
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is the first of my July Challenge prompts, requested by an anon, the request was for “home”. I had intended to go a differnet direction with this, but the last chapter left me feeling a certain way and also it has been so long since I wrote Drake and Amelia that I had to ease back into their voices.
Pairing- Drake x MC
Summary- Drake and Amelia arrive back at Valrotia and settle into their new home and discuss what Liam has asked of them.
Rating- PG-13
Words- 693

After greeting the crowds, and smiling dutifully for the press, we were finally able to sneak inside. And then we had to greet the staff and get a report from Mara, but then finally, we were left alone. Well, alone with our friends. 

To my relief, everyone else was tired and we all parted ways, heading to our respective rooms. As soon as the door closed behind us, Drake pulled me into his arms and I rested my head on his chest. 

“I bet you’re really wishing we had stayed on that island,” he teased, rubbing my back. 

“A little bit,” I admitted, “but how are you doing? I’m the one who likes the press and the attention.” 

Drake shrugged. “They were mostly focused on you.”

That was true, while we had been hailed as Cordonia’s perfect couple, I was still the one in the spotlight, which I knew was how Drake preferred it, but could it stay like that? He was a hero of Cordonia, part of the Royal Council and possibly the future father of the royal heir…

“This isn’t how I pictured our first night in our new home,” I said instead, pulling out of his arms and moving towards the balcony. “The crowds, all our friends here, the royal council meeting…” There was no time to adjust or to be alone in our new home. But I guess that was what our honeymoon had been for, to give us some time alone before things got crazy again. Really, when were things not crazy in Cordonia?

“Maybe not, but it doesn’t matter,” Drake told me as he joined me on the balcony. “All that matters is that we’re here, Grant, in our home, the home we’re going to make together, where we are going to raise our kids.”

“Including the future monarch of Cordonia,” I commented, deciding to address the elephant in the room, and I looked at him, “you agreed faster than I would have thought.”

I’d been surprised how quickly Drake had agreed, really.

“It’s for Liam,” Drake said simply and then he sighed, “I mean, I figured I owed him that much.” Because I’d chosen Drake, not Liam, though neither of us said that out loud. I could tell him again that I had never been going to choose Liam, that I had never wanted to be queen, but it didn’t matter, not really. It wouldn’t ease Drake’s guilt and knowing him, knowing how he cared about Liam, I understood exactly what he felt the need to accept his best friend’s request. It was why I had felt the same need.

“Besides, Liam will get married and then have kids of his own and it won’t matter,” Drake continued, “but of us agreeing to do this makes it easier for him for now, then, it seems like a simple enough thing.”

“You’re right,” I agreed, leaning against him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He was right, it wasn’t nearly as big a deal as I was making it in my head, it was just a matter of convenience and while it felt like a lot, we had already gone through so much, and we could handle this. And really, it was our first night in our new home, did I want to spend it worrying about something that would probably never even come to pass? 

I tilted my head and smiled up at him. “You know I am still wearing that fancy underwear…”

Drake groaned. “Grant…”

“And we have that incredibly soft bed in our room that we need to break in,” I continued, turning in his arms.

“I want you, Grant,” Drake told me, pulling me close, “right now and for the rest of our lives.”

“It’s what I want too,” I assured him, raising my mouth to his. Drake returned my kiss and then scooped me up into his arms carrying me towards the bed, all thoughts of Liam and Cordonian crisis forgotten for the moment as we got lost in the feeling of one another once more.

We could deal with everything else later, tonight was about us, and our new home, the place we would build a life together and where we would handle whatever Corodnia chose to throw at us. And most importantly, we would do it together.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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