A Delightful Dinner

Charlotte Elthridge never gets nervous. Even in the most terrifying situations, she would often trick herself into thinking it was fine. This was an exception. It felt like she was being chewed out from the inside and filled with butterflies which made her fidget with the end of her dress. A two-week break from college usually meant relaxation and sleeping in to other students. Every night leading up to this treacherous day, she would lie awake thinking of every possible outcome. After a year of dating, Beckett invited her to meet his parents. Within that year, she’s heard some pretty intriguing things about them that left her terrified. It wasn’t like they were bad people, they were just intense.

“Beckett, are you sure that this’ll do?” Charlotte looked at herself skeptically in the mirror. Her wavy brown locks were curled softly and her normal attire was swapped with a red dress. It wasn’t anything showstopping, just different. This wasn’t her. In fact, the last time she wore something this formal was during her senior prom. Beckett turned around and gaped in awe. As cheesy as it sounds, he still didn’t know as to how he got so lucky. Stepping closer to her, he took both of her hands into his. “You look radiant.”

“Well, let’s hope that your parents think so too.” she huffed.

“They’ll love you, but I’ve got your back. I always do.”

“Alright, I guess we should go.” Charlotte finally took her gaze off the ground and looked at his outfit, “I thought you said it should be a dressy-casual type of deal.” He raised an eyebrow while he shrugged on one of his many blazers. “This is dressy-casual.”

“You’re literally wearing the same thing you normally wear, just without the school crest.”

“What can I say, I’m a dignified man.” To that, Charlotte chuckled.

The whole ride there, Charlotte’s mind swirled with at least 50 questions per minute. “Beck, should I be worried? I shouldn’t be, I’m a likeable person.” As she turned to face him, he opened his mouth. Holding up a finger, she interrupted him “Actually don’t say anything.”

“Charlotte, take a deep breath. It’s just my parents, it’s not the end of the world.”

“Yes it is! If they don’t like me, it’d be super awkward! What if-” Placing a hand on her shoulder, he gave her a smile. “It’ll be alright. Sure, they’re an acquired taste but it’ll get easier as the time flies.” He looked out the window behind her and saw his home in the distance.

She didn’t know what to expect from the Harrington’s house, but this was somehow exactly what she had in mind. The pale columns stood strong to hold up a dark roof, looming over the stone walls. In the driveway, a man in a suit opened the car doors for the guests. He scurried to carry the bags from the trunk. This type of lifestyle was completely different to what Charlotte called home. Hell, her house could fit three times here.

The large mahogany doors opened to reveal an extravagant entryway. In awe, Charlotte’s eyes wandered to the crystal chandelier high up. The reflection of light dancing on top of the marble floors. “Beckett, is that you?” A voice chimed. The sound of heels against tile echoed throughout to reveal a woman. Everything about her screamed sophistication. From her blonde hair tucked neatly into a bun, to the way she walked. Her hazel eyes, identical to Beckett’s, crinkled as she smiled. After pinching his cheek, she smoothed out his blazer. “Mother, this is Charlotte; my girlfriend.” The sun-att gave a beaming smile, despite the jitters while approaching the woman. Holding out her hand, her voice had a tremble to it. “It’s nice to meet you-”

“Just Mrs. Harrington is fine.” The woman gave a tight-lipped smile, opting to nod instead of a handshake.

“Well you have a lovely home, Mrs. Harrington.” With an amused smirk, Mrs. Harrington looked at Charlotte and took in her appearance for the first time. “Thank you, I’m glad you like it. Now, your Father is in the study. We wouldn’t want to keep him waiting much longer.” She saunters off as Beckett and Charlotte follow, hand in hand.

The door to the study opens, where a man is hard at work inspecting a book. She finally knew where Beckett got it from. From the creak of the door, he looks up. His face is stoic, but looked welcoming. Rising from behind his desk, “Beckett, how are you? Are your studies going well?” He glances at the sun-att towards the back, trying her best not to interfere. “You must be Charlotte Elthridge.”

“That’s me, it’s nice to finally meet you Mr. Harrington.” she finished with a nod. “Now the last name seems familiar, do your parents work for the Raines branch in London?” Charlotte winced and debated whether or not she should tell the truth.

“Um I actually don’t know who or where my biological parents are, but my Dad works for real estate and my Mom is an elementary teacher.” The silence in the room was somehow deafening. She wasn’t sure if she could feel the judgement, or if it was only in her mind. “They sound like wonderful people. Unfortunately I have a few things to finish up before dinner, so you both have time to catch up. Make yourselves at home.” He dismissed.

After a grand tour of the house, Charlotte managed to calm down a tad before dinner. She decided to refrain talking about how nervous she was, Beckett already had too much on his plate. She sat in an ornate dining room, a long banquet table in front of her. Beckett sat to the left of her, while his parents were on the opposite side. In front of them, was an exquisite array of foods that varied from normal to magickal. Each of them grabbed their portions and ate in silence. Charlotte’s eyes darted between Beckett’s Mom and Dad, trying to get a gage of their emotions. So far, nothing. Mr. Harrington cleared his throat. “Well Ms. Elthridge, what prep school did you go to before attending Penderghast?” She sipped her water to stall, “I didn’t go to a prep school, I went to public school my entire life. I did go to Hartfeld for a few weeks though.”

“Oh, that school for amateurs I see. How did you meet my son?” Mrs. Harrington started. Her blood started to boil, this is not how it’s going to end. “I met him in one of my classes.”

“That’s why your name sounded familiar, you were the one responsible for his first ever warning.”

“Mother it wasn’t her fault. I was the one who got carried away.” Beckett sat up a little straighter. “Very well then,” she looked right into Charlotte’s eyes “what’s your attunement, dear?”

Charlotte gulped, “I’m a sun and fire att.” Mr. Harrington looked at his wife, waiting as to what she would do. “As impressive as it may seems, it means nothing if you can’t use it properly. I think you see where this conversation is going, Miss Elthridge. What are you using our son for? Money, connections? Which one is it, dear?”

Charlotte’s jaw clenched and took in a deep breath. Not here, not now. “Excuse me.” She pushed in her chair and headed out of the dining room. Beckett looked at his parents with disbelief, “That was completely unnecessary, Mother. What do you want from her?”

“Absolutely nothing. You could do so much better than that, love. The West’s daughter is still available. She’s currently at Harvard, you know.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Mother, I don’t want that. I’m happy with Charlotte.”

“What could you possibly see from a girl like that?” His Mother looked at him, confusion written all over her face. “Everything. Every other person that you’ve tried to set me up with, they had nothing to them except money and a last name. Charlotte is like a breath of fresh air, she doesn’t care about all of that. She’s one of the first people to understand me,” he inhaled “and I think she’s the first person I ever loved.”

“Beckett Harrington, you don’t mean any of that nonsense.” He looked at his Mother, defiant. “I meant all of it. It might be time to consider that what you think is best for me isn’t always correct either. Mother, Father. It’s been great catching up with the both of you, but I think that it’s best if we cut our stay short.” He ended and left without another word.

She sat in the garden, surrounded by elegant flowers and her back turned to him. “Charlotte?” She looked at him with sorrow-filled eyes and vulnerability. He took her in for a hug and planted a kiss on the top of her head. “I guess you can say it was a lasting first impression, huh?” He chuckled, “Of some sorts, yes. However, they’ll get used to it.” He smiled. He knew that it was silly, being so head over heels over someone he’s only known for a little over a year but he didn’t mind. Before Charlotte, everything had been done by the book with no question. With her, everything made sense. Despite the troubles and setbacks, he felt more at home than he had ever been.

and he was okay with that.

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