Cinderellas and Vampires (2°)

This fic is based in my second lead syndrom, I fall for this character since the first time I saw him and PB don’t give me enough of him.

Disclaimer – I don’t own these characters, that honor belongs to Pixelberry studios, I’m just playing with them.

Tagging – @darley1101  @audrinaledior  @blackcatkita

If you want to be add to my tag list let me know!

Cred: CC0 Creative Commons

Wow, just wow… sex to relieve stress? No wonder it is so hyped.

Proved to be a good excuse, from the first moment she saw him, she knew he was going to be important in her life, however, was not the ideal situation, it is usually never the ideal situation.

Since she got that job with Adrián, a horror movie developed before his eyes, strikingly such an abrupt change to such a common life did not have the impact it would have to have, what it should have…

How is it supposed to react to discover that vampires are real? What if you did not ask to turn your friend into a vampire she will die before your eyes and that if the vampires are neglected they can become ferals that destroy peoples…

No, it was not a good party, but it served to take the courage to push the relationship with Jax a little further, if it had not been for the adrenaline, for the need to feel alive and feel close to it probably would not have the courage to kiss him.

Silvia thought all this naked in the arms of Jax but pretending to be asleep, how to tell her lover, what did this impulse mean?

It was an impossible relationship from beginning to end, a human and a vampire, what a cliché, the defender of justice and the damsel in distress…

– You cannot sleep? Jax murmurs softly in her ear
(How the hell did he know?) Did I wake you up?
– No, not really, I also have a lot in my mind too…
– Something I can help with?
– You’ve been a lot of help already – He answers winking
– And how was it that I helped you? She asked with an innocent smile
– After living longer than normal, a life of trying to preserve certain values, trying to make injustices do not destroy your faith, believing that you have a purpose in life, helps you to continue rising every morning, but maintain that faith of immovable way, without being discouraged is not always easy, even if you do the right thing, even if you firmly believe… see you by my side helps…

Her eyes look at him with tenderness, as if sharing his pain.

I close my eyes again, meanwhile a wave of thoughts invaded me
After the brief encounter much more happened and everything seems to indicate that it will continue to happen.

That… vampire, that man assuming a responsibility that he chose, a huge one, put everything at risk by a hunch, by a request from her… go against his people, even his own criteria… for her.

Knowing Jax was the best thing that could happen to her in this horror movie, every movie needs a hero and a heroine, was she the heroine of the story?
When she went to ask for help to save Adrián’s life, she knew it was asking too much, knew what her request implied and how it could be understood… she also knew that if he accepted, he would be saying something very important without saying anything.

– Silvia you are asking me to risk my life to save another man´s.  Was that what she was asking for?

It was for him, it was so that he could stand up in this struggle in another way, with more rights, with more support that would allow him to defend his people, saving Adrian was an extra, something that had to be done, Adrian was a good person, and he had saved her friend, but that was all, nothing could compare to what a simple look of Jax could provoke in her.

But none of that mattered, humans in a world of vampires, vampire clans in a world governed by their own evil, what was the place for love? How important was a hope?

Letting go of that hope, more than hope a dream, almost a delirium, what? Surrendering the heart to an immortal being with the boring that eternity is…

Better to keep watching the events unfold, a great war was to come, to be attached was the worst of the elections at such a time.
With a gentle kiss on the cheek, Jax murmured:

– Are you staying tonight?
– No, I can not stay, I have a commitment with Adrián, I owe him this.

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A crazy latina passionate for fictional characters...

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