I Choose You

Summary: Daphne lets Jax know that he is the one she wants to be with.

Author’s note: This was based on dancetothestoriesinyoursoul‘s Fluffy Friday writing prompt #4: ,”I choose you.”

Daphne cuddled close to Jax. Being with him felt so good. Now that Adam Vega was gone and Jax was on the Council, she would probably get to spend more time with him. They could just relax and enjoy each other’s company. He had made it clear that she was important to him, and she thought it was time that she did the same.

She looked into his eyes. “I’ve missed being with you. I know we weren’t apart that long, but I hated having to leave you.” She recalled the expression on his face as she told him that she was couldn’t leave Adrian. He had looked so sad. He said that he understood, but still, she knew she had hurt him. He probably thought that she had chosen Adrian over him. Well, in a way she had, since she had chosen to stay with Adrian after he had injected himself with the serum, but it was because she knew he needed her. She hated having to turn down Jax’s offer to go with him.

Daphne touched Jax’s cheek as she gazed at him lovingly. “When you showed up to help us, I was so happy to see you. I felt bad about the way we left things. I thought you might have the wrong idea. And when Lily said she was going with you, I felt so jealous. I know she finds you attractive. And now she’s leaving Adrian’s clan for yours, after everything he risked for her.”

“You don’t need to worry. There’s nothing going on with me and Lily. I want you, not her.” Jax stroked her hair as he held her close.

“And I want you. You mean a lot to me, Jax. I hope you know that. You seemed surprised earlier, when I said I wanted to come with you. Did you think I was going to go with Adrian?”

Jax nodded. “I doubt he was planning to drink that bottle of wine and enjoy that view all by himself.”

“Probably not. But I didn’t want to leave you again. I know I haven’t always been clear about what I wanted. Honestly, I wasn’t really sure at first. You’re both great guys. But after everything we’ve been through over the last couple of days, now I know.” She leaned in close to him. “I choose you, Jax.”

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. He moved his mouth downward and to kiss her neck, and lightly scraped his fangs against her skin.

“You hungry?”

Jax lifted his head to respond. “A little.”

Daphne grinned and pulled her hair back. “Go ahead.”

Jax sunk his teeth into her neck. It hurt for a moment, but the pain rapidly turned to pleasure. She pressed her body against his and could feel that he was once again becoming excited. She moved her hands over his body, caressing him. As he continued to feed, he slipped his hand between her legs. The combined sensations of feeding and touching drove her wild.

“Jax, I need you now.” She reached for him and guided him inside her. He detached his fangs from her neck and closed the wound, then began thrusting in and out of her. He felt so good. She couldn’t get enough of him.

As their pace quickened, the heat inside her grew hotter, and she began to moan. “Oh, Jax!”

“Daphne!” As Jax called out her name, his body tensed. He reached back and grasped the wall, and as he came inside her, the bricks cracked. That sent her over the edge, and she cried out loudly.

After a moment, he rolled off her, and then took her into his arms. As she lay beside him, she felt content. She knew she was where she belonged.


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