Last-Minute Changes

Summary: After breaking her engagement to Drake and getting engaged to Bastien, Riley adjusts her wedding plans.

With the wedding day approaching, decisions had to be made. Everything had been planned, but now that Riley was marrying Bastien instead of Drake, they would need to make some changes, and they would need to do it soon.

“Who do you want to be your best man? Leo was going to officiate, but if you want to ask him, we could have Liam do it.” Riley paused, reconsidering, as a wave of guilt washed over her. Drake probably wouldn’t like that. Of course, Drake wasn’t going to like it regardless of who performed the ceremony. “Or maybe it would be better to ask Queen Regina. I don’t want to make it harder on Drake. I hate that we hurt him.”

“So do I. I wonder if he’ll ever forgive me.”

Riley reached out to Bastien and touched him gently, trying to comfort him. Things were already tense between Drake and Bastien before she broke off her engagement to Drake to be with Bastien. “I hope so. It will take time, though.”

Bastien nodded. “Anyway, I think Leo should perform the ceremony. He’ll truly be happy for us. I have someone else in mind for best man. Best woman, actually. My sister.”

“That sounds perfect. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Oh, you’re already well-acquainted with her. Remember when I told you that Mara and I were related? Well, now you know how. Please keep that to yourself, though. She doesn’t want many people to know. She’s afraid people will think she only got her job because of me.”

“I will,” Riley promised. “The wedding party is all set, then. Hana will still be my maid of honor, and Chance will be our ring bearer.”

“Your dog is going to be in our wedding party?”

“Yes! He’s my little boy! And he’s the only family member I have here.”

“All right. Although soon I’ll be your family too.” Bastien pulled her close and kissed her.

“And soon you’ll be a duke. Can a duke be a bodyguard, though? A duke would need his own bodyguard!” Riley looked to Bastien. “Well, you could be your own bodyguard. But could you be Liam’s?”

“Probably not. But I was thinking of stepping down anyway. I haven’t been the same since I was shot in the leg. If that hadn’t happened, I probably wouldn’t have ended up in the hospital after the bombing. I don’t want to be a liability. What if I couldn’t protect Liam? It’s better if one of the other guards takes my place.”

“Let’s hope Liam takes the news well.” There had already been more than enough conflict. But Bastien was worth it. “We should probably go tell him.”

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