Wanderlust, Part 6

Summary: A mix-up at the hostel turns very fortuitous for Zig and MC (Lydia).

The rain had just begun to fall when Zig and Lydia hurried up the steps to the door of their Parisian hostel, splattering their arms and hair. It was a small hostel, with a common room and two rooms filled with bunk beds and lockers, but it was cozy. Paris had descended into darkness and the twinkling lights of the city, but after a long day of exploring, both Zig and Lydia were exhausted and looking forward to sleep. As soon as they entered the common room, they saw the hostel manager, Mark, a friendly Canadian man, who jumped up to his feet.

“Zig and Lydia, right?” he asked, worry creasing his brow.

“Yes …” Zig said cautiously.

“Hey,” Mark said, licking his dry lips. “So, I’m really sorry about this, but it seems we’ve accidentally overbooked the hostel tonight.”

“What does that mean?” Lydia asked.

“Well, in your email when you made your reservation, you asked for two beds,” Mark said. “However, it seems that my assistant only booked one bed for you instead.”

“Oh,” said Lydia.

“I am so sorry,” Mark said in a rush. “This is my fault for not double checking everything. If you want, I can call around to find other accommodations for you–on me, of course.”

“Well … we still have the one bed, right?” Lydia asked, feeling a little relieved. When Mark had started, she’d thought that meant they were without any kind of bed for the night.

“Yes, but it’s just a twin bunk bed,” Mark said. Lydia looked at Zig.

“I mean, we did just graduate from college,” she said. “It can’t be any worse than those beds on campus, right?”

Zig shrugged.

“It’ll be tight, but I think we’ll be okay,” Zig said.

“Really?” Mark asked, the anxiety melting out of his shoulders. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” Lydia said with a reassuring smile. “Honestly, it’s fine. We’re both exhausted and we just want to get some sleep. Besides, we’re leaving for Nice tomorrow anyway, so one night really isn’t a big deal.”

“Oh my god, thank you for being so cool about this,” Mark said. “Of course, I’ll refund your payment so your stay is on me.”

“Works for me,” Zig said, holding out his hand. Mark shook it happily. As he did the rain outside gusted hard against the walls and windows.

“Geez, I’m glad we got here when we did,” Lydia said as she walked towards the window and pulled back the curtain. What had begun as a light drizzle had quickly escalated into a full blown storm, with rain rat-a-tatting against the glass.

“Yeah, no kidding,” Zig said as he came up behind her and looked over her shoulder.

“Alright, do you guys need anything else?” Mark asked.

“Nope, I think we’re all set,” Lydia said, turning back to smile at him.

“Okay, good. Well, if you need me, my room is back that way, so feel free to knock.”

Zig and Lydia thanked him and said goodnight. Once Mark had left, they turned back to the window and watched the rain fall.

“Good thing I like being close to you, gatita,” Zig murmured in her ear as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

“You’re okay, I guess,” Lydia said nonchalantly. She suddenly squealed when Zig pinched her butt.

“We should go to bed,” he said, kissing her on the cheek. Lydia nodded in agreement, feeling the exhaustion of the day permeating every bit of her body.

When they entered the darkened room, they found their open bunk on the bottom, the furthest set away from the window. The sleeping forms on all of the other beds were still and the rain created a steady background of white noise as they slid into their bed.

“Goodnight, babe,” Lydia whispered, kissing Zig softly on the lips before she rolled away from him, facing the wall.

“Goodnight,” he whispered, wrapping an arm around her as he buried his face in her hair. He loved the way she smelled, the way her body fit perfectly against his. They lay there in the darkness, listening to the rain.

After a while, Zig realized his hand was resting against her breast. He moved his hand slightly and when he did, his fingers brushed against the thin cotton of her v-neck t-shirt and he could feel her nipple underneath the fabric. She shifted slightly until his hand was touching her again.

“Are you asleep?” he whispered into her hair, his voice muffled by the torrential rain outside. Lydia didn’t move at first, but then Zig felt her shake her head. He tentatively brushed his fingers over her breast again, her nipple a little firmer than before. With his chest pressed against her back, he felt her sigh. Zig let his hand drift over her other breast, his touch still light, tracing slow patterns over her shirt.

Eventually, Zig let his touch grow firmer, caressing her curves. He ran his fingers along the neckline of her t-shirt and Lydia pushed her hips back into his, just a little. Zig slipped his hand down the front of her shirt and cupped her breast in his hand, running his thumb over her nipple. Lydia sighed, the sound lost in a clap of thunder, and pushed back against Zig again, harder this time.

Zig removed his hand from her shirt and ran his hand over her stomach, pressing her to him. He glanced back over his shoulder at the rest of the beds but no one had moved. Zig turned back towards Lydia and slid his hand lower, over the outside of her shorts. He could feel the heat of her body through the fabric and he reveled in the way her legs tightened around his hand. Zig rubbed his hand back and forth over her and Lydia moved against his touch, unable to resist.

“Shh,” he whispered, his lips brushing her ear. She nodded and Zig could just picture her biting her lip. He smirked in the darkness, loving the power he had to excite her.

Zig slid his hand inside the waistband of her shorts, tracing his fingertips over the outside of her panties. They were damp to his touch as he began to move his fingers in slow circles over the fabric. He felt Lydia’s breath hitch, but he could tell she was trying her best to stay still, to stay quiet.

When her body began to move again, Zig slid his hand away again. She trembled, but Lydia’s hand was steady when it reached for his own, guiding it back inside her shorts, this time underneath her panties as she shifted slightly so that she was lying more on her back. He closed his eyes and buried his face in her neck as he touched her, tracing his fingertips along her lips, gently teasing her. Lydia’s hips bucked slightly against his hand and Zig could feel her legs tense, trying to control herself. He slowly slid a finger inside her, then another, in and out, curling in a way he knew she loved. She started to move her hips in rhythm with his hand as his thumb began to circle her clit.

“Stay still,” he cautioned when another rumble of thunder rolled outside. Zig could tell she was trying, but Lydia squirmed under her touch, unable to stop. He knew she was close, but he didn’t quicken his pace. Zig kept moving his fingers slowly and steadily. She was shaking under his touch, one hand twisted in the bed sheet, the other clutching his thigh. Zig could feel her nails digging into his skin. He heard a small, strangled sound locked inside her throat and he knew she was there, knew she couldn’t last any longer. Another thunderclap crashed outside and as it did, she let herself go, tightening around his fingers, her hips lifting off the mattress, the stifled sounds that escaped drowned by the sounds of the storm.

Lydia lowered her hips back down to the bed slowly, trying to stay quiet as Zig withdrew his hand. He could hear the heaviness of her breath as she redirected it through her nose, her heart hammering so hard he could feel it as he curled his arm around her waist. She tilted her face towards his and he kissed her gently, tasting the faint salt of her sweat.

“That,” he whispered in her ear, “was for the airplane. I owed you one.”

He could feel, rather than see, her grin in the darkness just before she kissed him again. Then she nestled into his chest and he held her close as they listened to the sound of the rain outside, lulling them to sleep.


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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: https://lolablackwrites.tumblr.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilyreganwrites

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