
Shelby Summers landed soundlessly on the roof of the tall skyscraper, the black of her supersuit blending with the black of the night. The objective was simple: Get in, extract the incriminating files from the CFO’s hard drive, and get out. She bent down and checked for the loose pane of glass on the skylight. Right where Dax said it would be, of course. She took a deep breath and gently lifted the window.

“As I was saying on the way over,” Shelby was so startled by the voice of Kenji Katsaros that she almost dropped the glass; with her attention fully focused on entering the building undetected, she nearly forgot he was with her. “I open the paper, and there’s a big, full page photo of our robbery bust last week.”

Shelby rolled her eyes slightly as she put the glass down and jumped through the newly crated hole in the ceiling. She knew as soon as she saw the picture that he would have something to say. She gently floated down to the floor below as Kenji landed beside her with a slight metallic thud. “You, of course, look radiant as always. But me? I didn’t even know I had a bad side, but that photographer managed to find it. It would almost be impressive if it wasn’t so embarrassing.”

She pressed a finger to her lips as they crept out of the conference room they landed in, but Kenji didn’t notice. She was really beginning to wish she brought Eva instead, but Saturday’s were date night…

“So what I’m thinking is… promotional photoshoot! You, me, Minuet. That dick Caleb is so not invited. We can do cool poses showing off our powers, individual shots, group shots. That way Northbridge can get a better, more accurate look at their ridiculously good-looking local crime fighting squad.”

He struck a pose as she peered around the corner, making sure the coast was clear before entering the hallway. The office was not much further.

“So Shelbs,” He stepped into hallway in front of her and held out his arms with a grin, “What do you think?”

Talos!” She hissed exasperatedly.

“Oh, shit, sorry. Nighthawk, what do you think?”

No! What I meant was… quiet! This place is swarming with security and any second they could—”

Her scolding was cut off as ten hulking guards surrounded the pair. Kenji looked over at her sheepishly.

“Oh… Right.” That look quickly faded as a playful smile spread across his face, “Jeez, Nighthawk, this is a sensitive mission! You should really keep it down unless you want a guard to hear.”

Shelby couldn’t help but laugh. Her boyfriend had a way of diffusing her tension in even the most stressful situations. “You are absolutely right, Talos, how careless of me.” She crouched slightly into her fighting stance as Kenji rolled out his neck, “Ready to dance?”

“You know I love it when you take the lead.”

The two of them got to work.

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