Solitude With You

Author’s Note: I’m not going to lie, I’ve always shipped Liam and Olivia … but it wasn’t until very recently that I felt like TRR has set it up for them to have an actual relationship (if you didn’t choose Liam as you LI, of course).  So now the inspiration is flowing and I have to regurgitate all these feels for you fine folks.  


Liam exited the ballroom, fists clenched, searching for the nearest exit.  He was fuming after his interaction with Madeleine, her underhanded insults and reminders that Emma had chosen his best friend over him.  She was a petty, arrogant woman, he knew that …  and she would always hold a grudge that he had cast their engagement aside at the first opportunity he had.  As if he could have ever actually gone through with that sham of a marriage with a heartless woman anyway.

His eyes surveyed down one end of the hallway and then to the other, where he noticed a set of ornate double doors leading outside somewhere.  Somewhere, anywhere … he just needed some air.  He walked briskly toward the exit and pushed one heavy door open, immediately met by a harsh gust of frigid air as he escaped.

He felt the sting of cold against his cheeks as he observed his surroundings.  He had exited onto the terrace which opened up to the gardens.  The once-lush and green landscape were now cast in shadows across the stark white snow.  Given his current state of mind, Liam welcomed the desolate loneliness.

He meandered aimlessly across the promenade, no trace of life except for the footsteps he left behind him.  He could hear the faint sound of music echoing from the ballroom through the stone of the estate, reminding him where he was supposed to be.  As Liam rounded a corner of the building, he stumbled upon another set of footprints in the snow leading from the nearest exit into the darkness.   His first instinct was alarm, but he soon released a sigh of relief as he followed the delicate prints to thelithe figure leaning against the railing.  She stood in solitude, gleaming under the moonlight, the faint crimson hue cast by the light across her hair making her unmistakable.  Olivia.

Olivia turned at the sound of his feet crunching in the snow, a look of annoyance spread across her face until she recognized her intruder.  She released her hands from clutching the snowy banister, still wearing nothing but her red sequined gown in the wintry night.

“Shouldn’t the Duchess be inside hosting her own ball?”  Liam asked facetiously.

“Yes, she should … as well as the King should know better than to play hooky from a royal event.”  She quipped back, arching an eyebrow in his direction.

“Well played.”  Liam chuckled as he settled in next to her, resting his forearms on top of the snowy railing.  “I wonder if I’ll ever get used to hearing that.  The King …” his voice dropped off as his mind wandered.  “I hear the King and I think of my Father, you know.”

“I know.”  Olivia placed one hand on top of his forearm, continuing to look out across the vast night sky.  They stood there in silence for several minutes, enjoying the comfortable companionship as they stared out at the horizon.  Finally Olivia looked down to Liam beside her, squeezing her hand against his arm.  “How are you doing, Liam?  Really?”

“Hmmph.”  Liam looked down at his hands, carefully tracing once thumb across the other.  “You know, the only other person to ask me that recently is Emma.  And I don’t feel like I can really talk with her …”

“Because of Drake.”  She finished for him, looking back up to the sky as she raised her hand to his shoulder.  “I get it.”  She didn’t go any further.  Because how do you tell the person grieving beside you that everything they’re feeling, you feel too … for them?

Liam inhaled deeply, then released a long breath of white mist into the night air.  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for Drake … and for Emma.  I just- “

”Your heart breaks a little every time you see them together?”  Olivia offered solemnly.

Liam looked up at her face, moonbeams bouncing off her porcelain skin as she stared into the night sky.  “Yeah … something along those lines.”  His voice faded and he looked back up at the stars.  “But what about you … are you seriously entertaining marriage prospects like your aunt says?”  He quirked his head to look back over at her, an expression of curiousity spread across his face.

“I know it’s my duty as a Nevrakis to marry and continue the lineage.  For Lythikos and for Cordonia.”  She sighed deeply.  “I’ve just never thought myself the marrying type.  Not the fairytale marriage, at least.  A marriage of the state is far less exciting.” She shivered as the wind swirled around them, goosebumps forming across her arms.

“Here, you’re cold.”  Liam started removing his jacket, but she pressed a hand against his chest to stop him.

“Please … I’m a Nevrakis.  A little cold won’t kill me.”  A faint smile spread across her lips.

Liam paused for a moment at her interruption, then proceeded with disrobing and wrapped his navy military jacket around her shoulders. “I know you’re strong, Liv.  But it’s okay to let people in, too.”  He rubbed his hands over his jacket along her upper arms, his blue eyes boring into hers. “You know, I’ve seen a change in you lately.  A glimpse of the carefree girl I knew when we were children, before …” Liam paused and looked down, unwilling to finish his sentence.  “Anyway, I like this version of you … and I hope to see more of her from now on.” Olivia opened her mouth, searching for a snarky response … but was rendered speechless.  She stared back at him, wishing that she could just remain frozen in this moment forever.  

She was snapped out of her entranced state as a strong wind gust pushed against her, unexpectedly knocking her off balance.  “Ahem … I really should get back.”

“Alright.”   Liam said, eyes gaze never leaving hers.  She removed his jacket carefully and placed it in his hands.  As she turned to leave, he gripped her by the elbow and pulled her back to face him.  “Olivia, I know you’re a strong, independent woman and have never needed anyone’s shoulder to cry upon …”  he peered intently into her deep emerald eyes, willing her to listen.  “But I hope you know I’m always here.  That I want to be here.”

Olivia’s breath hitched at the intensity of his statement, seemingly friendly yet wrought with underlying emotion.  Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared back at him.  “I … I appreciate that Liam.”  She steadied her breathing as she pulled her arm away, her flesh still tingling from the contact.  “If you’ll please excuse me.”  She turned in a hurry, hiding her flushed cheeks as she scurried back inside to the ballroom.

Liam stood there under the moonlight holding his jacket in his hands, the feeling of blood pumping through his veins as he regarded Olivia walking away.  As the door shut behind her, he turned his face once again to the sky and lingered to enjoy one more brief moment of seclusion.  The air was still as the first snowflakes fell, the quiet natural melody mixing with the sounds of the orchestra inside.  He looked up to the stars one final time, a sense of renewal and hope spread throughout his body.  Just as Olivia had changed, so had he … and perhaps at last their stars were finally aligning.


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