The Revelation AU – Part 8

Summary: Haunted by her past, Elizabeth tries to settle into life before Cordonia.


‘Aishwarya, can you please pass me the karivepplai [curry leaves]?

‘Inke Paatti.’ [Here, grandma.]

Rhea Kapoor took the bowl from her maternal granddaughter, tossing the leaves into the large pot on the stove in front of them. A sizzling sound and delicious aroma filled the kitchen of the New York apartment she shared with her family as she stirred what was to be their dinner.

It had been almost three weeks since Elizabeth left Cordonia and returned to her home country only to show up unannounced, dripping in rainwater at her parents’ doorstep. Her mother Chanaya had immediately ushered her in, fussing over her appearance and when she was satisfied that Elizabeth was physically sound, immediately launched into a tirade of ranting about her running off and neglecting to tell her family about her engagement. Rhea noted something to be off about her granddaughter when instead of yelling right back with just as much vigour, she just stood there absorbing all of her mother’s yelling. Sensing that Chanaya deserved to get all of this out of her system, Rhea waited until she was finished to address Elizabeth.

‘Maa, enna natantatu? [Dear, what happened?]

An indescribable sadness passed over her the second grandchild’s face before she burst into tears and related the whole story in a mixture of Tamil and English between sobs so forceful, the sound of them struck a great sadness into Rhea’s soul. The two women stood frozen for a moment before they both sprang forward to comfort Elizabeth as she explained about her memory loss and what had happened to make her leave. Rhea watched the guilt form on her daughter’s face as she held Elizabeth, regretting her earlier words.

‘Amma, [Mum] I don’t understand,’ Elizabeth cried. ‘So many things happened and I just.. I tried,’ she drew in a haggard sob, as she clutched at them desperately. ‘I tried to find out… I kissed the prince… I mean the king and he just… they both just…’ She was unable to continue, dropping her head onto her mother’s shoulder.

Never in Elizabeth’s 25 years had Rhea seen her so broken before. She’d always been a confident, headstrong girl with great expectations for herself and enough grit to follow them through. At 20 years she’d decided she’d had enough of her overbearing father’s mandates for her to become a doctor and wanting to pursue a career in psychology instead – a profession deemed flimsy by Danvir – Elizabeth had moved out opting to live independently and work until she had saved up enough money to pay for her admission to NYU.

That had caused enough of a scandal within their tightly knit Indian community but Rhea couldn’t help but feel proud of her granddaughter. Though she loved all her grandchildren, it went without saying that Elizabeth held a special place in her heart and to see her return to them like this, Rhea’s own heart broke as they held her, hands running gently over her soaked hair as she mumbled soothing phrases in Tamil. That was how Elizabeth’s siblings Theo and Celine found the three of them when they return home, surprised to see their sister after over a year.

Now Rhea glanced up at her lanky granddaughter, detecting a grimace of pain on her face before Elizabeth shook herself and continued to cut up the vegetables. She’d only turned back to the stove for a second before Elizabeth made a short sound of pain as the chopping board was knocked to the floor. Rhea’s head snapped back to see her grasping her head in one hand and the countertop with the other, eyes screwed shut as she fought to steady her breathing.


Elizabeth brushed aside her concerned hands as they both crouched down to pick up the fallen food

‘Are you okay maa [dear]?’ Rhea asked, voice laced with worry as she watched her internal struggle, feeling nothing but useless as her granddaughter was in pain. ’The memories again?’

‘Am Paatti [Yes, grandma],’ Elizabeth sighed, trying to pull her face into a smile but failing miserably. Rhea waited, knowing not to push Elizabeth until she was ready and eventually she looked back at her, tears shining brightly in her eyes.

‘It was Madeleine… again. She was so mean… she said I’d never be queen… that I’d never have Liam… I don’t even know what I feel for him.. For either of them… Paatti I am more confused than ever,’ she confessed, tears hanging from her dark lashes. ‘When will this finally make sense?’

Rhea felt a rush of anger toward this Madeleine character. From what fragments Elizabeth had shared with her, Rhea was ready to slap that girl if they ever met. Instead she settled for gathering Elizabeth into her arms.

‘Its okay maa. It will be okay. You just need time… You went through a great deal and you gotta give yourself time to heal. And we’ll all be behind you, no matter what you choose to do’

She felt her granddaughter nod and like the brave girl Elizabeth had always been, she straightened herself up with a watery smile.

‘Thank you Paatti.. I love you,’ she told her affectionately.

‘Love you too,’ Rhea replied with a smile before turning back to the stove. ‘Now lets finish this. Ganesha knows Celine will complain if dinner isn’t done when she gets back. You know how that girl likes to eat.’

Elizabeth gave a loud sigh of frustration as she made her way back to her brother’s apartment after dinner that night. Her mother’s place had been too small even with her father living on the other side of town and the only logical explanation was for her to take the spare bedroom in Theo’s loft.

A lot had changed since she’d come back to New York. The most surprising of all was that her mother and father had separated while she was in Cordonia and he was now living downtown. Their relationship had never been healthy due to his heavy handed approach to life strong opinions on how his family should be acting. Her mother being of a softer personality bore the brunt of it to shield her children but more times than she liked to admit, Elizabeth would come home from school to find her parents arguing loudly.

According to her sister Celine, Danvir, upon hearing that she had gone to Cordonia without telling them, had flown into a rage, declaring that she was no longer his daughter. When Elizabeth had brought it up at the table, Chanaya had brushed the subject off with an dismissive comment and though she assured her that she was happier now, Elizabeth caught the look of hurt in her mother’s eyes.

During mealtime – basically every time they were all assembled – Elizabeth couldn’t help but feel like her family were all walking on eggshells around her. She saw it in the way they changed the subject a little too quickly when it headed into subjects like dating, friends, travel and even international policy, she saw it in the way they agreed with her a little too enthusiastically when she made a comment. Everything about their behaviour was always ‘a little too’ to be realistic and it frustrated her beyond belief that her own family couldn’t even treat her normally when normal was all she wanted after the crazy ride that had been Cordonia.

Not being one to sit around, she’d meant to burst out and call her family out right there and then but a look from her grandmother stopped any protest she would have made. Right now the frustration was getting too much to bear and she released another huge sigh, loud enough to attract the attention of her brother walking beside her.

‘You okay Liz?’ Theo asked his younger sister, meaning it kindly but the notes of concern in his voice only broke the dam inside her.

‘I’m fine Theo!’ Elizabeth yelled, not caring that they were in the middle of the street. ‘I’m sick of people asking me that. I’m fine! I just want everything to go back to normal but all you guys are doing is treating me like I’m made of glass. I just want to go back to living a regular life. Why can’t you all see that?’

Theo was quiet for a moment, stunned at her outburst. ‘I’m just checking on you sis. You’ve been through a lot and I just want to be here for you.’

‘Yea you say that now that you’re a big fancy lawyer but where was this generosity when we were kids,’ she shot back bitterly, feeling her anger dissipate a little.

‘Aww Lizzy don’t go pushing your luck now,’ he told her, trying for lightheartedness. ‘You know what I think you need?’

‘Tell me dearest brother,’ Elizabeth mocked in false reverence, still heated from her thought process. ‘Please bestow your infinite wisdom upon me…’

Theo elbowed her. ‘C’mon Aish even you know that was bad. You need a break Liz, a distraction. You need to go out, let loose a bit. You’re not doing yourself any favours, sitting at home and hanging out with Paatti all day. Why don’t you ring up your friends? What were their names? Navena and Amanda?’

‘Nadia and Athenaaa,’ she corrected before swatting him lightly as they reached his apartment. ‘Do you seriously not remember their names? They’ve been my best friends since we were little. Nadia had a pretty big crush on you when we were younger.’

Theo smirked in classic older brother style. ‘I’m pretty sure all your friends did. Anyways Liz,’ he paused, key in the doorway. ‘Go see them. It will take your mind off all this,’ He gestured vaguely but she caught his meaning and mulled over his words for a moment.

‘You know what Theo…’ Elizabeth said with a tiny grin. ‘That may have been the only smart thing you’ve said in your life.’


Elizabeth heard a loudly squeal from behind her and was barely able to turn in time before she was wrapped up in a pair of enthusiastic arms.

‘Hey Nads,’ she chuckled, hugging her friend back. Somethings would never change. Nadia would always run at her at full speed for a hug despite the dozens of tables littering the sidewalk outside their favourite cafe.

‘I can’t believe you’re back!’ Nadia exclaimed releasing her.

‘Hey Liz,’ Athena, Nadia’s cousin, the taller and quieter of the pair stepped forward to greet her long time friend.

Elizabeth immediately wrapped her in a hug only to be joined by Nadia too and the three of them shared a tender moment on the sidewalk of the busy street. Being here, being with her friends, Elizabeth felt like herself for the first time in months.The trio separated after a long moment, settling down at a table before beginning to chatter away, catching up on each others lives.

‘Soooo E!’ Nadia began excitedly after the waiter had taken their orders. ‘I’m sure you have some juicy goss. I mean we haven’t seen you in over a year. You gotta tell us what happened. And thanks for not keeping in touch! We’re only your best friends in the entire world!’

‘Yeah we heard you went overseas?’ Athena chimed in. ‘We came by your mum’s place a few times but she said you were off in Europe or something?’

These two haven’t changed a bit. Elizabeth chuckled, grateful to be back with them. She started to relate to them the experiences of the past year but as talked, noticed herself losing enthusiasm. There’s still so much I can’t remember.The veracity of this thought hit her hard and reflexive tears sprung to her eyes as she told them the truth about her memory loss.

‘Aww Liz, I’m so sorry honey,’ Athena soothed, voice full of genuine compassion.

‘Its alright,’ she mumbled, drying her eyes before she heard another sniffle. ‘Nadia… are you… crying?

‘I am!’ She burst out, taking her hand. ‘Oh Liz thats terrible what happened to you! I’m so sorry we couldn’t be there for you.’

‘Me too,’ Athena confirmed, grasped her other one. ‘We’re meant to be your best friends. Best friends don’t let each other go through hard shit alone. You’ve always got us in your corner, I hope you know that.’

Elizabeth’s heart rose and she looked at the pair of them with gratitude in her eyes. ‘I do and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that… You two… you two make me feel grounded. You make me feel more me.’

‘Honey if we didn’t what kind of friends would we be?’ Athena smiled back.

Elizabeth tucked a lock of hair behind her ear nervously, only too eager to change the subject. ‘Thanks you two. But enough about me. What’s new with you girls?’

‘Well we got to meet Matt Rodriguez a few months ago!’ Nadia exclaimed in excitement, attracting the attention of several other patrons who shot her a look of annoyance.

Elizabeth was careful to keep her voice down but couldn’t contain her fangirling. ‘You mean THE Matt Rodriguez? Mr Abs Galore from the Devil’s Canyon? How did you manage that?’

Athena nodded enthusiastically. ‘We want out clubbing and it turned out that his girlfriend was doing an appearance at there and-’

‘Hang on he has a girlfriend now?’ Elizabeth interrupted, tipping her head to the side.

‘Yeah her name’s Samantha Evans,’ Nadia informed her excitedly. ‘They’ve been going out for almost a year now. She’s suuuuper pretty and a total sweetheart.’

‘Why haven’t I heard of her before?’

‘Her first real role was in Tender Nothings which came out around the time they made it official,’ Athena informed her. ‘But yeah she was doing an appearance at the club and we got to meet her.  We didn’t get to chat much with her though before Matt came over and gave us one of his sexy-ass smiles and said they had something important to do before whisking her away from us.’

‘If you ask me, that was an excuse of a man ready to fuck.’ Nadia chipped in, waggling her eyebrows mischievously.

‘She’s living the dream if you ask me,’ Athena sighed happily before taking another sip of her ice tea.

‘Damn it feels like I’ve been out of the loop for ages,’ Elizabeth mused running a hand through her hair. ‘Who else has gotten together in the time I was away?’

The cousins exchanged a look, a silent conversation unfolding between them as their food was delivered.

‘Nuh uh.’ Elizabeth declared, sitting up straight to point her finger at her friends. ‘You two better not be holding out on me.’

Nadia gave her cousin a sly smile before turning back to their friend. ‘Well Athena here might have gotten herself a man.’

Elizabeth slammed her hands on the table, eyeing her friend intensely. ‘I need details. Now. Who is he? Do I know him?’

Athena smiled shyly, playing with a lock of her raven hair in an attempt to be casual. ‘You remember our friend Damien..?

Elizabeth’s eyes bugged out of her head as her friend said this. ‘No. Freaking. Way. For real A? Sexy Detective Investigator Damien? The one you had a crush on for ages?’

‘The one and only!’ Nadia chimed in.

Seeing Athena blush was a rare sight but the pinkish tinge was unmistakable on her rich skin tone. ‘Yeah,’ the quieter cousin confirmed. ‘It will be two months on Friday.’

‘I’m so happy for you Athena!’ Elizabeth exclaimed, really meaning her words. ‘When did this happen and how?’

‘Its a bit of a long story,’ her friend laughed nervously, giving her a quick run down of how they’d gotten together. ‘The last year and a half has been a bit crazy to say the least.’

‘Yeah I can tell…’ Elizabeth mused thoughtfully, eyeing the spoon she was fiddling with. ‘It looked like I missed out on a lot..’

A melancholy silence fell over the table, plunging the entire mood of the conversation downhill.

‘I’m sorry about what happened E,’ Athena ventured, reaching across to grasp Elizabeth’s hand again, squeezing it reassuringly. ‘It sounds like you’ve had a tough couple of months. You just need to relax and recentre yourself. Just focus on doing things that make you feel more you…’

‘We should all go out!’ Nadia suggested. ‘Go out clubbing, find cute guys and dance our problems away.’

’Nadia I don’t think -‘ Athena cut in but her cousin barrelled forward, latching herself onto Elizabeth’s arm.

‘What do you say E? Come out with us tomorrow night? We’ll get Poppy to come too!’

Elizabeth’s gaze dropped and she began fiddling with the edge of the table cloth. ‘I don’t know you guys… Its just… so much has happened. I don’t know if I’m up to go out just yet.’

‘Thats totally okay too,’ Nadia reassured. ‘No pressure at all.’

‘If you change your mind, you know we’d be glad to have you,’ Athena told her.

The rest of the afternoon passed by in a blur as the three of them chatted avidly, talking about all the childhood memories they’d made together and by the end of it Elizabeth left feeling happier than she’d been in a while.

‘If you decide to come tomorrow, just text us!’ Nadia called over her shoulder as they left and Elizabeth nodded, promising to at least think it over.

The next afternoon Elizabeth was still thinking about Nadia’s offer as she did the dishes. Part of her wanted to go – badly – but the other half just…  couldn’t do it. With all the things that had happened to her, all the gaps in her memory she still had, she couldn’t imagine just dropping everything and going out to party like nothing happened. Not when she had responsibilities, loyalties, there was a whole country depen-

An involuntary breath abruptly escaped her. She didn’t have any of those burdens. I’m not a duchess anymore… How could she be when she’d abandoned the duchy she was supposed to be in charge of?

Elizabeth looked at her reflection in the sink water. Instead of the duchess with a myriad of responsibilities and expectations weighing on her shoulders she just saw… her.

An ordinary woman with her whole life ahead of her, countless possibilities in her path.

As the thought grew and grew, she began to feel a peculiar sense of empowerment. Why can’t I go out clubbing with my friends?

A bunch of excuses came to mind but she pushed them down. Drake, Liam, Hana, Maxwell but she shoved them all down. They were things of the past, a past she couldn’t remember nor did she want to right now. She’d been trying to remember, trying to please them and each time she’d failed, leaving her exhausted and empty instead. I don’t owe anything to anyone, she told herself, feeling decidedly selfish, as she reached for her phone.

 Nadia we’re going out tonight! 

Five hours later Elizabeth found herself in dressed in a long-sleeved mesh top, tight red skirt and thigh high boots, rubbing her arms against the cold as she walked down the busy New York street to the destination address Nadia had texted her, Club Compass. There was already a long line of people outside the door and she stood hesitantly at the end, unsure of what to do. Before long however someone called out her name, making her spin around.



Her friend Poppy Patel appeared, dressed head to toe in designer wear, looking every inch the fashionista she was at heart. She bounded up to Elizabeth, enveloping her in a warm hug.

‘Its been too long Liz! When Nadia told me that you were back in town I just had to see you!’

Elizabeth watched in amusement as Poppy did what she did best, charming the buff security guard just enough to jump the queue and get his number in the process. After taking it politely, Poppy discreetly shoved it into a nearby pot plant once they were inside.

‘Is the one and only Miss Poppy Patel off the market?’ Elizabeth gasped, half jokingly, noticing her action. The Poppy Patel she knew wouldn’t hesitate to at least text the poor dude before letting him know he didn’t have a chance.

Poppy winked at her over the loud music. ‘Mmm maybe.. Depends if he would grow the balls to make a move already.’

After grabbing a drink each, the pair quickly located the Park cousins, joining them on the dance floor and as they moved to the beat, Elizabeth let the music wash over her, filtering out all the worries of the last few months. Being here, with her friends and absolutely no Cordonians in sight, she could finally let loose and relax without having to check herself and look over her shoulder every few moments. She shimmied to the music, rhythm having always come naturally to her and before she knew it, Athena was tapping her shoulder.

‘Looks like you’ve got an admirer E.’ Her friend pointed to where a few feet away, a good looking guy was very obviously checking her out.

Elizabeth couldn’t help feeling a rush of pride at this, it had been a while since she’d been checked out and now the whole idea of it felt like such a novelty. She would have been lying if she denied she began putting a little more effort into her moves after that, keeping perfectly in time with the sexy song that pulsed through the club.

As Poppy pulled her into a twirl, the music changed again, this time to a song with with a pulsing upbeat.

‘I love this song!’ Nadia exclaimed enthusiastically. ‘No More Sad Songs by Little Mix,’ she explained when Elizabeth looked at her quizzically. ‘It’s perfect for you E!’

Elizabeth laughed but began to pay more attention to the lyrics.

For tonight, I’m going to get my mind off it
Don’t care that someone’s got his hands all over my body
Stay out all night, go where the music is loud
So I don’t have to think about it, I’m beggin’, please, don’t play 

Elizabeth felt her spirits lift instantly and she grinned, letting the music wash over her. Sliding up to her, Nadia wagged her eyebrows at her as they moved to the beat, tipping her head towards the guy who still had his eyes on her.

‘He is pretty hot,’ Elizabeth admitted into Nadia’s ear.

‘What are you waiting for?’ Nadia yelled over the loud music. ‘Get over there!’

When Elizabeth hesitated, her friend gave her a firm push and she hurdled through the crowd, almost toppling over from the force before a pair of strong arms broke her fall.

‘Hi there,’ the guy said as he helped her steady herself.

‘Hi,’ she replied breathlessly taking him in properly in the dim light of the club.

Tall and muscular, he was even more handsome up close. And Indian too like her, she realised. Exactly the type that would be stalked by the old Indian aunties in hopes of securing a marriage for their nieces and daughters. She rolled her eyes at the thought. Tonight she didn’t want to think about marriage or engagements or anything else. Tonight she was feeling unbridled, free even, and with a little bit of liquid courage pulsing through her veins, she almost felt invincible.

‘Let’s dance.’

No more! (sad songs)
No more! (sad songs)
No more! (sad songs)
I’m beggin’, please, don’t play
No more! (sad songs)
No more! (sad songs)
No more! (sad songs)
I’m begging please don’t play no more sad songs. 

He was a good dancer Elizabeth thought to herself as they moved to the next few songs in perfect sync together. He was close but not too close and she noted that his hands stayed precisely on her waist where she’d placed them for the entire time. Everything was going well until a song with a more country beat came on and Elizabeth began to feel the familiar tingle at the base of her skull.

Country music…

Flashing lights….

Line dancing…

A mechanical bull?

It was someone’s birthday… She gasped as a face flashed in her mind.


Suddenly she was in an Western themed bar dancing with him. Arms around each other, he was a terrible dancer but she didn’t seem to mind, shuffling awkwardly despite the upbeat song while their friends. She could feel it all again. The twang of the banjo. Hardwood floor beneath their feet. The smell of leather and alcohol mixed in the air. The twinkle in his eyes as he glanced up at her to question if he was hitting the steps right. The curve of his lips when she affirmed him with a nod. It was one of the first times she’d seen him smile she realised.

Suddenly Elizabeth was plunged back into the dimly lit club, the odor of sweaty bodies and cheap perfume stinging her nostrils. The pulsing bass alone highlighting the sheer difference between the two settings until  she could barely breathe. She broke away from the guy she was dancing with, stumbling across the dance floor.

 Water. I just need some water. She headed towards the bar. Just a little water.

Elizabeth was just beginning to get her breathing back under control when she felt someone slide up beside her.

‘Hey sexy how about I buy you a drink huh?’  A sleazy looking frat boy about 4 years her junior was grinning drunkenly over the rim of his beer as he swayed on his feet.

‘Umm no thank you,’ Elizabeth replied shortly, praying he’d accept her answer and leave. The last thing she needed right now was to be harassed by a drunk fuck boy with only one thing on his mind.

‘Awww come on Princess. Just a harmless drink.. You gonna be all whiny about that?’

‘I said no.’

Elizabeth seized up as he got all up in her face. She had neither the strength of the willpower to fight off his advances, especially after that memory relapse.

‘Hey man, the lady said no so just back off,’ a different voice chimed in almost as if answering her silent prayers.

She looked up to see the guy she’d been dancing with step between her and the drunken frat boy.

‘Aww what are you her bodyguard?’ Frat Boy asked rudely.

Elizabeth watched Mystery Man’s body tense as he squared his shoulders before addressing the frat boy. ‘No but I’m the guy that won’t hesitate to kick your sorry ass if you don’t leave her alone.’

‘Whatever theres hotter chicks out there anyways. But if you change your mind,’ he waggled his eyebrows meaningfully.

The mystery guy spoke again, allowing more of an edge into his voice this time. ‘Get outta here, before I make you.’

The creep gave her one last stare before disappearing into the crowd and the newcomer turned to her.

‘Are you alright?’ He asked, giving her a cautionary glance over.

‘Yeah,’ Elizabeth replied weakly, still shaking from the encounter and the aftershock of the memory. ‘I guess. Thanks for that.’

‘I’m Robbie by the way,’ he told her with a smile, extending his hand.

She returned his gesture ‘Elizabeth.’

His dark eyes surveyed her carefully then seemed to consider his next words. ‘I know we just met… but any chance you wanna get of here? With me?’

‘Oh!’ Now that surprised Elizabeth and for a moment she didn’t know what to say, unsure about his intentions. ‘Umm..’

Robbie’s eyes widened for a second. ‘No not like that! I mean.. you look like you need some air and I’d love to go somewhere quieter too. Y’know and maybe get to know each other better?’

Elizabeth had to admit he looked kind of adorable, all flustered and nervous.  For a moment all her inhibitions came rushing in..

Hana, Maxwell, Liam, Dr-

‘You know what? I’d love to,’ she told him with a smile, cutting her thoughts off before they could make her hesitate. As soon as the words left her mouth she immediately felt a sudden sense of relief. She was her own person. If tonight had taught her anything so far it was that she wasn’t going to let her past define her.

‘Perfect,’ Robbie smiled, looking somehow more dashing than before. ‘I know just the place.’

‘The place’ turned out to be Elizabeth’s old bar, newly renovated and refurbished. So caught up in conversation with Robbie, Elizabeth almost didn’t realise the surroundings until she was at the very door. She looked up and saw the familiar sign, her voice failing mid-sentence. This is where it had all started, this is where it had all began, that fateful night over a year ago. Robbie had noticed her sudden change of mood.

‘Everything okay?’

Elizabeth mentally shook herself. ‘Yeah I am… its just… this place brings back a lot of old memories.’

‘If you wanna go to a different place, I don’t mind,’ he offered, voice taking on a note of concern.

‘No no lets go here,’ Elizabeth insisted. If she was going to move on from Cordonia, she might as well start from the very beginning right?

‘So is Robbie short for anything?’ She asked after they’d received their drinks.

He sighed self-deprecatingly at her question. ‘Yeah actually… Robert Arjun Suresh Singh, at your service.’

‘Yep,’ she chuckled lightly. ‘Can definitely see the Indian in that name.’

‘What’s yours?

‘Elizabeth Aishwarya Richmond.’ She told him definitively watching his eyebrows raise slightly. ‘

Aishwarya? Like Aishwarya Rai that actress?’

‘Yep,’ Elizabeth replied with a tiny laugh. ‘My mum was a big fan.’

He gave her a shy smile. ‘Well I am pleased to report you definitely live up to your namesake in terms of both beauty and grace.’

Elizabeth regarded him for a long moment, amused. ‘Are you flirting with me Robert Arjun Suresh Singh?’

‘That depends,’ He eyed her over the rim of his raised glass. ‘Do you want me to Elizabeth Aishwarya Richmond?’

She caught the glint of mischief in his eyes and was just about to reply when another voice cut in, making her whirl around.


‘Daniel!’ She exclaimed in surprise before turning back to Robbie. ‘We used to work together.’

‘I’ll say,’ Daniel put in amicably. ‘That’s before Liz here ran off with her European hottie. What happened to him anyway?’

‘We’re.. uh… We’re not together anymore,’ she answered, not quite meeting Robbie’s curious gaze.

Daniel’s surprise was evident in his tone. ‘Oh. Well all the best then,’ he replied quickly.

‘Thanks Danny boy,’ she answered and when he left she turned back to Robbie. ‘I guess I should have mentioned that I used to be engaged?’

‘No not at all,’ he answered her quickly. ‘Well yes… but thats strictly third date subject matter.’

For some reason his reply made her laugh, more out of relief than anything that the awkwardness had been diffused.

They continued to chat late into the night, conversation flowing freely and banter flawless. When it was closing time, Robbie graciously offered to walk her back to her brother’s place a few blocks away and they kept up their avid conversation until Elizabeth found herself at the entrance to Theo’s building.

‘I had a good time tonight.’ she told him. ‘Y’know after the thing at the club.’

‘Yeah me too.’ Robbie replied.

For a long moment, they both stood on the doorstep, neither admitting they didn’t want to leave with before he cleared his throat.

‘If you… um if you don’t mind I’d really like to do that again sometime… Not the whole club part,’ he clarified quickly. ‘But the bit after?’

‘Yeah me too,’ Elizabeth replied with a smile surprised to find herself actually meaning it.

Robbie’s grin grew. ‘So does tomorrow night work for you? If you’re free maybe we can run take two?’

She nodded. ‘I’d like that.’

‘Tomorrow it is,’ Robbie grinned. ‘Goodnight Elizabeth Aishwarya Richmond.’

‘Good night Robert Ajun Suresh Singh,’ she returned with a giggle. As she watched him walk off, casting little looks over his shoulder back at her the made her stomach tingle in a way she hadn’t experienced in a while.

Maybe this was the sign she’d been looking for. Maybe fate was trying to tell her something…

‘Robbie wait!’ Elizabeth called out, running after him and when he turned, she flew into his arms, pressing her lips swiftly to his.


Later on Elizabeth laid in bed, thoughts of Robbie and their conversation floating through her head, remembering the sensation of his warm lips on hers. He was a nice guy and they got on well, surprisingly well actually. A bubble of optimism formed inside her and the more she thought about it, she realised she’d felt more hopeful in this one night than she had in months.

Maybe this whole moving on thing wasn’t such a bad idea.. 

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