The Cove

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.


Summary: Liam and the boys have gone to the bar of Drakes choosing. To his surprise, Si is their server. His lion is aching to claim her as theirs. Liam gets a warning.  Si takes them to her special place. A surprise awaits Liam.


Si and Liam stood still staring into each other’s eyes, she was lost is the blue orbs that suddenly flash golden.  He could hear her breath and heart rate increase, it was taking all of his strength to keep his lion from surfacing and claiming her. Si could believe that this gorgeous man was standing in front of her. His tan skin looked as velvet, with golden hair like silk, all she could think of what he’d look wearing nothing but her. He was so big and tall that she felt tiny.  She was not a small girl either, she was a curvy girl.

“I hate to interrupt, but I think that we are going to need a bottle of Balvenie DoubleWood if you carry it,” Drake interrupts the eye fucking that was going on in from of him.

“I don’t think that this is the kind of establishment that would have that label” Maxwell says.

“Actually, we do, they order a couple bottles for me on my birthday” Si says very proudly.

“Oh, really, I did not take you for a whiskey girl.” Drake smirks, looking at Liam to gauge his reaction.

“Well Mr., you don’t know me.” Si states and goes to retrieve on of the bottles from the bar and three glasses and a pitcher of ice.

“Now, that you have your drinks, what can I get for you?” Si asks ready to take their order.  She can feel Liam’s intense gaze; she feels herself flush.  “Well, I will give you guys a little more time, just call me over when you’re ready to order.”

“Earth to Liam, buddy, she is not on the menu.” Maxwell teases Liam.

“Shut up, my lion wants her.” Liam grins.

“But your social season, you know that Regina will never allow her to enter, she is commoner and human. You know Madeleine will want her head.” Drake knows his statement would break Liam’s stoic facade.

Daniel sees the flushed state that Si is in, and the intense stare coming from Liam, then he sees the flash of gold in his eyes. He is aware of what that eye color changes means in a shifter.  Could he be the one for Si? He has to make sure that he is a good person.  He strolls over to the table, Liam, Drake, and Maxwell sense him coming and are on the alert.

“I just need you to know that Si, is very special to me, family, and I will not tolerate anyone playing games or acting like jackasses to her. You hear.” Daniel warns.

“She is not your mate,” Liam hisses through clenched teeth. His lion wanting to lash out at this man in front of them.

“No, she is like my little sister, I have been looking out for her for the last six years. She has had a hard life and her bitch of an Aunt shows up today demanding things of her, after abandoning her when of 17. So, I just want her to spend the rest of her birthday in peace. NO funny business.” Daniel glares at the trio.

“You’re a shifter, so you know that when I tell you that she is my true mate, that I will do anything and everything for her.” Liam states looking directly into Daniels eyes.

“Yeah, I do, but she’s human, though she is best friends with my mate, she doesn’t fully know what the claiming ritual is all about, all that is involved. She is guarded. She doesn’t trust easily, so if you get her to trust you, you better never break it, she has been through a lot in her life, you better take it slowly or you will deal with me.” Daniel is certain that Liam understands him as he walks back to the bar.

“So, have you all figured out what you are going to order?” Si ask raising and eyebrow. She saw Daniel over at their table and she is curious to what he had to say to them.

“Yes, we will have 3 double bacon cheeseburgers with the works and fries, 2 orders of mozzarella sticks, and 2 orders of fried pickles.” Drake said with a very satisfied look on his face. He looks at the others and says, “My type of establishment, my type of food.”

“I’ll put your order in and bring out the sticks and pickles as soon as they are ready.” Si walks to the servers station and enters the order into the system for the kitchen.

Si goes about waiting on her other tables, stealing glances of table 25. Every time their eyes meet, she can feel a heat starting in her lower belly. She swears if she does stop looking at him she melt into the floor.  She had just cashed all of her table except theirs.

“Hey guys, we are closing up, so I need to cash you out.” she says. Drake hands her $225 in cash. “Dude, this is way too much, I can’t take this.”

“Well, you did share your birthday gift with us, so consider it a birthday present. Just so you know, I am not taking any of the change.” Drake says winking.

“Fine, you might as well finish off the bottle or I can find a bag for you to take it with you.”

She clears their table of the empty plates and lets them finish their drinks. She is rolling silverware when she feels a light tap on her shoulder. She could feel his heat before she even turns around; Liam is standing there.

“I think we are ready to head out. I just to thank you and…. apologize. I know we have kept you late and my friends can be …. demanding.”

“This is your chance to make it up to me,” she smiles seductively, “I mean after all today is my birthday.” She can’t believe that she just said that out loud.  Her head is yelling to stop flirting, but her lady bits are begging to for some male attention.

“Well, if you don’t have other plans tonight, maybe I could make it up to you by buying you a drink. We are heading to a club.” Liam gazes at her biting her lip. He lion is wanting to take her then and there. Liam keeps control over his animal.

“Which club?” Si asks.

“Well, since we are not from around here maybe you can suggest a place. Maxwell googled some club called the Kismet, but I am hoping you would give us a suggestion.” Liam says taking a step closer to her.  He lets her scent engulf his senses.

“Forget the club, I know a place that you can relax, it’s a gorgeous secret cove.”

“You know, that actually sounds perfect. To be honest, I was kind of getting tired of the usual bachelor party antics. Lead the way!”

“Sure. Let me finish up here and I will meet you out front.”  Si quickly finishes her work and runs to the bathroom to change out of her uniform.  She opens her bag and finds a new outfit and a note: Si, it is your birthday, go out and have fun, your only young once. Please make bad choices, I think that this outfit will help. XOXO Em.  Si’s eyes look over her reflection in the mirror, she would have never put this together. Em had bought her ripped skinny jeans, with a very low-cut emerald green top and a cream-colored leather jacket, she also included nude heels. Every article of clothing hugged her curves in all the right places.  She smiled at her reflection and told Daniel where she was going and with whom and headed out. He reminds her to be careful and call him if she needs him. Si loved how much of a big brother he was with her, well at times anyway.

“Hang on, the waitress is coming with us?” a surprised Drake blurts out.

“Actually, we are going with her. She has chosen our next destination.” Liam shrugs.

“So, she is our tour guide now?” Drake inquires with a smirk.

“Siryah as agreed to show us around. She is doing us a favor. Play nice.”

“I thought we were going to the club?” Maxwell whines, almost pouting.

“I promise you will love this place.” Si reassures him.

A short time later they all get out of the SUV and the Maxwell darts towards the ocean. Drake looks between Si and Liam and states that he is going to look for driftwood to start a bonfire.  They here Maxwell shouting about skinny dipping and Drake yelling at him to keep his pants on. Si chuckles at the bickering friends.

“Thank you for bring us here. I can tell the guys are enjoying themselves already.” Liam is struggling to keep from pulling her close. Her scent is driving him and his lion crazy.

“You seem like you’re used to putting everyone else first.”

“And what make you think that?” he leans in closer to her.

“I can tell, I’m really good at reading others.” she states matter of factly. “Now forget about them, do you like it here?”

“ I love it here.” Liam inhales the salty air that is laces with the faint scent of her.

“Well this is my secret spot, so I am trusting you.”

“Well I’ll do my very best to be worthy of your trust. I would do anything to make you smile.” he declares looking deep into her eyes. Si heart feels like it is in her throat, and butterflies in her stomach, she feels the same fire as she did before back at the bar.

“Though there is just one problem with this location.” he shrugs. He takes her hand in his “ How am I supposed to by you that drink?”

Si let’s a coy smile stretch her face, “I’m sure you will think of something. Or you’ll just keep being indebted to me.” Her eyes are filled with lust has he places a gentle kiss on her hand. Electricity runs down her spine and she can feel herself get wetter by the minute.

Breaking her trance, she says, “Follow me and I will show you my favorite view, it is just over there on top of that small cliff.” Si puts her shoes down by the fire, and grabs Liam’s hand and together they walk to the cliff. After they reach the top they look out over the water. The silence between them is comfortable. They both watch the moonlight play on the waves below. Si shivers and Liam stands closer behind her and wraps his arms around her. He is thinking that she fits perfectly in his embrace. What would he give to have her writhing in ecstasy underneath him, screaming his name as she cums? As if she could feel his though, Si shivers.

“Come love, let get you to the fire”

They walk to the bonfire. Drake and Maxwell are playing at the water’s edge. The two sits by the fire. Liam breaks the silence.

“Tonight, has been perfect. I never thought this night would end up like this. You are really something special, aren’t you?”

“I going to believe that was meant as a compliment.”

“Believe me love, it is. Spending time with you has been the most fun I have had.”

“I guess you haven’t been having much fun then, huh?”

“No, it has been wonderful, I really like what I have seen of the city so far. I really wanted to do one thing in particular while I was here, but we have run out of time.” Liam sighs.

“What was that?”

“You’re going to think it is silly, but I am always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty. It did fit into the plans, and it is our last night here. We are flying home in the morning.  I don’t want to sound ungrateful, it was very kind of my friends to throw me this bachelor party, to help alleviate some stress that I am under.”

“Wait, did you just say, ‘Your bachelor party’?” Si is chastising herself for flirting with an engaged man. “I am sure your fiancée would appreciate you flirting with other women.”

“That is the thing, I don’t know who I am going to marry, as I will have to choose a woman to marry in three months.” Liam says, Si can see the sadness in his eyes.

“Want do you mean, you don’t know who she is?”

“The truth is I am King of Cordonia, which is a small country in the Mediterranean.  I am also a shifter, so my country is also my pride.  I have to marry soon and have an heir by my 30th birthday, or I will lose everything, so when I go back my social season will take place so that I can select a bride from the suitors that have been invited.”  Liam stares at her waiting for her reaction.

“King or not, you still are the most caring, thoughtful person, I have met in a long time, and the way my birthday has been going, being with you is the highlight of my day.” she states. Liam can tell she is not lying. “Wait, you’re a shifter, so what is your animal?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

“A Lion, Drake is a wolf and Maxwell is a bear” Liam chuckles thinking she is beautiful when she blushes.

“So, why do you have to have a social season, doesn’t your animal just choose your mate?” remembering what Em and Daniel had told her.

“Yes, but the one for me is not in my country, I will know her when I see her.” Liam does not want to tell Si just yet that she’s his true mate, not yet.

“Well, I hope that she will realize what an extraordinary man she will be getting, I mean most customers do not care that their waitress is having a good night, nor does a man make sure his friends have more fun than him at his bachelor party.”

“Wow, thank you.  I cannot tell you are rare it is from someone to say that. Actually, I think you are the only person to say that. Si, the more talk with you, the more I like you. It has always been my destiny to rule, but I still not sure what my reign will bring my people. What drives you, Si?”

“I want to live life to the fullest, I just recently got my inheritance, so I plan on taking a few months to travel.  Plus, the trip will keep me away from my aunt.” Liam could sense her anger as she spoke.

“What did she do to you?”

Si told him the whole to story from the boyfriend attacking her to her aunt showing up earlier today at her job demanding money. She even told him that Daniel’s sister is staying at her place because she caught her trying to break in.  Liam’s lion was furious when he felt Si’s anguish, how could her family treat her with such disregard. Liam wanted to do nothing more than whisk her away and love her until he takes his late breath.

“Thank you for listening to me, it really means a lot.” Si sighs. She watches the glow of the fire illuminate Liam’s face, he is watching his friends having a good time. “Well they are having a good time, so I don’t think that they will miss us.”

“Miss us? What do you have in mind?” he was intrigued.

“Well you wanted to see the Statue of Liberty, so let’s go.”

“It is almost midnight. Isn’t it closed?”

“Well, yes but it is a good thing that I can call in a favor.  I can get you the best private view, ya wanna go?” Si cannot believe how incredibly comfortable she feels with him, it is almost like she has known him for forever. He feels like home.

Liam takes her outstretched hand and says, “I will follow you anywhere, Love.” Si smiles as they race to the car. She gives the driver directions of where to take them. A few moments later, they arrive at the pier. She tells the driver to go back to the beach and to bring the guys to meet them at the pier in one hour.

“Shouldn’t we tell the guys where we have gone?” Liam asks,

“No. Let them enjoy the beach, plus the driver is going to bring them here.” Si says.

“Well, what do we do now?” Liam is looking out on the water, there is a fog rising so you cannot see much. After a little while, a boat approaches the dock closest to where they are standing.  He can see the that there are two men on the boat.  Si waves at them.

“Your chariot awaits, your Majesty.” Si says a sultry voice.

Your Majesty, Liam has never heard those words sound so sexy. He hopes that he will her says that phrase often.  After they board the boat, Si goes to speak to the captain, she comes back with a mischievous grin.  What is she up to he wonders. As she get closer to him in instinctively wraps his arms around her and Si leans into him. Then she comes into view.


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