
By Misha

Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the characters of “Endless Summer”, I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them unharmed when I am done.

Author’s Notes- Someone requested a Sean/MC fic from me a while ago and I was trying to find the right idea, then I wrote my Estela/MC and Jake/MC fics dealing with the scene in Chapter 9 and decided to do the Sean version.

Rating- PG

Pairing- Sean/MC

Summary- Stephanie ponders who to sleep next to and knows that if she chooses Sean it will be start something more, something that scares more than any fling with a bad boy ever could.

Words- 621

I don’t want to sleep alone.

That thought was loud and clear. It was cold and this whole island situation was creeping me out more than I was willing to show and if I had to sleep outside on the hard ground, I didn’t want to do it alone.

But who did I want to sleep next to? Of my seven companions, I suspected that three of them would be open to sharing their sleeping space with me (ok, I didn’t think Grace would turn me away either, but that would be pure friendship and not exactly what I had in mind). The question was who did I want?

As intrigued as I was by Estela, my gaze only landed on her for a moment before turning to the two men. I had been drawn to them both since the moment I had seen them, but which one did I want more?

My gaze lingered on Jake and I thought about his sexy bad-boy appeal. Don’t do this Stephanie, I cautioned, for once make the right choice. Jake was the kind of guy I kept choosing over and over, the type that always let me down.

He went jet-skiing instead of helping try to find a solution to the problem, I reminded myself. He’s only here now because he wants to get in your pants.

On one hand, his attention was really nice. I was the only person on the island he seemed to care about and that made me feel special, but… I had been this road before and had the scars on my heart to prove it. It wouldn’t last, one day he’d lose interest and move on, leaving me to pick up the pieces. That was what always happened with guys like Jake.

My eyes turned from Jake to look at Sean. Sean, who was the exact opposite of Jake and scared me so much more. Sean was basically the perfect man. Not only was he good looking and had great prospects, he was also incredibly nice and responsible.

And I knew he liked me and not just in a “let’s be friends way”, but in a this “could be something” kind of way and that scared me. I wasn’t good at picking the right guy, I excelled at picking the wrong one and I had no idea how to go about having a relationship with someone like Sean.

You’re being ridiculous, Stephanie, I told myself, you don’t have to marry the guy, you’re just going to sleep beside him. It doesn’t have to mean anything.

But I knew that it did. Sean and I were building something. The flirting, the genuine friendship that was forming between us, the way he looked at me… It was all leading to something more, something deeper, if I just gave it the chance.

I looked between Jake and Sean one more time and then made up my mind, walking over to Sean. “Do you mind if I sleep here? I’m really cold.”

He smiled and shifted to make room for me, “of course not.”

I laid down beside him and he immediately wrapped his arms around me, settling me against his chest. “I’ll keep you warm,” he promised, “and safe. I won’t ever let anything happen to you, Stephanie.”

“I know,” I told him, relaxing into his embrace.

There was so much more I wanted to say, but this wasn’t the time or place. There were too many people around, plus I was exhausted and I knew he was too. The words could wait, for now, this was enough.

I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his heartbeat and feeling more content than I had in a long time.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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