Every Little Thing She Does is Magic

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, I’m just borrowing them.

Author’s Note: This is a little drabble for the domestic prompt of ‘Doing Laundry’. The idea came from a random conversation with a good friend about laundry and fitted sheets.

Summary: Kaylee astounds Seth with a special talent he never knew she possessed. 

“You’re a big rectangle of fabric with some elastic, how are you so hard to fold!?” Seth demanded of the fitted sheet clenched in his hands. With a grunt of disgust he let it drop to the ground, the navy and violet checked cotton billowing to the floor and settling into a messy heap.

An enthusiastic bundle of fur and muscle bounded into the room, circling and sniffing the offending bed linen.

“Go ahead Rory, give it a try. You clearly can’t do worse than me, even if I do have opposable thumbs,” he said, giving the dog a quick scratch behind the ears. “Seriously, who even invented fitted sheets? Do they hate sanity?”

A soft snort sounded from behind him and he turned. His girlfriend strode into their bedroom, a heaping basket of clean but unfolded clothes resting against one hip.

“I think what they hated was the bottom sheet always sliding off the mattress,” she pointed out.

“Okay, true. But did they have to make it so impossible to fold? I’m not even sure a sonic screwdriver could make it look halfway neat.”

The laundry basket was abandoned on the ground with a dull thud as Kaylee reached for the sheet, a smile forming on her lips. With a gentle flick of her wrists she shook the fabric out, startling Rory and sending him darting to the other side of the room. Nimble hands grasped two edges before folding, shaking, smoothing, and folding some more.

Seth stood in stunned silence, entranced by the calculated movements of the woman he loved and the swishing fabric she commanded. Scarce moments later she set the sheet, now folded as neatly as it had been in the package, on top of the other bed linens in their bottom dresser drawer. It was entirely likely, Seth thought, that he would have to scrape his bottom jaw off the floor of the wine cellar two stories below.

“Yer a wizard, Kaylee!” he proclaimed in a low, gruff voice, once he could finally speak again.

“I wish,” she laughed. “My grandma taught me the secret of folding those long ago. I happened to learn it better than my mom or anyone else in the house and was put on sheet duty permanently.”

“Don’t you think for a minute that I believe that story. I’ve suspected for a while, but today you proved it- you, Kaylee Iowa Nelson, are a magical woman.” His entire face lit up in a smile, eyes sparkling down at Kaylee with pure adoration as he pulled her into his arms and set his lips to the crown of her head. “And I still can’t quite believe you’re in my life.”

-The End

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Writer, fangirl of Seth Levine, and basic nerd

2 thoughts on “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic”

  1. I adore this drabble sooo much M! I’m totally on team Seth with this one, fitted sheets are ridiculously hard to fold. The Harry Potter reference was gold. Leave it to Seth to make a joke like that. I love how well you balance out the humor and sweetness in all your fluffy fics. Amazing job! 💗

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