
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I’ve been asked about jealousy a few times and I can’t see Kenna and Diavolos doubting each other, but at the same time they are only human. I decided that while Kenna would never doubt Diavolos, it would still annoy her to have someone hit on him in front of her and then the Zenobia and Val dialogue popped into my head and the rest was history.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Summary- After saving Diavolos from some unwanted attention, Kenna shows her husband exactly how much he means to her.

Words- 2103


Kenna had never considered herself the jealous type. The closest she’d come to experiencing the emotion was an envy of the kitchen girls Dom had romanced back in the day and that had been less about Dom and more that they’d had the freedom to make their own choice when she didn’t.

But she’d never been jealous when it’d come to her lovers, either because the relationship was casual enough that jealousy would be out of place or because she knew there was no reason to worry. That was especially true since she’d gotten married—Kenna knew that Diavolos loved her completely and that he would never do anything to hurt her, which meant she had no reason to be jealous.

However, if it wasn’t jealousy that she was feeling right now, it was something close, Kenna had to admit as she watched Lady Emmeline Denneth of Fydoria practically throw herself at Diavolos.

“I can have her banished,” Zenobia said from Kenna’s side. “Just say the word and I’ll strip her lands and title.”

“Why bother? We can just kick her ass. After all, there are three of us,” Val piped up, “we can take her easily. No way she knows how to fight.”

“We’re not fighting anyone,” Kenna scolded them, “or banishing them either.”

Though she had to admit both options sounded good. They were in Fydoria to celebrate the naming of Tevan and Zenobia’s first child, Kian, and Lady Emmeline had spent most of the evening attached to Diavolos’s side, making her interest very obvious and she didn’t seem to care who noticed. She’d barely given Kenna a second glance.

“There’s no way you aren’t bothered by her behavior,” Val said in disbelief.

“I trust Diavolos,” Kenna said levelly, trying to keep her temper in check. Which was true. She did trust Diavolos and he had done everything possible to discourage the attention without causing a scene and risk offending a powerful Fydorian noble family.

“Of course you do, because my brother adores you,” Zenobia said, rolling her eyes, “and there’s no way he’d be foolish enough to throw away what you have for some pushy countess. However, you should still be mad because she’s disrespecting you.”

Kenna had to admit that Zenobia had a point. She looked back at where Diavolos was side-stepping Emmeline’s attempt to press herself against him. It had been like that all night.

“I don’t think fighting her is an option,” Kenna pointed out, “all that would do is create a political incident.”

“We can poison her,” Zenobia said with a shrug, “no one would ever be able to prove it was us. Problem solved.”

“We can’t poison her either,” Kenna said patiently.

“If you don’t want to gang up on her, you could challenge her to a duel?” Val suggested, “I mean, there’s no way she could beat the famed Kenna Rys.”

“I’m not dueling anyone,” Kenna said with a sigh, she looked at the two women pointedly. “Since when are you two on the same side?”

They exchanged glanced and then Val shrugged. “We’re both on your side. Seriously Kenna, how can you be so calm?”

“If that witch was acting like that with Tevan, I’d be ripping her eyes out,” Zenobia said honestly.

“I’m queen, I don’t have the luxury of ripping her eyes out.” Kenna pointed out and then gave Zenobia a pointed look, “and neither do you.”

Zenobia just smirked.

Oh King Diavolos, you are soooo strong. I bet all the stories about you are true.” The sound of Emmeline’s gushing carried over to them.

Kenna gritted her teeth as the blonde countess reached out to stroke Diavolos’s arm, though she was no match for the king’s reflexes and he easily dodged her touch. Emmeline pouted prettily but didn’t seem deterred at all.

Something in Kenna snapped at the sight. Enough was enough. She straightened and strode over to Diavolos, aware that Zenobia and Val were right behind her. She pressed herself into Diavolos’s side.

“Darling, are you bragging about your accomplishments again?” She teased lovingly, resting her head on his shoulder.

Diavolos immediately wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. “You know I can’t resist telling a good war story,” he told her, “though mine don’t hold a candle to yours.”

“Oh I’m sure that’s not true,” Emmeline said, batting her lashes at Diavolos, “after all, you are so big and strong, I’m sure that you can accomplish anything.”

“I’m going to throw up,” Val muttered from behind Kenna.

“Kenna’s the legendary warrior in our family,” Diavolos said firmly.

“Yes, Kenna is quite extraordinary,” Tevan said wandering over, “are we telling stories about our favorite warrior queen? I’m biased, but I like how she took out several guards to save my life all while wearing the most remarkable dress. No hero has ever looked more beautiful.”

Kenna laughed, while Emmeline didn’t look amused.

“I’m sure Queen Kenna is quite accomplished,” She sneered, “though that was quite some time ago, wasn’t it? I’m sure you don’t get into the battlefield much these days.”

She ran her eyes up and down Kenna’s body, obviously meant to imply that she found her lacking.

“Show some respect,” Zenobia hissed.

Emmeline blinked innocently, “I didn’t mean any disrespect. I just meant it’s peacetime and the queen has no need to fight,” she smiled at Diavolos, “as for King, I’m sure he must work hard to stay in such fine form.”

“Mostly it’s Kenna,” Diavolos answered, gazing down at her lovingly, “we spar together and she keeps me on my toes…”

“Oh, I see.” Emmeline said, “how nice. I  was never into sparring or sword playing, I prefer more ladylike activities.”

Kenna fought the urge to roll her eyes. This woman was so obvious and so obnoxious. Kenna could practically feel Val’s anger and turned around to give her Master-of-Arms a pointed look. As tempting as it was, violence wasn’t the answer. Or at least that was what she kept reminding herself.

“I was always a bit of a rebel,” she said with a laugh, ignoring the insult, “I spent most of my time learning swordplay and riding horses. Luckily, I married a man who doesn’t mind at all, in fact, Diavolos likes the wild side of me, don’t you, darling?”

“I do,” Diavolos agreed instantly, looking down at her with a smile, his eyes full of that special kind of heat that existed for her and her alone. “It keeps life interesting.”

“How cute,” Lady Emmeline said with a scowl and she opened her mouth, obviously to make another pointed comment, but her scowl turned to outrage as a glass of wine landed all over her.

“Oops, I’m so clumsy,” Zenobia said, looking anything but sorry, as she held her empty wine glass. She wrinkled her nose at Emmeline. “I’d go change, the wine stains are almost as a bad look on you as your obvious desperation.”

“I-I-I-” Emmeline began, glaring at Zenobia, and then she seemed to remember that she was talking to her queen and stormed off.

“I thought I told you not to make a scene,” Kenna said, but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling.

“No, you told me I wasn’t allowed to poison her,” Zenobia commented, “you never said anything about spilling wine on her.” She made a face as she looked at her empty wine glass. “I need more wine.” She tugged Tevan’s hand and led him away.

“More wine sounds good,” Val agreed, following the Fydorian royal couple and leaving Diavolos and Kenna alone.

“Remind me to buy Zen something pretty and sparkly,” Diavolos commented, “I thought that woman would never go away.”

“You mean you didn’t like the attention?” Kenna teased.

“There’s only one woman I want gushing over me and telling me how wonderful I am,” Diavolos told her in a low voice, his hand traveling down her back to make his point.

“Gushing, huh?” Kenna said with a smirk, “so you want me to tell you how strong you are, how brave? Or do you want praise of a more intimate nature?” She turned so that she was looking up at him, “you know, I am feeling in a very appreciative mood, too bad we’re in the middle of this—”

Her words were cut off by Diavolos sweeping her into his arms. “What are you doing?” She demanded as he began to carry her out of the ballroom.

“Taking you up to our chambers, so you can show me how appreciative you’re feeling,” he told her, “given that little show, I’m sure Zenobia and Tevan won’t mind if we call it an early night.”

No, Zenobia would probably be quite smug about it, actually, Kenna mused. She also didn’t really care that they were making a bit of a spectacle and actually privately hoped it would get back to Lady Emmeline.

Diavolos carried her into their quarters and then set her down on her feet. Kenna immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply and then moved to trail kisses up his neck, nibbling on his earlobe as she deftly undid the buttons on his shirt.

“So you’re in charge tonight, huh?” Diavolos asked with a grin.

“How else can I show my appreciation?” Kenna asked him, pushing him back toward the bed. Diavolos obliged her and took a seat on the bed.

“You’ve got me where you want me,” he pointed out, “so what are you going to do with me?”

Kenna stood between his legs, resting her hands on his shoulders and then trailed them down his muscular chest. “First, I’m going to tell you how strong you are,” Kenna said in a soft, teasing voice, “how handsome and how looking at you like this makes me want to touch you…” She began to kiss her way down his chest.

“Mmmm…” Kenna undid the ties of Diavolos pants and then eased them down over his hips. “Next, I’ll talk about brave you are,” she told him, kneeling in front of him, “and how such a fierce warrior deserves a proper reward.”

“Kenna,” Diavolos said with a low groan as she palmed him in her hand and then lowered her mouth to him. She used her mouth, tongue, and hands to make him moan her name as he dug his fingers into her hair. She loved the way he shuddered against her, fighting for control. She pulled back when she knew he was close.

“Now it’s time for me to show you how much I want you,” Kenna told him, pushing him flat on his back and then straddling him, “how badly I need you.”

She lowered herself down onto and began to rock her hips. “You are so gorgeous,” Diavolos told her, as he began to thrust up into her. “I’ll never get tired of this sight.”

“Me either,” Kenna assured him, “I like having you beneath me, knowing that you mine.” She ran her hands all over his muscular chest. “I like being able to look at you, to feel you.”

She leaned forward to kiss him, her hands gripping his shoulders as she did so. They continued to rock in time, their bodies completely joined together. At first, they kept a steady pace and then their movements became more hurried, their breathing less even as they neared the brink. Kenna sat back up, trailing her hands down his firm chest as she ground her hips against his.

“Kenna, oh gods, Kenna…” Diavolos cried as he came. He gripped her hips with his hands as he bucked up into her, the friction enough to push her over along with him and she collapsed against him.

“Do you feel appreciated?” She teased.

“I feel incredibly humbled,” he told her sincerely, “I am truly the luckiest man in the world.”

“Don’t you ever forget it,” Kenna told him, as she moved off of him to rest beside him, her head in his chest.

“Never,” he assured her. “Kenna… That woman…”

“Shhh—” Kenna said, placing a finger on his lips. “I know. She was aggressive and obnoxious and I wanted to punch that simper right off of her face, but I never for a moment doubted you.”

“Good,” he told her, “because I’m yours. Heart, body, and soul.”

Kenna smiled, remembering the first time he had made that vow. The night they had made the decision to spend their lives together. In the years that had passed, Kenna’s feelings had only grown stronger and she’d never had a reason to doubt Diavolos’s vow and she knew she never would.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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