Friendly Advice

Friendly Advice
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- While I am on an Endless Summer hiatus, this story has been in progress for a while and I just needed to finish it up. It uses the dialogue prompt “you’re in love with her” “aren’t you?” and is set between acts 2 & 3 of Book 1.

Pairing- Jake/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- On the way back to the Celestial, Jake and Sean have a conversation.

Words- 605

With the weird AI guiding them, the trip back to the Celestial was less eventful than the trip to the Observatory had been. However, it was still long with fluctuating periods of light and darkness and it was suggested that they stop for a rest.

“I’ll keep watch for a while,” Jake offered.

He could see Stephanie looking at him, a little confused before she nodded and went to lay down next to Grace.

He didn’t want to tell her that he wasn’t sure that he could handle another night sleeping with her in his arms. Not when he knew there was no way he got to keep her. After all, he was a broken down pilot on the run from the law and she was a fresh-faced college student with her whole life ahead of her. There was no happy ending to that story and he had to remember that or he was going to get his heart broken.

To his surprise, Captain America also chose to stay up as well. “You know, I don’t need company,” he said curtly, “I can keep watch by myself.”

“I’m sure you can,” Sean agreed, “but I’m too wired to sleep.” Sean paused, “you can go lay down if you want. I’m sure Stephanie would appreciate the company.”

There was a wistful note in Sean’s voice when he said her name and Jake noted the way the quarterback’s gaze fell on the woman in question.

You’re in love with her,” Jake realized, the words coming out on their own power. He didn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to him. The only person who paid more attention to Stephanie than Sean was him and he knew how he felt about her.

Aren’t you?” Sean countered, not bothering to deny it.

Jake didn’t answer. He wasn’t ready to think those words, let alone say it.

“If you think she’d like the company, why don’t you go lie down beside her?” It took a lot effort for Jake to get the words out, but as irritating as he might be, Sean was the kind of man Stephanie deserved.

“Because she doesn’t want me,” Sean said quietly. “I’m not the one she’s constantly watching, the one she flirts with, and whose company she always seeks out.”

The quarterback’s words made Jake happier than they should because there were still a million reasons why he shouldn’t go there and yet… It was getting harder to remember them. The idea that she wanted him, that she would choose him over Sean Gayle… Well, it blew his mind.

“If I was that person, there’s no way I’d be sitting here alone in the dark, instead of lying next to her,” Sean continued, looking him directly in the eye. A long, silent look of understanding passed between them.

“Go get some sleep,” Sean said finally, “I’ve got this.”

After a moment Jake nodded and got up and walked over to where Stephanie was lying. He could see that she was still awake, just staring at the sky. “Do you have room for me?”

Her face lit up at the sound of his voice. “I thought you were keeping watch?”

“Captain America volunteered,” Jake told her, motioning to Sean.

Stephanie glanced at Sean and then focused her attention back on him, shifting to make room for him.

Jake laid down beside her and gathered her in his arms. He still wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but he didn’t have the strength to walk away. Besides, it was too late for his heart, so he might as well enjoy every moment he could while it lasted.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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