyse sets Kenna up on a date to a function where Diavolos is also present.

Words- 2657

“You did what?” Kenna asked, shooting Annelyse a look.

“I arranged for Grayson Prescott to escort you to the function tonight,” Annelyse told her calmly. “Something came up and I can’t make it and I know you hate going to these things alone.”

“Couldn’t Will accompany me?” Kenna asked desperately.

“Will is still in London,” Annelyse reminded her.

“What about you?” Kenna asked Raydan, who was leaning against her desk reading some papers. He didn’t normally act as her escort for a variety of reasons, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

A look of surprise (and was that amusement?) flashed across his face as he looked up the papers he was reading. “I’m on my way out of town, as well, to look into something for Whitlock. I’m just finishing up this paperwork before I leave so that you can look at it.”

“Which is fine, because you have a very appropriate escort for the night,” Annelyse reminded her smoothly. She raised an eyebrow. “I thought you liked Grayson.”

“I do,” Kenna said instantly and it was true, Grayson was one of the sweetest, kindest men she knew and it was impossible not to like him. However, that didn’t mean she wanted to go on a date with him or with anyone. Her love life was complicated enough as it was without adding someone else into it.

“I’m not interested in dating,” Kenna reminded Annelyse.

Raydan and Annelyse exchanged a look.

“You’ve made that clear,” Annelyse agreed, “but this isn’t a date. It’s an acquaintance doing you a favor and escorting you to a function. Unless there’s a reason he shouldn’t?”

She looked directly at Kenna, almost as if she was daring her to say something.

She knows, Kenna realized. She’d wondered for a while, but now, seeing the way Annelyse was looking at her, she had the feeling that her friend knew that she was sleeping with Diavolos.

Kenna glanced at Raydan, who had gone back to his papers, but she knew him well enough to know that he was still focused on the conversation. Kenna bit her lip, unwilling to confirm her friend’s suspicions because that would mean having to explain her relationship with Diavolos.

And how did she do that? How did she explain that ‘just sex’ had become so much more? More than it was allowed to be. Besides, admitting it to Annelyse would mean confirming it was real and she needed to keep pretending it wasn’t, because she didn’t want to think about all the consequences and the fact that there was no way she got to keep him.

It was easier to keep pretending, so she took a deep breath and said, “no, no reason. Tell Grayson that I’m very grateful he’s able to escort me.”

Grayson was every bit as charming as Kenna remembered. “Kenna, you look beautiful as always,” he said greeting her with a kiss on the cheek.

“You clean up well yourself,” she told him, taking the arm he offered. She’d insisted on meeting him at the hotel, trying to cut down on the ‘date’ vibes of the evening. “What brings you to New York?”

“Meetings, what else,” he said with a shrug, “but I had a free evening and when Annelyse called in a favor, I was happy to help.”

There was a slight tinge of amusement to his smile and Kenna suddenly wondered exactly what Annelyse had told him.

“Well, I appreciate it,” she said, deciding that she was probably just being paranoid and reading into things. “I hate going to these things alone.”

“Me too,” Grayson admitted, “there’s nothing worse than being forced to make small talk with a bunch of dull people, it’s nice to have at least one friendly face.”

“Exactly,” Kenna agreed with a smile, relaxing a bit. It didn’t seem like Grayson was reading anything into this evening, other than the fact that she needed an escort, so she might as well relax and enjoy his company.

“I heard that Prescott Industries is getting ready to debut some revolutionary new technology,” she commented as they made their way to their table.

“Yes,” Grayson told her, “my father is planning for a grand unveiling if you want to make your way to Northbridge, I’ll make sure your name is on the guest list.”

Kenna smiled, but the smile faded when she caught sight of the man already seated at the table. Diavolos. Why were they seated together, tonight of all nights?

Diavolos stood when he saw her, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in Grayson’s presence at her side, but he hid it behind a friendly smile. “Grayson, it’s been too long.”

“It has,” Grayson responded with a friendly smile. “I think it’s been at least a year. You’ve been out of town the last couple times I’ve been in New York.”

“Do you two know each other well?” Kenna asked curiously after they were all seated.

It didn’t surprise her that they were acquainted, the business world was relatively small and it made sense that their paths would have crossed, but the dynamic between the two men seemed to suggest something more.

“We went to the same boarding school,” Diavolos explained, “I was a few years ahead of Grayson, of course, but it was a small school and everyone knew everyone. We stayed in touch.”

Kenna felt like there had had to be more to it than that, but she didn’t pry. Diavolos personal life was his business after all. Besides, she just wanted this evening to go as quickly and smoothly as possible.

It was weird enough to be on a date of sorts but even weirder to have Diavolos as a witness.  He and Grayson chatted amicably during the dinner and they all made small talk with their other table companions, but Kenna could feel his eyes on her constantly and wondered what he was thinking. Did it bother him to see her with Grayson or maybe it didn’t bother him at all? Kenna found herself bothered by that last thought, which was ridiculous since there was no reason for Diavolos to be jealous in the first place.

Grayson was an attentive date, constantly checking to see if there was anything she needed or just drawing her into the conversation. As always Kenna found herself really enjoying his company, but at the same time she wished he wasn’t there and that she had gone to this function alone, because then she wouldn’t have to keep glancing at Diavolos, wondering what he was thinking and if he understood that there wasn’t anything going on between her and Grayson. That she didn’t want any other man.

Oh God, where had that thought come from?

“Kenna, are you alright?” Grayson asked instantly and she was aware that her dismay must have shown on her face.

“I’m fine,” she told him, careful not to look at Diavolos.

“If that’s the case, would you like to dance?” He asked, getting to his feet even as he asked her.

“Of course,” Kenna said, knowing it would be impolite to say no. Her eyes traveled to Diavolos, who was pretending to listen to something one of the men at the table was saying, but his eyes were focused on her and the expression was unreadable.

“I think if Diavolos and I weren’t old friends, I’d be missing a few teeth right now,” Grayson told her lightly once they were on the dance floor, holding her at a polite distance.

Kenna stiffened, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Grayson raised an eyebrow but didn’t push the subject. “Would you mind if I called it a night?” He asked instead. “I have an early breakfast meeting.”

“Of course not,” Kenna assured him, “thank you again, for agreeing to accompany me.”

“Normally I’d say anytime, but I have a feeling the situation won’t come up again,” he told her and that mysterious little smile was there again.

The song ended and he led her back to the table, only Diavolos was there, the others having gotten up to mingle. Grayson said his goodbyes to them both and then left, as soon as he was gone Diavolos got to his feet. “Get your purse,” he whispered in Kenna’s ear.

“What?” She asked, turning her head to look at him.

“Get your purse,” he repeated, placing his hand on her elbow. She wanted to ask him what in the Hell he thought he was doing, giving her orders, but she also didn’t want to make a scene. She grabbed her purse and let him lead her out of the ballroom, planning on giving him a piece of his mind once they were outside. To her surprise, he led her towards the elevator instead of the exit.

“Where are we going?”

“I had my assistant book me a room,” Diavolos told her casually.

Kenna stopped. “What if someone sees us?”

“I don’t give a damn,” He told her, his stance firm, though he had stopped moving. “We can have this conversation here or in my hotel room, it’s up to you. I personally don’t care who sees us, but I know you do.”

There was a bitter tone to his words and Kenna sighed, following him into the elevator. They were both silent as they rode to their destination, though she was very aware of Diavolos presence and his hand on her back.

The elevator beeped and Diavolos led her down the hall and opened a door. The room was luxurious, but Kenna didn’t pay any attention, they could have been in a $30 a night motel room for all the attention she was paying.

“What the fuck has gotten into you?” She demanded as soon as the door had closed and they were alone.

“What’s gotten into me?” Diavolos growled. “How about the fact that I had to spend the whole night watching you with another man? Knowing he had the right to smile at you and touch you, while I don’t?!”

There was something in his expression, a mix of jealousy and pain that dimmed her anger.

“Diavolos…” She whispered, reaching out for him and he met her halfway. But instead of a gentle, comforting touch, she’d intended, what she got was a deep and demanding kiss, his lips crushing hers as he pushed her back against the wall.

“I’ve been waiting hours to do that,” he told her, his hands tangling in her hair.

“Me too,” Kenna admitted, pulling him down to her for another kiss, savoring the feel of his soft lips and hard body against hers.

“Do you know how badly I wanted to shout that you were mine,” Diavolos asked her, his lips trailing down her neck. “But I can’t. You won’t let me.”

“You know why,” Kenna pointed out, her hands reach for the buttons of his shirt.

“How would you feel if I’d been the one with a date?” Diavolos countered, impatiently pulling at the zipper of her dress.

Kenna froze, her stomach twisting at the idea of Diavolos and another woman. “I’m sorry,” she said instantly, “Annelyse set it up and I didn’t know how to say no.”

“Because it would have meant admitting there was someone in your life,” Diavolos pointed, “and you won’t do that.”

“It’s not just because of me,” Kenna reminded him, suddenly irritated by his attitude, “you have more to lose than I do.”

Kenna had no idea how her friends and business associates would react if they knew about her relationship with Diavolos, and it would certainly stir up all the old gossip about the bad blood between the Nevrakis and Rys families, but she was pretty sure it would be manageable.

However, she knew Luther Nevrakis, understood how much he hated her and knew that he would never accept her in his son’s life and that he would do everything in his power to either sperate them or punish Diavolos and she would not be the reason Diavolos lost everything he had worked his entire life towards.

Diavolos didn’t answer, he just kissed her again and she could feel all of his anger and frustration but also his desperation and she kissed him back, pouring all of her emotions into the kiss as she shoved his jacket and shirt off his shoulders. Her dress and underwear fell to the floor a moment later, along with Diavolos’s pants and boxers.

He slipped a hand between her thighs, obviously seeing if she was ready for him and let out a low groan when he felt how wet she was. He lifted her up slightly to give himself a better angle and then he slammed into her, making her gasp and dig her nails into his shoulder.

Kenna wrapped her legs around him, clinging to him as he began to thrust into her. It was hard and fast, both of them in need of a release. Diavolos devoured her with his mouth as he pounded himself into her and it wasn’t long before Kenna felt herself coming undone, scratching his back as she sobbed out his name. Diavolos came a moment later, spilling himself inside of her with a groan.

“You feel so fucking good,” he muttered against her skin, “no one else has ever made me feel like this.”

“Me either,” Kenna admitted as he set her on her feet.

He stepped back, running his a hand through his hair. “I feel like an ass for just dragging you up here. I’ll arrange a car to take us home.”

“Don’t,” Kenna said, stepping closer to him and smiling beguilingly at him, “after all, now that we have this room, we might as well take advantage of it and spend the night here together, pretending the rest of the world doesn’t exist.”

Diavolos looked conflicted for a moment and Kenna wondered if he was going to turn her down and tell her that he was done with the games and the secrecy. However, after a moment, he wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips against her forehead. “I can do that.” He grinned. “Why don’t we start with a shower?”

“Sounds good,” Kenna agreed, “you get it started, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Diavolos nodded and headed to the bathroom. Kenna watched him, admiring his naked form, thinking for the million time just how gorgeous he was. It was a little unfair, really, she thought. He was rich and gorgeous and charming and smart and incredible in bed. He was the perfect man and in another lifetime, she would be the happiest woman in the world because he wanted her.

Just then, her phone went off and she reached for it happily, glad to be cut off from that particular train of thought. Though she frowned when she saw it was Annelyse. She responded to the first message and got another message immediately.

Kenna read the message and bit her lip. Ok, Annelyse definitely knew about Diavolos. The question was, how did she feel about it? Had this whole ‘date’ been a trick and if so, for what purpose?

“Babe, are you coming or am I showering alone?” Diavolos called from the bathroom, his voice lighter than it had been.

Kenna tossed her phone aside, she’d worry about Annelyse later, and headed towards the bathroom.

Diavolos had the water already going and he was just waiting for her, leaning against the wall looking so good that the sight of him nearly took her breath away. “Did you get lost?” he teased, pulling her against him.

Kenna didn’t answer, she just pressed her lips to his. He wrapped his arm around her as he kissed her back long and slow, filling her with a happy warmth. She didn’t know what this was, didn’t know how it could possibly end any way other than in heartbreak but she knew there was nowhere she’d rather be than with him.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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