
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the response to the kiss prompt “distracting kiss”. I struggled with this one. I originally went an entirely different direction (and complained to violetflipflops a lot) until this idea popped into my head. The timing is also fitting with US Thanksgiving being this week.

Pairing- Liam/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Eleanor prepares Thanksgiving dinner for her loved ones.

Words- 718

“I know it’s easy to forget, but you’re not a commoner anymore, Eleanor, you don’t have to cook your own meals.” Olivia drawled, casting a disdainful look around the kitchen.

“I am aware of that,” I said dryly, “I’m doing this because I want to.”

It was American Thanksgiving and even though I was thousands of miles from the United States, I wanted to celebrate. So, I had decided to host my own Thanksgiving dinner in Liam and I’s quarters and had enlisted some help.

Speaking of… I shot Olivia a pointed look. “I thought you were supposed to be helping?”

“I’m here, aren’t I?” She asked, leaning against the castle, a glass of wine in her hand, “besides I brought wine. Lots of wine.”

I laughed and looked at the rest of my kitchen crew. Kiara was methodically assembling a green bean casserole while Hana was guiding Penelope through the process of peeling potatoes. The turkey was in the oven, the pies had been baked, and now it was just the final touches that had to be dealt with.

“Something smells good.” I heard the voice at the same time I felt the lips on my cheek. “You ladies have been hard at work.”

I turned to frown at Liam, who had entered the kitchen with Drake and Drake and Maxwell at his heels. “Yes and I’ve noticed that the three of you managed to skip out on helping with the cooking,” I said dryly. “I guess that means that you’re volunteering for clean-up.”

Drake and Maxwell immediately protested, but Liam just smiled. “That sounds fair.”

“Are we done in here?” Olivia asked after a moment. “I’ve had enough cooking for one day.”

“I don’t recall you do any cooking,” I shot back, “you just drank wine and made snarky comments while the rest of us cooked.”

Olivia merely shrugged, “I’m just sticking to my strengths.”

Drake snorted, “if that’s what we’re calling it.”

She raised an eyebrow. “And what do you do all day besides drink whiskey and make snarky comments?”

“She has you there,” Maxwell said with a grin.

There was more good-natured bickering as they all trailed out of the kitchen towards the living room.

Only Liam stayed back. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more help,” He apologized.

“It’s ok,” I told him, moving to straighten a few things on the counter, “Honestly, I probably had more ‘help’ than I needed.”

Besides, I’d seen what happened when my husband tried to cook.

“The ladies weren’t that helpful?” Liam asked, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck.

“Hana and Kiara were,” I said as I wiped the counter, though Liam’s presence made it more difficult than it would normally be, “Penelope tried really hard, but ended up making twice as much work for Hana, and Olivia sat there and drank wine. But she did bake one of the pies.”

Or at least she had brought a pie with her, whether or not she had actually baked it was irrelevant.

“Well, it all smells wonderful,” Liam said again, trailing kisses up my neck towards my jaw.

“You know, you make it really hard to clean up when you do that,” I complained good-naturedly, leaning against him.

“I thought cleaning up was my job,” Liam reminded me, spinning me so that I was facing him and then maneuvering us so that my back was pressed against the counter.

“You’re in charge of the dishes, but I can’t work in a messy kitchen,” I pointed out.

“I thought you were almost done,” Liam commented, his lips covering mine as his hands settled on my waist. I sighed into his kiss for a moment and then pressed my hands against his chest, pushing him away. “No distracting me.”

“I like distracting you,” Liam countered, but he stepped back. “Can I help at all?”

“Go keep Drake and Olivia from killing each other,” I instructed, “and send Hana back here.”

Liam pressed one more quick kiss against my lips and then did as I bade.

I watched him go with a fond smile and then returned my attention to my task, going over the metal list of what needed to be done. This my first Thanksgiving in my own home after all and I wanted it to be perfect.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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