A Dangerous Game: Drabbles

Author’s Notes- I finally finished all my drabble requests for Lilith and Adam, all set within the timeline of “A Dangerous Game”, at various points, though mostly early in the marriage. These vary in rating from PG to NSFW. 

Which One…

4. …Surprises the other with breakfast in bed

I awoke to the smell of bacon. I opened my eyes to see Adam entering the bedroom with a tray in his hands.

“Is that for me?” I asked, sitting up.

“I don’t see anyone else here,” he teased, setting the tray down.

“What did I do to deserve this treatment?” I asked him with a smile.

“You’re my bride, it’s my job to pamper you,” Adam reminded me in a low, sensual voice, “in every way possible.”


14. …Always waits for the other to fall asleep first

“You don’t have to stay,” I said sleepily, “I know you don’t need to sleep. If there’s something you need to be doing, I understand.”

“There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” Adam told me in a soothing voice, his hand on my cheek, and I wanted desperately to believe him. It was so easy to believe him.


  1. …Talks dirty…

“So wet,” Adam crooned as his hands parted my thighs as he pinned me against the wall, “so eager for me already and I’ve just begun.”

“Adam,” I whimpered, recognizing that tone of voice. “Please…”

“Please what?” He asked, as his fingers plunged into me, “please make you come over and over? Until you can’t even stand on your own, because, sweetheart, that’s exactly what I have planned for you tonight.”


  1. …Is the big spoon when cuddling

Adam wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. I settled in with a sigh of contentment. It had been a stressful day, but I suddenly felt calmer and more relaxed. Most importantly I felt safe.

That realization made me blink. I felt safe. I was in the arms of a 350-year-old vampire who had maneuvered me into marrying him and yet, I felt safe and content and knew there was nowhere I’d rather be.


OTP Questions

12. favorite non-sexual activity?
“You are an incredible dancer,” I commented as Adam led me onto the dance floor.

He chuckled. “I come from a time when dancing was a required skill,” he reminded me. “You accomplished as much in the ballroom as you did in the battlefield.”

“Well, I like it,” I told him, smiling up at him. “I love to dance.”

Adam returned my smile, “then I’ll take you dancing whenever you wish.”


13. Favorite sexual activity

Adam slowed down his thrusts, his pace becoming almost leisurely.

I bit back a sigh, knowing what was coming next and I instinctively turned my head, giving him better access.

He lowered his mouth to my neck, placing gentle kisses there and then sucking lightly, no teeth involved, as he continued his slow, controlled thrusts. Then after a moment, he sank his teeth into my neck and at the same time increased his pace, even faster than before, pushing me to straight to the edge, my body overwhelmed with pleasure.

“Adam!” I screamed, digging my nails into his back, happily giving myself into the sensations. It got to me every single time. It was the most powerful, intoxicating feeling I’d ever experienced and I wondered if I’d ever get enough.


  1. what habits of the other drives them crazy?

Adam just looked at me calmly, “are you done?”

I glared at him. “No! Adam, we’ve talked about this, I’m not a child and you can’t treat me like one.”

“I won’t treat you like a child if you stop acting like one,” Adam told me and I could see that he was fighting for composure. I wonder what it would take to make him finally lose that composure and if I really wanted to know. Probably not. “We’ve talked about this, Lilith, you can’t just ditch your security team whenever you feel it.”

“Watch me.” I said and then turned and stomped out of the office. I knew it wouldn’t resolve anything, but it made me feel better. For now at least.

16. how often do they fight?
“Are you and Adam fighting?” Isabella asked carefully.

I rolled my eyes. “If you can call it that. I yelled, he treated me like a child, I yelled some more and stomped off. Basically, same thing that happens every week.”

Isabella paused, obviously wanting to say something, but in the end she thought better of it. “Well, how about some shopping? When I’m mad at Adam, running up his credit card makes me feel better.”

I nodded, knowing that just getting out of the house would be good, and hey, I never said no to shopping. Especially now that I could actually afford to buy things.

  1. Who does most of the cleaning?

“You know I have a staff, right?” Adam asked in amusement as he watched me make the bed.

I shrugged. “I can still make my own bed.” I had been in the month that I’d been living there and I wasn’t going to change that habit because I was sharing the master suite.

“You are used to taking care of yourself.” It wasn’t a question.

“I am,” I told him, “I’ve never had a housekeeper before and my parents both worked. I’m the oldest, I’m used to doing chores.”

“Well, you don’t have to anymore,” Adam pointed out, his hand covering mine. “I can take care of you. I want to take care of you.”

I wanted to tell him I appreciated that, but I couldn’t suddenly stop being me. That I couldn’t just break a lifetime of habits and instantly adjust to a life of idle luxury. But instead, I just nodded and let him pull my hand away from the duvet.


32. do they have nicknames or pet names for each other?
“Do you come here often?”

I looked up from my drink to see an attractive, but sleazy looking man around my age smiling at me.

“No,” I answered honestly, “but it’s my birthday–”

“So I should buy you a drink,” he interrupted, waving at the bartender.

“That’s not necessary,” I began, wondering where Lily had gotten off too.

“It’s just a birthday drink,” the guy coaxed and I could see the irritation underneath his pleasant smile. I really needed Lily.

Just then I felt a pair of arms slip around me and tensed momentarily until I recognized the familiar scent and feel and relaxed into the embrace. “Sorry, I’m late sweetheart,” My husband murmured in my ear.

I grinned as I turned my attention back to the creep. Well, ok that worked too. “All that matters is that you are here now.” I assured him. “Darling, this is…” I turned to the stranger. “What is your name?”

The man paused and I wished I could see what kind of expression Adam was making because it was enough to have the creep stuttering and running off.

  1. do they celebrate birthdays, valentine’s day, anniversaries?

I woke up and blinked at the sight of all the flowers in the room.

Tons of them, not just roses, but carnations, orchids, peonies, every flower I could name, and in every color imaginable.

“I realized that I didn’t know your favorite flower,” Adam commented from the doorway, “for our wedding you picked roses and gardenias, but I wasn’t sure if that was out of personal taste or tradition, so I decided to go with a variety.”

“Wow,” I said, taking in the display, “What’s the occasion?” Then after a moment, it clicked. “Oh, it’s my birthday.”

“Yes,” Adam agreed, stepping closer, “and you’ll find this is the beginning.”

“This is a pretty incredible beginning,” I commented, gazing at all the flowers, “I’m a little scared to see what you have next. Am I going to have 50 birthday cakes just so you can make sure you get the flavor right?”

Adam laughed, “that I was able to pick up from wedding planning and you’re enthusiastic response during the cake testing.”

My ears perked up at that. Did that mean we were going to be having a repeat of the incredible salted caramel cake from our wedding? Before I could ask though, Adam reached my side and bent down to kiss me. “Happy birthday, Lilith.”

I leaned into his embrace, feeling very cherished and yet still overwhelmed by Adam’s tendency for big gestures, from the way he was willing to give me so much and yet still kept so much of himself back…

  1. how do they spend Christmas and new year’s (or equivalent family gatherings)?

“What do you want to do for Christmas this year?” Adam asked me, “I have a few required engagements of course, but Christmas itself is free. Do you want to go home to your parents?”

I paused, part of me did, but at the same time, part of me worried how that would work. How did I bring my vampire husband into my family sphere? I knew Adam had had a plenty of practice pretending to be human and that if the US Congress hadn’t caught on, my parents probably wouldn’t, but…

“Do vampires even celebrate Christmas?” I deflected.

“Vampires with human wives do,” Adam told me in obvious amusement. “Now how do you celebrate?”

“Here,” I said finally, realizing I still wasn’t ready to bring Adam into the world I’d grown up in. “I want to celebrate our first Christmas in our own home.”
He nodded and kissed my forehead. “Then that’s what we will do.”

40. who cusses more?

“Is it hard keeping up with the change in language?” I asked idly, my head resting on Adam’s chest.

He frowned, considering the question. “Yes and no. Most changes are slow, slang is harder because it changes quickly. It’s one of the advantages of being permanently older, you aren’t expected to be young and cool. It’s probably why Priya doesn’t have time to bother with council business, she’s too busy trying to keep up with the language changes.”

I laughed, then made a face, another question occuring to me.

“Yet, you still use swear words,” I teased. One thing I noticed was that we both swore a lot in private, never in public, of course.

“Those have surprisingly not changed much,” Adam pointed out with a laugh, “some things are just too classic to need much evolution I guess. Besides, some things are just meant to be picked up quickly.”

  1. what would they do if the other one was hurt?

I could see the barely controlled rage on Adam’s face, which was surprising given how tightly Adam controlled his emotions.

“Who did this?” He asked, his eyes running up and down over my body, not in a sexual way, but to assess every scatch, every rip.

“I don’t know,” I told him, “I didn’t recognize them.” Which only meant they weren’t of Clan Vega, because I didn’t know every vampire in the city.

Adam’s eyes strayed to the tattoo on my right shoulder. His brand. Which should have been enough to keep me safe. Unless whoever it was wanted a war and as I took in the look on my husband’s face, I had a feeling that whether or not they wanted it, they were about to get one.

  1. what are little gestures they do for each other?/ 43. do they know how the other takes their coffee/tea?

The housekeeper smiled as I entered the kitchen. “Good morning, Mrs. Vega.”

“Good morning, Sylvia,” I greeted, heading over to the coffee pot, brewed and ready for me. “Has the Senator been in for his coffee yet?”

“No, ma’am. He’s been in his office since I got here.”

I nodded and then poured a second cup. Black. I’d learned that Adam never took sugar in his coffee, but if the coffee wasn’t up to his standards then he added cream. “I’ll take it to him,” I told her with a smile, carefully balancing both mugs. An impromptu coffee date with my husband sounded lovely.

  1. do they feel they see each other enough, or do they have activities that take too much of their time?

“Are you busy?” I asked, standing in the doorway of Adam’s office.

“Never too busy for you,” he assured me, motioning for me to come forward. “I am doing some reading between meetings.”

“And then you have to go to D.C in the morning,” I remembered.

He nodded, “yes.” It was the first time he’d be away since we’d been married. I knew it shouldn’t bother me, this was an arrangement, not a love story, and I had gone into this with my eyes open, but I guess I’d gotten used to having his attention and it hit me that I was going to miss it. Miss him.

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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