The Revelation AU- Part 1

Summary: During a drinking game with the gang during a visit to Kiara’s estate, a secret is revealed that will change Drake and Elizabeth’s relationship forever.


Lips were pressed together, arms entwined around the other’s body as fingers tangled in hair, pulling each other impossibly close until the need for oxygen caused Drake and Elizabeth to pull apart, both panting hard, pupils blown wide with desire as they stood in the small garden alcove of Penelope’s estate. He ran a hand across her cheek, smiling tenderly down at her, the moonlight illuminating the golden flecks in her dark eyes.

‘I love you,’ he whispered softly, his tone holding so much sincerity and emotion it almost brought on tears.

‘I love you too,’ she replied before pulling him down to her lips again, feeling his hands dragging purposefully against the silver dress she was wearing. She cut the kiss short this time, knowing full well where this was going, gaining a noise of protest from Drake.

‘We should get to sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow,’ she told him as he began to shake his head.

‘Trust courtly functions to drag you away from me,’ He snorted in contempt as she turned in the direction of her room. ‘Where are we headed that’s so important anyway Richmond?’

‘We’re going east to Kiara’s family estate,’ she answered nonchalantly as she stood at a fork in the corridor, puzzling over the directions. The blood in Drake’s veins ran cold at her words, eyes widening as his mind immediately drifted back to the night of the coronation ball.

The knees of his new suit had been torn to shreds after his fall on the rough gravel road exiting the palace. Indents of sediment still remained on his dirty palms from where he had flung them out to break his descent. The mud steak on his cheek revealed that the action had been too late as he watched the scarlet tail lights disappear from view as limo carrying the woman he cared for slipped out of his reach. He was not fast enough to chase her, not smart enough to protect her, not strong enough to fight for her, too weak to resist the temptation that had presented herself when he was at his lowest, too cowardly to stop her caresses from engulfing him. After it was over, they’d promised never to speak of it again.

‘Drake..? Are you ok?’ The caution in Elizabeth’s voice snapped him back to the present, a look of worry on her face.

He coughed once to cover his moment of distraction. ‘Yeah.. just thinking.’

They were at the door to her room now and she turned to face him.

‘Look, I know you’re not particularly fond of Kiara but you know we need to make this work.’

They both knew what was at stake, the security of the people, the opinions of the press, the backing of the nobility, the very future of Cordonia depended on the gamble they were taking with this tour. Though Elizabeth’s gaze was warm, he could tell that all the pressure was getting to her too.

‘Of course,’ he answered her and the smile he received in return only seemed to add to the knot of uneasiness in his chest. After kissing his fiancee goodnight, he returned to his room where guilt, shame and dread played on his conscience all night through bouts of shallow and fitful sleep.

‘Here we are,’ Elizabeth drawled as the limo pulled up to an elegant country mansion, her voice shaking Drake out of a thin sleep. The pool of dread that had been simmering in his stomach since the night before only seemed to grow and he had to physically restrain himself from toying with the buttons on the his sleeves of his blazer. As their entire party was lead down the corridors into the drawing of Kiara’s family home, the paintings of old aristocrats on the walls glared at him from above as if they knew the terrible secret he was hiding, adding to his unease.

He’d never felt so useless before, powerless to do anything to bring her back. He threw a gaze of desperation to the full moon as its rays filtered through the open window of his room, an idea striking him, propelling him to his feet.

Richmond hang on. I’m coming for you. 

 Before Drake could finish the thought, memories of Liam’s words resurfaced in his mind, quashing any budding attempt of a valiant rescue. Sinking back down in the chair, his fingers fumbled at the drink cart, hoping for the amber liquid that promised at least a temporary relief from the anger and helplessness that flooded his veins. Ignoring the glass tumblers, he grabbed the crystal bottle, shoving the rim to his mouth, relishing how the alcohol burned its way down his throat, to his chest, temporarily dispelling gnawing ache there. The bottle seemed to tip higher and higher of its own accord until suddenly his mouth was empty and the wave of pain came flooding back in. He wished he could be strong enough for Elizabeth but if he was to survive tonight he needed something stronger. 

A tall man of dark complexion stood to greet them as they entered the room, his silver hair and hawklike nose only serving to enhance his air of authority almost diminishing the smaller portly woman beside him. Kiara’s parents. Her father extended a hand to Liam and by the time introductions were made and formalities exchanged, Drake was buzzing with nervous energy, barely able to concentrate until he heard Elizabeth’s voice breaking him out of his reverie.

‘-introduce my fiancee Drake Walker,’ she was saying.

‘Mr Walker. Its a pleasure to finally meet you,’ Kiara’s father loomed over him and the two of them shared handshake, the older man giving him an appraising stare, his grip a little too tight to be friendly, prompting paranoia to ripple through Drake.

Surely Kiara wouldn’t have…

Trapped under the diplomat’s firm gaze, Drake gulped deeply. ‘Likewise.’

‘My daughter has told me you are a constant staple in the king’s court,’ his companion continued, his steely gaze never wavering. ‘If I may, what exactly does your role entail?’

‘Umm… My role? I suppose… I usually just… uh…’

It was a well known fact that conversing with the nobility was never Drake’s forte and his nerves only seemed to enhance his inadequacy but mercifully another voice interrupted his floundering before any irreparable damage was made.

‘I do hope my father hasn’t been grilling you too hard,’ Kiara stepped in, placing an affectionate hand on her father’s shoulder. ‘It is wonderful for us to welcome King Liam, Lady Elizabeth and their friends in our own home.’

Drake’s stomach lurched again as the woman herself slid into his field of vision, keeping her eyes steadily away from him as she welcomed the rest of their group, her manner cordial and voice amicable in her greetings.


‘Lady Kiara,’ he replied curtly. ‘I see you’ve recovered well from from your injuries.’

‘As have you,’ she replied smoothly, leaning forward for an obligatory embrace of welcome.

Her hands were too familiar as they rested lightly on his upper arms, her eyes too knowing as they swept across his frame, lips brushing his cheek in greeting, one breath away from exposing the secret they had both agreed to bury down deep and never talk of again. Their contact lasted only a moment but it was enough to make him relive the entire night again, triggering another bout of memory.

Stumbling, he clutched the wall for support, barely able to keep his balance let alone navigate a path back to his assigned room. Cradling his left fist, bruised and rapidly swelling where it had made contact with the cellar wall multiple times, his head swam, the dangerous amount of alcohol he’d just consumed playing with his vision until suddenly the floor was speeding towards his face. He barely felt the contact, lying motionless as time expanded around him, locking him in a tight hold as the dull ringing echoed in his ears. A voice cut through the haze. 

‘Drake?! Is that you?’ 

A figure knelt beside him, placing her hands on his upper arms and he could hear the strain in her voice as she hauled him to his feet. Her skin was mocha and her hair was dark, she looked so much like Elizabeth but at the same time so different. A gasp escaped her lips and he knew she’d seen the blood that he was sure covered his hands and clothes. 

‘You’re bleeding… Everyone’s probably asleep but I’ve got a first aid kit back in my room. Do you think you can hold on until then?’

He felt himself nod heavily as Kiara slung his arm around her shoulder. As she half lead, half carried him down the hallways, his brain found a peculiar pocket of sobriety, unconsciously memorising the path to her room. Soon enough, he felt the soft surface of the mattress beneath him and a glass of water was pushed to his lips, the sweet clear liquid immediately soothing the burning in his throat replacing the some of the fogginess in his head with lucidity. Kiara sat beside him on the bed having retrieved the medical supplies. He hissed softly as the iodine stung the bruises on his knuckles. Her touch was gentle as she leaned in closer, dabbing the cotton swab on a graze near his eyebrow and his brain seemed to zero in on the creases of concentration around her eyes. 

‘Thank you,’ he murmured, feeling the warmth radiating from her body so close to his. 

Her voice was a a whispering reply. ‘You’re welcome.’ 

He leaned in, feeling drawn to her almost magnetically until there was no space between them and he was kissing her. The moment lasted long enough for her to return the action and he pulled away abruptly.

‘I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have…’

‘No it’s fine really.’ Her voice was forlorn and he noticed her gaze slipping down to his lips, the hand that had been holding the cotton swab now rested on his shoulder. ‘I think we both need this.’

And his mouth was on hers again, roving desperately as though the answers to all his problems lay within, if he could just dig deep enough.

Kiara’s parents retired after dinner and other tour members wandered off gradually until Drake found himself in an adjoining parlour with Liam, Elizabeth, Maxwell, Olivia, Penelope, Kiara and Hana.

‘You know what its time for?’ Maxwell burst out, shattering the comfortable silence that had formed. ‘A drinking gaaaaame!’

‘What are we playing?’ Hana inquired after everyone’s drinks were refilled.

‘Can’t go wrong with a classic game of truth or dare amirite?’ Maxwell exclaimed. ‘Alright Liam truth or dare?’

A few turns later, Penelope, who had proved herself to be terrifyingly good at the game, whirled on her next target, the pink liquid of her Cosmopolitan sloshing dangerously close to the glass rim.

‘Kiara it’s your turn. Truth or dare?’

The diplomat’s daughter answered carefully after a beat. ‘After seeing what Olivia just made Maxwell do, I think I’ll live longer if I choose truth.’

Penelope’s features screwed up in concentration before her face lit up.

‘Have you ever hooked up or wanted to hook up with someone in this room?’

Drake watched out of the corner of his eye as Kiara visibly froze at the question.

Hands fumbled at zippers, fingers scrabbled at buttons, desperately tearing away any barrier between their bodies as the powerful urge, the need to feel and touch only grew stronger. As the last shred of clothing was tossed aside, they parted abruptly, both panting hard as they surveyed each other for just a moment before he lunged at her, crashing his mouth on hers. He nudged her backwards until her knees buckled and they tumbled onto the mattress in a tangled heap. 

This is wrong! Some part of his conscience shrieked at him but he roughly shoved all reservations aside lest his alcohol induced haze faded away and he would be forced to face the harsh reality. Everything about this felt so wrong but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. Her body seemed like the sweet antidote to the poison that threatened to consume him and like a half-starved man, he greedily took all she was giving him. Her cries of pleasure barely registered in his brain as he continued to pound out his frustration. 

There was no finesse in what they did, just pure lust and desire, keeping in time with the pounding in his head and the beating of her heart where it was pressed against his chest. He was close, she not far behind and he doubled his efforts, dragging her roughly over the edge as his vision flashed white and the pain in his chest faded away for a few precious seconds. He collapsed at her side and after regaining her senses she turned to face him, a silent understanding formed in the gaze they shared. 

‘Well?’ Penelope’s high pitched inquiry pierced through his recollection. Under the pretence of refilling his drink, Drake kept his eyes steadily away from Kiara as he was sure she did as she smoothly denied the question.

The knot of anxiety behind his sternum had just begun to loosen when a few turns later, Elizabeth pointed at him, her voice taking on a more commanding tone.

‘I have a truth question for Drake now,’ she announced, knocking back the last of her margarita.

‘Aren’t I supposed to have a choice in this Richmond?’

‘Not anymore,’ she smiled evilly at him from behind her glass. ‘Drake… I’ve always wanted to know.. how did you know where Kiara’s room in the palace was?’

Unbidden Kiara’s eyes flew to his, a momentary slip in the facade she’d wore so well. Drake dropped his gaze almost immediately, aiming to conceal the action with a nervous cough. Their eye contact must have occurred a fraction quicker than necessary to be subtle and Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.

‘Hang on a second. Is there something going on here that I should know about?’

’N-nope! Nothing’s going on!’ Drake winced inwardly at his hasty answer. ‘I mean… Yeah there’s nothing.’

His fiancee leaned forward and he could see the anger blooming in her form. ‘Now I know something is going on. You’re a terrible liar Drake. And I’m not an idiot. There’s definitely more to this that you’re keeping from me.’

At her words, he physically felt himself pale and the beginnings of a sweat building on his forehead and  the nape of his neck. Her gaze seemed to see right through his pitiful facade down to his stomach, where the waves of nausea seemed to triple.

A thick silence settled in the parlour as he fought to find his voice, words escaping him as he swallowed hard, his eyes not quite meeting hers. In the past, he’d despised men who had played with the feelings of the women they loved. If anyone had dared to do that to his sister and he’d beat the living daylights out of the scumbag. Now he realised, with crushing regret, that he’d become one of those scumbags. It was smothering to think that he had kept such a secret from the woman he claimed to love so dearly. After the declarations of love, the many intimate moments they’d shared, after all that she’d sacrificed for a life with him, he was still too ashamed, too cowardly to tell her the truth.

‘Ooh Elizabeth your glass is empty. I’ll go get you a refill!’ Maxwell burst out, in a feeble attempt to diffuse the tense situation.

‘Shut up, Maxwell I want to hear this,’ she snapped, silencing any further sound in an authoritative tone that would have made Madeline proud, barely wavering her gaze from Drake.

‘Shutting up,’ Maxwell replied, shot down.

From somewhere to the left, Olivia murmured slowly. ‘My, my. What a turn of events.’

‘Actually,’ Hana interjected, rising to her feet, casting a meaningful look at the her. ‘Its probably best if we leave you two alone.’

In the few seconds their friends too to exit the room, Drake saw Elizabeth’s walls trembling, giving him view of the hurt and betrayal within. A vice of shame gripped his heart, giving rise to an ugly streak of self loathing for making her feel this way, being cause of her anguish.

How had he lived with himself, hiding such an important omission from her?

In his heart of hearts Drake knew. He knew exactly how.

He’d had much practice shutting out his emotions that it became like second nature and the fact suffocated him to think how easy it hard been to live out the lie.

‘I’m so sorry, Richmond,’ he choked out, finally finding his voice, feeling tears prick the back of his eyeballs.

‘I never meant to hurt you. It was an accident, a one time thing. It never happened again. I-‘ He cut himself off abruptly, the cliche excuses falling from his lips burnt his mouth like acid.

A single tear slipped from her dark eyes coming to rest on the wooden floor, glistening in the light from the fireplace. Elizabeth’s voice was quiet and firm when she spoke a single word in the form of a question.


Drake bowed his head in defeat. ‘The night of the Coronation ball. After they took you… After you left… it was late and I was drunk… Banged up from punching the wall. Kiara, she found me… on the floor. Took me to her room to fix up my hand. In a moment of weakness… one thing lead to another and…’

He couldn’t even get the words out, no guts to admit the truth to her face, like she deserved. Oh she deserved so much better than him.

So much better than the anguish and pain in the tears rolled down her cheeks and she clasped a hand to her mouth, her shoulders spasming as she sobbed quietly. Drake felt wetness on his own cheeks, tears of shame, regret and guilt flooded down his face as he searched for a way, some way, any way to make this right again, to take away all the hurt he’d inflicted on the woman he had claimed to love.

With the heels of her palms, Elizabeth brushed away the tears before closing her eyes and drawing in a shaky breath, attempting to compose herself. When her dark gaze settled back on him, her features had morphed into an unreadable stony mask unlike any other expression Drake had seen before. She clasped her hands together and stood up.

Her voice was dangerously even when she spoke. ‘Thank you for your honesty Mr Walker. I believe this belongs to you.’

In her outstretched hand lay his grandmother’s heirloom ring.

The sight of it broke Drake in a way he never thought possible. That ring was a sign of their life together, a culmination of everything they’d shared together and as it lay glittering almost mockingly in her palm, he realised he was losing the only woman he had ever loved because of a drunken mistake and his own damn cowardice.

‘No, Richmond… Elizabeth you can’t. Elizabeth please! I am so sorry -If there is anything I can do, I’ll do it!’ He fell to his knees before her, the desperation in his voice escalating. ‘We can start over, everything can go back to how it was, it will all be perfect. Just please…. Please don’t leave me Elizabeth. I promise… don’t leave me!’

Elizabeth’s lower lip quivered but she stood her ground even though her voice was shaky.

‘Take it and get out. I won’t ask again Drake.’

He hung his head, devoid of all strength to move and after a pause, she set the object on the small coffee table between them, next to his unfinished whiskey, a cruel mockery of what had just transpired.

‘Don’t go,’ he choked out, his tone hollow in a last attempt to prevent her from leaving.

She paused, hand on the doorknob and for a brief moment, a flutter of hope appeared in his chest only to be maliciously crushed as he watched one shot at happiness disappear out of his life, slamming the door behind her.

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