Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts

Summary: Utter fluff, featuring plenty of flirting and also a drunken Sutton trying to convince Kenji to stay over.

Sutton is going to be late meeting Poppy in the morning. She tells herself she’ll be able to get up on time after the first drink, and after the second, but by the third drink, her head is pleasantly fuzzy, and she accepts that she will probably be late.

Then Kenji starts kissing her neck, and sliding his hand up higher and higher on her thigh, and she knows for certain she’ll never get up on time in the morning. Sutton sighs and curls into Kenji’s side, slinging her legs over his lap, and fidgets with a button on his shirt. She can see him grin as he squeezes her leg.

“Kenji,” she murmurs.


He presses another slow kiss to her neck, sucking gently. Damn him. He knows how sensitive she is there. Sutton giggles as she leans in and bites at his neck and he jumps. Of course, he’s no better, and she knows how crazy it drives him when she touches his neck at all. Her hand slides down his shirt, contemplating in her alcohol-induced haze just how far she can push him, and then she hears a throat clear loudly. They both stop and look up guiltily.

“I am begging you,” Dax says, his face red. “Get a room.”

“That can be arranged,” Kenji declares immediately, and Sutton nearly falls out of the booth as he jumps up. She frowns at him as he holds his hand out, but then he winks at her and says, “Come on, darling, let’s get out of here,” and she remembers how much she likes him and how much she doesn’t want to stop kissing him.

So she grins broadly and gives him her hand, wrapping her arms around him as he pulls her up.

“You’re going to be late tomorrow, aren’t you?” Poppy asks in amusement.


Poppy laughs. “It’s fine. Text me when you rise and shine, darling.”

“Hey!” Kenji protests. “That’s my nickname.”

“You two are disgustingly adorable,” Poppy says. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sutton.”

They make their way outside and Kenji hails a cab, telling the driver her address when they slide in. He keeps one arm tight around her waist, the other rubbing gentle circles over her jean-clad thigh.

“Just how drunk are you?” he rumbles against her.

“Mmm…I’m fine,” she mumbles.

“You sure?”

“Positive,” she says in a sing-song voice, and Kenji smiles.

“You’re adorable when you’re drunk.”

“I’m not drunk! You’re drunk!”

“And argumentative.”

Sutton huffs and drops her head against his shoulder, blinking sleepily as her eyes keep trying to close. “Am not.”

She falls asleep despite her best efforts, waking when Kenji nudges her and takes her hand as they walk up the steps and to the elevator. He leans against the wall, his arms warm and solid as they wrap around her, and she sighs as they kiss, soft, slow kisses that end all too quickly for her liking when the elevator reaches her floor.

When they’re inside her apartment, she can’t help but yawn, and Kenji chuckles as he gets her a glass of water and leads her to the bed. She gulps the water down, stumbling into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She realizes her pajamas are on her bed, so she shrugs and sheds her clothes, wandering back out in her underwear.

Kenji is sitting on her bed, and he lets out a strangled groan. “Jesus Christ, Sutton.”

“What?” She looks down and then back up at him, grinning mischievously. “You’ve seen me naked before.”

“Yeah. I remember. You’re still just…” he trails off.

“I’m what?” she asks with a pout.

“…hot,” he finally comes up with, and she wrinkles her nose, frowning at him.


“Sexy. Gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful,” he says hurriedly, then raises an eyebrow as she starts laughing.

“Hot was fine. I just wanted to see what else you could come up with.”

“Funny, Sutton. Where are your pajamas?”

She sighs loudly and grabs her pajamas, shimmying into them and then lying down. Kenji smiles as he kneels next to the bed, tucking her hair behind her ear and pulling the blanket up. He brushes his thumb over her cheek and then leans down, kissing her softly.

“Good night, Sutton,” he murmurs.

Sutton grabs his shirt, keeping him in place. “You’re not staying?” she asks.

He presses his lips to hers again briefly, shivering when she slides her hand around his neck and into his hair. “You need to sleep,” he says, brushing his mouth over hers again, opening up to her when she runs her tongue over his lips.

“But I want you to stay,” she pleads quietly, bringing her other hand to the back of his neck.

“And I want to stay, darling,” he reassures her, gently biting her bottom lip. “But you’re drunk, and-“

“I’m not drunk,” she pouts.

He gives her a look and a smile sneaks across her face. “Fine, I’m maybe a little drunk,” she admits, tugging him back down and kissing him. “But I still want you to stay.”

“I know.”

He kisses her again, tangling one of his hands in her hair. She keeps trying to pull him into the bed, but he resists, and she finally gives up, flopping back against her pillow with an exaggerated sigh. Kenji grins against her, pressing his mouth to hers one last time before he stands.

Sutton stares up at him, studying his face in the faint glow from the streetlamp outside.

“What?” he asks her curiously.

“I like you.”

He flashes her his typical trademark smirk, his ego swelling just a little, but it really does make him happy. “I like you too.”

“And you….are also hot,” she declares.

“Just hot?” he asks in mock dismay.

“And sexy,” Sutton allows.

“Much better,” he teases her, and she scowls and throws a pillow at him.

He catches it easily and tosses it back on the bed.

“Go to sleep, Sutton,” he says, his voice sweetly affectionate.

“Fine,” she sighs, and Kenji chuckles when he looks down and sees that her eyes are closed.

He opens her door quietly, locking and shutting it behind him before heading to the elevator. His phone pings, and he wonders who’s texting him this late.

stay obr tomoow?

He laughs at Sutton’s drunken texting.

yes sutton. i’ll stay obr tomoow.

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