For the First Time

Summary: Seth and Audrey spend a weekend away together. Fluffy/smutty (smuffy).

“So, I was thinking, Iowa. Now that we’re no longer completely broke, we should go away for a long weekend.”

Audrey is in the middle of her second cup of coffee when Seth brings it up. It’s fortunate, because they’d been up late the night before and there was no way one cup was going to make her function or process anything anyone said to her. She inhales the aroma and takes another sip, letting it roll over her tongue, then sets her cup down.

“Speak for yourself,” Audrey laughs. “I’m still eating ramen noodles and drinking cheap coffee.”

“You do remember that incredibly popular movie you were just in, right?” Seth teases her. “You can probably afford to upgrade to actual food. And good coffee.”

Audrey frowns into her cup as she takes another sip of coffee. The caffeine is her lifeline in the morning, but the burnt, bitter aftertaste is definitely less than pleasant. “Probably,” she agrees. “Where do you want to go?”

Seth shrugs, but she detects the faintest pink tinge to his cheeks, and suspects he might have something planned already.

“Just out of the city for a few days. Rent a cabin or go camping.”

He flushes a little more when she raises her eyebrows at him, and now she’s certain he has something planned.

“Are you craving some fresh air?” Audrey grins.

“Maybe. Or just some time alone with you,” Seth says, wiggling his eyebrows and making her burst into laughter.

“Alright, Ohio,” she says. “Let’s get out of here.”

Seth finds a cabin to rent for the weekend suspiciously fast that night, and finally, after Audrey keeps prodding him about it and then finally straddles him on the couch, he admits that he’d been planning it for a couple weeks.

“This was supposed to seem like a spontaneous surprise,” he grumbles playfully, resting his hands on her hips.

“I’m your girlfriend. You can’t hide anything from me,” she declares.

She kisses him sweetly, playing with the ends of his hair. “It’ll be nice to get away with you. But you know…”

Audrey trails her fingers lightly down his chest, watching his pupils dilate when she shifts her hips forward. “We are alone right now,” she points out, and laughs when Seth suddenly stands them up and walks her towards the bedroom.


The cabin they’re staying in is small but modern, and blissfully isolated from the main road and other rental properties. Audrey breathes in the fresh air, appreciating the lack of smog and exhaust fumes, and relishing the quiet. The only sound is a soft breeze whistling through the grass and the trees. It’s peaceful and relaxing and makes her think of lazy summers in Iowa.

They set their bag inside and then settle on the chairs on the front porch with the beer Seth has turned her into a fan of. Audrey clinks her bottle with his and sighs happily, turning her face up and soaking in the warmth of the setting sun on her skin.

“Let’s just stay here,” she says dreamily. “No traffic, no constant social media demands, just…quiet.”

“You’d miss coffee,” Seth points out.

She opens her eyes lazily, turning to look at him. “Hmm. We can still buy coffee.”

Audrey shivers, noting the sun sinking further below the horizon and the breeze turning cooler, and curls her legs to her chest.

“Did you forget to bring a sweatshirt?” Seth asks her.

“No,” she says immediately, even though she had. “I just like yours better.”

He laughs and disappears inside, returning with one of his well-worn sweatshirts. She snuggles into it, and then Seth takes her hand and leads her to the bench on the other side of the porch.

“Mmm,” she hums happily as they sit on it together.

His arms always feel good wrapped around her, his chest warm and solid against her back. Seth pushes her hair aside and presses soft kisses against her neck.

“I love this,” Audrey murmurs. “We really should stay here.”

He makes a quiet noise in agreement. “It’s tempting.”

She shifts a little, tilting her head back so she can kiss him. She loves this, being here with him, how natural and easy and effortless it is just to be herself. It only startles her a little bit to realize she’s falling in love with him.

No, she corrects herself mentally. Fallen in love with him. She almost blurts it out right then, she’s so happy and relaxed, and wants to tell him, but…a little later, she decides. Right now, she just wants to be in this moment with him.

“It’s cold,” Audrey murmurs after a few minutes, the sun now fully set and the stars settling into the night sky. “Want to head in?”

Seth grins at her eagerness when they get into the bedroom, the door closed behind them, at the way she immediately reaches for him and tugs at the hem of his shirt.

“What?” she asks, grinning back at him.

“Nothing,” he says, leaning in to kiss her quickly.

He lifts his arms up, letting her pull his shirt over his head. His eyes turn that deeper shade of blue she’s come to recognize when she presses her lips to his chest and reaches for his belt. Seth groans softly when she gets it undone and then slides his zipper down. He tilts her chin up, kissing her impatiently, pulling back just long enough to get his sweatshirt and her tank top off of her.

His hands are warm on her skin despite the cool night air they were just sitting in. Audrey squirms and laughs when he playfully tickles her sides.


He pretends to ignore her, but she can see the corners of his mouth tilting up. Audrey dances just out of his reach when he goes to do it again, and then he does laugh, snagging her around the waist. They tumble into the bed together, Seth hovering over her. He kisses her again, slowly this time, his tongue brushing over hers.

Audrey groans, running her fingers into his hair and wrapping her legs around his waist. She arches into him when he bites her shoulder, softly breathing out his name. They get the rest of their clothes off hurriedly, and Audrey giggles when she realizes his boxers have ended up flung across the lamp.

“I feel like that only happens in movies,” she explains when he glances up.

Seth chuckles, then resumes kissing down her neck. His lips tease across her chest, making her moan when he swirls his tongue around her sensitive skin, gently sucking her nipples into hardened peaks. Her hips jerk up into him when he trails one of his hands between her legs.

“Yes,” she groans.

He scoots down, sucking and lightly biting at her skin until she’s writhing underneath him, then dips two fingers into her warmth. He presses the tip of his tongue to her clit, his fingers gliding in and out.

Seth,” she moans, her hands clenching in the sheets, then burying back in his hair.

Her thighs tense when he moves his hand, and she gasps when he laps at her and then flutters his tongue inside her. Oh, but he’s good at this, always managing to make her incoherent and feel like she’s going to come apart at any second.

“Seth!” she cries out when he presses in deeper and rubs his thumb over her, fingers tugging at his hair when she comes.

Audrey sucks in shaky breaths, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

“You’re so good at that,” she mumbles dazedly, and feels Seth smile against her skin as he kisses his way back up to her lips, then corrects herself, “No. You’re fantastic at that.”

The taste of herself on his lips makes her moan and turns her on even more. She nudges at his shoulder to get him to roll over, frowning slightly when he doesn’t budge.

“I just want you, Audrey,” he murmurs in her ear.

He’s hard and hot against her thigh, and she can feel his near desperation to have her when he kisses her again. Seth grunts and bucks into her when she slips her hand down over him, running her thumb over the tip of his erection. She guides him into her, nearly shaking with needing him, and they both groan when they finally come together. Seth thrusts into her, his lips seeking hers as they rock against each other. Audrey glides her fingers down his back, feeling his muscles tense, then brings her hands back up to loop around his neck.

He groans when she brings her legs up around his hips, then suddenly pulls back and rolls them, her back pressed to his chest. She whimpers, her fingers flexing into the sheets and her breathing steadily growing more ragged when he lifts her thigh up and presses into her again.

“Oh, yes,” she moans, the angle and his fingers digging into her thigh and his lips sucking at the curve of her shoulder driving her towards another orgasm.

Audrey’s hips snap back against his when he slams into her. She reaches back, bringing her hand around his neck, wanting to feel more of him against her. Seth groans her name, a deep, guttural sound, and she knows he’s close. She cranes her head up, kissing him messily, desperately, making quiet noises of pleasure against his lips that she knows drive him crazy.

His hips rock faster, his fingers squeezing her thigh. She gasps, all of her muscles tightening when bursts of white flash behind her eyelids and she comes again.

She feels him tense when her muscles flutter around him, hears him say her name, his hand tightening against her skin when he spills inside her. Audrey exhales shakily, Seth’s hand slowly releasing its grip as he relaxes behind her. He trails gentle fingers down her leg, then wraps his arm around her waist, pressing soft, lazy kisses to the back of her neck.

She’s warm and sleepy when she shifts to her back, pulling the blanket over them. She cups Seth’s face in her hand, bringing his lips to hers, smiling against his mouth. Seth shifts down and tucks her hair behind her ear, wrapping a curl around one of his fingers. It’s a habit of his she’s started to notice, something he does when he’s relaxed and close to sleep.

“Good night,” she murmurs against his lips.

“Good night, Iowa,” he murmurs back.

When Audrey wakes up in the morning, Seth isn’t in bed. It surprises her a little, since she’s usually the early riser of the two. She yawns and stretches, then climbs out of bed and throws a pair of shorts and his sweatshirt on and pads out to the kitchen.

“My hero,” she mumbles through another yawn, noticing the fresh pot of coffee.

Audrey pours a cup of the dark steaming liquid, then sees Seth sitting on the bench on the front porch. She makes her way outside, the screen door squeaking slightly behind her. Seth looks up from the notepad he’s writing on.

“Good morning, Iowa,” he greets her with a smile, then says, “I see you found the coffee.”

“I always find the coffee,” Audrey reminds him, and he laughs.

She sits beside him, leaning against him.

“What’re you working on?” she asks.

“I had a random script idea,” he explains.

“Seth! That’s great!”

He looks undeniably excited about it, and she hums happily, nuzzling against his shoulder.

“I love seeing you so excited. The fresh air must be doing you good,” she says, elbowing his side playfully.

Seth grins. “Must be.”

He sets the notepad down, turning so she can curl up against his chest. His fingers run rhythmically through her hair, soothing her nearly back to sleep.

“Hey Audrey?” he says after a minute.


He’s quiet and still, so she lifts her head up. He looks almost nervous, and her brow furrows.

“What is it?” she asks.

“I…” Seth pauses, glancing out to the trees and gravel path in front of them.

He looks back down at her after what feels like forever, then tilts his head down and kisses her softly.

“I love you,” he says, a near whisper.

Her breath catches a little, and she swallows hard. She’s always said it first. The fluttering feeling in her stomach of hearing him say it first is entirely different from the one she has when she’s about to say it for the first time.

She likes this feeling, likes knowing that this amazing man sitting next to her, his deep blue eyes searching hers, is in love with her. It’s made even better by the fact that she loves him too.

“I love you, too,” she murmurs, a smile creeping across her face, and suddenly he’s crushing her to him, his arms banding around her.

“Oh!” she says, gasping a little, and he loosens his grip.

“No,” she laughs, curling up against him even more until he tightens his arms again. “It’s not that. It’s just…I’ve always been the one to say it first. Well. The two whole times I’ve said it first before.”

Seth laughs softly, an almost deliriously happy sound. “I’ve never said it first,” he admits.

Audrey lifts her head up. “You haven’t?”

“No. I was always afraid of the other person not saying it back, or not wanting to hear it. But with you…with you, Iowa, I just wanted you to know,” he tells her earnestly.

“You should say it again,” Audrey says, and Seth’s eyes crinkle when he smiles.

“I love you, Audrey.”

“I love you, Seth.”

He kisses her again, and in this moment, with Seth kissing her and the sun slowly moving overhead and nothing else in the world on her mind, Audrey can’t remember ever feeling so wonderfully content and happy.

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