Just Us

Just Us
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- Gah this took me longer to write than it should have, but real life has been crazy busy. This takes place after the Games, but before MC goes to break out Syphax and Victus. I just couldn’t believe that Antony would just let her go like that, so I decided to write a missing scene and add a few days to the timeline. This is fluffier than I normally write them, but that diamond scene inspired me.
Rating- NSFW
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Summary- After the game, Antony and Portia claim some time away from the world, just the two of them.

“Come home with me,” Antony urged once the games were over, his lips against my neck, his hands my waist, caressing the exposed skin.

“Haven’t you had enough of me?” I teased, even as I pressed as close to him as possible, not caring that we were still in public.

Besides, it was too late to care about that now. I had spent the entirety of the games on Antony’s lap, moving only when he stood to sentence some poor gladiator to death. Only Syphax had been spared and I was sure the rumors as to why would be flying. But Antony didn’t seem to give a damn about that or curious eyes, he only had eyes for me and the feeling was mutual.

“Never,” he vowed, “so how about it? Will you stay with me tonight?”

I knew he wasn’t asking me as a patron, he wasn’t offering to buy my time. No, he was asking as a lover. My lover.

“Of course,” I answered, “but I have to return to the scholae first unless you want me to walk around naked tomorrow.”

“You can walk around naked whenever you please,” Antony told me with a grin, “but we can stop and get you some clothes.” His lips trailed across my jaw and cheek before nibbling slightly on my earlobe, “bring enough for a few days.”

A warmth spread through me at his obvious need for me and I tugged his face back towards mine, kissing him deeply. He responded eagerly and we were both breathless when we pulled away.

“Let’s get out of here before I forget where we are,” Antony told me, finally released me, though to my surprise he took my hand as he led me out of the box and towards a litter.

In the litter, he was once again the affectionate lover, nuzzling my neck, his hands traveling over my body. It was as if he couldn’t bear to stop touching me and I felt the same, running my hands over his chest through the fabric of his toga, aching to touch his bare skin again, eagerly accepting his kiss.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at the scholae, breaking apart briefly. Lena smiled when she saw us, noting Antony’s possessive arm around my shoulder.

“I will require Portia’s company for the next few days,” Antony told Lena, taking out some coins. “She will stay at my estates.”

Lena met my eyes, silently questioning whether I was in agreement, I nodded and she smiled, taking the coins. She was no longer a warning me away from Antony, which was good because it was far too late for that. I had chosen my path.

Xanthe emerged from her room then, her face set in a mask of fury as she noticed Antony and I.

“Don’t worry,” I told her with a sunny smile, “you won’t have to see me for a while.” I gazed up at Antony adoringly, placing my hand on his face. “A few days I believe you said?”

“At least,” he answered, kissing my fingers.

Xanthe watched us in disgust. She looked like she was about to say something but a warning look from Lena stopped her and instead she flounced back into her room, slamming the door behind her.

I smirked, knowing I was taking too much pleasure in her anger, but it served her right after the trouble she had tried to cause and for what? One day at Antony’s side and the humiliation of being rejected? I wonder if she thought it was worth it.

But that was for her to answer, not me. She’d done her best to bring me down and it hadn’t worked. I was still standing and Antony and I were stronger than before. With that thought in mind, I slipped away from him to change my gown and grab a few things.

I also gathered Aqui and Artemis and brought them out with me. Antony raised an eyebrow at the sight of the monkey in my arms. “Bringing guests?” He asked, reaching to scratch Artemis’s ears, making her yelp with happiness.

“I can’t leave them here,” I explained and then grinned, “you seem to enjoy making a mess of your estate and Aqui is very good at that.”

Antony laughed and gathered me to him again, ignoring Aqui’s whine of protest. “Artemis wouldn’t be comfortable in a litter,” he pointed out, “so why don’t we walk and I will send someone for your trunk.”

I nodded in agreement and Antony left my side long enough to dismiss the litter and make the necessary arrangements and then he was with me again, lacing my fingers through his as we walked towards his estate.

“It’s a shame you changed,” Antony told me with a smirk, “I liked the blue gown.”

“I’m glad,” I told him, smiling up at him, “it was a special dress of Lena’s, she loaned it to me for luck.”

Antony’s face hardened slightly. “In getting your favor granted?” There was a dangerous note to his voice, the threat to his ego making him wary.

“To win you back,” I corrected, pressing closer to him, letting my voice become as sweet as honey. “that was all that mattered, that I regained your affections.”

Antony softened instantly, stopping walking long enough to steal a quick kiss. “They are yours,” he promised huskily, his hand running over my face, “even when I didn’t want to care, I did.”

“Me too,” I confessed, “it was quite irritating actually, how much you made me care.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve been called that,” Antony commented with a grin, as he resumed our walk, “but I’ve never been happier to hear it.”

I laughed, enjoying how nice it felt to be with him, how easy and comfortable. Who would have ever guessed that I would feel that way about Antony? And yet, it felt so right.

Before long, we reached his estate and Antony summoned a servant to take care of both Artemis and Aqui, though the latter gave an annoyed screech before being led away with the promise of cheese.

“Now that you have me alone, what are you going to do with me?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Many, many things,” Antony promised, drawing me closer and claiming my lips in a kiss that was both passionate and tender. “I plan to have you in every room of this grand estate before I let you go.”

“That’s a grand goal,” I teased, “do you think you are up to it?” I was sure he was. The stories about Antony were numerous, many of them boasting of his prowess as a lover and also his hearty sexual appetite. I’d had a very good demonstration of the former and had a feeling I was about to find out if there was any truth to the second.

“You have no idea what I”m capable of,” Antony told me with a grin, but there was a tiny hint of something more to it and I knew it was the truth. It was easy to underestimate Antony and yet I had seen first hand how dangerous he could be when thwarted, but instead of running away, it had just drawn me closer.

“Show me,” I invited, gazing up at him with wide eyes.

Antony needed no further invitation, quickly spinning us and pinning me against the nearest wall. I didn’t care that anyone could walk in and I knew Antony didn’t either. Besides, who would barge in on Antony uninvited? Other than me, of course, but I doubted that there were many as confident of Antony’s regard for them as I was. Even when he was mad at me, I knew how Antony felt about me… After all, that was why we were here, right?

And with that, all thoughts of interruption quickly fled my mind as Antony yanked my dress up around my hips, before dropping to his knees, and lifting my leg over his shoulder. I sighed in anticipation, pressing my back against the cold marble, my hands digging into Antony’s shoulder as he kissed the inside of my thigh, his fingers stroking my slick core, as his lips moved slowly upward.

“This is the best sight in all of Rome,” he announced, his breath tickling my sensitive flesh as his fingers slid inside of me, making me moan. As his fingers pumped in and out of me, his mouth found my sensitive nub and the combination sent waves of pleasure through me. I came apart, my hand digging into Antony’s shoulder, my body pressed helplessly against the wall.

“Antony! Oh, Antony!!!” The waves of pleasure had barely receded when Antony carefully placed my leg on the ground and stood, quickly discarding his armor, and then lifting me back up into his arms, sliding into me with a force that had me digging my fingers into his back. It felt so good.

I wrapped my legs tight around him as he began to move, meeting his every thrust with one of my own. Our bodies moved in harmony, Antony knowing just the right pace to drive me wild, his thrusts controlled and powerful, his lips seeking mine in a heated kiss.

It wasn’t long before he brought me to the peak of pleasure again and I came, my cried buried in his mouth. Antony continued to thrust as I clenched around him, holding himself back as the wave of pleasure receded and then immediately biuilt back up again.

I twisted my hips just so, eager to make him lose control, moaning his name as we continued to move together. This time though, when the pleasure built back up, I could feel Antony’s control slipping and I ran my lips up his jaw, sliding my tongue along the curve of his ear and then whispering. “I’m yours.”

Antony groaned, my words, the aphrodisiac I knew they would be and he gave a couple more powerful thrusts and then came inside of me. HIs body pinning me to the wall as we both came down from the high.

“One room down?” I teased after a moment, my legs still wrapped him, his semi-hard length still inside me.

“And many more to go,” Antony agreed, kissing me softly before he finally pulled out of me, setting me gently on my feet. I immediately missed his warmth, but I didn’t have to miss it for long, because he swept me back into his arms, throwing me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, trying to keep the laughter out of my voice.

“Moving on to the next room,” Antony told me with authority, his hand resting on my backside, “any objections?”

“None,” I assured him, submitting to the simple joy I felt. I had denied this feeling for a long time, how badly I wanted to be with Antony, to be claimed by him but I had finally given into him and it felt good.

I knew that this was a brief interlude and reality would coming crash back soon enough. Caesar would arrive in Rome and with him new complications, but I refused to think of that now. As Antony carried me to another lavishly decorated room and set me down before pulling me back into his arms and claiming my mouth in another passionate kiss, I banished that train of thought. I didn’t want to think about anything but Antony.

For the next couple days, I was going to pretend that the rest of the world didn’t exist and it was just he and I. Vegenace could wait, politics could wait, right now all I wanted, all I needed, was Antony.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

3 thoughts on “Just Us”

  1. Aww you’re right, this is practically fluffy! We see that Antony has certainly earned that reputation of his 😏. He and Portia are no doubt going to christen every room of that villa at least once!!

  2. Just wondering how many rooms are in that villa of his…

    Your smut writing is always perfect and I wish this archive sent notifications whenever you posted.

    My absolute favorite was “when I didn’t want to care, I did.”. This is exactly how I feel about Antony. Why did they make him so alluring?

  3. *Sigh* How much more happy can they be? Walking hand in hand with Antony down a street isn’t something I think Portia would’ve ever thought of but there you go. I thoroughly enjoyed Xanthe’s fury and actually dared her to say something so Portia could just fire back again. The thought of spending days at Antony’s villa is a dream come true. To be finely wined, dined, and entwined with Antony every day? Yes please! Portia deserves to let go and just focus on these few days of laborious enjoyment.

    Wanted to take this moment to say I meant to comment before but put it off because I had been busy and apparently my laziness knew no bounds lol. I’ve kept up with all your fics though, just couldn’t get my fingers to work for awhile. So glad you’re still writing 😊

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