
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- I actually really love Sunkissed so far and I feel myself relating to the MC and I also think Nate is adorable. I ended up inspired to write for them because I think they have so much potential. This is for day four of the Choices July Challenge: Independence Day. My MC’s name is Amber Parker.
Pairing- Nate/MC
Summary- Nate and Amber enjoy the 4th of July Fireworks and create some of their own.
Rating- PG-13


“So they are doing fireworks on the beach tonight,” Mom commented as we finished up our dinner, which had been BBQ by the beach, “I remember how much you both love fireworks.”

“I already have plans,” Alexis and I said in unison and then stopped and looked at each other.

I smirked, “Sai?”

Alexis flushed. “No! I met some girls who are here on vacation and they invited me to watch with them. But I bet your plans are with the hot lifeguard.”

“They are,” I admitted and then shot a guilty look at mom. I had lured her here for family time, it didn’t seem to bail on her for some guy I had just met, “but it’s no big deal,  you can join us, Mom.”

“I wouldn’t dream of intruding,” she assured me, “I can watch from the porch with a glass of iced tea and a book.”

“I don’t even know these girls,” Alexis said suddenly, “I’d much rather watch you with, Mom. Remember when I was little and we would play a game of guessing color would appear next?”

I shot Alexis a grateful smile, making a mental note to do something nice for her as a thank you. Besides, it would be nice for her and Mom to spend some time alone bonding, so guilt assuaged, I grabbed my bag from the house and headed down to the beach to meet Aubrey.

The lifeguard station was closed for the day, of course, and for once he wasn’t wearing his uniform. Instead, he was wearing a pair of cargo shorts and nothing else. My eyes lingered on his bare chest, remembering what it had felt like to run my hands over it.

“Hey Parker,” he greeted and my eyes met his, blushing a bit at the knowing smirk on his face, the one that told me he knew exactly where my mind had just been, “I’m glad you could make it.”

“Thank you for inviting me,” I told him, wondering if this counted as a date? Was it a first date or did our other encounters count? I mean, we’d already gotten pretty close and personal, but this felt different.

“There is no one I’d rather share this with,” he assured me, he motioned down the beach, “I thought we’d go to my favorite spot, it’s a little more private but still has a great view.”

“Sound amazing,” I told him honestly.

He leaned down and picked up a basket I hadn’t even realized was there.

“I packed a couple of things,” Nate explained, noticing where my gaze had landed.

Ok, this was definitely a date then.

We walked along the beach, making easy conversation until Nate stopped. I looked around, we had walked a decent distance down the beach, away from the crowds, to a beautiful little cove.

“We’ll be able to see everything here,” Nate assured me, taking a blanket out of the basket. He also pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses, as well as some containers of fruit and cheese.

“You think of everything,” I commented, taking a seat on the blanket.

“A lifeguard has to be prepared,” he said with a smile as he sat down beside me. He poured us each a glass of wine. “Happy July 4th.”

“Thank you,” I said, taking a sip, “and thank you for taking me here.” I looked around. “This must be the most beautiful view in Turtle Bay.”

“It is,” Nate told me, but I noticed his eyes were on me not the beach. I blushed. Somehow Nate had the ability to make me feel like a teenager, instead of almost 25.

“How was your day?” I asked after a moment, “I bet the beach was packed.”

“It was,” Nate admitted, “I actually had help today though.”

I pretended to gasp. “So you aren’t superhuman?”

“Only some of the time,” he laughed, “The guy who had the job before me still lives in town and he fills in sometimes, but he has another job now, so I don’t call on him very often, but holidays tend to be too much for one person. What about you, what did you do?”

“Hung out with Mom and Alexis,” I told him, “we made our traditional berry cake that we make every 4th. It was really nice.”

“Are they getting along better?” Nate asked me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me in closer to him.

I leaned my head against his shoulder, noting how strong he was and how comforting his arm felt. “They are. They are actually watching the fireworks together tonight.”

“You didn’t want to watch with them?” Nate asked, gazing into my eyes.

“No,” I told him, “There’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here.”

Nate didn’t respond, at least not with words, he just pulled me closer, his lips covering mine. I kissed him back eagerly, our wine glasses discarded as we fell backward onto the blanket wrapped in each other’s arms. Hands and lips trailing over each other’s body.

I don’t know how long we were like that, totally lost in each other, but suddenly there was a large boom and a burst of color. The fireworks. We pulled apart reluctantly.

“We should watch the fireworks,” Nate said, his breathing labored, “that’s why we came here.”

I nodded, not sure I trusted my voice. We both sat up and Nate pulled me onto his lap, his arms wrapped around me as we watched the colorful blasts fill the sky, but my mind kept going back to a different kind of fireworks, the kind we created together. But we had a whole summer ahead of us and for now, this was perfect.


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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