
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the much-delayed entry for Day 28 of my January Challenge: being caught in the fact. This also responds to one of the extra requests for day 21 (oral sex) and was inspired partially by the NSFW OTP questions I did where I discussed my thoughts concerning Diavolos’s feelings about oral sex. This is set in between Chapters 9 and 12 of The Crown and the Flame Book 3.

Pairing- Diavolos/Kenna

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Diavolos finds himself falling hard for the Queen of Stormholt.

Words- 1421

Diavolos wasn’t sure what he had expected of Queen Kenna, but it wasn’t the woman standing beside him, carefully studying battleplans, leaning into him as she did so. And he certainly hadn’t expected to be so attracted to her or to feel an instant connection with her that went beyond that attraction.

She might be a fierce warrior queen, and he was still in awe of the way she’d taken on Hex and Dom, but she was also a beautiful, charming, intelligent woman and he found himself drawn to her presence. To his surprise, she seemed to feel the same way about him.

He’d been caught off-guard when she’d kissed him on the airship, asking “so it’s like that?” and her smile when she’d told him, “if you want it to be.” And he did, he wanted it more than he had ever wanted anything, he wanted it with an intensity that scared him.

This was new to him. Kenna wasn’t some woman he spotted in a tavern and whisked away for a couple hours of mutual enjoyment. She was so much more than that. He liked this woman, he liked talking to her and being with her and yes, he liked kissing her and he wanted more, ached at the idea of having her under him, naked and willing but he also didn’t want to rush it.

Diavolos didn’t know what this was, but he knew it was like nothing he’d ever experienced and he didn’t want to ruin it. Besides, there was the still the problem of his father and the fact that he was a Nevrakis and she was a Rys and everything that those names represented.

Though, it was easy to forget that when he had Kenna in his arms, listening to her breathless little sighs as he pushed her against the wall and stole a kiss. On this particular afternoon, the two of them were alone in the war room, looking at battle plans when a messenger knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Kenna called out, her eyes still focused on the maps.

Diavolos instinctively stepped back from where he had been leaning over her, his hand resting on her back. He saw her frown at the loss of contact, but she didn’t say anything even as she finally turned from the maps to greet the servant.

“The troops from Abanthus have been spotted Your Majesty,” he announced, “they will be arriving by morning.”

“Thank you,” Kenna told him, dismissing him.

The servant took the hint and backed out of the room. Diavolos considered the words. The Abanthus troops, that meant his father. And with him, a reminder of who Diavolos was and where his loyalty lay. Except that wasn’t a clear as it had been a week before.

“Diavolos?” Kenna asked gently, placing her hand on his arm. “Are you ok?”

He was about to brush her off, suggest that they get back to the plans, but something in her expression made him sigh. “Just… My father has a way of disrupting things.”

“I’ve noticed,” Kenna said dryly. She studied him. “Your father doesn’t have any impact on us,” she told him quietly, gazing up at him.

“Is there an us?” Diavolos asked quietly, instinctively brushing the hair back from her face.

“If you want there to be,” she told him softly, echoing what she’d said the first time they’d kissed.

“I want a lot of things,” Diavolos confessed and then before he could stop himself, he lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply, almost desperately.

Kenna kissed him back eagerly, pressing her body against his. Diavolos maneuvered them across the room, pushing her up against the table. “I want you,” he murmured in her ear as he nibbled on the tender flesh of her neck.

“Mmmm….” Kenna murmured, running her hands down his chest and then the front of his pants, “I can tell.” She pushed at him lightly and Diavolos released her, wondering if she was objecting to the location or if reality had finally hit and she needed to step back and think things over before they took that final step.

To his surprise, she straightened and then reached for his belt. “We should do something about that,” Kenna told him with a smile, nimbly undoing his belt and then pushing his pants down, freeing his hard length.

Diavolos was about to reply when she suddenly knelt before him and he realized what she had in mind. “Kenna…” He said hesitantly.

He’d never actually been into that, to letting a woman take him in her mouth. There was something too intimate about it. He preferred to be the one in control. He was about to say so, but something in the way Kenna gazed up at him, her eyes warm, her hand on his hard length, made him forget this hesitation.

“You are so beautiful,” he told her instead, burying his hands in her hair.

She grinned, “you’re pretty impressive yourself.” She lowered her mouth to him, licking the length of him and then she took him all in her mouth.

Diavolos groaned as she wrapped her lips around him and he thrust into her waiting mouth. There was something intoxicating about the sight of Kenna on her knees in front of him, his cock in her mouth, gazing up at him with warm brown eyes as he thrust into her and Diavolos knew he wasn’t going to be able to last. He’d never felt anything like this before. He came with a groan, the location being the only thing that kept him from screaming her name.

Kenna swallowed every drop of him and then pulled away, her eyes still fastened on him. Diavolos didn’t know what had possessed her to do that for him, but he wasn’t going to question it. He pulled her to her feet and kissed her deeply, uncaring that his pants still around his ankles.

“My turn,” he told her when they pulled apart, pushing her against the table once more, lifting her up onto it and then reaching for the straps of her armor. He undid it slowly, kissing her exposed skin as he did so.

“Diavolos,” she gasped.

“So impatient,” he teased, even as he began to slide her pants down her hips. He kissed her again, their tongues tangling together as his hands slipped in between her thighs.

“Oh!!!” A sudden sound from the door interrupted them and they pulled apart in a hurry, Diavolos quickly yanking his pants back up and using his body to shield Kenna as she fumbled for her own pants.

He’d totally forgotten where they were, which never happened to him. He never lost track of his surroundings. Once they were both dressed, Diavolos turned towards the door, wondering who had interrupted them and what kind of confrontation they could expect.

To his relief, it was Annelyse standing there, after all, she was the friendliest of Kenna’s merry little band and the least likely to try and stab him, and she looked more amused than anything else. “I see, I’m interrupting,” she commented, obviously trying not to smile, “but Kenna I need to talk to you about supplies for the infirmary.”

Kenna nodded, obviously trying to regain her composure. “Of course, give me a moment.”

Annelyse nodded and then exited, closing the door behind her.

“Next time we need to go somewhere more private,” Kenna told him ruefully.

“Next time?” Diavolos teased as he helped her buckle her armor, “is there going to be a next time?”

He wanted there to be, he desperately wanted that, but he wasn’t going to take anything for granted.

“Definitely,” Kenna assured him, leaning in to kiss him.

Diavolos wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close against him as he deepened the kiss. Finally, she pulled away with a sigh. “Annelyse is waiting for me.”

“Yes,” he agreed, letting her go, “we’ll continue this later.”

Kenna smiled at him before turning towards the door, “something to look forward to.”

Diavolos watched her go and then leaned back against the table, running a hand through his hair. He had never expected this, never expected Kenna, the question was? Where did they go from here? Was there any way that this could ever be anything with his father lurking in the background? But at the same time, how could it not be? How could he not do everything in his power to pursue this woman and find out what there could be between them?

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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