All My Desires

All My Desires
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- Another Portia and Antony fic. I am obsessed with this pairing. This will probably end up not being canon compliant, but it popped into my head and I couldn’t resist. I love the dynamic between these two and I couldn’t resist writing out this exchange. This is set at some point in the future and implies an established sexual relationship.
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Rating- PG-13
Summary- Marc Antony makes Portia a tempting offer, one that could bring her closer to her goal and put her further in his debt.
Words- 1079

I ducked into the shadows, taking a moment for myself, from the party I was working. My attention had been distracted all evening by the presence of Tribune Rufus, though I was careful to keep my distance, my eyes kept straying to him, which is why I was taking this moment. To gather my thoughts and focus on keeping the cool, disinterested facade.

“What is it about the Tribune that interests you so?”

I tried to startle at the sound of Antony’s voice in my ear, his breath warm against my neck, his arms circling my waist.

“You are not my patron tonight,” I reminded him, avoiding his question.

“When has that ever stopped either of us?” Antony questioned, but he took a step back. He raised an eyebrow. “You never answered my question, what is it about Tribune Rufus that keeps drawing your attention? Your eyes have lingered on him several times tonight.”

My surprise must have shown on my face because Antony laughed. “When a woman piques a man’s interest, he is always aware of where her attention lies,” he told me, his hand brushing my face. “Particularly when it is not on him.”
“Have my eyes not lingered on you enough?” I asked coyly, placing my hand on his bicep.

“It could never be enough,” Antony told me, “I am a selfish man, Portia, I want all of your attention. However, again, I believe you are avoiding my question.” His eyes scanned the room. “So what is is about Tribune Rufus that captures your attention? I doubt it is his looks and I’ve spent enough time in his company to be certain it is not his personality, so it has to be something else…” His eyes narrowed and then a small smile played on his lips. “Something to do with Gaul perhaps? He was under Aquila’s command there, was he not?”

“He was,” I admitted tersely. “It is a hard thing to forget.”

“I suspect it is,” Antony agreed, “especially when you desire revenge.” He said it so casually and I startled, my eyes shooting up to look at him. He laughed. “You play your role well, Portia, but there is a part that you can’t hide, at least from me.”

I stayed silent, knowing that neither lies or truth would help me. Antony had warned me once not to play games with him and it was a threat I took seriously, but I had learned not to give away more information than necessary.

“I can help you, you know,” Antony told me, leaning in closer, his voice low enough so only I could hear, “I can give you what you want.”

“Is that so?” I asked, “and what price would you demand?”

Antony smirked, his eyes scanning my body before returning to my face. “Not your body, if that is what you are thinking,” he told me, “I want that to be freely given. What happens between us in my bed is between us,” he reminded me, a rough note to his voice, “it is separate from everything else.”

His words sent a heat through me, along with the memory of his body against mine. “Then what price are you asking?” I questioned, trying to gain control of myself.

“The same thing you give Cassius,” Antony answered, “information. I know Cassius has you using your charm and pretty face to catch the others off-guard, to hear things not meant for your ears, which you then pass along to him. I want that information.”

“If, as you say, I am passing information on to Cassius, why would I give it to you?” I countered, not confirming it, or denying it.

“Because I can give you what you want and he can’t,” Antony reminded me.

“Tribune Rufus is loyal to Caesar,” I reminded him, confused as to what he was offering and why.

“He is,” Antony agreed, “and to Aquila.” There was distaste there. He shrugged carelessly, a gesture at odds with the dangerous smile playing on his face. “Just because someone’s loyalty aligns with yours, it does not mean you are allies.” His eyes met mine, his hand reaching out for me again. “Just like having conflicting loyalties does not mean you have to be enemies.”

“What are you offering?” I asked, trying not to give anything away. I did not trust Antony. I could not. No matter how much I enjoyed his company or how my body reacted to his touch.

Antony smirked. “Nothing. I am just pointing out I have access to the Tribune and the ability to turn a blind eye and offer protection, if necessary.” Protection that would put me further in his debt.

“Even from Caesar?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow, knowing that Antony would not be offering to go against his mentor. Antony’s loyalty to Caesar was unwavering, because Caesar was his path to power.

“I am worth more to Caesar than Tribue Rufus or his father,” Antony declared arrogantly. “You would do well to remember just how valuable I am, especially when considering who’s patronage is more helpful.” His eyes scanned the room, but instead of searching for Tribune Rufus, they landed on Cassius, silently emphasizing his point.

“I will keep that in mind,” I said lightly and I would. I knew what he was offering. He’d never tell me to kill Rufus, or even help me do it, but he could offer me access and protection… He was promising me a shot at revenge. Now the question was, did I risk taking it?

Antony nodded and stepped back. “How long does the Senator’s patronage last?” He asked instead. “Is it merely for the evening or…” He trailed off, his expression darkening slightly.

“I am very selective about who’s patronage I allow to extend past an evening,” I reminded him. Of all my patrons, only Cassius and Antony were given those kinds of privileges.

“Then consider your later hours spoken for,” Antony told me, his hand gliding over my back briefly, his touch intimate and possessive. Then he was gone, back to join the conversation. I followed him with my eyes for a moment before doing the same, the memory of his touch lingering, along with the weight of his words.

I had much to think about, including whether I dared accept his offer, but that would have to wait because for now, I had a role to play. I had come to far to get careless now. Not when I was finally so close.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

19 thoughts on “All My Desires”

    1. Awww, thank you! I am obssessed with this pair, this is the 7th ACoR fic I’ve written in 3 weeks and they all have at least some hints of Antony/MC. They are my new OTP.


            I hope the scene with him in next chapter woll be hot. Though MC is being tried for murder

  1. I am loving these two so much Misha! I love learning more about them with each fic. This line: “I doubt it is his looks and I’ve spent enough time in his company to be certain it is not his personality” made me laugh. He’s not wrong. 😂

    1. Thanks K! And right? I feel like Antony is arrogant enough not to be worried by Tribune Rufus. He is also very observant, so I feel like she’d have a hard time concealing her motives from him for long, but I think he woudl find a way to twist them to his advantage.

  2. You can really feel the chemistry between them and how Marc Antony may be starting to distract her from her goals

    1. Yes! He is challenging everything she thinks and feels. Her revenge seemed easier when it was just theory and now she is dealing with a flesh and blood person who she has this complex relationship with and it’s not as simple. Thanks for the review M!

  3. Wow, this was incredible Misha. The mix of emotions and distrust between these two is fascinating, and the chemistry is undeniable. I’m so interested to hear where Antony’s help will go now …

    1. Thank you T! And yes, it’s such a complex balancing act between them. They don’t trust each other at all, but they desire one another.

  4. I love this series Misha! I can’t wait for next week’s episode to see Antony and ofc your succeeding fics of this otp!

    1. Thank you! I hope we get Antony this week, though I know we’ll get lots next week, but I want him now! And don’t worry, I plan on writing lots of Antony content.

  5. I’m kinda worried that Marc Antony won’t be an LI anymore since people were complaining about it. I love this fic though and hope you continue this fic even if that happens

    1. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. 1. The books are written at large chunks at once before release, so they’d have to do some major editing. 2. I think he was intended to be a complicated LI, who can betray you (I think possibly somewhere between Diavolos and Nathan). 3. There aren’t that many complaints. Some yes, but from a vocal minority and mostly only on Tumblr, but also to be honest, the people bitching about him aren’t the ones spending money on the game. I feel like he has a lot of appeal to the demographic than can afford to spend cash and likes a little more moral ambiguity in their LIs and PB knows that. So I think he is safe.

      However, even if for someoen reason he wasn’t an LI, I will definitely continue to writing about him (just like I did Vega). I’m already in love with the dynamic between Antony and Portia.

      Thank you for the review and I hope I was able to alleviate your fears!

        1. I do. The issue with Nathan is that he played nice and then blindsided the MC, Antony hasn’t his who he is or his allegiances. I think he will support MC to an extent but not over Caesar and it’ll be the player’s choices that detirmine the relationship.

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