Late Night Confessions

Late Night Confessions
By Misha

Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the characters, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed.

Author’s Notes- Another request fanfic. This one used the prompts “you’re in love with her” (uttered by Diego) and “how much of that did you hear?” This is set in Book Two, Chapter Four, after they arrive at Sharktooth Island.

Pairing- Jake/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Stephanie overhears a conversation between Diego and Jake.

Words- 730

I blinked awake at the sound of voices, trying to figure out where I was. This wasn’t my room at the resort. Suddenly it all came back to me: Rourke, our ‘trial’, being exiled to Sharktooth Island.

I turned in the sound of the voices I had heard, though it was too dark to make out who was talking.

“I’m surprised who came along on a rescue mission, I thought you were all about everyone fending for themselves.” Diego? Who was he talking too, though?

“Maybe I realized that it was my best interest to stick with the group.” The second voice replied and I realized it was Jake. I patted the spot next to me and realized that he was no longer there.

“You have a lot of survival skills, I’d bet you be able to do ok. Probably better if you didn’t have the rest of us to look after.” Diego argued, “yet, here you are.”

I tried to decide if I should let them know I was awake or keep listening to the conversation. Curiosity won and I stayed laying down, feigning sleep.

“Are you really questioning my motives for coming to rescue you?” Jake deflected. “Most people would just say ‘thank you’.”

“I was just curious that’s all,” Diego replied, “besides, we both know why you did it.”

“And what’s that?” Jake asked coolly.

“Stephanie,” Diego said smugly, “you’re in love with her.”

It took all my will-power to remain still. I wanted to whirl around and look at Jake, though I knew in the darkness I wouldn’t be able to see his face anyway. If I pretended to sleep, I might at least hear his answer.

There was a long silence and then a muttered, “so what if I am?”

My heart stopped for a moment and then started beating fast, Jake was in love with me?

“It’s not like it really matters,” he continued, “a girl like that deserves Hell of a lot more than I can give her.”

“Don’t you think she should decide that for herself?” Diego asked him. “I’ve known Stephanie for a long time and believe me, she doesn’t like being told what’s good for her. Right, Steph?”

Apparently, I wasn’t as quiet as I had thought.

“Diego’s right.” I said, sitting up, “in fact, being told what to do tends to make me cranky.”

How much of that did you hear?” Jake asked as he came and stood beside me.

“All of, I think,” I admitted, looking over at Diego. It was too dark to see his expression, but I’m sure he was grinning. “Did you mean it?”

“Of course I did,” he said gruffly, dropping down beside me, “including the part about how you deserve better than I give you.”

“That’s for me to decide,” I reminded him, “nothing is certain right now, Jake. We don’t even what tomorrow will bring, let alone the future. The only thing I do know for certain is how I feel about you: I’m in love with you.”

Jake stared at me for a long moment and then pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply.

“Are you two done with the romantic connections?” A sarcastic voice asked. I pulled away from Jake and looked to my right where Zahra was sitting up, smirking at us. “Some of us were actually trying to sleep.”

I blushed, wondering who else heard our conversation, though no one else appeared to be sleeping or if they were awake, they were more discreet than Zahra.

“All done.”

“Good,” she said, settling back down, “hey flyboy?”

“Yeah?” Jake asked warily.

“If you try to bail on Stephanie for ‘her own good’ when this is all said and done, I will track you down.”

I grinned at the expression on Jake’s face. “I guess you’re stuck with me, huh?”

We both laid back down and he wrapped his arms around me, settling us so that my head was against his chest, “apparently. Oh, well, I can think of worst things.”

I knew it wasn’t that simple. Jake had a lot of demons that he had yet to face, plus who knew what we were going to face on this island, it wasn’t like survival was guaranteed. However, I’d worry about all that later. Right now all that mattered was that I love Jake and he loved me.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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