Don’t Want to Let You Go

Don’t Want to Let You Go
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is a request for a “can’t let go” kiss. This is set four months into Kenna and Diavolos marriage.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Kenna and Diavolos prepare for their first separation since getting married.

Words- 611

“Your Majesty?” The maid said, entering the war room, “the King wanted you to know that he is preparing to leave.”

“Thank you, Sylvie,” Kenna said, standing up before turning to the others, “We can continue this later.”

“Of course,” Raydan said smoothly, while everyone else nodded.

Kenna exited the room in a hurry, heading towards the grounds where the airship was being prepared. Diavolos and his second-in-command were supervising the preparation.

“Queen Kenna,” Commander Magnus greeted with a smile and then he grinned at Diavolos, “I’m going to prepare the crew, take as much time as you need.”

With that he disappeared inside the ship, leaving Kenna and Diavolos alone.

“I don’t plan on being away long,” Diavolos assured her, “a week, maybe two.”

Two weeks sounded like an eternity, Kenna thought but didn’t say. She didn’t want to come off as clingy. They had been married for four months and this was their first separation. They had known this day would come, with Diavolos needed in Abanthus and her presence was required at Stormholt.

“Come here,” Diavolos commanded gruffly, holding out his arms.

Kenna stepped into them, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lowered his lips to hers. She knew that he intended it as a sweet goodbye kiss, but there was an unexpected intensity to it. They clung to one another, his hand buried in her air, his other wrapped tight around her pulling her close to him. Neither of them cared that they were standing on the castle lawn where anyone could see.

“Kenna,” Diavolos groaned against her lips before deepening the kiss again. Finally, they broke apart for air and he rested his forehead against hers.

“I need to go,” he reminded her.

Kenna nodded, “I know.”

Neither of them made any attempt to move, though. Instead, Kenna raised her lips to his again and he responded eagerly. They were both mindful of where they were and the kiss never moved to heated territory, the kind that led with clothes being torn off and them finding the nearest hard surface, instead it stayed warm and affectionate, about closeness more than passion.

Diavolos peppered little kisses all over her face, his large hand resting on the small of her back. “I love you,” he assured her.

“I love you too,” Kenna told him, kissing his chin, noting the feel of his stubble beneath her lips.

Their lips met again and again, neither of them ready to let go. Finally, there was the sound of a cough behind them and they reluctantly broke apart to see Magnus exiting the airship.

“I know I said take your time, but we do need to be on our way or we’ll be working against the wind,” the other man advised, “besides the sooner we leave, the faster you can get back to your bride.” Magnus sent Diavolos a meaningful look and then ducked back inside the airship.

“Two weeks at the most,” Diavolos promised.

“You have your orb, right?” Kenna asked, thinking about the wedding gift Tevan had given them.

“In my pack,” Diavolos assured her, his arms still around her. “I’m sure I’ll make good use of it.”

He pressed his lips to hers one last time, just a peck this time, and then reluctantly stepped back. “Miss me,” he instructed with that confident grin she loved so much.

“Maybe,” Kenna teased and then she shrieked when Diavolos pulled her hard against him and kissed her hard. “All right, I’ll miss you desperately,” she promised, trying to resist the urge to wrap her arms around him again.

“Good.” With that, he turned and boarded the airship.

Kenna watched him go with a sigh, knowing that it was going to be a very long two weeks.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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