The Revelation AU – Part 11

Summary: Back in New York, Elizabeth faces some hard truths.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

A quiet but persistent sound tickled Elizabeth’s ears as she  prepare for lunch out with her best friend. She rolled her eyes in annoyance, continuing to apply mascara to her lashes.

 Tap. Tap. Tap. 

There was the sound again and she sighed, trying harder to ignore it and picking up the pair of earring she was intending to wear with her outfit. As she struggled with the backing, the sound persisted and

Tap. Tap. TAP.

‘Ok Patti what is it?’ She threw her hands up in the air and whirled around to face her grandmother who standing impatiently in the doorway to her room at her brother’s apartment.

‘You’re not happy Maa [dear],’ Rhea eyed her granddaughter seriously.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. ‘Patti not this again. I’m telling you I’m fine.. I’m happy. Look,’ she gestured vaguely, counting off her fingers as she talked, her voice rising in volume. ‘I’m going to a couple of apartment showings this week, I’m waiting to hear back from those interviews I went for, I’m even going out with my friends like you told me to, I’m in a stable relationship and… and…AHH!’

She clutched her head suddenly, fingers twisting through her hair as her vision flashed with a wave of different colours.

 There were people, voices, loud music and ornate walls rising on all sides.
A man’s voice, his voice, followed by a hand reaching out to her, sweeping her into a waltz.
Blue eyes looked down at her… or were they brown? 

In the fog of sensations that suffocated her mind, she just couldn’t tell…

And she didn’t want to. She just wanted them to stop.

Elizabeth shook her head vigorously once, desperate to block the memory before it progressed any further and immediately regretted it when a sharp arc of pain darted through her right temple. Her hand shot out, clutching her vanity for support as waves of dizziness accompanied the sensation.

Her grandmother’s warm hands settled wrapped around her body, rubbing her back soothingly, whispering in Tamil under her breath as they waited for the waves to subside.

‘It keeps happening Patti…’ she choked out, voice strained. ‘It keeps happening and I don’t know why. I just want it to stop…’

Her grandmother scoffed goodnaturedly. ‘I don’t know what you’re expecting Aishwarya. You had brain damage. The doctor warned you to expect the mood swings and migraines. And its going to take a while to get better, you know. Though…’

Elizabeth sighed, hearing her preemptive tone. Her grandmother had been dancing around the subject for the last few weeks. ‘Just say it Patti… I know you’ve been wanting to..’

‘Aishwarya… you shouldn’t suppress the memories maa. Its only going to make it worse. Your brain is trying to heal. So you should let them flow. Look I’ve been doing some research on this new eepad your sister gave to me and I found some photos of you and that vellai paiyan [white boy]… What was his name again?’

Elizabeth dropped her gaze to the floor, not wanting to say his name too loudly. ‘Drake…’

Rhea made a noise of approval. ‘You two looked so happy maa. I haven’t see you smile like that in a long time. You owe it to yourself to remember it…’

Elizabeth broke out of the embrace, feeling a rush of anger seep over her. ‘Maybe I don’t wanna remember okay?,’ she replied stubbornly.


She ignored her grandmother’s warning tone. ‘Every time I think of Cordonia and what happened there I just… I have so many conflicting memories and I… I can’t tell what was real and what wasn’t… I just..’ she paused, drawing in a breath and gathering her thoughts.

‘For the first time in a long time, things have been good. They’ve been more than good actually! I’ve found a nice guy that likes me, he’s got no complicated back story, no reason we can’t be together. There’s no pressure to behave in a certain way, no media to impress I just want… I just want something straightforward for once! Is that too much to ask?!’

Not realising she’d been pacing the entire time, she whirled around to face her grandmother who looked back at her with resignation.

‘If that’s what you think will make you happy, maa than you should do it,’ Rhea replied solemnly, placing her hand on Elizabeth’s cheek. ‘I just want you to be happy that’s all.’

‘I know Patti,’ Elizabeth replied, kissing her grandmother’s cheek. ‘Now I need to go or I’ll be late to meet Athena.’

Elizabeth was still deliberating over her grandmother’s words as she sat across from her best friend in the little cafe they’d agreed to meet for lunch at. Her grandmother had told her everything she’d already suspected… but to hear it out loud was another thing entirely. If she really was going to be honest with herself, she was scared to let the memories flow, scared of what she would find.

From what she could gather from the fragments of her memories, she seemed like a completely different person in Cordonia to the one she was now. That image of her, positive and decisive, a duchess, a real champion of the realm, negotiating with nobles and fending off attackers…

I don’t know if I can handle all that…

Elizabeth… hello..? Earth to Liz,’ a voice interrupted her preoccupation, jerking her back to reality.

‘Sorry A,’ Elizabeth grinned apologetically. ‘Just lost in thought I guess.’

‘Mmmhmm,’ Athena Park regarded her, taking a long sip of her iced tea.

‘Oh no, I know that look,’ Elizabeth groaned, sinking her chin into her palm. ‘I sense a lecture coming on.’

‘Liz…,’ her friend regarded her sympathetically. ‘Look… your mum called me this morning. She asked me to talk to you but I’m pretty sure I’d just be repeating what you already know. You’re not happy.’

Elizabeth threw her hands up into the air. ‘Why does everyone keep saying that?!’

Because everyone can see it!’ Athena burst out, clanking her glass down onto the table top to illustrate her point. ‘Everyone can see it except you… Why can’t you see that?’


‘Look I know life in Cordonia was hella stressful,’ her friend continued. ‘But you spent a whole year of your life there that you only remember bits and pieces of… You had friends, you were engaged. Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out?’

Elizabeth huffed, crossing her arms and leaning back into her chair. ‘We are not having this conversation right now.. I’ve already heard it from my grandmother, I don’t need to hear it from you too.’

A long pause passed as they sipped their drinks in silence, the air tense.

‘How’s Damien?’ Elizabeth ventured apologetically, trying to clear the air by changing the subject. She hated the idea of fighting with her best friend but right now she just wasn’t ready to face it all.

Athena exhaled slowly, a little off guard by her question. ‘Damien’s good. We’re good.. It’s taken him a while to adjust back after the whole thing with Eros but we’re doing great now. Finding our groove and figuring out this whole relationship thing now that we’ve got our normal lives back.’ Her lips perked up in a little smile and Elizabeth couldn’t help her own one forming in return.

‘Aww I’m happy for you A, it seems like you’ve really found the one.’

‘I… I think so too.’A blush crept across Athena’s dark skin. ‘How’s Robbie? You two have been going out for a couple of weeks now so..’

It was Elizabeth’s turn to exhale. ‘Robbie’s… good.’

Athena tilted her head, sensing her best friend was holding back. ‘But..?’

‘I don’t know…’ Elizabeth shook her head uncertainly. ‘I mean the last few weeks have been great. He’s super sweet but,’ she hesitated a little, trying to find the right words. ‘He just seems a bit pushy I guess?’

Athena leaned forward, attention wholly on her friend. ‘Pushy in what way? Like…’ She raised an eyebrow, letting her meaning hang in the air.

Elizabeth dropped her gaze, a little embarrassed to acknowledge it out loud. ‘Yeah…’

Her best friend’s eyes widened in panic. ‘Jesus Liz-’

‘No Athena!’ Elizabeth exclaimed loudly, holding her hands out, sensing her friend was about to freak out. ‘Nothing’s happened okay? He hasn’t done anything yet. Its more like… he keeps bringing it up but between my headaches and mood swings… Plus I still have those scars from the accident..’ she trailed off, rubbing her arms self-consciously.

Now that the weather was warming up, it had been tough to find outfits that hid the scars that littered her limbs. Despite the warm day, Elizabeth was dressed in a long sleeved flowly top and palazzo pants, her outfit strikingly different to the rest of the cafe patrons and Athena herself in a crop top and skirt.

‘He’s just brought it up a few times and I feel bad for always saying no…’

‘Oh honey,’ Athena reached across the table, placing her hand over hers. ‘You are the most beautiful girl I know. It will happen when its meant to happen. And if Robbie really cares for you, he’ll understand.’

Elizabeth felt a smile grow on her lips and she leaned across the table to give her friend a hug. The two remained like that for a long moment, eventually returning to conversation as usual and the waiter had just cleared their plates when Athena’s phone buzzed loudly.

‘Its Damien,’ she explained as she scanned the screen, a smile automatically lighting up her features. ‘He got off work early and he’s coming to pick me up.’

Elizabeth grinned in return. ‘Its about damn time I met the elusive Damien Nazario. I hope you know I fully intend on giving him the ‘If you break her heart, I’ll break your face’ talk.’

Athena laughed, her dark hair catching in the sunlight as she threw her head back and Elizabeth noted how happy her best friend was. And how much she’d missed this herself…

‘Please don’t show him the crazy side just yet,’ Athena warned, though her tone was teasing.

‘Crazy? Who? Me?’ Elizabeth chortled in mock innocence. ‘Don’t worry I won’t throw out anything Big D can’t handle. Speaking of, is he…’ She trailed off, letting her obvious question hang in the air.

Once again her friend’s cheeks tinged pink but she couldn’t hide her smugness as she nodded. ‘Oh yeah. Definitely lives up to the nickname.’

‘Shit A.. You really hit the jackpot didn’t you?’ Elizabeth replied, leaning back in her chair. ‘I’m going to have to do some very thorough research to see how Robert Arjun Suresh Singh measures up.’

The pair shared a laugh before a deep voice sounded out from beside them.

‘So this is the famous Elizabeth huh?’

Elizabeth glanced up to see an attractive muscular guy dressed in a well loved burgundy Henley approach their table, a good-natured smirk playing on his lips. There was no mistaking the light in his eyes when he fixed them on Athena.

‘Hey babe.’ He dropped a tender kiss to his girlfriend’s head and Elizabeth noted a similar look of happiness in her friend’s eyes, unable to stop a wistful smile of her own from forming.

‘Damien Nazario this is my best friend Elizabeth Richmond.’

Damien extended a hand to her. ‘Pleased to make your acquaintance.’

‘Huh yeah we’ll see about that,’ Elizabeth replied, her tone snarky.

Damien’s eyebrow quirked up. ‘I assume this is where you give me ‘If you break her heart, I’ll break your face’ talk?’

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. ‘How did you..?’

‘I am a private investigator, Elizabeth. Reading people is my job,’ he replied smoothly. ‘And judging by the way your brows furrowed, the warning tone of your voice, increase in heart ra- Alright I can’t keep up the act,’ he chuckled, when Athena nudged him sharply in the ribs. ‘Athena’s friends are very protective of her so if you didn’t I’d be surprised.’

Elizabeth meant to regard him with a pointed look but she couldn’t stop a small smile from forming in approval. You picked a good one A…

‘You don’t have to worry about a thing’ He wrapped a muscular arm around Athena, ruffling her hair as she frowned. ‘I’ve got no plans to treat this one with anything less than the best.’

‘I’m expecting you to keep that promise,’ Elizabeth eyed him

‘I’ll be expecting you to hold me to it,’ Damien shot back and they shared a grin and Elizabeth concluded that she really did like him.

They paid the check and Elizabeth bid them goodbye as as she waited for the Dryve she’d ordered, she felt a little wistful, looking on after the retreating figures of her best friend and her boyfriend. She was filled with happiness for Athena — truthfully she couldn’t have found anyone more perfect for her than Damien — but she couldn’t help but feel little wistful when she say him wrap an arm around her protectively as they crossed the busy street. Looking at them, she could see their love, the intimacy they shared in the little gestures of affection.

I had that once too. She felt a twinge of longing in her chest, unable to help wishing for that in her own life again…


Elizabeth shook her head. She had her own boyfriend now so there was no reason why she couldn’t have everything Athena and Damien were having too. Right?

Making an executive decision she whipped out her phone, sending a quick text to Robbie inviting him over for dinner. Brows furrowed, she watched Damien chivalrously hold open the car door for his girlfriend, eyes trained on his broad back, his burgundy henley standing out against the black detailing of his car.

Out of nowhere, Elizabeth was hit with a sudden wave of dizziness followed by the all too familiar tingling sensations of a flashback she’d taught to watch out for. She reached out to steady herself against the wall, breath quickening as she saw blurry details of same burgundy henley in her mind’s eye.. this time on… Drake?

No, she thought to herself, feeling the panic rising in her chest. I can’t be having… not here. Not in public… 

Clutching her head, she fought against the well of memories that pressed against her skull, digging her nails into her palm hoping that the painful sensation would distract her from the images in her head.

I don’t know what you see in a guy like me… 

She was unable to suppress a gasp as the memory hit with full force and she saw him in her head as clear as if he was standing right in front of her.

They were in New York now. The sun had just set and they were standing by the water’s edge on the path that she sometimes took to walk home. He was dressed in darkish grey jeans and a burgundy Henley and a pair glasses perched on top of his head as he regarded her with a look of unfathomable tenderness.

But I don’t want to question my luck… 

In her mind, he ventured closer and for a moment, she swore she could feel his lips on hers, moving across her skin with the combined force of all the things she’d just been wishing for, igniting a fire in her. The intimacy, the affection, the love

It was all there in the memory and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to drown it out.

It’s all in my head. 

It’s only in my head, Elizabeth repeated to herself, feeling her breathing even out as the memory subsided. And thats where its going to stay..

As promised, Robbie turned up that evening, looking roguishly handsome as usual.

However Elizabeth couldn’t help but sense that something was off about him that night from the moment she opened the door. She could tell from the way her avoided her gaze when he stepped over the threshold, she could feel it in his touch when he dropped a perfunctory kiss onto her lips. She saw it again in his eyes as he seemed to hesitate a little when she pulled him in again for another long kiss.

As their lips met again, she couldn’t help but deepen the kiss, searching for those feelings she’d felt in her memory. Were they there? Did he feel it too? Did he feel… anything? 

Dissatisfied, she released him, dropping her arms to her sides as his eyes roamed in all directions except her. ‘How was your day?’ She attempted to start a conversation.

‘Long… Where’s Theo?’ Robbie asked, his voice wooden as he took in her brother’s kitchen table, set up perfectly with candles and wine for a dinner for two.

‘He’s got a work meeting,’ Elizabeth explained, following his gaze. ‘In the meantime I thought we could have dinner together. I made pasta?’

Robbie nodded vaguely and Elizabeth felt a pang of disappointment in her chest. Maybe he’d had a bad day… Or maybe she just needed to try harder? 

‘You know..’ she began, her face taking on a sultry expression as she trailing her fingertips across his arm lightly. ‘Theo’s not gonna be home for a while. And after dinner, who knows what we might be in the mood for…’

Suddenly his charm was back on, like a switch had been flipped and she almost frowned at the abrupt change but she didn’t get the chance to ruminate on this as he was pulling her towards him by her hips.

‘I have a better idea,’ Robbie drawled, pressing her body against his meaningfully, the heat in his eyes igniting a fire in her core. He bent until his mouth was a hairs breath away from her ear, the scruff of his five o’clock shadow brushing her skin ever so slightly. ‘How about we skip dinner and go straight to dessert?’

Elizabeth gulped. She’d expected to have a little more time to… mentally prepare herself for going all the way tonight. She was still a little off kilter from her flashback and concerned at its intensity. It was getting harder and harder to force them back especially when they were so… vivid. She could have really used the time over dinner to ease herself into the idea of…

Her eyes flickered back to Robbie, noting how his expression fell as he anticipated her denial, a look of resignation replacing the desire that had been there only moments ago.

She just wanted him to want her.

‘You know what?’ Elizabeth began, making up her mind in an instant. ‘That sounds perfect.’

‘Great.’ And Robbie’s mouth crashed onto hers.

Elizabeth moaned in response, more out of surprise than anything else but she wrapped her arms around him to tug him closer. This time she could feel something in the kiss but rather than the affection and intimacy she’d been searching for, there was only a lustful hunger as he roved his lips over hers. He bit down on her lower lip, slightly harder than she would have liked but she opened her mouth anyway and he shoved his tongue in, eagerly exploring her mouth as they staggered together across the hall in the direction of the bedroom. His hands roved her body, squeezing her ass and breasts almost hard enough to draw a gasp of pain from her.

She’d just opened her mouth to say something when Robbie shoved her up against the wall, knocking the air out of her. He barely gave her a moment to recover, grinding his very obvious hard-on into her thigh.

‘Robbie,’ she gasped out, feeling his hand, wandering past the hem of her trousers, intent on finding its destination.

‘What?’ he mumbled, face buried in her neck.

Elizabeth winced at the darting pain from where his teeth sunk into her skin. He was being too rough and her mind raced, trying to fin a way to slow down the pace.

‘Should we take this to the bedroom?’ she suggested, desperately hoping for a tiny break from his relentless pursuit. Robbie pulled back a little, his expression unreadable and for a moment Elizabeth felt a flicker of fear in her before his face curved up into a smirk.

‘I like the way you think doll.’

She had barely time to breath a sigh of relief when he picked her up, picking her up with ease and heading in the direction of her bedroom.

This is what I want, she tried to convince herself. He wants me and I want him too. Right? 

Once inside, Robbie kicked the door closed and threw her on the bed, the light from the bedside lamp casting an eerie glow on his face.

‘Fuck yeah, I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight babe,’ he growled, ripping his shirt off before coming down to her.

Gulping, Elizabeth could feel her heart rate increase as he reattached himself to her lips, mouth moving hungrily over hers as his hands worked at the fastenings of her clothes. Pushing back the feelings of discomfort, she attempted to lose herself in the way Robbie seemed intent on stripping her naked. So focused on convincing herself to enjoy this, she’d almost missed the tingling sensation of yet another flashback coming on. So caught up the cloud of lust and desperation, Elizabeth didn’t realise until the memory came back with full force.

The room was dim, barely lit but the lamp on the night stand but it was unmistakable the way his hand grasped hers. 

‘… your feelings are most ardently returned,’ the man was was saying. 

His hands reaching towards her made her skin crawl, breathing caught up in her throat..

But what was his name? His hair was not blonde like Liam, skin too dark to be Drake.. 

Elizabeth had barely time to think when the man in her memory, suddenly gripped her hands harder, pulling her in closer and she was frozen, unable to move as his lips drew closer still as her stomach rose up, threaten angry waves of nausea. But before the man — Tariq, she remembered — could kiss her, he was suddenly ripped away by-

‘Stop! Robbie stop!’ She burst out, shoving his hands away, legs scrambling for purchase on the sheets, intent on creating some space in between them, breathing hard as a splitting headache coursed through her head.

‘What the fuck?’ Robbie growled angrily, eyes blazing.

Tears pricked the back of her eyes and Elizabeth wrapped her arms around herself protectively.

‘I’m sorry,’ she choked out, barely holding back sobs. ‘I-I can’t Robbie. Not tonight… I thought I could b-but..’

She glanced up at him, hoping he’d understand but instead she found his face curled in disgust at her as his eyes roved over the scars on her arms and legs.   It was the first time he’d seen her undressed.

Elizabeth gasped, moving quickly to pull the quilt over her body but the damage had been done. The glow of the lamp only seemed to degrade the sight of her further and there was no mistaking the repulsion in his stare.

‘Isn’t there some Fair and Lovely shit you could use?’ He demanded finally.

Elizabeth gasped at his bluntness, so shocked she was unable to formulate a response. ‘I-I-‘

He didn’t bother waiting for her response, shrugging his shirt back on. ‘Ugh whatever I was only in it to fuck anyway…’

‘Ro- Wait what are you saying?’ The tears were flowing now but she just couldn’t bring herself tear her eyes away from the look of disgust in his face, as what he was saying dawned on her.

‘Look… you’re a nice girl and all,’ he gestured passively, grabbing his jacket, clearly preparing to leave. ‘But that night at the club, I was only looking to win a bet. Who could get a girl to sleep with them the fastest without being a one night stand.’

Elizabeth could only listen in horror. ‘You mean…’

Robbie paused in the doorway, casting back one last glance. ‘Yeah fuck this I’ve already lost anyway,’ he replied passively and moments later the front door slammed shut.

‘Liz… Aish…’ Someone — Theo — was knocking at her door. ‘Sis you gotta come out. Please.. We’re worried about you.’

‘Aishwarya, open this door now.’

Elizabeth barely moved at the sound of her grandmother’s voice, continuing to stare blankly at the same patch of wall she’d been focused on for the last two days.

Ever since the night with Robbie, she’d locked herself in her room, unwilling to eat, move or anything while her family begged, pleaded and pounded on her door. She couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed, still in the same clothes since that night unable to get the image of his repulsion and disgust out of her head. She’d cried until she’d ran out of tears and all that came were ragged, hollow sobs that made her throat sore and mouth dry. Her tongue felt like sandpaper in her mouth and her stomach begged for something to eat but she just couldn’t bring herself to muster up the energy to move — the images of Robbie’s disgust and his words replaying on an endless loop in her brain.

Elizabeth couldn’t help sharing his disgust as her eyes travelled over the scars on her arms and legs. They’d faded significantly since the accident as well as her gait which evened out as she continued the physical therapy exercises.

It would take time the doctors said.  But hadn’t it been long enough?

The accident was months ago.. shouldn’t she have recovered by now? The longer she stayed in that room the more she succumbed to the host of negative emotions, suffocating under their unyielding weight. She knew she needed to move, to eat, to do something but she just couldn’t bring herself to…

Elizabeth had suspected that two more days had passed by the time, her stomach couldn’t take it anymore and demanded something to eat.

In small sluggish movements, she pulled herself out of bed, pushing her tangled hair out of her face and wrapping herself in a robe before shuffling out to the kitchen. Pouring herself some water, she struggled to keep her hand steady as she brought the glass to her mouth. As soon as the liquid touched her lips, she couldn’t help but guzzled it down greedily. She growled in frustration because the more she drank the thirstier she seemed to grow. After what must have been her fourth or fifth glass, she slumped to the floor clutching her stomach as it rolled angrily.

 Too much water..

Feeling nauseous, she pulled herself to her feet trying to get to the sink in time and was simultaneously hit with a strong wave of dizziness as she’d gotten up too quickly. She clutched the edge of the countertop until her knuckles turned white before she felt the sensations of another flashback arriving.

She sobbed once, too weak to fight it this time and sank back onto the floor, squeezing her eyes shut and hoping it would pass quickly. The memory burst forth, stronger and more vivid than any other one before and suddenly she was on a rooftop at night, feeling the the gentle caress of the wind on her cheeks. She was nervous, her stomach rolling not unlike how she was feeling right now but why…?

The memory of footsteps tickled her ears and turning around she understood why.

 He was there. 


The memory was so detailed, she could practically see the worn material of his trusty jeans and denim shirt as it fluttered in the night air, she could feel the tension rolling off him in waves as he gave her a hesitant smile, hovering on the thin line between hope and despair.

He’d asked her here after…. After what?

We need to talk… about us.

The rest of the memory trickled into her mind and sudden Elizabeth gasped as saw the scene in full colour and vivacity.

She’d chosen him. She’d chosen Drake.

 Drake… Liam proposed to me… 

She remembered his carefully crafted mask crumble, succumbing to the hurt and longing held underneath before gathering into a semblance of a smile.

 I’m hap-

I said no.

Her vision clouded now as tears began to fill her vision, all the feelings, pain, longing, desire, love all coming back to her.

And Elizabeth remembered.

She remembered how much she loved him.

Drake I might have come here for Liam but I want to be with you.

She remembered the hesitation and insecurity in his eyes as he tried to reason with her, make sure she knew what she was missing out on by choosing him but each word he said only made her want him even more. Again she felt the desire and anticipation build in her, reliving ever sensation as if it was for the first time. Her voice had been firm and decisive as she confirmed that she was choosing him, and only him.

And finally his lips had found hers, their kiss potent with hunger and longing, all the things they’d been wanting to do for so long.

Almost like fate was laughing at her, the memory snapped shut and she was jerked back to her reality now, cold and empty on the floor of her brother’s kitchen. Huge sobs wracked her body as Elizabeth sank further onto the floor, eyes squeezed shut, images of what she remembered burned into the back of her eyelids.

Although most of her memory was in still fragments, she could felt like a major puzzle piece had been snapped into place and things about her time in Cordonia suddenly seemed so much clearer. Even though she couldn’t remember much about it, she missed the little kingdom, knowing it would forever hold a special place in her heart. As did its people — well one person in particular…

Maybe now I could..

Elizabeth shook her head, the image of Drake’s face when he’d walked in on her kissing Liam surfacing again, the look of utter betrayal and hurt still fresh in her mind.

He’d never take me back after that. 

Him and Liam had been best friends for over twenty years and she’d managed to ruin that streak in less than one. The more she thought about it, the worse her situation seemed to get and feeling miserably sorry for herself, Elizabeth curled herself into a ball on the floor, wallowing in her sadness.

An insistent knocking snapped her out of a thin sleep and Elizabeth frowned, rubbing her eyes in confusion. She hadn’t even realised she’d fallen asleep right there on the floor. The knocking continued and she rolled her eyes, pulling herself to her feet begrudgingly.

Theo must have forgotten his fucking keys again… 

Shuffling over to the door, she didn’t even bother checking her reflection in the foyer mirror. Her hair was definitely a matted mess and whatever makeup that survived the torrent of tears of the last few days was probably smudged beyond belief but she didn’t care as she stalked across to the door..

Annoyance surged through her as she wrenched the handle open, ready to berate her older brother.

‘If this is your dumbass way of getting me out of-OH!’

The figure in the doorway was not her brother, no, not by a long shot. Elizabeth could not prevent her mouth from dropping open as blue eyes met her brown ones.


The King of Cordonia gave her a hesitant smile from across the threshold of her brother’s apartment.

‘Hey Elizabeth.’

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