His Princess

His Princess
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. They all belong to someone else and I’m just borrowing them for a few minutes.

A.N- Just a little bit of Jake drabble that popped into my head.

Rating- PG

Pairing- Jake/female MC

Words- 401

Summary- The evolution of a nickname.


Jake McKenzie gives everyone nicknames. It’s his way of keeping his distance from the world. Don’t bother to learn people’s real names, just give them an appropriate nickname and then forget them once it’s time to move on. That was how it’s worked for years. Until her.

Until the Princess.

At first, he calls her Princess because she seems like a perky, do-gooder. Beautiful, happy and eager to lend a hand. The total storybook princess type. So he calls her princess and assumes he’ll forget about her once she was off his plane.

Then she gives him a nickname back without missing a beat. No one else has ever done that. It’s the first sign that there might be to her than meets the eye. And she keeps on surprising him with her level head and her leadership skills. It has been a long time since he’s been drawn to another person the way he’s drawn to her.

And so he keeps calling her Princess. Not because he still thinks of her as a sweet, do-gooder but to remind himself that he can never have her. That she is far above him as if she were truly royalty. He’s  a wanted man living day by day, he has nothing to offer a girl like her and he has to remember that.

Except she doesn’t make it easy. She flirts with him, she turns to him for comfort and asks for his advice as if his opinion matters. Captain America (probably the most fitting nickname he’s ever come up with) is practically drooling over her, but she keeps focusing those sparkling blue eyes on him.

Then she invites him up to her room and he knows that there is no way to protect himself. He wants her, he needs her. He didn’t know if he’ll get to keep her, Hell he doesn’t even know if they’d make it to morning, but he knows he’s going to take her up on her offer.

They somehow survive that night, though the situation is still uncertain. Yet, for the first time in years, he has something to fight for. He holds her in her sleep and marvels over the fact that she chose him.

He still calls her Princess, but now it’s because she’s the most precious thing in his life, the one thing he is willing to sacrifice anything to protect. His beautiful, perfect Princess.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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