Waiting, Hoping

Waiting, Hoping
By Misha

Disclaimer- Sadly Kenna and Diavolos (and the world they inhabit) belong to someone else. I just like to borrow them for a while, but I always return them unharmed.

Author’s Notes- I figure there is no such thing as a first response pregnancy test in the Five Kingdoms, so it would be more of a waiting game. Also I picture Diavolos as noticing every little thing about Kenna and that influenced this story. I love happy Kenna and Diavolos and hope to write lots more of happy family ficlets in the future.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG

Summary- Kenna waits and hopes for news that will change her life.

Words- 469


Kenna has never been so aware of her body before.

She tracks the passage of time carefully as a month without her cycle becomes two. Every additional day makes her heart beat a little bit faster with hope and anticipation.

She analyzes every symptom and change in her body carefully. Noticing the way that food no longer smells the same or how she can no longer get by on only a few hours of sleep.

She tells herself it’s too soon to know for sure and that only time will tell, but that doesn’t stop her from dreaming of tiny little fingers and sweet baby smells.

Diavolos is an observant man, especially where she is concerned, and she knows that she is not alone in the waiting game, though they never discuss it. But she can feel his gaze linger on her as she refuses a once-favorite food because of the way it makes her stomach roll. She notices the way he touches her now-tender breasts with infinite care and can feel the hope that neither one of them wants to voice.

He holds her in his strong arms at night and one hand inevitably ends up splayed protectively over her stomach.

Finally, two months becomes three and the symptoms continue to grow stronger and her once-flat stomach begins to show a slight swell and she is confident enough to talk to the local midwife. The woman conducts a quick exam and then confirms Kenna’s deepest hope.

She’s going to be a mother.

Kenna can’t keep the smile off her face the rest of the day, even as she impatiently wants her meetings and appointments to come to an end so she can be alone with her husband.

“Did you have a good day, my love?” He asks that night, greeting her with a kiss. It’s their custom to meet in their chambers before dinner and discuss their day in private.

“I saw the midwife today,” she tells him, placing her arms around his neck. She can feel him go completely still, as if too nervous to even breath. His face is a mask, but she can see the hope, the longing, in his dark eyes. “You’re going to be a father, in the spring.”

Anyone else might be surprised by the look of awe on his face, but not Kenna. She knows the gentle man beneath the tough warrior and knows exactly how much this means to him. How much it means to them both.

He drops to his knees in front of her and places a gentle kiss on her stomach, to the place where their child is growing. Kenna runs her fingers through his hair and sighs with contentment, wondering if life has ever been better than this.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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