Yours – Beckett x MC

Summary: A prelude and postlude to The Elementalists Book 2, Chapter 9.

Rating: NSFW

Words: 5126

Author’s Notes: Wow. This literally has been over a month in the making. I originally planned to finish this the weekend after Ch. 9 came out but real life sometimes decides to dump a load, right? Thanks everyone for their patience while I’ve regrouped. Special thanks to @brightpinkpeppercorn @hellomynameisdevi @a-whore-of-rome for keeping me sane and for the support.

Hope you all enjoy! Beckett doesn’t belong to me (unfortunately), but the story does. No Beta used.

Find me on Tumblr!

“Clarette, are you sure about this?” Beckett sat on the sofa, elbows on his knees, his hands wringing while he looked imploringly up at the woman pacing the common room area.

She stopped in her tracks, turning to face him. “Yeah, I am. Knowing how Kane has operated so far, flattery will get us far.”

“But how far are you willing to go to play this charade?”

“As far as I have to until I get the answers I need.”

Beckett’s brow furrowed, not liking her plan one bit. “I suppose there is no way I’ll be able to dissuade you from this, is there? I’m afraid that you’re playing with fire.”

“Shouldn’t you technically say ‘playing with air?’” She joked, trying to lighten the mood.

The poignant look that he gave in response took the smile off her face instantaneously.

Clarette walked over to the couch, stopping in front of him as she gently picked his hands up in hers, giving his fingers a small squeeze. “I promise I’ll be safe. Besides, you and the rest of the Crue are going to be there to back me up, right?”

“Well yes, but – “ he angled his face up at her, apprehension etched over his handsome features. “I can’t help but worry about you, especially with what you’ve been through.” Beckett brought her hand to his mouth, brushing his lips over her knuckles. “I know I’m not good at sharing my emotions, but Clarette, you mean the world to me.”

A tender smile crossed her face as she bent over and kissed him softly, relishing the feeling of his lips against her own. He responded with intensity, his hands finding themselves on her hips, bringing her closer. Their kisses grew in passion with each passing moment, the fire between them burning brightly.

Beckett pulled Clarette onto his lap, her knees on both sides of him as she straddled him. She ran her fingers through his hair, the affectionate gesture sending shivers through him. He groaned into her mouth, his grip tightening as his hands wandered to her ample bottom. Rolling her hips forward, she gasped, feeling his excitement under her, their eyes trained on each other before falling into another passionate embrace.

Minutes later, they broke apart, breathless. Her eyes remained closed while she rested her forehead against his, relishing the intimacy in between them. Her lids opened languidly and she found Beckett’s hazel grey eyes staring back at her, full of intense emotion. She took his face in her hands, cupping his jaw before kissing him once more.

“Beckett, you mean the world to me, too. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Beckett’s gaze softened with her admission, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he gazed at her adoringly. “Hmmm, I believe you mean that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he murmured, his hand coming up to her face and caressing her cheek. “What did I do to deserve you?”

Clarette felt the warmth of the sun spread through her body with the smile he was giving her, the unadulterated joy radiating throughout her core. She brought her lips to his once more, their kisses slow and lingering, opposite of earlier yet both savoring the taste of each other.

Her lips curved upward and she couldn’t help but pull back with a little snicker, burying her face in the crook of his neck. “All you had to do was be yourself, a.k.a., you know, be hot.”

Reclining back on the sofa, he rolled his eyes as a blush dusted his cheeks. “You’re impossible, you know that?” He replied, a teasing, exasperated tone accompanying the smile on his face.

“Uh huh, and that‘s why you’re with me,” she laughed, getting off his lap. Offering her hands to pull him up, she sighed. “Come on, I guess we have to go and meet the rest of the gang now.”

“Do we have to? We were so comfortable.”

“I know, I’d rather be straddling you the rest of the night, but we need to prep for Kane.”

“Why are you always right about everything?” He reached for her hand as he stood, his mouth quirking as she helped straighten out his shirt and blazer without a second thought.

“I don’t know about everything, but if we were keeping tally, I’d definitely be lightyears ahead of you,” she ribbed, smoothing out the lapels on his jacket before running her hands down the front of his torso.

“I’m pretty sure if we started keeping track, I’d be able to match your score and obviously overtake it.” Beckett chuckled, a soft smile on his face as he bent over, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

“You wish, Harrington.” Giggling, she slipped her hand into his as they walked out of the room to hatch a game plan to take on Kane later that day.

The Penderghast consortium stood alert in the now barren space that had been a teahouse not even ten minutes ago. The entire setup was just an elaborate illusion concocted by Kane to lure Clarette into joining him that afternoon for a supposed friendly chat, even though the destruction surrounding them told a different story.

Moments prior, the Air Source had cupped Clarette’s face, his mouth at her ear, whispering words that were meant for her alone before he disappeared in a flurry. The intimate nature of his actions led to an awkward silence around the room, despite the number of people present.

“I need some air,” Beckett broke the silence with his sharp outburst, frowning in displeasure. Turning on his heel, he stormed out the door before Clarette even knew what was happening.

Katrina watched her younger brother stomp out of the decrepit bar, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “I should make sure he’s okay,” she mentioned to no one in particular, although she made no move to follow him out.

Clarette put her hand on Katrina’s forearm, her brow knitted in concern. “I’ll go. It’s because of me we got in today’s mess, even though Beckett warned me not to.” She gave a hasty wave to everyone else in the room, running out to find Beckett.

Crossing the threshold of Penn Square and arriving back on the Penderghast campus, she ran down the main corridor, sprinting the last few meters when she saw his solitary figure marching towards the dormitories.

“Beckett, wait!” Clarette tapped her foot twice, enabling the Super Speed Spell she learned the year prior to catch up with his long strides.

He slowed his gait enough for her to draw near, but did not stop as the atmosphere grew tense between them on their silent walk back to his suite. Glancing up at him, she saw the contempt written all over his face.

‘Good job, Clarette. Way to fuck up the best thing you’ve ever had,’ she thought, her brow puckering in disappointment at herself. She followed him into his room, locking the door behind her as she braced herself for the inevitable breakup before they were ever officially together.

After a few strained seconds, she Spoke up, the prolonged silence making her anxious. “Please don’t be mad at me.” Her voice was unnaturally quiet, the opposite of her usual, self-assured nature.

“Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you?!” He exclaimed, turning around to face her. “I am angry, but it is definitely not at you.”

The glint in his eyes was almost feral and his face was red from the exertion of the battle earlier, yet Clarette knew there was something else with the way he was looking at her. Without warning, he crossed the space between them, wrapping his hand around the back of her head before bringing her in for a searing kiss that left her weak in the knees.

“Clarette, I could never be angry with you,” he murmured, pulling back as his eyes bore into hers.

“Oh.” That was the only word she could get out, her head spinning before he laid his mouth on hers once more.

Beckett nipped at her lower lip, lightly sucking on it while his other hand found its way to her ass, pulling her closer to him. She moaned as she felt his length press against her and he took full advantage, sweeping his tongue into her mouth and deepening the kiss. Feeling her legs going weak, she grasped his shoulder for support; her reaction was seemingly the only thing keeping her standing.

Breaking the contact, he turned his attentions elsewhere, trailing kisses along her jaw, up to her ear, and then down to her neck, biting hard enough to undoubtedly leave a mark the next day. He captured her lips again before backing her up against the wall, his strong thigh in between hers, pinning her in place.

“Beckett, what are you doing?” The question barely passed her lips before her head lolled back with his continued affections. His lips attached to her neck, his tongue lightly licking her heated skin.

“You’re wearing too many clothes for what I want to do to you,” he breathed in her ear, his voice low with desire.

Beckett hurriedly hiked the skirt of her steampunk dress up, snaking his hand up her thigh, the smooth skin driving him wild. Holding her gaze, he lifted her leg by his hip, giving him access to grind into her.

Clarette met his every move, cursing the fabric that hindered the close contact they both craved. She felt the heat pooling in her belly, and she knew he could feel her excitement rolling off of her. Never had she seen Beckett in such a primal, primitive, and possessive state and it was turning her on to no end.

Making his way back to her mouth, he gave her a bruising kiss before pulling back, a wild look in his eyes. He stared at her, his steel grey orbs molten with desire and the fire within him blazing.

“Clarette, it drove me insane watching you flirt with him,” he frowned. “When he touched your arm, it took every fiber of my being to not instinctively wrap my hands around his throat, Air Source or not. The insinuation that he had something special set up for you and him, only to then whisk you away to God knows where? All I could see was him caressing your arm and wanting more… and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. The next thing I knew, he had taken you from sight and you disappeared.”

“But you said you were fine with it and look, we’re all okay-”

“I never said I was fine with it. Willingly let you flirt with another man? It doesn’t matter that he’s the Air Source; it was obvious from the beginning that he held a strange fascination with you. You always captivated him. Given the chance, he would bed you in an instant,” he seethed.

Clarette’s jaw dropped. “Beckett…”

He looked at her, his pupils wide as his nostrils flared.

“You’re jealous.”

Beckett’s eyes narrowed. “You’re damn right I am.”

Her gaze roved his face before she kissed him hard, her tongue brushing against his. “You have no reason to be. It’s only you, you know that.” She stared deeply into his eyes, their breaths intermingling. “No one makes me feel like you do. I’m all yours.”

The air surrounding them was electric as they stared at each other with intensity. She found herself short of breath; his fingers started trailing a path up her inner thigh before rubbing her through the soaked satin of her panties. Pushing the flimsy fabric to the side, he pressed a thick finger through her slick folds, the act making her buck against his hand.

“Is this all mine?” He growled lowly into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

A gasp escaped her while her arms wrapped tightly over his broad shoulders and around his neck. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice husky. “It’s all for you.”

Beckett smirked triumphantly as he watched Clarette’s eyes close in ecstasy, his fingers moving unhurriedly in and out of her most private area. She leaned her head forward, resting her forehead against his shoulder as he continued his ministrations. Her hips rocked against the rhythm of his hand, his thumb glazing her clit, nearly undoing her.

“Please don’t stop, Beckett,” she whimpered, his actions taking her to the edge.

Beckett removed his hand much to her dismay, her lids opening with effort only to see him licking her juices off his digits.

“Ah, ah, ah… not yet,” he teased, bringing his fingers to her lips. Slowly inserting them into her mouth, his jaw fell slightly as their eyes locked and she sucked on his fingers, tasting the remnants of her honey. He groaned as her tongue swirled over his fingertips, the feeling of her hot mouth shooting straight to his member. Removing his hand, he held her against the wall once more, his lips descending and capturing hers in a scorching kiss.

He ran his hand down her outfit, a guttural sound emanating from his throat in dissatisfaction at the amount of clothes she was wearing. Setting her leg back on the floor, he took a step back, missing the heat of her body instantly. His eyebrow arched in disapproval as he calculated how many buttons and hooks held her outfit together until a smug smile appeared on his face. With a flick of his hand, he summoned his Air Magick and unfastened all the contraptions simultaneously, her outfit falling away at the seams.

Clarette bit her bottom lip as the cool air hit her heated skin, her nipples stiff from both her arousal and the instant exposure. She felt herself flush from her sudden bareness, his traveling gaze accompanied by a lick of his lips.

Beckett leaned over and kissed her with abandon, one hand tangling in her hair. “Much better,” he whispered, in between kisses as his fingers slid down from the curve of her neck to her breasts. He kneaded the soft mounds, his thumb running over her darkened buds, taking gratification of her body’s reaction to his touch. Breaking their kiss, he trailed an invisible path from her jaw to her neck with his lips, pausing momentarily to suck on her pulse point. He followed the tender act with a gentle bite, eliciting a gasp from her mouth. Continuing further, he traced his tongue down to the valley between her breasts, squeezing them together as he peppered her bosom with feathery kisses.

Clarette leaned back against the wall for support, her hands gently scratching the back of his neck as he slathered his attentions on her breasts. She gulped in pleasure at his attentiveness, writhing underneath his touch as the caresses of his touch turned greedy.

Beckett grazed her nipple with his teeth, causing her to yelp in surprise at the different sensation. He took the sensitive peak into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the dusky tip before gently sucking any pleasurable pain away. Squeezing one breast roughly, he flattened his tongue against her bud, his eyes looking up to gauge her reaction.

“Was that okay?” His smooth voice ghosted over her skin; his eyes focused on hers.

She met his gaze, nodding in silence. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears and her chest heaved as she watched him continue his southern route, her stomach flexing under his featherlight touch.

Clarette’s breath caught as she watched Beckett kneel in front of her, looking up with an enticing glimmer in his eye and a devilish grin crossing his face. He slowly slid her panties down, exposing her mound to him. Lifting her right foot up, his lips lightly brushed the inside of her ankle before making the journey up her long leg. He kissed the hollow of her knee tenderly, knowing it was one of her sensitive spots that drove her wild. Inhaling deeply, he let out an appreciative moan while he traced the inside of her thigh with his tongue, lightly biting the expanse of silky skin before soothing it once again with his mouth. His other hand gently ran up and down the backside of her other leg, gently squeezing her ass in a nonsensical sequence before his long fingers grazed the inside of her thigh.

She swallowed thickly as he rested her leg over his broad shoulder, her center completely open to him alone. The anticipation of his mouth on her was making her so wet.

His eyes shot up once more, locking with hers before he delved in, giving her pussy a long, languid lick.

“Oh my God, Beckett!” she exclaimed, nearly losing her balance as he proceeded to bury his head between her legs, kissing her fully on her lips.

His strong hands held her steady as his arm wrapped over the leg on his shoulder, the other gripping her ass as he brought her even closer to his mouth. Her hands flew down to help her maintain her position, one clinging to his shoulder and the other landing on the hand on her leg, squeezing his fingers to let him know that she was thoroughly enjoying his attentions.

Clarette swore she could feel him smile as he squeezed back, encouraging her to ride his face as he explored her core with his mouth. She rolled her hips forward rhythmically, her breath leaving her in short, little huffs as she fucked Beckett’s face. She nearly toppled over once more after he angled his head higher, his tongue now directly running over the hood of her clit. Pulling back briefly, he glossed two fingers up and down over her glistening slit, easily sliding into her tightness.

A strangled sob originated from her throat, her head falling back to rest against the wood paneling of the wall as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. He studied her face intently, loving how her eyes scrunched shut and her mouth fell open as he fingered her just the way he knew she liked it. Bringing his mouth to her again, he teased her mercilessly, tracing his tongue around her pearl in a slow, deliberate pattern, wanting to hear her beg for him.

“Beckett, stop teasing me,” she pleaded, grinding harder against him.

“Then tell me what you want,” removing his mouth, he replied with a whisper against her.

“You know what I want.”

“I want to hear you say it.”

Her fist flew to her mouth, biting down on her knuckle after he ducked his head once more, tormenting her with a clever twist of his tongue.

“I want you to make me come,” she barely managed out, her head feeling like it was on the verge of exploding with desire.

With her magic words, he brushed her clit with his tongue, her center clenching around his fingers with his divine course of action. Starting slowly, he lapped at her nub without haste, fully tasting and savoring her essence. He gradually increased his tempo, flicking his tongue back and forth against her button, making her quiver as her legs trembled around his head, his name repeatedly leaving her lips.

“Please, I’m so close,” Clarette begged, so close to her release.

Beckett applied more pressure as he sped up his actions, licking her relentlessly and giving her no mercy in his quest to bring her to pure bliss. He wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking and swirling his tongue around her bundle of nerves, willing her to come as he continued to fuck her with his fingers.

“Oh God, Beckett, I’m coming!” She cried out, her walls pulsing around his fingers as she screamed his name out in ecstasy.

He kept his mouth on her through her orgasm, not stopping his movements until she finished riding out her crest. Carefully, he withdrew and set her leg down, holding her upright as he kissed his way upwards, his firm hands holding her securely in case her knees buckled under her.

Breathing hard, she leaned into his body, unsure of her own ability to stand by herself. She was on a complete high; her mind was dizzy with her overpowering climax and she could feel her wetness dripping down her leg.

Beckett pressed his body to hers as he nuzzled her ear, his straining bulge rock hard against her abdomen. “I hope you realize I’m not even close to being done with you.”

Clarette groaned into his mouth as he kissed her hard, tasting herself on his lips, his tongue tangling with hers. He shrugged the blazer from his shoulders, her hands pulling his shirt out of his pants before trailing down and squeezing his thick arousal, making him shudder under her touch. Her fingers deftly undid his belt buckle as he tore his shirt off, their gazes never leaving each other once. She pushed his trousers and underwear down, freeing him from his constraints as he stepped out of them, his body now naked as hers. Wrapping her hands around his erection, she stroked him up and down, squeezing him before running her thumb over his tip.

Beckett shut his eyes and his brow crinkled in delicious agony as he rested his forehead against hers. Eating her out had turned him extremely on and the feeling of her touch almost unraveled him at that moment.

“You’re so hard,” she breathed, her hand rubbing his taut flesh.

In response, his lids opened as he grabbed her hands in one svelte move, pinning them above her head with one hand while pressing his body against hers.

“This is what you do to me, Clarette. I can barely control myself when I’m around you.” Leaning forward, he kissed her deeply, hooking his other hand under her thigh. “I need to fuck you right now.” Their eyes locked as he claimed her with one rough thrust, a deep groan escaping him as he buried his big, thick cock completely in her sopping heat.

“Beckett!!” Clarette screamed in pleasure as he stretched her out, filling her completely with each of his slow, deliberate, yet powerful strokes. Every jerk of his hips sent tremors throughout her entire body, the blood in her veins sparking with electricity. She wrapped her arms around his neck for leverage as he picked her other leg up, lifting her entirely off the ground, her body completely at his will.

Holding her against the wall, he increased his pace and fucked her senseless; the only thought going through his mind was how wet and tight she was and how damn good she felt surrounding him. He pumped upwards into her, the sounds of their bodies coming together combined with their moans to fill the room with a lustful symphony.

Clarette dug her nails into his back, leaving an array of red scratch marks as she held on to him, her body bouncing as he pounded her without inhibition. There was an air of recklessness about him and this was the most animalistic he had ever been with her. One thing was certain: She wanted more.

“Harder, Beckett. Fuck me harder,” she pleaded, a desperate tinge lacing her voice.

Beckett pushed her flush against the wall, her legs wrapping around his waist as his engorged length slammed into her sex repeatedly.

“You like that?” His voice was hoarse as he plunged into her, fully sheathing himself with each surge forward.

He elicited a stifled cry from her in response, her mouth by his ear. The sounds she was making was like a drug to him, urging him to drive even deeper into her. He could feel her pussy start to throb around his swollen dick, each clench threatening to undo the last of his control. Turning his head, he seized her lips with his as he pumped harder, the glow on her skin emerging once more.

Clarette felt like a coiled spring ready to snap, the tension within her nearly at a crescendo. Beckett slid his hand in between their sweat sheened bodies as he glided over her clit, pushing her towards another climax.

“Yes, just like that,” she panted, getting lost in the sensations he was giving her.

She clung onto him tightly as he rubbed her pearl with his thumb, going faster as he filled her over and over again with his thick shaft. He could feel his own release nearing as her walls started to pulsate around his throbbing cock, his entire universe revolving around him being in her and both their pleasure.

A strangled moan left her mouth as he hit her spot, her body tensing as waves of ecstasy washed over her. She came apart in his arms and the sensation of her pussy gripping his member was absolute heaven. Her body banged against the wall as he hammered into her, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he pinned her in place for his own indulgence. The ache was almost too much to bear. He could feel the tightness in his balls building, his orgasm quickly approaching as he fucked her at an even faster pace than before.

“Clarette, I’m coming!“ Beckett groaned, kissing her deeply as he finished.

With one final thrust, he came hard, his seed exploding in her. He stilled and his entire body was pressed against hers, his muscles tight as he panted for air. His head rolled forward, heavy, and rested on her shoulder as they both caught their breaths, not wanting to relinquish the high they were on.

Everything that happened earlier that day was now a distant memory. The only thing encompassing their thoughts and the only thing that mattered at that moment were each other.

Hours later in his bed, Clarette rested her head on Beckett’s chest, her fingertips lightly tracing over his skin. She took a deep breath while listening to his steady heartbeat, the cadence relaxing her. Beckett ran his hand up and down her back, sending light shivers down her spine, a comfortable silence between them.

After a few moments, she exhaled, a crease on her eyebrow appearing as she propped herself up to look at him. “For what it’s worth, Beckett, I’m really sorry.”

Beckett furrowed his brow, bringing his thumb to her forehead to smooth out the worry line that was currently present. “Hey, sorry for what? You have nothing to apologize for.”

“But that’s the thing. There is. Earlier when we were talking about my stupid plan, I heard the words that you said, but I wasn’t listening to what you were saying.” She laid back down, wrapping her arm over him and snuggling closer.

“Mmmm,” He expressed wordlessly as he drew her closer, kissing the top of her head, letting her continue.

“I know I act first and think later, which is totally opposite of what you do, and the plan in my head – ”

“- Sounded good, I know.”

“So yeah, I’m sorry for not listening to you.”

Beckett tilted her face up to look at him, giving her a peck on the temple. “I still stand by my opinion that you have nothing to be sorry for, but I do wish you would consider plans that do not constantly put you in danger.”

“I just want to get to the bottom of everything, you know?” She sighed, laying her head back down on him.

“I know, and I just want you to be safe. You have people who care about you.” He paused. “I really care deeply about you.”

Clarette stayed quiet, mulling over his words. She had heard these words before in what seemed like a lifetime ago; before Magick, before Penderghast, and before Beckett. The words and the boys attached to them were always full of false promises. But this time? She truly believed him.

“Clarette? I was about to ask you something, but I felt a tear…“ he trailed off, slightly alarmed.

She sat up and wiping the corner of her eye. Sure enough, there was a bead of moisture on her face and its remnants his chest.

Sitting up to join her, her cupped her cheek, wiping the tear away with his thumb while looking at her intently. “Is everything alright?” he asked, concerned.

Clarette gazed into his eyes, his feelings for her unmistakable. She smiled, placing her hand over the hand on her cheek. “Yeah, it actually is. I just zoned out thinking about the past and how sometimes all of this is overwhelming. But I’m so lucky that I have you by my side through it all.”

He exhaled; relief apparent on his face. “And you will always have me by your side, whenever you need me. Even if you don’t need me, I’ll be there, too. In fact,” his ears started to turn red as he cleared his throat, “I would like to officially be there, by your side. That is, if you would like that, as well,”

She looked at him, a stunned expression on her face before it turned into a smile that rivaled the sun itself. “Beckett Harrington, are you asking me to go steady? To be official?”

“Well, when you put it that way, yes.”

“To be your girlfriend?” She pressed, a glimmer in her eye.

“Yes, I’m asking you to be my girlfriend.” Beckett’s face was beet red. “Please, Clarette. Don’t make me regret asking this,” he teased, a grin creeping onto his face.

She bolted forward, planting her lips on his as they fell back onto his bed. Their nude bodies molded against each other, limbs intertwining as they made out.

Beckett rolled them over until he was on top, pulling back as he brushed the hair off her face. “You still haven’t answered my question,” he smirked.

Clarette cupped his jaw, trailing her hand down to his neck before resting it at his nape. “Yes. As if it ever was a question,” she beamed before bringing him in for a kiss. “Though honestly, it’s taken you long enough!”

Beckett laughed, his eyes twinkling with mirth. “Well then, I suppose I should make it up to you.”

“And how are you going to do that?”

“I’m sure I can think of a few ways,” he replied, placing kisses down her body.

She writhed under his touch, her body temperature rising as he spread her legs in an unhurried fashion.

With a placating grin, Beckett kissed the inside of one thigh, then the other. “Ah, Clarette, you should know by now, you should never underestimate me.” With that, he lowered his head and spent the rest of the night and the next morning making up the lost time to his new girlfriend.

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