Prove It

Author’s Note:  It’s been over 3 weeks since I’ve done a fic with Damien and Cami, and I did not realize how much I missed him them until I started writing.  So here is the final one of my requests from last round, incorporating @confessionsofabrokegirl’s request for smut prompt #15 “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.” and angst prompt #23 “Look me in the eye and tell me you love me.”  


“So, this guy with a strange accent kept following me around the museum, asking me all these really odd questions about the art in the exhibit … “ Nadia continued her lengthy story, not noticing the waning interest of her companions. “He dropped a couple of references to exotic animals, specifically hippos, peacocks and pandas, so I figured he must be a veterinarian.  Anyway, he was pretty good-looking and very well-dressed so I decided to give him a chance … but it turns out he’s not a vet after all.”  Nadia emitted a small disappointed sigh, eyes downcast as she reflected on the events.

“This is a fascinating story, really …” Damien spoke in a monotone voice, a half-assed attempt to hide his disinterest.  Camille swatted his leg with her hand under the table, giving him the ‘stop it’ glare when they met eyes.  ‘What?’ he mouthed sarcastically and grinned, causing Cami to have to muffle a laugh with her hand.

“So after we finally started talking, I find out he’s some rich noble from Cordonia.  Apparently his family has this huge estate over there and he’s actually in New York for a bachelor party with the future king!  Can you believe that?!?”

“What’s his name?” Sloan asked curiously as Hayden nodded in mutual interest beside her.

“Maxwell Beaumont!  Isn’t that a dreamy name too?!?”  Nadia was beaming.

“Never heard of him.” Damien replied curtly.

Cami swatted him again under the table as she leaned forward to reassure her cousin.  “Well I think he sounds like an interesting prospect, Nadia!”

Nadia blushed, an optimistic gleam in her eyes. “Thanks, me too.  We’re actually meeting tomorrow for boba tea and then a walk in Central Park.”

The small group was huddled around the high-top table for their standing Taco Tuesday meeting at La Hacienda.  They chatted animatedly about their weekends and jobs, a routine catch up session that was now an unofficially mandated weekly occurrence.  Ever since Camille and Damien had started dating and practically moved in together, Cami had initiated the tradition of Taco Tuesday in a hopeful attempt to keep the group together.

“Well look who it is …” a gruff female voice spoke from behind Sloan.  The friends turned to study the instigator and Damien, just having taken a drink of his margarita, proceeded to choke on his beverage.  He was coughing into his napkin trying to regain his breath, the tall red headed woman watching him amusedly.  “Hello Damien.”

Camille observed Damien’s internal struggle as he tried to formulate a response.  “Um, hi, uh …” he fumbled as he tried to recall her name.

“Katie.”  She quirked an eyebrow.  “My name is Katie.”

“Right … so, uh, how have you been?”  Damien attempted to make friendly small talk, but Cami could see he was visibly starting to sweat.

Katie chuckled.  “Don’t worry, Big D, I wasn’t coming over here to chat.”  Her gaze turned to Cami beside him.  “I just came over to get a closer look at your lady friend.  She’s very pretty.”  Cami squirmed uncomfortably as Katie’s eyes scanned her up and down before leaning over to get closer.  She spoke in a low whisper, a cocky grin on her lips.  “Watch out for this one, Honey.”  She nodded subtly towards Damien.  “He’s a lot of fun but he’s trouble.”

Cami’s jaw dropped in initial shock at the forward woman’s inappropriate comment, but quickly her  eyes narrowed and nostrils flared with anger.  She gripped Damien’s thigh tightly, fighting to bite her tongue.  Damien cleared his throat uncomfortably, placing his hand on top of Cami’s and patting it reassuringly.  He stared at her until she finally glanced over to him, her eyes softening as she met his sympathetic gaze and subtle smile on his lips.  She inhaled deeply and nodded her head in understanding, then exhaled slowly as she turned back to the redheaded she-devil.

“Hi Katie, I’m Damien’s girlfriend Camille.  Nice to meet you.”  She tilted her head and lifted her brow.  “Although I’ve been friends with Damien for years now … how odd that he’s never mentioned you?  You seem to know him so well.”

Katie’s expression altered from smug to surprised as she absorbed Cami’s backhanded compliment.  “Yes well, it was a long time ago …”  She quickly straightened up in a belated attempt to mask her defeat.  “Anyway I should get going.   Nice to meet you.”  Her eyes quickly flitted from Cami back to Damien, a glimpse of pain hidden beneath the surface.  “Damien.”  She nodded her farewell before swiftly turning and marching towards the exit.

The group of friends sat in silence at first, unsure of how to move on from the awkward interaction.  Finally Nadia, never one to scare easily from a dialogue, spoke first.  “So, yeah, that was …”

“Awkward?” Sloan jumped in.

Cami snorted at the statement, trying not to get upset.  “Hey, well played, Camille …” Hayden comforted her, noticing the tears forming in the corners of her eyes.  “You handled yourself so well, yet still managed to throw in a quick jab.”  Damien was staring at the margarita in front of him, avoiding eye contact with the others.

Cami smiled gratefully at her friend, but couldn’t hold back the flood of emotions any longer.  “Excuse me for a minute, guys.”  She sniffled quietly as she pushed away from the table and quickly escaped to the ladies room.

After she had cried her frustrations out and pulled herself back together as well as she could, Cami exited the ladies room.  She found Damien waiting outside patiently, a look of remorse on his face.  “I’m sorry about that, Cami.  That was horrible and I’m sorry that it’s because of me.”

Camille steadied herself and nodded slightly, eyes downcast.  “Who was she?”

Damien shifted nervously before responding.  “She’s no one.  Just some girl I met at a bar and went home with.”  He paused, studying her face as she listened.  “I was pretty drunk I guess, I barely remember how it happened.  It was back when I was still trying to drink away my thoughts about you.”  Cami looked up into his eyes at his last statement, filled with regret and affection.  “I’m sorry.” He whispered, reaching up to trace  her cheekbone with a finger.

Cami nuzzled against his hand, a faint smile appearing on her lips.  “I know what you were like before we got together.  Don’t forget I was friends with you.”  She smirked as Damien rolled his eyes.  “It’s just not something I want to see.  Or worse, have thrown in my face.”

Damien leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead, pulling her tight against his chest and wrapping his arms around her.  “Are you going to be okay?  What can I do?”

Cami chuckled against his shirt, her anger and frustration slowly fading away.  “I will be.  But you can do something.”  She leaned back to beam up at the thoughtful man before her.  He may have some (skanky) skeletons in his closet and he definitely had some flaws, but she knew they were perfect for each other.  It only took them four years to figure it out.

“Anything baby.”  He peered down at her, desperate to make everything better.

Look me in the eye and tell me you love me.”  She smiled as she met his stare, a look of relief flooding his face.  His hands reached up to touch her face and bring her forehead to his.

“Camille Park, I love you more than I ever thought possible.  I’m the luckiest man in the world.”  He tilted his head back, cocking it as if he were deep in thought.  “Well, at least the luckiest man in this bar.”

Cami giggled, shoving his shoulder playfully.  “Oh, you sweet-talker you!”

Damien laughed out loud, that deep resonating laugh that made Camille’s stomach do flips while her heart filled with joy.  He bent down and pressed her mouth to his, grinning against her lips.  “My god I love you.”  He whispered contentedly into her mouth, Camille unwilling to let him go.  They lost themselves in the moment, a lustful apology in the form of tangled lips and hot breath.

“Ahem.”  They both jumped at the interruption behind, turning to find a middle-aged man observing them judgementally.  “Excuse me, you’re blocking the restroom.”

Camille blushed and giggled, hiding her face in Damien’s shoulder as he shifted them out of the way.  “Pardon us, sir.  We were just, uh, a little distracted.”  He motioned to the clear path leading to the men’s room.  “Please … proceed.”

“Hmmph.” The man brushed past them, apparently not amused by the lovebirds’ public display of affection.  Damien looked back down to Cami, quirking his brow as she pressed her lips together to stifle a laugh.  As soon as the door clicked close behind the older man, they both burst out in laughter, grasping at each other to steady themselves.

“I think we may have scarred him.”  Damien chuckled.  As the humor faded and they quieted, he gave her another apologetic stare.  “I really am sorry about tonight, Cami.”

“Oh yeah?”  Camille smirked wickedly.  “Prove it.”  She stepped up on her tip toes and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, tugging his lower lip with her teeth as she pulled away.  Damien released a low groan as she gripped him by the lapels of his jacket, pulling him with her towards the door of the ladies room.

Damien’s eyes widened as it dawned on him what she meant.  “What, here?  Really?”

“The door locks and you have a lot of making up to do, Detective.  You should get working on that.”  She pushed the door open and slipped inside, holding it open as she waited.

Damien growled under his breath, tentatively taking one step forward as he looked around for any witnesses. “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.

“You better not stop, Nazario.  Now get in here and lock the door.”  Her eyes danced with desire but a playful smirk remained on her lips.

With one last glimpse around, Damien took the last step, plunging through the door – “Yes Ma’am” he murmured in a husky tone – and locked it behind him.


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