An Heir – Chapter 40

Aesthetic Credits: Viktoria – FC Joanna Prus 
/ Istvan – FC Rob Evans
/ Both images borrowed from their Instagram
/ I own none of these images, all used with love and respect <3
/ Rings – enoirvado / Vegas view – Instagram sin1city / Quotes – all taken from Pinterest and none had credit for where they came from.

As they made their way through the palace towards their apartments, Bastien greeted them warmly, swooping in to take Viktoria’s bag from her,

“Wonderful to have you back, your Majesties. How are you feeling? Refreshed? Santorini is beautiful this time of year.”

Istvan clapped the security agent on the back as he hugged him,

“Good to see you Bastien.”

Viktoria raised an eyebrow at Istvan, as if to say, ‘Does he know something?!’ to which he shook his head discretely. Viktoria gave Bastien’s arm a quick squeeze and thanked him for helping with the bags. As they reached the door, Bastien dropped the bag inside and whispered to the young couple,

“You’ve got company…”

before heading back off down the hallway. Viktoria peered inside ominously, Istvan following closely behind her, there was no one there. As Viktoria’s sandals clicked across the floor, they could hear a commotion start up in the next room, Istvan pushed the lounge door open to find Maxwell desperately trying to keep hold of all three corgis while Cassie was on the floor hurriedly trying to pick up a stack of books that Thor had swooshed over with his tail, Drake had his hand over his face as they entered the room, knowing that the surprise was blown… Istvan started to laugh at the scene before him,

“What a welcoming committee this is!”

Maxwell gave up as the corgis broke free, panting and dancing around the royals’ feet, he laughed as he shouted


Cassie was up on her feet brandishing a big bunch of flowers and hugging Viktoria before the young queen realised what was happening,

“Oh Viktoria, I am so happy for you, such lovely news, isn’t it Drake?! What a gorgeous little baby it’ll be! We didn’t want to intrude when you just got back, but I wanted to give you a hug and… Ooooohhhh!!! I’m sorry Vik, I’m just so excited for you both!! We won’t stay long though, I promise! It’s just a quick congratulations visit!! Do you have a scan picture? Can I see? Oooooooh!!!”

Viktoria started to laugh as Cassie kissed her cheek, squeezing her even tighter. Drake shook his head, chuckling good-naturedly as he peeled Cassie away from Viktoria,

“Let the girl breathe, Cass…”

He wrapped an arm around Viktoria as Cassie threw her arms around Istvan, now fussing over the daddy-to-be,

“Petit, you doing ok?”

Viktoria nodded as she tried to scrub away the tears that started to roll down here cheeks,

“Yes… This is so nice… You guys didn’t have to do this… I don’t know why I’m crying??“

Maxwell took both her hands as he grinned at her,

“No idea… We love you Little Blossom. You’re going to be such a ‘yummy mummy’… Look at you glowing! How could we not celebrate?”

He turned and looked pointedly at Drake,

“Dibs on Godfather.”

Drake’s jaw dropped as he turned to look at Istvan,

“You can’t call ‘dibs’ on something like that?!”

Cassie had brought a non-alcoholic sparkling wine for them to toast the baby as they settled in the comfortable lounge area. Cassie and Maxwell sat on either side of Viktoria on the large sofa, while Drake and Istvan chatted, watching on from the two comfortable armchairs at the opposite side of the coffee table. Cassie had asked a million questions and was holding Viktoria’s hand in hers, cooing dreamily over the scan photos. Maxwell’s hand was firmly on the bump awaiting a movement of any sort, despite Viktoria telling him he wouldn’t be able to feel anything yet even if it did move.

Istvan smiled at Drake,

“You can see why she’s such a good nurse Drake… She really cares about people…”

Drake nodded his head as he added,

“Plus she’s crazy about babies.”

Istvan raised an eyebrow at Drake,

“You’re not trying for one are you?”

Drake shook his head,

“Nah, our wedding isn’t for another few months. But after that… You know, I’d really love it if we had kids around the same age Istvan… Imagine you and I trying to stop them running riot in the maze, climbing trees and playing soccer indoors…”

Istvan laughed heartily,

“I think that would be really wonderful Drake…”

After Hana had Skyped into the celebration from New York to offer her congratulations, the gang wrapped things up, leaving Istvan and Viktoria alone to curl up together on the love-seat on the balcony. As the sun started to drop in the sky, Istvan whispered,

“Was everyone being here today ok? It’s went from being our secret to a roomful of people knowing… It didn’t make you anxious, did it?”

Viktoria shook her head as she looked at her husband,

“No. It made me a bit emotional, but it was nice. We have such nice friends… And I told Cassie that I’ve been… A little overwhelmed by the pregnancy… But she was so kind to me about it… Istvan, I just feel really sad that everyone else has been instantly so happy about the baby, except me…”

Istvan tipped Vik’s chin up to look at him,

“My love, it’s just taken you a little while to get used to the idea, but you’re getting there now, right? I’ve seen you touch the bump a lot over the past few days, and you’ve looked happier since we talked to Mr Kolettis and had the time away together?”

Viktoria agreed,

“I don’t feel as panicked as I did before. But I’m still scared, Istvan. But at least I feel like I can tell you about it now, whereas before I was trying to act like I was fine and it was suffocating me…”

Istvan pulled her close, pressing a kiss into her hair,

“I want to you to be open and honest with me always… I’ll never judge what you say, or be angry… I just want us to talk things through… And I want to be there for you if you feel low Vik… You and my little button are my everything.”

The next morning, Istvan had to return to royal engagements, meaning that Viktoria was left alone in their apartments within the palace. He’d left her a pot of decaff and a box of cronuts on the kitchen work surface. She’d been more like herself the past couple of days, more positive about the pregnancy and things in general… He just hoped that getting back into the swing of royal life after Oia wasn’t going to hinder the progress they’d made… Istvan needn’t have worried today, because it was the first meeting with Viktoria’s new Yoga Bellies instructor, Simona. They were out on the balcony going through a range of safe poses, all avoiding the challenging twists and inversions that Viktoria usually enjoyed, but still, she understood why a locust or plow pose wasn’t a smart idea for the next few months. She breathed in deep, energizing breaths as she focused on the tree pose, centering herself and stabilizing her core, letting the soothing music bubble over her and the breeze cool her skin. Viktoria couldn’t believe when the hour was past and Simona was packing up her equipment; it had flown in so quickly. Viktoria had dreadfully missed her daily yoga practice as the sun came up; she was shocked at just how much! She felt better for the session, and although Simona would only join her twice a week, she knew that she could replicate the poses that they’d worked through already, with confidence that she wasn’t doing anything that could inadvertently cause damage to either her or the baby. She snapped a quick selfie and sent to Istvan:

‘Yoga was sooo amazing. Thank you so much for organising it for me. I love you xxx’

In the selfie she looked happy, if somewhat flushed: he would be pleased with that.

Cassie arrived back at her and Drake’s place after finishing her night-shift, she quickly sent a text to Viktoria, her heart was full as she thought about her friend and that precious little bump:

‘Hi Vik, how are you feeling sweetie? How did the yoga go today? I was on nights and I’m going to bed for a couple of hours, but if you’d like some company this afternoon let me know – I hope I’m not being too pushy (please tell me if I am) – I’ve got some ideas for you, things you can do help with bonding, and maybe something that you can do for Ist. Lots of love Cxxx’

As Viktoria got out of the shower she read the text from Cassie. She smiled as she text her caring friend back to say she’d love to see her later today and that she was intrigued to see what creative things Cassie had come up with. She flopped down on the sofa with another mug of decaff and a second cronut… Maybe this eating-for-two wasn’t such a bad thing …

TBC – VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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