Find A Way

Find A Way
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I normally stick to one word titles for my Kenna/Diavolos smut, but I figure since this is part of my 31 day challenge I can break my own rules. This is Day 29- “Life isn’t a fairytale. There isn’t always a happy ending.” Thanks to @party and @ for suggesting this prompt for Kenna and Diavolos. Also, while I went another direction for Day 15, I am also tying in the suggestion of “tell me you don’t love me”. This is set during the events of Chapter 16 of Book 3, between defeating Azura and confronting Luther.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Diavolos comes to Kenna’s room after she defeats Azura.

Words- 1797

Kenna was just settling into her bed, having shooed all her friends away. As much as she loved them and appreciated their concern, what she wanted right now was to rest.

Annelyse had lingered the longest, checking to make sure that Kenna was okay and finally accepting that she was just sore and tired. “Get some sleep and we’ll celebrate tomorrow,” she’d said, kissing Kenna’s forehead before leaving.

Just as Kenna was starting to drift off into a blissful, and much-needed sleep, she heard the door open.

“Annelyse, I told you I’m fine.” She called out, not opening her eyes.

“I’m not Annelyse,” a deep male voice answered.

Kenna’s eyes shot open. She recognized that voice. “Diavolos…” She breathed, sitting up.

He crossed the room quickly. “I didn’t mean to wake you,” he apologized, “I just… I needed to see for myself that you were alright.”

Kenna’s heart melted at the concern in his voice.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she told him sincerely, patting to the spot on the bed next to her. She had wanted to go to him before she’d faced Azura, but he’d been with his father and Zenobia and she knew it wasn’t appropriate and had just hoped that she’d have another chance to say what she wanted to say. Now she had that chance.

Diavolos hesitated before bending to take off his boots and then climb in next to her. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him and burying his face in her hair. “When I saw you go down…”

“I’m ok,” she assured him, thinking how nice it felt to be in his arms.

He held her for a moment longer and then pulled away. “I shouldn’t be here.”

Kenna knew he was right, if he was caught in her chambers there would be a lot of questions that she wasn’t sure she had the answers for, at least not yet, but… “What if I want you here?” She countered, her hand resting on his arm.

Diavolos looked conflicted. “Kenna…”

“Was last night just about burning off some pre-battle energy?” She asked quietly.

“No!” He said adamantly. “Last night… It was…”

“I know,” Kenna said gently, cutting him off. “I felt it too.”

She’d felt more than she’d ever expected to feel. She’d accepted Diavolos’s offer because there had been a powerful attraction between them from the start and a part of her hoped that acting on it once would be enough and that she’d be able to go back to seeing him as just another ally. It wasn’t. Instead, it had just made Kenna want more, it had made her want things that should be impossible. But then, defeating Azura should also have been impossible and she’d managed that, so why couldn’t she pull off a happy ending for herself?

“Diavolos, I…”

“No,” he said, cutting her off, “Please don’t say it, Kenna.” He pulled away, getting up off the bed. “I shouldn’t have come here.”

“But you did,” Kenna reminded him, her exhaustion suddenly forgotten, “and you came here for a reason because you feel something too.”

“It doesn’t matter what I feel,” Diavolos told her quietly, “Life isn’t a fairytale. There isn’t always a happy ending.”

“You can make your own happy ending if you fight hard enough,” Kenna countered. She had spent the last three years doing just that. She’d beaten all the odds, defeated every enemy and now she wanted to be happy and she was quickly realizing that that happiness included Diavolos.

“My father’s never going to let us be together,” Diavolos told her in a quiet voice, “you know that as well as I do.”

She did know that. She thought of her conversation with Luther and the quiet warning she had given him. He might have held up his end of the bargain, but it didn’t mean that their alliance would hold or that they would ever be able to be more than enemies.

“Do you always do what your father says?” Kenna challenged. “You’re a grown man, Diavolos, you can make your own choices. Do you want me?”

“Of course I do!” He nearly shouted and then, obviously remembering where he was, lowered his voice. “I want you so badly that you’re all I can think about.”

“I want you too,” she told him, “and not just for one night.”

Diavolos stared at her for a long moment, a look of intense longing on his handsome face, and then suddenly, he was back on the bed, his lips pressed against hers in a hard, hungry kiss. Kenna responded eagerly, forgetting how sore and tired she was, forgetting everything but how good it was to be with this man. She tugged at his clothing, pushing it aside impatiently as he did the same with her nightgown.

Kenna ran her hands over his hard muscle, savoring the feel of him as his hands trailed down her stomach before resting between her thighs. She sighed in pleasure as Diavolos slipped two fingers inside of her, pumping them at a frantic rate that had her gasping.

“Ooohhh,” she cried, clinging to him.

“I love that sound,” Diavolos told her in a low voice. He suddenly removed his hand, causing her to whine in protest, and then suddenly his body was over hers and he was inside of her in one swift movement. His movements were hard and fast, but that was ok, Kenna was ready for him, eager even.

She’d almost died. She could have lost everything, but she didn’t. Instead, she was here, with this man, and she knew it was where she wanted to be for the rest of her life.

Diavolos kissed her deeply as he moved within her and she could feel his need and want. He might not admit it, but Kenna knew he wanted this, wanted everything, as much as she did. It wasn’t long before they both reached their peak, coming at the same time, their limbs tangled together as they cried out each other’s names.

Diavolos rested his weight on his hands, careful not to crush her, and gazed down at her with a look on his face that took her breath away. This man loved her. He might not be able to say it yet, but she could see it in his eyes. He kissed her one more time, pouring all his emotion into the kiss making sure that Kenna could feel all the things she knew he wasn’t ready to say, then he rolled onto his back.

“I did not come here to do that,” he told her ruefully.

“Maybe not, but it was nice.” Kenna murmured, though now she felt even more tired and sore than before. That might not have been the best idea, all things considered. But it was worth it. She curled up into Diavolos side and he instinctively wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

Kenna gazed up at him, noting the pensive look on his face and understood that he still felt conflicted, that he still didn’t think this could be anything, despite what had just happened. She understood where he was coming from, thought about what he’d told her about his childhood and his feelings on love and romance, and she knew that the concept of happiness didn’t come easily to him.

Diavolos had spent his entire life making himself into his father’s weapon, but now the war was over and Kenna was determined to help him see that he could be more than a soldier, that it was time for him to finally listen to his heart. She was willing to bet everything she had that he felt the same way she did, that this was much more than physical, but she had to know for sure.

“Tell me you don’t love me,” she said suddenly, gazing into his eyes.

Diavolos stiffened, obviously surprised by her question. “Kenna…”

“Tell me,” she encouraged, “if this isn’t… If it’s just physical, then say it.”

“I can’t,” Diavolos told her after a moment, “But I don’t… I’ve never…”

“I know,” Kenna said softly, “and I’m not asking for the words.”

Yet. She wanted the words, of course, she did, but they could wait. She knew how he felt, could see it on his face and feel it in his every touch. Right now, this was enough, to make him question how he felt and see that it was so much more than physical.

“We’ll figure it all out,” she promised him, “your father, our kingdoms, everything.”

Diavolos nodded, placing a kiss on her head, “you’re right, we will because we have to.”

He wrapped his arms around her holding her close and it felt so good and so right that Kenna felt herself drifting off to sleep, her exhaustion finally hitting her.

When she woke up in the morning, she was alone, which she’d expected. After all, Diavolos wouldn’t have been able to stay the night, not when things were still unsettled between them, it had been risky for him to come to her chambers at all, though she was glad that he had.

Kenna lay there for a long moment, soaking in the smell of him that lingered on her sheets and remembering the feel of his arms around her. She wanted that, not just stolen moments, but the ability to wake up with him and know he was hers and that she was his. She would do whatever she had to make it a reality.

Eventually, Kenna got up out of bed and got dressed. It was early and most of the castle was still asleep, but that was ok because she wanted to be alone with her thoughts. She wandered to the throne room and stood there, thinking of her mother and what she would think of all of this. She voiced her thoughts out loud, wishing her mother was there to hear her.

“How touching.” Kenna turned at the sound of Luther’s voice.

He was standing in the doorway, Diavolos at his side. Diavolos met her gaze for a moment and Kenna understood this was the moment of reckoning, but that whatever was about to happen, she and Diavolos were in it together.

Luther rambled on about respect but Kenna tuned him out, her body on alert, waiting for the attack. She could pre-empt this, but she knew they had to let Luther make a move, let him show himself to be a snake before they could take care of him once for all.

A moment later, Luther pulled out his dagger, obviously intending to throw it at her, but before he could do anything about it, Diavolos stepped forward, his sword at his father’s throat. “I don’t think so, Father.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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