New World Order: Moving Forward

New World Order
By Misha

Disclaimer- Note mine.
Rating- Mature
Summary- Lilith adjusts to her new life, Adam gets news of the serum.
Words- 1748

Chapter Two: Moving Forward


I lay in Adam’s arms, basking in the afterglow of the best sex of my life. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was a vampire or because Adam was just that good or maybe both… But whatever it was, I wanted more of it.

I frowned. Was it normal to be this horny after Turning? Shouldn’t I be confused or angry? Adam Turned me without permission, he made this decision for me. I should hate him, not want to jump his bones…

“Something troubling you?” Adam inquired, his hands tracing lazy patterns on my stomach.

I didn’t know how to answer that. What I was feeling or rather what I wasn’t feeling was confusing me and honestly, while I couldn’t resist the urge to share my body with Adam, I was unwilling to share my thoughts.

I was saved from having to answer by a knock on the door.

Adam scowled as he got up from the bed and threw on a pair of pants. I couldn’t help admire him as he walked towards the door. He really was incredibly handsome and in very good shape given that he must have been close to 40 when he died. Did a vampire body shape change?

Actually, that was an interesting question. I probably wasn’t going to get fat, but could I grow major muscles if I wanted? Or was I just always going to look like this? Which… Wasn’t the worst thing in the world, I had to admit. I could live with being almost-24 forever.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I missed whatever conversation had occurred, something I became aware of when Adam approached the bed, kissing me quickly before pulling on the rest of his clothes.

“I have to go out for a while,” he told me, “feel free to wander the estate.”

“But nowhere else?” I guessed, wondering if I was under some kind of lockdown.

“I’d rather you didn’t,” Adam said calmly, “you are newly Turned. You need training before you can go out into the world.” That made sense since Kamilah and Adrian had said the same thing about Lily.

Lily. OMG. What had happened to Lily and Jax? I considered asking Adam, but would he even know or care? What exactly had happened after he’d Turned me?

But before I could ask that question, Adam strode toward the door, leaving me behind without a second glance. I wondered what was so important, something to do with his quest for power, no doubt.

I got up out of the bed and then groaned when I looked at my discarded clothes. I really didn’t want to wear the clothes I’d been wearing for a full day before I’d died and that I’d actually died in. I kinda wanted to burn them.

I walked towards the closet, decided I could maybe borrow a dress-shirt and tie a belt around it and turn it into a dress since I was a lot shorter than Adam. I would have aimed for a t-shirt and sweatpants, but I had a feeling the odds of finding those in Adam Vega’s closet would be non-existent.

I opened the door and then froze at the rows and rows of women’s clothing. A full wardrobe. Had Adam had a live-in-lover and just kept her wardrobe? That seemed… Unlikely. He did not strike me as the sentimental sort.

I pulled out a dress, designer of course, and noted that it was exactly my size.

This was my wardrobe.

He hadn’t been lying when he said this was our room. He’d made all the arrangement without consulting me, so sure that I would come around to his way of thinking. Cocky bastard.

Some of the anger came then, just at the sheer arrogance of the gesture. Yet, on a practical note, I was glad to have something to wear.

Since I had nothing better to do, I perused the wardrobe. Whoever had purchased it had exceptional taste. It was all designer, but not LaCroix trendy, all classics, with an elegant twist. A perfect match for Adam, really.

Curious, I moved to the dresser. There were two. The first one was full of men’s clothing, so I went over to the second one and found it full of more clothing. T-shirts, sleepwear, underthings. Lots of underthings.

I made a face at the idea of some strange person buying me underwear and then laughed out-loud because that reaction was the most like I’d felt like myself since I’d awakened and there was something comforting about it.

After a few more minutes of exploration, I grabbed myself some clothing, settling on a pair of yoga pants (ok, now I was really curious about who had picked this wardrobe) and a silky red t-shirt. Then I moved onto the bathroom.

It was giant, of course. I was pretty sure mine and Lily’s old apartment could fit in there, but I expected nothing less from Adam. The bathroom was home to both a massive shower and a very decadent bathtub.

I eyed the tub, getting some very interesting ideas. And there were those hormones again. Was this a new vampire thing? Were they all perpetually horny at first?  Lily had given me a few awkward moments post-Turning, so maybe.

I gave the bathtub another long look and then moved to my actual destination, the dual sinks and accompanying counters. I rummaged through the drawers. Normally, I had better manners than that, but well, if we were discussing invasions of privacy, Adam had turned me into a vampire without my permission, going through his toiletries didn’t even compare.

Besides, it wasn’t his toiletries that interested me.

As I suspected, there was tons of makeup, all high hand brands, and other toiletries awaiting me. In fact, the make-up selection was almost excessive and that was when I noticed there was a note tucked in there.

Make-up is such a personal thing and instead of trying to guess your taste, I bought all of my favorites. Hopefully, we have similar taste. I have to admit I’m curious to meet the woman worth all this effort. – Isabella.

Who was Isabella? I closed the drawers, deciding that my makeup routine could wait and headed out of the suite and into the main part of the house. I flagged down the first person I saw. “Excuse me, do you know where I can find Isabella?”

“Of course, ma’am,” the man answered deferentially and he pointed me down a hallway.

I opened the door and walked in. As soon as I did, a stunningly beautiful woman who bore a startling resemblance to Adam stood up. “Lilith,” she greeted, approaching me, and kissing my cheeks, “I’ve been so eager to meet my new sister.”

I stared at her. Sister?

She laughed, a beautiful melodious sound. “Too soon? Though, I’ve never seen my brother so… Set on a woman. It is definitely intriguing and I’ve been eager to put a face on the name.” She ran her eyes up and down my body. “And you definitely do not disappoint. Adam’s taste has improved.” She laughed. “Oh, I haven’t introduced myself yet, have I? I’m Isabella, Adam’s sister.”


3rd Person POV

Adam strode into the lab. “What do you have for me?”

“A preliminary dosage of the serum, extracted from Mr. Raines body,” Dr. Pierce told him, “I would prefer more time to analyze–”

“We do not have more time,” Adam snapped, “I need that serum now.”

“Yes, sir,” Dr. Pierce said, “I know that and I am confident that this dosage will work as you wish it too and stronger, I believe, than Miss Anderson made it appear.”

“Could that be an effect of the dose Adrian took?” Adam asked curiously, stepping closer.

“Perhaps,” the doctor answered, “I wish you’d have let me study Mr. Raines longer, see how it affected him on a cellular level.”

“And risk having him get the better of you?” Adam asked pointedly, “no thank you.” He knew better than to underestimate Adrian and keeping Adrian alive longer than necessary, even for the sake of science, was a bad idea. “We got the serum, that’s the important thing. Is it ready?”

“Yes,” Dr. Pierce told him, “I want to do more analysis, of course, and work on a stronger dosage, but I believe this dosage will last roughly 48 hours, though that is just guessing, of course, and I would suggest caution.”

Adam nodded, though right now he was unconcerned about the time frame, though eventually, his goal was to be able to go long periods without needing the serum. However, for the first term, his focus was the serum itself. He needed it for what came next.

Dr. Pierce took out a vile and ejected it into his neck. There was pain, more pain than Adam had felt in a long time, but it was over quickly. He looked at the doctor, trying to decide if he felt different. Perhaps, slightly.

He frowned at the doctor. “Are you sure this works?”

“As sure as I can be on this time frame,” the doctor told him, “I believe the serum works the way it should.”

There was only one way to find out. Adam glanced at his watch, only 15 minutes to sunrise. He passed those fifteen minutes quizzing the good doctor and making plans for the next stage of experiments.

“It’s the moment of the truth,” he commented once the alarm on his phone went off.

He thought the doctor looked a little nervous. Perhaps he understood how Adam punished those who made mistakes, especially with something this important.

Adam strode out of the lab and outside where the sun was just starting to rise. But even that should be enough to cause a feeling of discomfort and there was none. There was nothing.

It worked. Adrian’s magic serum worked.

He couldn’t resist the urge to laugh, the sound seeming to relax Dr. Pierce, who took a cautious step forward. “Are you satisfied, sir?”

Was he satisfied? He could walk in the day. The biggest threat to his existence was now neutralized. Now no one could harm him, or Lilith once he gave her the serum. They would be invincible.

“Very satisfied,” he assured the doctor, his handsome face curving into a grin as he placed his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Good job, Dr. Pierce, I will see to it that you get a bonus. Now, how long do you need before we move on to the next step?”


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

9 thoughts on “New World Order: Moving Forward”

  1. Oooh. I think the real question here is: does like even need the serum? I bet she doesn’t.

    I love the inclusion of Isabella. Lilith needs her company and she needs her perspective on Adam.

    Also loved the whole bit about the closet!!

    1. That is the real question. I love Isabella. Adam is definitely a character who needs someone to soften him a bit and she also is able to give perspective on his personality that Lilith desperately needs. Sometimes OC’s are a writer’s best tool.

  2. I really love this series. This is my favorite song.
    Looking forward to the development of relationships Adam and Lilith!

    1. Thank you so much! It’s fun to play with them in this universe, for sure. Because they are more equal here than in any of my other stories.

  3. I really love this series. This is my favorite song.
    Looking forward to the development of relationships Adam and Lilith

  4. Adam you bum… I love him. So overly confident.

    Can’t wait to see Isobel and Lilith’s relationship develop. LILY AND JAX >:(

    KAMILAH D:::::
    Gauis and Kamilah vs Lilith and Adam???

    1. Kamilah’s location is unknown. She’s not with Gaius though.

      Adam is such a smug ass but it’s part of his charm.

      Thanks for the review!

  5. I’m so glad to be able to continue reading this AU. It’s one of my favorites. I’m betting Lilith does not need the serum which will shock Adam 😂

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