
Summary: Drake and MC enjoy an intimate moment on the dance floor. Based on the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran feat Beyonce.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters or the song used. All rights belong to Pixelberry and Ed Sheeran respectively.


 Welcome to the engagement ball of Duchess Elizabeth Richmond and Mr Drake Walker.

‘Ugh they just had to plaster it on the biggest piece of cardboard to be found in Cordonia, didn’t they?’ Drake grumbled, scowling at the elaborately decorated gold and ivory board in front of him.

‘Oh no I’m pretty sure that particular piece came directly from the company that makes Hollywood billboards,’ Elizabeth replied, sarcasm heavy in her voice. Her mocking tone dropped as she raised a hand to his face, rubbing his cheek softly.

‘Look, I know big crowds and stuffy noblemen aren’t your thing but they’ve gone to such an effort to organise this for us, so don’t you think we should at least pretend to be grateful?’

Drake looked at his fiancée doubtfully.

After the attack on the palace earlier that year, it had been Elizabeth’s idea to have a big wedding to unify and inspire hope in the Cordonian people. Because of her new status as Duchess of Atlantea, the event had attracted a massive amount of attention but as time went on it was obvious that neither of them were content with the idea of a huge celebration. Surprisingly Olivia had picked up on this first and brought up the matter with Liam who proposed a compromise. Drake eventually agreed to having a more public engagement party in return for the small intimate wedding they’d been discussing. Between Elizabeth’s new title and Liam generously offering to sponsor the whole affair, it had been hard to say no.

‘I bet they have lots of whiskey in there too,’ Elizabeth teased, pleased to see his eyebrows perk up in response. ‘I’ll tell you what. If you really do hate it in there, we’ll sneak off later alright?’

He stared down at the woman he loved, marvelling slightly at her ability to make him feel better instantly. Truth be told, he’d do anything if it would make her happy. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips.

‘Well then,’ he whispered, unable to hide his growing smile. ‘Don’t wanna keep that whiskey waiting.’

She rolled her eyes, chuckling at him as the doors opened for their official entrance.

The flashes from the press cameras still lingered in Drake’s eyes as he guided Elizabeth into the main ballroom. She stayed close by his side as she’d done in the pressroom, her hand slipped around his waist, tracing his lower back gently, immediately relieving some of the tension in his frame. Nobles and members of the Cordonian royal court then came forward, offering countless greetings and expressions of congratulations.

With Elizabeth guiding him through the crowd, greeting each guest with warmth and cordiality, Drake took a second to remark to himself how a few months ago the very same people who had gossiped and spread rumours about his fiancée could suddenly be so genial and warm. At this thought, he reflexively tightened his grip on her hand, fighting to keep the disgust off his face. Noticing the gesture, Elizabeth paused in her conversation to place a small kiss on his cheek, immediately earning a series of ‘awws’ from the three maternal ladies before them.

Before long they had made it to the table at the front where their friends and members of the bridal party waited.

‘Elizabeth, you look beautiful!’ Lady Hana Lee, clad in a traditional navy Chinese gown, stepped forward, embracing her best friend.

‘Thank you Hana you look stunning as ever,’ Elizabeth replied to her maid-of-honour-to-be.

‘You do too, Drake,’ Hana addressed him with a wink. ‘Congratulations you two.’

Drake smirked in response. ‘Thanks Hana.’

Before he could say more, a flash of blue hurtled forward, almost knocking the wind out of him.

‘Draaake! Congratulations man!’

The one and only Maxwell Beaumont enveloped him in a giant bear hug. Unable to hide a smile, Drake bit back a snappy remark, allowing him to be hugged by his friend for a second longer.

‘Alright that’s it, hands off,’ he grumbled, extracting himself from the younger Beaumont brother’s grasp.

‘Ahhhh I can’t believe it!’ Maxwell exclaimed loudly. ‘My two best friends! Getting married! I could almost cry!’

‘Now we wouldn’t want that would we?’ Elizabeth interrupted, diverting Maxwell’s attention from her fiancé. ‘How would you see when you’re dancing then?’

Maxwell’s eyes grew big. ‘Nothing stands in the way of my partying skills! Congratulations to you too Elizabeth! It seems like only yesterday I was waking you up every morning for a new courtly function,’ He added, swallowing her up in a similar hug.

‘Congratulations brother,’ a deeper voice chimed in. King Liam beamed at him and this time it was Drake who initiated the hug.

‘I’m sorry for all the pomp and circumstance,’ Liam continued after they separated. ‘I know that isn’t really your scene but what could I do when Cordonia’s newest, most popular duchess gets engaged?’

Drake had opened his mouth for a snappy reply when Elizabeth beat him to it.

‘Don’t be fooled by that grump. He’s secretly enjoying the chance for all this whiskey,’ she replied, enveloping Liam into a brief hug. Now that all tension between them had been resolved, a solid friendship was blossoming in its place.

‘Thank you for organising all this. We really appreciate it.’

Liam bowed deeply. ‘The pleasure’s all mine.’

Though his best friend tried to hide it, Drake could see the tiredness on Liam’s face. It had been a rough couple of months since the attack and he knew his best friend had bee working tirelessly to restore order in the country and the strain was beginning to show. Before Drake could question him, Liam shook his head slightly, indicating that they would continue this line of thought at a different time.

Bertrand Beaumont approached them next with Savannah on his arm.

‘Congrats big brother. Never thought you’d be the one to get hitched first.’ Savannah quipped at her brother while Bertrand immediately swept into a deep bow.

‘Drake, Duchess Elizabeth, May I offer my sincerest congratulations and-,’

‘Oh come on Bertrand, its my engagement party. Enough with the formalities!’ Elizabeth exclaimed, clasping him into a hug.

‘I… Umm… Elizabeth…’ He sputtered when she released him, a look of pure shock on his face.

‘Don’t mind him,’ Savannah interjected, coming to stand in front of her. ‘I’m still trying to get rid of the stick up his ass.’ The two women chuckled before Savannah enveloped Elizabeth into a hug of her own.

‘I could think of better person to marry my brother,’ she said releasing her with a grin.

Elizabeth smiled. ‘Thanks Sav. It really means a lot to me that you think that.’

Liam opened the night with a toast from the couple and dinner was served immediately after.

‘How was that?’ Elizabeth whispered to Drake as the empty plates from main course were being cleared away. He licked the last of the steak gravy off his lips before answering.

‘This must be the first time there’s been something edible at a function. Just look at them.’ Drake gestured to the rest of the room where the servers weaved around tables collecting empty plates.

Elizabeth smirked. ‘Told you it would be fun.’ She leaned her head against his shoulder.

Drake conceded after a sip of whiskey. ‘Hmm I suppose it’s not that ba−’


Drake sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn’t need to look up to know that Maxwell had taken the stage.

‘I’m gonna kill him. I really am.’

Elizabeth, in contrast, simply laughed and cheered along with the crowd in response to Maxwell’s question.

‘Now I know you folks are looking forward to another Maxwell Beaumont special,’ Maxwell continued from his place on the stage. ‘But before we do, I’d like to invite the happy couple who I am proud to call my best friends − Actually can we get a spotlight on them here please?’ He asked through the microphone.

A second later a beam of light descended from the ceiling to land on his chosen targets.

‘Yep. That’s much better,’ the younger Beaumont brother announced. ‘Now where was I? Oh yes. Before we get this party started I’d like to invite two of my best friends in the whole world, the happy couple Drake and Elizabeth onto the dance floor for the first dance of the evening.’

Drake paled, his stomach lurching at the request. Before he could formulate a response, Elizabeth touched his arm, a soft smile on her face, his grandmother’s diamond ring glittering brightly on her left hand.

‘Shall we, my love?’

How could he refuse when she looked at him that way?

Feeling her smile spread to his face, he stood up from his seat and bowed.

‘My lady, may I have this dance?’

Her smile grew and she beamed up at him as she dropped into a curtsy. ‘Certainly.’

Drake drew her into the centre of the floor and suddenly he became very aware of the spotlight and all the eyes in the room on the two of them. He felt his body stiffen, he’d never had this many people staring at him before. Elizabeth must have felt it too and she whispered softly in his ear.

‘Don’t worry about them. Just focus on me.’

She was dressed in a flowing lilac ball gown with sequins accentuating her stunning figure, soft curls framing her face and the diamond earrings he’d saved up to buy her shimmered in the light.

‘You look perfect,’ he breathed, drawing her to him as the first notes of the song began. At his words, her eyes shone brighter than any star or diamond he’d ever seen.

‘That’s rather appropriate given the title of the song,’ she laughed as his eyebrows drew together in bewilderment. ‘Just listen.’

Drake held her close and as they moved across the floor in a slow waltz, he paid close attention to the words.

 I found a love for me,

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me 

‘Sweet?’ Drake mouthed, smirking at her.

Elizabeth playfully stuck her tongue out at him in response. They both knew their relationship hadn’t started off the most obvious way, beginning with sarcastic quips and teasing remarks. Gliding with her across the floor, he began to listen more carefully to the words.

‘Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you’re holding mine

Drake gasped slightly. It was as if this song had been written especially for them. Elizabeth’s smile grew bigger and she nodded at his realisation. He pulled her closer. He was completely and utterly infatuated by the woman in his arms, a feeling that he had never thought he’d experience. From the way she looked back at him now, he could tell that she was just as captivated as he was.

Baby, I’m dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it,

Darling, you look perfect tonight 

Having Drake here holding her in his arms on their engagement night was something she had only dreamed for such a long time. Not having to hide their relationship, finally able to be with him, Elizabeth so desperately wanted to kiss him there and then but with all eyes on them already on them, she discarded the idea, deciding to sing along instead pouring every drop of emotion into her voice.

Well, I found a man, stronger than anyone I know

He shares my dreams, I hope that someday I’ll share his home

I found a love to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own 

A rare genuine smile lit up Drake’s face, his eyes never leaving hers as they swayed together. She radiated such joy and hope and he couldn’t wait for what the future would bring them, looking forward to spending the rest of his life with her.

‘I love you so much,’ Drake murmured to her.

Seeing the tender look of adoration on his face, Elizabeth couldn’t help but reply.

‘I love you too.’

She watched him beam with joy as he twirled her twice before bringing her back to his arms.

We are still kids but we’re so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we’ll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be your girl, you’ll be my man

I see my future in your eyes

Other couples joined them on the floor but for Drake and Elizabeth, they were the only people in the room. In this moment right here, the entire world and its problems fell away, encapsulating them somewhere between time and space in a place that was just their own.

Baby, I’m dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

When I saw you in that dress

Looking so beautiful, I don’t deserve this

Darling, you look perfect tonight 

Twirling her again, Drake realised that he now held his entire world in his arms. The feeling was so much for him that as she finished her second twirl, he picked her up at the waist and spun around, her dress billowing out behind her. She let out a peal of laughter and when he brought her back down she placed her lips on his in a passionate kiss, not caring this time who saw them. His arms found their way around her waist and her fingers tangled themselves in his hair, pulling each other closer as he lead her into a gentle dip.

Baby, I’m dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don’t deserve this

You look perfect tonight 

‘You realise you’re gonna be stuck with me forever now right?’ Drake mused, gently running a thumb across her cheek as the final notes of the song faded out.

Elizabeth’s eyes widened in mock surprise. ‘Forever? That long? I might have to reconsider then.’

‘Very funny Richmond.’ Drake retorted, smirking as he lowered his lips to her. Elizabeth was about to reach up to him when something occurred to her.

‘You realise you’ll have to call me Walker soon,’ she replied with a cheeky gleam in her eyes.

Drake could barely contain his smile. ‘I’d have it no other way,’ he whispered, closing the distance between them.

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