A Royal Mate – Chapter 13 Part 1: Healing Begins

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the story line. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Notes: This chapter will be posted in two parts.

Summary:  Dinner with the family will be lively, especially with Leo there to keep a younger brother on his toes. Sparks fly? Liam has some shocking news for Si. How will she react? Tables are turned. Morning wake up call by someone who isn’t Maxwell. Regina’s arrest.


Chapter 13 (Part 1): Healing Begin


Liam and Si walk hand in hand to the suite, he stops and hands her a set of keys that are on a apple key chain. Si notices that the apple is a real ruby and the leaf is encrusted with emeralds.

“These are your set of keys, they open, our suite, our studies, our offices, and a safe room. Though I hope you never have to use the latter.” Liam smiles fades  just a little at the thought of having to use a safe room. “You want to do the honors?”

Si giggles and opens the door to the suite. Liam lifts her up bridal style and carries her over the threshold. Once inside he kicks the door closed with his foot.  He carries her over to the couch and sits down with her on his lap. Si takes in the scene. This suite screams regal, traditional, and old.  Liam can see Si disapproval of the room.

“What’s wrong, I can see by your wrinkled nose you do not like the room.”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, it just doesn’t seem like you.  I don’t know, I guess, I when I imagine something a little more modern or at least brighter colors. All this darkness, is just depressing.”

Liam laughs, “Well, you will get to redesign our suite any way that you want to. I trust your judgement.  After we announce our upcoming wedding, you can begin planning the suite.  I just ask that you make enough room for are growing family.”

Si looks at Liam, her eyes grow wide as his implications start to sink in.

“What? Are you sure? How do you know when I don’t even know?” Si exclaims.

“I will answer your question in order. Yes, I am sure, your scent has changed, I can smell them. Your not that far along, but it is enough that we can sense the slightest change in your scent. Are you not happy?”

“I … I am in shock. OMG! We are going to be parents. Holy Shit. Liam are you happy, I mean everything start so fast, you have Regina to deal with, the council.  What if they don’t like me? Then what will you do? Oh God, Liam, did I just make you life that much more difficult. Because that is the last thing that I want to do.”

Liam chuckles and kisses her. “Love, I am overjoyed that you are carrying my cubs, there is no one else that I want to be the mother of my children. They will love you because you are my true mate. I know that you will help me lead with grace, intelligence, diplomacy.  You were born to be by my side. I believe in you , in us, in our family. I just need you to promise me that you will follow all security protocols. No matter how stupid or unnecessary you think they are. Please understand I will lock you in this room until they are born if I have to. Even though locking you in our bedroom does not seem like a bad idea.” he says raising his eyebrows.

Si laughs, “I have no doubt that you would Mr. Overprotective. I will do my very best to live up the faith you have in me.” She kisses Liam, just as he was about to deepen the kiss, Si pulls away abruptly, “Hold on, did you say cubs? Like lion cubs? How many are we talking?”

Liam laughs looking at the confusion and slight fear on his mate’s face. “I don’t mean to laugh at you but you are so cute when you are flustered.” Si slaps his shoulder, “Yes, they will be shifters, but they will be born as human babies, does that word make you feel better?” Si nods, as he continues. “They will not go through their shift until they are about 9 months to a year old.”

“Really, that young, I know that you are the Alpha, but will they listen to me like they will you, since I am human.” Si asks.

“Love, we are there Alphas, they will listen, they will know that we are Alpha.  If they don’,t you have me as back up, always. And too answer your question, I smell 3 little ones, it will be an interesting  25 weeks.”

“They will be here in 25 weeks, a normal pregnancy is about 40; I have no idea about triplets.”

“Well a normal shifter pregnancy is 25 weeks, and our children will be shifters.” Liam smiles. “I love the sound of that, ‘Our children’,”

“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” Si tries her best to pout.

“Love, you wanted this too, didn’t you?”Liam can tell she is happy,

“Well , yes! So, my King, we need to renovate ASAP. Then we can christen every part of our new home, before we have no more privacy.” Si purrs. Liam’s eyes flash golden.

Si slides off his lap; She starts removing articles clothing as she heads to the bedroom. Looking over her shoulder she give a stunned Liam a seductive smile.

“Does his Majesty like what he sees?”

Liam swallows, his lion is in shock too, this was new, he is used to being the initiator, but he must admit, he could get use to this.

“Oh, yes, Love, I fucking love what I see.”

“Then come and show me just how much,”

Liam quickly get up off the couch, he removes his clothing much faster than Si thought possible.  His harden length swaying as he walks towards her.  Si bites her bottom lip, taking in the site of her beautiful mate. Liam grabs her by her waist, pulling her flush against him, his length pressed against her belly.  Si, guides him to sit on the bed.

“Move all the way back your, Majesty.”

As he does what she says, his desire for her is evident on his face. Si, giggles as she crawls up his body. She kisses him with much passion and desperation , to match his own.

“Come here,” he growled, his voice deep with his animal.

She shakes her head. “Not this time your Majesty. I want you. Now!”

“I don’t want to  hurt you. Let me taste you first.”

“No,” she states firmly and lifting  her hips, so he can see  her wet pussy folds.

“I’m ready.”

Fuck! He holds  his cock at the base, as she positions herself to hover over his length. She holds herself steady by grabbing the headboard of their bed with one hand. She drags her nails very slowly  down his chest and over his nipples, she pinches his tiny buds. He groans and grabs her hips with one hand, poised to assist her ease down his cock. Instead of beginning gently, like he expects her to, she lowers into a sitting position, impaling herself with his cock. He chokes out a breath and she moans, pressing her body as low as possible, taking him in even deeper.

“Fuck, Si!” he breathes as her  pussy envelopes his cock; squeezes him so tightly that he counts to ten,  so he doesn’t  cum at the mere feeling of being inside her. He counts slowly, feeling like a fucking teenager losing his virginity.

“Oh god, Liam…” as she feels him stretching her in many delicious ways.

“I love being balls deep inside  you. It is gets better each time I fuck you,” he moans.

She wiggles a little, rocking back and forth. A sigh escapes with her movement.

“Your stretching me, I love how much you fill me up.”

“Love, you’re all that’s perfect in my world at this very moment.” He grabs a handful of her ass and rocks her on his length. She grabs the headboard  and shakes her hips.

“Every time I move,  God, it is amazing how you fill  me.”

“That’s it, Love. Suck  my cock into your pussy,” he grunts.

She rocks back and forth on him, slowly grinding down on him, but she is moving way too slow and he is going insane waiting for her to speed it up. Her pussy muscles clamps tightly around his cock.  Guiding her up and down, he helps her ride him faster, to lower harder, and to rock as she comes all the way down , adjusting the angle so he can hit different areas inside her.

“Oh, oh, god, yesss, Liam, just like that” she mews.

“Anything for you my, Love, are you ready to cum for me?  Are you ready to let everyone know who fucks you so good?” Liam pants.

Her pussy flutters , she is close, he knows her release will come soon.. He increases the speed and force,  driving  his thick cock deeper into her. Si is meeting him thrust for thrust. There bodies are covered in a thin layer of sweat.  Si can feel her orgasm building in her core. Liam reaches between them and rubs her sensitive clit. The speed of their thrust increases. The room is filled with the sound of skin slapping skin.

“Oh, God Liam, I….I am almost ….there. Keep going, mmm… just like that.” Si pants.

Her body tenses, her pussy grips him tighter. He continued rocking her, gliding her up and down his dick. Her head falls back, as she shuts her eyes, and her breast bouncing with each lift and drop, making his own orgasm build with each movement.  She leans down, kissing him and moaning against his lips.

“Oh god Liam , I’m so close. So close.”

“Let go, Love.”

He raises his head to take her breast into his mouth, suckling hard on her peak. Her pussy quivers around his cock and a ragged cry falls from her lips. She presses down to taking  him  in deeper. Her body shutters  at the force of her orgasm. She grabs the headboard for support  as her pussy squeezes him to cum. He let go of her breasts and tensing as he grabs her ass hard. A deafening roar rips  from his chest, shaking them both in the process. He continues to lift and drop her hard on his cock, until he suddenly stops His cock pulsates  in her pussy, thick, hot and hard. Ropes of cum fill her channel with his seed. The longer he roars, the more he cums.

Her fingers grip the headboard tightly as his cock, deep within her, continues cumming, filling her completely. Finally, his body relaxes. She falls  on him, her body is slick with sweat and her breathing is ragged. Catching her breath she says. “I think we need some sleep now” she yawns and glances at him with a soft smile. “You really know how to wear a girl out.” He chuckles as he, she slowly pulls out of her. He slips out of bed and head towards their en-suite. Returning with a warm towel, he gently cleans them both up. Si can barely keep her eyes open, but a smile is plastered on her content face. He cups her face and kisses her passionately. She was his, his woman,his mate,  and soon, his wife . If he has his way, her smiles will never cease. “Sleep my love, I’ve got you.”

The next morning they couple is awaken by Leo loudly announcing his presence in Liam’s bedroom.

“Wake up, little brother.  We have much to do this morning!”

“For fuck’s sake, Leo, go away.” Si groans throwing a pillow at him, and snuggles deeper into the covers.

“Leo, don’t be an ass, you heard her, go away.  I will be out in, just a minute. Have you heard of this concept? It is called knocking before entering a room.” Liam growls.  “ I am sorry, Love, I didn’t think that he would barge into our room.”  His concerns were met with Si’s giggles.

“He was making sure that we made good use of this big bed.” She kisses him. “You know, the sooner you get out of this bed the sooner you can get back in.” Si winks.

They can hear Leo and Olivia laughing on the other side of the door, it is apparent that they were listening to every word.  Liam looks at Si as a mischievous grin crosses his face.

“Shall we give them something to listen too?” Liam tries to whisper to Si.

“We don’t have time for that, get out here or I swear I will come in there and make sure you get showered and dressed. The poor girl is probably starving in her condition.” Olivia spits.

Si jumps out of bed, throws on one of Liam’s discarded button down shirts from the floor, and flings open the doors.

“You knew, and you didn’t say anything?”

“Honey, were shifters, of course I knew. And it wasn’t my place to tell you. If it makes you feel better your not that far along. Get dress so we can go to breakfast.  If neither of you are dressed in 30 minutes, you will eat in whatever state you are in when I get back.” Olivia grabs a laughing Leo by the arm dragging him out of the suite.

The couple shower together and sensually washing each other. They dress quickly as Olivia doesn’t bluff.  Si cannot wait to tell Em her news.

Olivia smiles as the couple walk into the private dining room. She revels in the fact that they took her very seriously.  She really liked Si, especially since she had not seen Liam so happy, confident, or at peace with the who being King business. Si completed him.

“Well, you had 5 minutes and 25 seconds to spare. Now, if I could get the rest of the group to listen that well to me.” Olivia chimes.

“Red, you really need to stop the whole dominating the world, business.” Drake rolls his eyes at her.

“Yeah Red, Drake wants you to save that for the bedroom.” Maxwell chuckles, ducking behind Em, so Drake won’t punch him.

Em, Si, James, Leo, and Liam burst out in roaring laughter. Si and Em are laughing so hard that tears are streaming down their faces.

“Ok, what did we miss?” Daniel asks as he and Julie enter the dining room

“The fact that Drake and Olivia think that everyone is oblivious.” Si chirps in between breaths.

“Whatever, Momma Bird.” Olivia glares at Si. Then she realizes what she just said as Si, eyes widen. “Shit!” Olivia looks at Si apologetically.

“What was that Olivia?” Drake asks.

“Well since we are are here and for the benefit of us non-shifters. Liam and I are expecting.” Si beams. Em jumps up and runs over to Si hugging her tightly.

“OMG! I am so happy for you. Really Liam, you couldn’t wait at least a month before you knock up my friend?” Pulling him into a hug.

“Oh,did I mention she’s a hugger?” Si laughs.

“Well if she tries to hug me, I will burn her to a crisp.” Olivia snorts.

“You will NOT harm my child’s Godmother. Well one of them anyway.”

“One of them? How many are we talking?” Julie asks, she blushes as she notices that Leo cannot seem to take his eyes off her. Daniel notices it too. Two down, he thinks.

“Triplets.” Liam boast looking quite proud of himself.

“You can not do anything halfway can you, brother? Leo winks.

“Some how, I think you will find away to try to outshine him,  your highness.” James quips. Drake chokes on his coffee, before he can laugh.

“James, you have been hanging around us too long, I think it is official you are one of the gang.” Drake says clapping James on the back.

“Well, I do hate to ruin the fun, especially at Drake’s acceptance, but we do need to prepare for the day, and since your, Grace is expecting, we will need to lock down security measures.” James states.

“Yes, you are a stick in the mud, James, but you are correct.” Olivia sighs.

“Well won’t the announcement take care of that, I mean, Madeleine….Oh, hell. She is going to worse isn’t she? Shit, she already killed my worthless Aunt. I swear that bitch better stay away from my family.” Si spits. Everyone is taken aback, by the belligerence in her voice.

“Wow, I think ‘Momma Bird’ just became ‘Momma Beast’!” Maxwell jokes.

James ropes in the group and they finish finalizing the events of the rest of the day.  Liam will start with the usual welcome and give the history of the Regatta. After that, his is going to announce that they social season as they know will continue, but he was already found his mate, so the social season will be a celebration of the wedding that is two months away. Liam also informs everyone that Daniel and Julie will be Si official Royal Guards, and he expects that Julie, Em, and Olivia, never let Si alone outside of the Royal Wing.

“I know it seems extreme, but until we can deal with Madeleine for good, it is best that you are protected at all times. All four of you.” Liam assures.

“I trust you.” Si vows.

Em, Julie, and Olivia go into decoration mode. They promised to help her renovate their Royal suite, into the Royal apartment. The women, are so caught up in they lively chatter that they did not even notices that the men had moved to the other end of the table.

“You have really done it now, Liam.” Drake expresses, “you have made the rest of us look like we are dragging our feet.”

“Well, you are dragging your feet.” Liam replies, “You have known that Liv was your one for forever, why fight it?”

“Have you not meet her?” Drake huffs.

“Yeah, and she is the only one who can put up with your grumpy ass.” Maxwell proclaims.

Leo is thoroughly enjoying watching the trio take jabs at each other.

Daniel looks at Leo, “You, know she is family, and I know eighty ways to kill a man. But I must admit, she is a more savage fighter than me, so good luck.” his chuckles, and leaves Leo stunned and thinking, as Daniel walks over to Em.

“Well we have a few hours, until we need to head to the marina, anybody have any suggestion on what we should do?” Maxwell announces.

“Well, I for one want to hear how it all went down when the old bat was arrested. Did she put up a fight. I would have love to see her face when she realized what a conniving, contemptuous, cunt of a niece she has.”

“Good alliteration Liv. Yes, I am dying to hear this, Leo.” Em chimes.

“Well, it wasn’t what I expected. I have never, actually, the rage she flew into was kinda, scary. Anyway..”

Previous afternoon

Bastien knocks on Regina’s door. They can hear her talking, but her guard said that she was alone in her suite. Bastien knocks again. When she doesn’t answer they enter the suite. Regina is pacing talking to herself in the mirror.  She is so caught up in her own little world that she doesn’t notice that they have entered her room with guns drawn.

“Regina!” Leo bellows. Regina stops in front of her vanity and her reflection snarls at Leo.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the wayward, Prince. I see you finally have taken the time off your whoring to come and see your beloved country and family. What did we ever do for you to bestow such a blessing on us?” Leo is stunned by her words, this was not the woman who raised them, this was, well he had no words to describe the sight in front of him.

“Well, I would do anything for my brother. This is not a social call, I have a writ signed by the council, you are under arrest for the murder of Liam’s mother, and our father. You will be tried for High Treason and you will be sentenced to death.” Leo’s voice seething with contempt.

“Oh,  and who do you think would believe you? Do you know how much power I have.  You boys lived, because we wished it.  Everything you have, is because I let you have it.  You  have  no proof.”

“Oh, but they do, dearest Auntie, I have told them everything that you told me in the maze. How could you? How could you, turn on your family?  Do we mean so little to you?” Madeleine feigns hurt.

“You, little Bitch. How dare you turn on me. I gave you everything, I hand you not one, but two Princes, all you had  to do was spread your legs and get pregnant, but you wanted to act like an angel, when we both know that you fuck Neville, Tariq, and any other low life that slithers. I did everything to make you a QUEEN! But you will always be just a pathetic, bottom-feeding whore.”

Just the,n Regina lounges at Madeleine, grabbing by her throat. she squeezed with all her might. Madeleine did not have time to shift. Two guards tried to pry her hands from Madeleine’s throat, but could not.  Bastien Bastien, yells for her to release Madeleine, but Regina does not comply, so he raises his gun and slams it into the back of her head. Regina collapses on the floor. Madeleine is holding her throat, trying to catch her breath.

“Get the countess to the hospital wing, immediately.” Bastien barks, “Henderson, call for the medic.”

Regina should have shifted to heal her wound, her breathing was very shallow, but she never shifted. She never shifted.

Back to the Present.

“Liam, Regina never shifted and she never regained conscientiousness. She died in her sleep.” Leo says.

“Wait, how could she have not shifted? I thought that when you are seriously wounded, you automatically shift so that you can enter your healing sleep.” Em remarks.

Everyone looks at one another, then Olivia face lights up. “You, have got to be joking, she was a fucking, Scratch!”

“What is a Scratch?” Si asks.

“Well, it is very rare, but sometime the offspring of two shifters never connects with their animals, so they will have all the shifter abilities, but will never shift.  They will have all the human traits as well, such as lying, our animals keep us from lying, but a scratch can do it in such a way, that we cannot detect the lie.” Liam explains.

Si can sense Liam’s sadness, even though Regina had hurt him the most, she still was still his mother for the last 25 years. Si decides that she wanted to go back to the room for a nap and to get a chance to talk to Liam alone. To give him a chances to grieve in private.

“Liam, love will you walk me back to our suite?”

“Of course, Love, it would be me pleasure.”

They say their goodbyes, and Leo yells after them, “You only have a couple of hours before we must head to the marina, and Si, is schedule to meet Olivia and the girls in the boutique in an hour. So make it quick.”

Si looks back at Leo, giving him the finger, with a smile.  Leo laughs and declares, “Your Majesty, such vulgar displays is unbecoming of a Lady of your stature.”

Si, laughs and wraps Liam’s arm around her shoulder, and they walk back to their quarters. “How are you feeling? You know you can tell me anything, Liam.  I will always be here for you.”

Liam kisses her head, “I know, I could not even imagine the pain you went through losing both your parents, but now, though it doesn’t compare, I am getting a glimpse of it.”

“Liam, trust me, that pain is exactly what I experienced. Both your parents have been taken from you. You feel robbed. Your angry, you feel alone.  The only difference between you and me, was for a while, I was truly alone.  You have all of us. You have me, our family.  You may have to put on a brave face for others, but not with us. You Never have to hide with us. I love you, we love you.”

“I love you too, so very much. Let’s get that nap in, do you mind if I join you?”

“I would love it my King.” They enter there suite and head straight to the bedroom. Liam sets the alarm for when they need to get up and they crawl into bed together. He envelopes her in his arms, placing his hand on her flat stomach; allows himself to drift off to sleep. He will never be alone again, he has a new family to love.

To be continued:

3 thoughts on “A Royal Mate – Chapter 13 Part 1: Healing Begins”

  1. Heya! :] this is such an awesome take on the Royal Romance, it takes Fanfiction to the the next level!
    I can’t wait for the next one, I keep rereading it, seriously about as much as I play the game at the moment and more than I write my own fanfiction.

    I was wondering – and i’m sorry if this is not okay. I’ve been so inspired by the shifter premise that I’ve been writing a different fic with a similar premise. I was wondering if you would like to see it? If you have a look at my current stories (different premise) you can see my writing style.

    I’m so excited for your next chapter!
    ty xx

  2. I am so sorry, I just saw this. I would love to see your work. Part 2 was uploaded last night,.

    There are not enough words to express my gratitude for your kind words. This is my first fan fic that I have written and I am starting another one called What Is Done In The Dark.

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