The Third Park (Damien x OC (Ellie)) – Part 4

Summary: Damien takes Ellie on a night out drinking at his fave pub, Archer and Hopps… And of course it calls for the Nazario Chug!

Disclaimer: (most) characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Male!MC (Allen). Damien’s fc (Santiago Cabrera) gifs by @christopher-powell and Ellie’s fc (Ni Ni) by @thanhpls.

Pairing: Damien x OC (Ellie)


As he said, Damien worked the rest of the Monday and Tuesday too, until it was almost time to go meet with Eleanor. Although he tried to act normal, he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t excited about it. It felt like years since he had been out on a proper date…

Wait. Was it a date?

No, they were just going to get a few drinks and chit chat.

…Hell, it sounded like a date.


Oh, whatever.

God, why was he feeling so nervous?

Since he lived close to Allen’s apartment, he walked all the way there. He was approaching his friend’s building when he saw a lone figure standing in front of it. When Eleanor saw him, she walked towards him, meeting him halfway.

“Good night.” – she greeted him with a smile that made his heart leap a little.

“Good night. Uh… You look nice. Red really is your color.” – she was wearing a simple red sweater and jeans, but she looked elegant anyway.

“Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself. It’s nice to see you sober for a change.” – she chuckled as Damien rolled his eyes.

“Shall we?” – he offered her his elbow, which she accepted, an eyebrow raised.

“Charming. So, where are we going?”

“There’s this nearby pub, Archer and Hopps. They serve great food there, besides drinks.”

“Good, because I’m starving. Alright, lead the way!”


Chandeliers hanged from the ceiling, and there were classy leather booths lined across the room. As they entered the pub, the bartender called for Damien from behind the bar.

“Back already, Nazario? What are you moping about this time?” – but then, his eyes laid on the woman laughing next to Damien. – “Oh, this is new. It’s been a while since you’ve come here accompanied.” – Damien growled, wanting to disappear. The only other person who he brought there was Allen, more than two years ago. – “Nice to meet you, I’m Flynn.”

“Eleanor, but you can call me Ellie.” – she greeted him back. – “You didn’t tell me you were a regular here, Damien.” – she turned to him, squeezing his arm playfully, making the bartender laugh.

Damien’s faced turned a shade pinker as he cleared his throat and asked for a drink:

“I would like a beer and a burger.” – Flynn and Eleanor chuckled with his embarrassment. – “You?” – he asked her.

“Me too.”

“Alright.” – Flynn gave Damien their beers. – “Two burgers coming up. You two make yourselves comfortable.”

Although it was a Tuesday night, the place was lively and packed, so they decided to sit in the stools by the bar counter, side by side.

“So you came here after Allen’s and Nadia’s weddings? To mope around?” – Damien sighed loudly. He knew she wouldn’t let him get away from it.

“Yeah…” – he took a sip of his beer, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

When he put the bottle down, her hand squeezed his softly.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I’m being nosey again.”

He let out a low sigh.

“No, it’s okay. I should have gotten over it by now. Besides, I was pretty aware that things wouldn’t work between me and him.” – she nodded, letting him take it all out of his chest. – “And I did say that I would understand if he wanted to be just friends. But it’s easier said than done. Hell, I’ve always said that emotions shouldn’t get the better of us, and yet, look where I am… Still moping around, two years later.”

Ellie kept holding his hand, her thumb massaging his knuckles. Nadia had told her that Damien had feelings towards Allen, but she didn’t know that they were that strong. And that was why he looked so miserable during the wedding. She felt sorry for him.

She decided to change the subject. It was her own little mission to make Damien not think about Allen that night.

“So, you’re a private investigator.“ – she said, drinking her own beer. He nodded. – “So this means that you’re paid to peep in other people’s lives? I don’t know if this is a dream job or an actual nightmare.”

“You seem too much interested on my job.” – he arched an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Well, you’re the first detective that I met and I’m a big fan of Agatha Christie.” – she shrugged. – “But you don’t seem like a guy who cares much about what other people do or don’t, to be honest.”
“And this is why I am so good at it.” – he answered and she saw a small grin tugging on the corner of his lips. That was a good sign.
“Cocky. Alright, can you tell me which was your most interesting case?”

“Well… I was asked to take a look after a foreign royal who was having a forbidden affair with a ‘commoner’—”

“Oh my God. Are you talking about King Liam of Cordonia?!” – Ellie beamed on her seat.

“I can’t confirm you this. You know, private investigator conduct and everything.” – she let out a frustrated sigh, making him chuckle. – “Why? Big fan of the royalty?”

“Are you kidding me?! I followed everything! Since they announced that there was an American suitor running for King Liam’s hand during that social season! Then the leaked photos of Lady Riley and the other nobleman! Ugh, I can’t wait for the royal wedding!” – Damien laughed with her excitement. She was cute.
“Anyway, enough about my work. What about you? Did your boss send you new work to do? Or did she finally leave you alone?”

“I wish! My boss is always sending me more work to do. But I told her that I’ll check everything on Monday, when I go back from my vacation. I’ve been too focused on my work for the last couple of years. I deserve a break.”

“Bold move. But you’re right.”

“I know.” – they clinked their beers as Flynn approached them with their food.



They’d been at Archer and Hopps for almost two hours. The burgers were long gone and there were a few empty drinks in front of them, both feeling a little lighter and happier. Their laughter filled the place.

“I still can’t believe they’re both married to robots!“ – Eleanor laughed hysterically as if that was the joke of the century. – “Oh my God.“ – she looked at Damien with wide eyes. – “Is the sex that good?”

“Don’t look at me. I have no idea how it is and I’m not planning on finding that out.” – but she kept murmuring to herself:

“…Must be it. I mean, Nadia is more traditional when it comes about love and sex and she had been let down countless of times by douchebags before. So I kind of understand why she fell so fast and hard for Steve, her ‘Perfect Match’, since he was entirely and exclusively designed for her. Allen, on the other hand, I’ve always kind of knew that he’s more adventurous… I know what he meant when he said that he did some experiments during college involving handcuffs… but I’ve never thought he was that open, you know? To the point to marry a robot. And that he was so kinky.” – suddenly, her eyes laid on the man next to her again. – “What if the robots…. vibrate down there? They must have some kind of, I don’t know, an erotical device there!” – Damien couldn’t hold back a laugh with her wonder.

“Are you curious now? Do you want to try it?”

“Hell no.” – she grabbed her beer and turned it down.

“Why not? Maybe you should be more open-minded. Like your cousins.”

“Please. I’ve watched enough movies to know that robots and humans are not a good thing to be together. Besides, I’m just into humans.”

“Oh yeah?” – Damien didn’t notice that he scooped closer to her. She nodded, her brown eyes darker, a side smile on her lips. – “What kind of human?”

“I don’t know…” – she shrugged. – “I like to let my options open.”

“And are you seeing any human at the moment?”

Wow. Real subtle, Damien.

“No. I’ve been super single for almost two years now. Just random hookups with strangers at bars…” – she shrugged again. – “The last ‘relationship’ that I had was with this girl named Eva. We’ve been dating for a few months when I found out that she was taking my money without my consent. Of course I broke up with her. And before her I dated this dude who cheated on me with my neighbor. One day I was going to work and he walked out of the door from the other side of the hall. Jerk. And he tried to tell me that she was her cousin! But my neighbor heard it and then we both broke up with him at the same time.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“That’s okay, it was a long time ago, anyway.” – Ellie shrugged. – “What about you? Seeing someone?”

He let out a low chuckle.

“I wish. But I had my fair share of bad relationships, too.”

“Oh yeah, Nadia told me about an ex-girlfriend of yours, this Interpol agent that helped you all take down Eros… Alana, right?”

“Dammit, Nadia. What else did she tell you?”

“Everything, I believe. Allen invited Alana to the wedding but she didn’t came…”

“Thank God.”

“I know she’s your ex… but why? You didn’t want to see her again? Allen respected her, even after that ‘betrayal’.”

“Allen is more forgiving than me. I guess you’re aware of that.”

She nodded, letting out a sigh.

“What a shame. I was looking forward to meet her. She sounded interesting. And gorgeous. Nadia showed me a picture of her. You were a very good looking couple. Can I meet her someday?”

“If you think I’ll introduce you to her, then you must be dreaming. Alana is dangerous.”

“I’m a grown up woman, ’D’.” – she called him the nickname Nadia gave him. – “I know how to take care of myself.”

“Okay, if you happen to meet her, don’t come crying to me after she breaks your little heart, ‘Ellie’.”

She giggled, leaning closer to him, her eyes longing on his.

“Hey…” – her breath was hot against his skin. – “help me.” – before Damien could know what was happening, he felt Eleanor’s hand on one of his forearms to steady herself as she stood up from her seat. – “Wait for me. I need to freshen up.” – and she wobbled towards the toilet.



Eleanor was back after a few minutes, and Damien wondered if she brushing her body against his was by accident or not, when she went back to the stool next to him.
“Okay, I’m back! Where were we?”

“Hey you two. Having fun?” – Flynn approached them, pouring two shots of dark rum for each of them.

“Oh my God…” – Damien muttered, knowing what was about to happen.

“What is this?” – Eleanor asked, curious about the deck of cards the bartender put on the counter, next to their drinks.

“I introduce you the Nazario Chug. Damien will tell you how it works.” – the man grinned and slipped away.

“Nazario Chug? You have a game named after you?” – she asked, trying to not laugh at his face.

“Why? Feeling intimidated that I’ll win?” – Eleanor concluded that Damien was already fully under the influence of the alcohol, based on his stupidly charming cocky grin.

“Hell no! Bring it on!” – she shouted, rubbing her hands against each other, excitedly. Damien chuckled and explained her how the game worked:

“You take the top card. Black means dare, red means truth. If you fail or want to dodge your task, you drink according to the number on the card. Ready?” – Eleanor flipped the first card. Seven of Hearts. – “Truth. When you went all the way to my house to ask me for Allen’s password… Was it just an excuse to see me?” – she chuckled.

“Well, I actually needed that password. But… I won’t lie that I liked to see you again. I wanted to get to know you better.” – she said, her eyes glancing on his lips.

“Me too.” – they leaned closer, drawn to each other. They kept staring at each other for a minute, before Ellie pulled out and drank a shot (even though she had already played her turn):

“Hey, it’s your turn, D.” – she bumped her shoulder against his, playfully.

He flipped the next top card.

“Truth again.”
“Alright. So, is this a date? Or what?”

“I don’t know. What do you think it is?” – he answered, with a smirk.

“Hey, it’s not me who has to answer this question, it’s you, Mr. Nazario. Or you answer it or you take four shots now.”

“Well, I’ll say that this is a date, then. What do you think about it?”

“If you say so…” – she chuckled, flipping another card.

“Nine of Clubs, and black means Dare. Finally.” – he said with a satisfying and devilish grin.

“Oh no!” – Ellie shouted, laughing loudly. – “Alright, shoot.”

“I dare you to go to the restroom and come out again and pretend you’re so drunk that you end up bumping on the first person that you meet.”

“What? This is stupid. What if this person get mad at me and I end up in trouble? Why would you want this?”

“Don’t worry about it, if someone wish to start a fight, I’ll be there to intervene. Now go. Unless you’re a coward…”

Those were the right words, because Ellie simply stood up (after taking a shot for encouragement) and marched to the restroom. Damien watched her walking out of it a few seconds later, wobbling around.

She bumped hard on a man leaning against a wall nearby. She pretended to almost fall, but he grabbed her quickly, steadying her again.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” – she shouted a little too loud, so Damien could hear it. He held a laugh back. She clearly was forcing it. – “Are you okay?!”

“I’m good. What about you?” – the dark haired man on a leather jacket answered her. – “My name’s Jax, by the way.” – he answered with a grin. A grin full of second intentions to Damien’s opinion.

“I’m good too, Jax.” – clearly Ellie appreciated the man right in front of her, since she started playing with her own hair and leaned closer to him. – “Thank you for saving me…” – Damien walked towards them in a few hurried paces. He tried to be both gentle and firm when he put his hand on her shoulder.

“Ellie.” – he said, his eyes locked on the man in front of him.

“D!” – she shouted happily, throwing her arms around his shoulder. – “Come meet my new friend and savior, Jax! Jax, this is my other not so new friend, Damien!”

“Nice to meet you.” – Jax said, smiling at him.

“Likewise. We have to go now.” – he turned to her.

“Already? I thought we could have some fun with Jax here… What do you think, Jax?”

“It would be nice.” – he answered, his smile widening. Damien didn’t like the way his eyes shined.

“I’m sorry, we have to go know. We have a place to go, do you remember it, Ellie?” – Eleanor wanted to protest, but then Damien put his arm around her waist protectively, pulling her closer.

And she wanted him to do it the whole night, and he was calling her her nickname (yep, she knew it was a way to show Jax that he was closer to her than he was), and his body was so hot against hers… That she thought to herself ’okay, girl, some nights you just can’t have everything. Or everyone’.

“Oh, okay. You’re right. I’m sorry, we gotta go.“ – she said, leaning closer to Damien’s embrace. – “But maybe another night, Jax.” – she smiled mischievously at him.

“I’d like that.” – Damien definitely didn’t like the way that man looked at her. It was almost predatory. Damien pulled Eleanor away before she could say goodbye to her “new friend”.

“Alright, enough about this game tonight.” – he whispered as they headed towards the pub’s door.

“Why? I was starting to like it! Maybe Jax could join us…” – Ellie kept talking, teasingly.

“This is out of question.”

He paid for their dinner, said goodbye to Flynn and pulled Eleanor outside the pub, his hand still on the small of her back.

“You know, jealousy is not a very attractive feature, ‘Big D’. You ruined my night with that gorgeous ma—”

“Who told you?” – he asked abruptly, pulling away from her.

“What?” – Ellie immediately missed his touch. God, was she that touch deprived?

“The nickname.”

He saw a devilish grin spreading on her face.

“Nadia, of course.”

“I’ll kill her when she’s back…” – he muttered to himself. He went on a night out with Nadia and Allen and might have drunk a little too much and said that he liked to call himself “Big D” when he was younger… because of that stupid and weird fixation that boys had with their own dicks. Yes. And Nadia never let him hear the end of it. – “Anyway, it’s late. I’ll walk you home.”

They chatted all the way to Allen’s apartment, arm in arm.

“Well, that was it. Just another glimpse of a New Yorker experience: the Nazario edition.” – he said, as they stopped in front of the red bricks building.

“That was fun. Thank you for spending your time with me, D. I know you have real work to do and it’s not babysitting me. So I mean it when I say thank you.”

“It’s no problem at all. And I’d like to thank you too. For being patient with me and listening to me whining.”

“It’s okay, I was told before that I’m a great listener.” – he chuckled.

“Have people told you that you’re conceited too?”

“A couple of times, I guess.” – they shared a laugh. – “But this never stopped them from liking me.”

She dangerously approached him, with that mischievous shine on her eyes and that sly grin that he knew too well by now. Damien knew that he should turn around and go away.

Don’t get involved with another Park.

But, hell, he should have done it the day before, and here they were. Walking back from a date.

It seemed that he was unable to reasoning when Eleanor Zhou was around.

Before he knew it, he felt her lips on his cheek, bringing him back to his senses. He looked at her, and for the first time she had this coyly smile on her beautiful face. Seeing that he didn’t pulled out, Ellie closed the distance between them, cupping her hands around Damien’s face and leaned in, kissing his mouth this time.

He hesitated for a single second, before his lips kissed her back hungrily, almost desperately, as his arms pulled her close by her waist, pressing her body tightly against his. Her hands were already on his hair, pulling it possessively and excitedly, while she deepened the kiss. She let out a low groan against his lips, that made his blood boil.

“…I’ve been thinking of doing this since you cornered me on the wedding.” – he said when they needed air, his voice sounding hoarse.

“To be honest, me too. Took you long enough, D.” – she whispered back as her hands rested on his firm chest, feeling his heart beating fast and hard, like hers. – “…I better go now. Good night.” – the sensation of his warmth enveloping her as he held her was nice, but she pulled out of his embrace, after a last peck.

“Aren’t you going to let me in…?”

“If we were in my house… Yeah. But this is Allen’s apartment. Wouldn’t it be… weird?”

Fuck. She was right.

“We could go to my flat…” – she let out a loud laugh.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Well, you’re a fucking tease. You think I didn’t notice that you’ve been teasing me the whole night? Touching me ‘innocently’ and flirting with a stranger right in front of me.”

“Well, if I didn’t do it, you would have never kissed me.”

…She was right again. Fuck, was he that obvious? Or was is because she could read him so well?

“You’re an evil woman, Ellie. Do you know that? Making me all worked up like this to leave me alone in the end.” – she giggled again.

“Take a cold shower, Nazario.” – she patted his shoulder before walking indoors and leaving him alone in the street.

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