A Better Offer

Author’s Note:  A little drabble idea that popped into my head for Blake and Bryce.  I hope this makes you smile today!


The sounds of laughter, conversation and John Mellencamp surrounded the patrons of Donahue’s, the blended melody of bar noises accented occasionally by the sharp ping of a dart making contact with the board.  The surgical interns’ favorite watering hole was remarkably uncrowded on this particular Wednesday evening, most likely a result of the chilly drizzle that had plagued the Windy City all week.  However a little rain would never deter this rowdy crew from their post-shift drinks, games and general debauchery.

Bryce stilled as he poised for his throw, narrowing his eyes at the target before- thwack!- releasing the dart.  “Damnit!” He grunted, the needle landing just outside of the double ring.  

“Nice try, Lahela.”  Brett Williams, one of his usual intern companions, gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder as he took his position in front of the dart board.  “But let me show you how it’s done.”

Bryce gave him a smug smirk as he moved out of the way, followed by his typical ration of competitive trash talk.  “I know better than to take lessons from you, Williams. But I’m always ready for a laugh.”

The men were huddled around their high table near the games in the well-established bar, drinking beer and bullshitting as they did most every night after work.  And as always, the third companion had another tall tale about another gorgeous woman that had fallen head over heels for him. “So, like I was saying, this girl is gorgeous.  Tall, blonde, looks like a Victoria’s Secret angel straight out of the catalog.” Ian Emmendorfer proceeded to detail his latest female obsession, ironically very similar in description to the last one he’d mentioned.  

“Are you sure you aren’t thinking about your wet dream last night, Emmendorfer?”  Brett chuckled, his face set in a cocky grin as he focused on the dart board and- thwack!– hit about six inches outside of the rings.  “Ah shit!” He growled.

Bryce released a hearty laugh, reaching his hand out to steady himself against Brett’s shoulder.  “Aw, thank you man. I told you I needed a good laugh!”

“Shut up, you asshole!”  Brett gave him a good-natured shove, his face curved into wide grin.  

Bryce smirked at his friend as he stepped up to the dart board to retrieve the ammunition for the next round.  He heard the other two men continue to rag on each other in the background while he worked, specifically Brett probing Ian for more details on his supposed new lady friend. Buzz buzz.  Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, he paused his dart retrieval mission to fish it out and read his new message.  He couldn’t suppress the giddy smile that curled at his lips when he saw who it was from.

The brilliant, beautiful and funny Dr. Blake Reyes.

Ugh, finally done with my 16 hour shift.  I’m beat. How’s my favorite scalpel jockey?  

Bryce grasped the last dart in his hand before walking back to the table, setting them down and grabbing his beer bottle.  He held the beer bottle near his face and put on his best cheesy grin before snapping a selfie and pressing send. Better than you, I’d suspect.  

“Hey Lahela, Emmendorfer here was just saying that his new girl Veronica invited us to that new club Pulse.  And she’s bringing friends.”  Brett accentuated the last word with a mischievous wiggle of his eyebrows.

“Yeah man, and if they’re half as hot as Veronica then you will not be disappointed!”  Ian supplemented Brett’s statement enthusiastically just as Bryce’s phone buzzed again in his hands.

Another text from Blake … You are evil, Lahela.  I don’t know why I put up with you.

Bryce chuckled to himself, wearing his signature cocky grin as he clicked out his sarcastic response.  I can think of a couple of reasons that your neighbors heard you screaming about the other night. 😉

Bryce waited patiently as the three dots appeared in the text screen.  And you just proved my point. 🙂 Dots.  I’m on my way home now.  You want to hang out tonight?

His fingers slid across the screen swiftly.  I could possibly be persuaded … what were you thinking?

“Lahela!  Bryce, man, you in?”  Ian’s call startled Bryce back to the present, lifting his head to find his two friends staring expectantly at him.  “You in for Pulse tonight?”

“This place is slow as hell tonight anyway, and you know I’m always up for some female companionship.”  Brett added to the argument.

Bryce felt a vibration in his hand and glanced down at his screen again to find a new message from Blake.  I’m thinking pizza, pajamas, and Netflix on the couch.  Lame, I know. You interested?

“Come on Lahela, it’ll be fun!  I swear these girls are so hot!”  Ian continued to chide him.

Bryce stilled in place, running over the scenarios in his mind.  Pulse was known for strong drinks and sweaty, scantily clad women gyrating on the dancefloor … two things he would normally never pass up.  Then again … he imagined Blake wearing her baggy t-shirt and leggings on the couch, snuggling against him while they watched season one of the Widow.  Yeah … no brainer.

“Sorry guys …” Bryce reached down to grab his beer, downing the rest of the contents in one long swig.  “I’ve got a better offer.” He shrugged on his jacket and turned to saunter towards the exit, typing out a response to Blake as he walked.  See you in twenty.

Behind him he could hear the grumbling reactions of his two companions.  “Hey! Does this have something to do with that hot doctor from the diagnostics team you keep sneaking into the supply closet with?”  Brett called after him.

“Night guys!”  Bryce shouted over his shoulder without a second glance.  “See you tomorrow!”


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