Antony and Portia Drabbles: College AU

The Best Days of Our Lives Drabbles
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- I am organizing all my drabbles and posting them away from Tumblr and the best way to do that is as drabble compilations by universe. These are all my College AU drabbles in one place.
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Summary- A series of short drabble fics that take place within the college AU.
Rating- Mature (but mostly PG-13)

1. September 

“I don’t like you,” the words came out in an almost sing-song tone.

Antony smirked, “I know.” He sipped his beer. How many of those had he had? More than me, I was sure. And yet, he didn’t seem phased at all while I had a feeling I was going to be hating the world in the morning.

“But I still want to kiss you,” I mused, “constantly, it’s quite annoying.”

“Is it now?” Antony asked in obvious amusement.

“Yes,” I declared, “I can’t stop thinking about it! Ugh, maybe I just need to do it.”

I leaned forward, the drink making me bold, ready to press my lips against Antony’s but he stopped me, his hand circling his wrist.

“I don’t think so, gorgeous,” he told me in a low voice, his eyes meeting mine, the heat in his enough to penetrate the drink-fuelled cloud, “when you kiss me, and you will, it will be because you want to, not because you’re too drunk to know better.”

2. September 

“Hey, gorgeous!”

I didn’t even to turn around to know who it was. But I turned anyway, rolling my eyes as I did so. “What do you want?”

Antony grinned. “I got a very interesting e-mail from you this morning.”

I froze. He didn’t mean… ugh. Not him of all people.

“Yes?” I asked, hoping I was wrong and he’d gotten some weird spam for me or something.

“Your Amazon wishlist,” he supplied, obviously enjoying himself, “it was a pleasant surprise.”

“It was part of the pledge process,” I told him, through gritted teeth.

It did nothing to knock the obnoxious smile off his face. “I figured, but it was still very… informative. I noticed you had a dildo on there and I thought I’d offer to help you out, you know I have a dick right?”

“I think the entire campus knows that,” I told him dryly, torn between embarrassment, amusement, and exasperation.

Antony leaned in closer, placing his hand on my arm as he did so. I tried not to react to his touch and his closeness. “Since Cassius is apparently lacking in some departments and you are in need of aid, I just wanted to offer mine. Much better than a piece of plastic.”

“Is it as large as your ego?” I asked, trying to ignore the tingle of heat his words sent me.

Antony grinned. “Nothing is, gorgeous, but I’ve never had any complaints.” His breath tickled my cheek, he was so close. “What do you say?”

The heat in my belly wouldn’t subside, but I forced myself to ignore it. “I think I’ll settle for the vibrator,” I told him, pulling away from him, “It’s never disappointed me yet.”

Antony merely laughed, “well if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” His eyes ran over the length of my body, the heat in them undeniable, “the offer is always open.”

“I’ll take that under advisement,” I said dryly,

“At least think of me when you use it,” Antony added with a smirk and before I could respond, he was gone, walking away.

I watched him go, both exasperated and turned on. The problem was… I had a feeling I would be thinking of him, just like I did far too often. Why did he have to be just so tempting?

3. October 

“Dance with me.”

“Most people ask,” I commented even as I let Antony lead me to the dance floor.

“I’m not most people,” he commented, pulling me closer so that I was pressed right against him.

“No,” I agreed, resting my head against his chest as we danced, surprised by how good it felt to be so close to him. “I can’t decide if that is a good thing or not.”

“Depends on who you ask,” Antony answered, his hands tracing circles on my back and then dipping lower to rest on my ass. “But I think you like it, even if you won’t admit it.”

“Maybe,” I agreed with a smile, pressing closer to him, allowing myself this moment. The song would end and take the moment with it, after all I had a date and so did Antony and when the music ended and I had a chance to clear my head, I’d remember all the reasons I needed to keep my distance, but for now, I’d just enjoy it.

4. October

“Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silvermoon’s sparkling
So kiss me”

“I think the song has the right idea,” Antony murmured in my ear as we swayed to the words of some 90s singer, after all, what was a 90s party without 90s music?

“Do you now?” I asked coyly, gazing up at him. We had been dancing around this moment since the day we met and I was tired of fighting it.

“Say it, Portia,” he bade, halfway between plea and command, his arms tightening around me, pulling me even closer to him.

“Kiss me,” I breathed in time with the song, “kiss me, Antony.”

There was all the invitation he needed and then his lips were on mine. It didn’t matter that we were on a crowded dance floor and that anyone could see. At that moment no one else existed, it was just him and I.

5. January

Antony wrapped his arms around me, peering at the counter over my shoulder. “What are you doing?”

I rolled my eyes. “Cooking dinner.”

“You don’t have to do that,” he assured me, “I assumed we’d order in or go out.”

“I like cooking,” I told him honestly, moving out of his embrace to finish the preparations.

Antony leaned against the counter, watching me, “gorgeous and you can cook,” he commented, “I think I’m in love.”

His words made my heart skip a beat, but I forced myself to ignore it. He was clearly joking. Love wasn’t in the cards. This was just physical attraction and really, really good sex. Nothing more.

6. March

Xanthe’s eyes fluttered with malice, “I dare you to kiss Cassius.”

I could feel all eyes on me. Antony’s hand tightened on my thigh momentarily and then he removed it, but even without looking at him, I could feel his tension.

Cassius was frozen in place, his expression half panicked, half longing. Guilt and shame washed over me. Part of me wanted to refuse the dare, for his sake, but that meant letting Xanthe win and my pettiness was stronger than my conscience.

I got up from my spot on the floor and knelt before Cassius, leaning towards him and pressing my lips to his. I moved to pull back almost instantly but before I could, Cassius’s arm snaked around my waist, pulling me in closer and deepening the kiss and I could practically taste his desperation.

I didn’t return the kiss, but waited a moment and disentangled myself, cursing both Xanthe and myself for the sadness in his eyes. “Excuse me,” he muttered, getting up from the floor and hurrying away.

Sabina cast me a sympathetic look and then got up, following after him.

“Well that was entertaining,” Xanthe cackled, looking very pleased with herself.

I ignored her as I took my seat again, but before I could settle on the floor, Antony’s arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his lap and then his lips were amongst mine. His kiss passionate and possessive, clearing making a statement for everyone in the room. I was his. And I returned it eagerly, needing it, needing him to wipe away my shame and regret. Because when he touched me there was no regret, there was only passion.

7. Sophomore Year

Antony wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closer as his mouth devoured mine.

“Mmmm,” I said when we parted, “that was quite the hello.”

“I am just getting started,” he murdered against my lips, his hands in my ass, pulling me closer to him.

“I see you missed me,” I teased, my arms wrapping around his neck, my body pressed as close to his as possible. There had been a part of me that worried how long we could keep this up, that despite the promises we’d made, whether Antony would get bored with me while he was off in the real world and I was still in college. But the heat of his kiss and the feel of his body against mine, his growing desire evident, showed me I had nothing to worry about.

8. Sophomore Year

I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. I felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer to my head. And why was the sun so bright?

I heard a chuckle beside me and turned to glare at Antony, who was on his side, propped up on his elbow, watching me. “Morning sunshine.”

I glared at him. “Ugh.” I tried to pull the covers back over my head, but Antony stopped me, tugging me toward him. Since he took away my blanket, I buried my head in his chest instead.

”Can I assume that this means girl’s night was a success?” He commented, still sounding amused, even as his arms tightened around me.

“It was fun,” I told him, “even if the Jell-O shots were a mistake. Or maybe it was the tequila shots. Or the B-52s…”

Antony laughed, “no wonder you are in such a state.”

“Oh like you are one to talk,” I scoffed, “how many hangovers have you had?” The story of Antony’s antics had been the stuff of campus legend, like the time he had thrown up all over one of his poor fraternity brothers during a meeting.

“Oh far too many to count,” he agreed, “which is why I have the perfect hangover cure.”

“Oh, I have my own,” I dismissed. This wasn’t my first hangover, though every time I swore it would be my last.

“Mine is better,” Antony assured me, his hands tilting my chin up to look at him.

I whined a little bit about being forced from my cozy spot. “Oh and what is this miracle cure of yours?” I was sure whatever it was, mine was just as good. After all, what could beat greasy food?

Antony pulled me tighter against him, his hands cupping my ass as he gave me a look that almost made me forget how much my head hurt. “Orgasm.”

9. Post College

“What’s your name, gorgeous?” The cocky guy asked with a grin, giving me another appreciative once over.

“Not gorgeous,” I snapped. I could tell that this guy thought that he was God’s gift to women, but I wasn’t having any of it. I grabbed my bag out of his hands and began to walk away.

“I’m going to learn it eventually,” he called out. I didn’t bother turning back or dignifying him with a response. “I’m Antony, by the way, you’ll want to remember it because you’ll need it when you’re screaming it.”

That time I did stop and turn around. “In your dreams.”

He grinned at me. “You bet.”

“Do you Marc Antony take Portia Eileen to be your lawful wedded wife,” the minister’s voice cut into the memory.

“I do,” he said, his voice calm and confident, his gaze completely focused on me.

The minister turned to me, “and you, do you Portia Eileen take Marc Antony to be your lawful wedded husband?”

I looked at the man who I once refused to even tell my name, marveling at how far we’d come and how hard I’d fallen. “I do.”

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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